* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, Simon Brown
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* - Neither the name of Pebble nor the names of its contributors may
* be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
package net.sourceforge.pebble.domain;
import java.io.File;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.base.Suppliers;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.*;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.aggregator.NewsFeedCache;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.aggregator.NewsFeedEntry;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.confirmation.CommentConfirmationStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.confirmation.TrackBackConfirmationStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.decorator.ContentDecorator;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.decorator.FeedDecorator;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.decorator.PageDecorator;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.event.EventDispatcher;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.event.blog.BlogEvent;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.event.blog.BlogListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.event.blogentry.BlogEntryListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.event.comment.CommentListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.event.trackback.TrackBackListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.openid.OpenIdCommentAuthorProvider;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.api.permalink.PermalinkProvider;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.confirmation.DefaultConfirmationStrategy;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.CategoryDAO;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.DAOFactory;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.dao.PersistenceException;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.ContentDecoratorChain;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.HideUnapprovedResponsesDecorator;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.event.AuditListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.event.DefaultEventDispatcher;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.event.EventListenerList;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.event.blogentry.EmailSubscriptionListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.AuthorIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.AuthorIndexListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.BlogEntryIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.BlogEntryIndexListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.CategoryIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.CategoryIndexListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.EmailSubscriptionList;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.ResponseIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.ResponseIndexListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.SearchIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.SearchIndexListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.StaticPageIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.TagIndex;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.index.TagIndexListener;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.logging.AbstractLogger;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.logging.CombinedLogFormatLogger;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.permalink.DefaultPermalinkProvider;
import net.sourceforge.pebble.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.AutowireCapableBeanFactory;
* Represents a blog.
* @author Simon Brown
public class Blog extends AbstractBlog {
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Blog.class);
public static final String ABOUT_KEY = "about";
public static final String EMAIL_KEY = "email";
public static final String BLOG_OWNERS_KEY = "blogOwners";
public static final String BLOG_PUBLISHERS_KEY = "blogPublishers";
public static final String BLOG_CONTRIBUTORS_KEY = "blogContributors";
public static final String BLOG_READERS_KEY = "blogReaders";
public static final String PRIVATE_KEY = "private";
public static final String LUCENE_ANALYZER_KEY = "luceneAnalyzer";
public static final String CONTENT_DECORATORS_KEY = "decorators";
public static final String BLOG_LISTENERS_KEY = "blogListeners";
public static final String BLOG_ENTRY_LISTENERS_KEY = "blogEntryListeners";
public static final String COMMENT_LISTENERS_KEY = "commentListeners";
public static final String TRACKBACK_LISTENERS_KEY = "trackBackListeners";
public static final String EVENT_DISPATCHER_KEY = "eventDispatcher";
public static final String LOGGER_KEY = "logger";
public static final String PERMALINK_PROVIDER_KEY = "permalinkProviderName";
public static final String COMMENT_CONFIRMATION_STRATEGY_KEY = "commentConfirmationStrategy";
public static final String TRACKBACK_CONFIRMATION_STRATEGY_KEY = "trackBackConfirmationStrategy";
public static final String RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_FOR_COMMENTS_ENABLED_KEY = "richTextEditorForCommentsEnabled";
public static final String GRAVATAR_SUPPORT_FOR_COMMENTS_ENABLED_KEY = "gravatarSupportForCommentsEnabled";
public static final String HOME_PAGE_KEY = "homePage";
public static final String PAGE_DECORATORS_KEY = "pageDecorators";
public static final String FEED_DECORATORS_KEY = "feedDecorators";
public static final String OPEN_ID_COMMENT_AUTHOR_PROVIDERS_KEY = "openIdCommentAuthorProviders";
public static final String XSRF_SIGNING_SALT_KEY = "signingSalt";
/** the ID of this blog */
private String id = "default";
/** the collection of Year instance that this root blog is managing */
private List<Year> years;
/** the root category associated with this blog */
private Category rootCategory;
/** the referer filter associated with this blog */
private RefererFilterManager refererFilterManager;
/** the editable theme belonging to this blog */
private Theme editableTheme;
/** the permalink provider in use */
private PermalinkProvider permalinkProvider;
/** the log used to log referers, requests, etc */
private AbstractLogger logger;
/** the decorator chain associated with this blog */
private ContentDecoratorChain decoratorChain;
private CommentConfirmationStrategy commentConfirmationStrategy;
private TrackBackConfirmationStrategy trackBackConfirmationStrategy;
/** the event dispatcher */
private EventDispatcher eventDispatcher;
/** the event listener list */
private EventListenerList eventListenerList;
/** the plugin properties */
private PluginProperties pluginProperties;
/** the blog companion */
private BlogCompanion blogCompanion;
private SearchIndex searchIndex;
private BlogEntryIndex blogEntryIndex;
private ResponseIndex responseIndex;
private TagIndex tagIndex;
private CategoryIndex categoryIndex;
private AuthorIndex authorIndex;
private StaticPageIndex staticPageIndex;
private final List<PageDecorator> pageDecorators = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<PageDecorator>();
private final List<OpenIdCommentAuthorProvider> openIdCommentAuthorProviders = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<OpenIdCommentAuthorProvider>();
private final List<FeedDecorator> feedDecorators = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<FeedDecorator>();
private EmailSubscriptionList emailSubscriptionList;
/** the ApplicationContext to instantiate plugins with */
private final AutowireCapableBeanFactory beanFactory;
/** the Cache that can be used by services to cache arbitrary config */
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Supplier<?>> serviceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Supplier<?>>();
* Creates a new Blog instance, based at the specified location.
* @param root an absolute path pointing to the root directory of the blog
public Blog(String root) {
beanFactory = PebbleContext.getInstance().getApplicationContext().getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
// probably Blog should be made a final class if init is called from here -
// see javadoc comment on AbstractBlog.init() for reasons
* Initialize this blog - prepare it for use.
* Note: As this blog instance is passed to the various participants while
* it is being initialized, this method is dependent on the correct order
* of calls: Keep in mind that 'this' is only partly initialized until the
* end of this method...
protected void init() {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(getPermalinkProviderName());
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not load permalink provider \"" + getPermalinkProviderName() + "\"");
setPermalinkProvider(new DefaultPermalinkProvider());
// load categories
try {
DAOFactory factory = DAOFactory.getConfiguredFactory();
CategoryDAO dao = factory.getCategoryDAO();
rootCategory = dao.getCategories(this);
} catch (PersistenceException pe) {
refererFilterManager = new RefererFilterManager(this);
pluginProperties = new PluginProperties(this);
blogCompanion = new BlogCompanion(this);
years = new ArrayList<Year>();
// create the various indexes for this blog
searchIndex = new SearchIndex(this);
blogEntryIndex = new BlogEntryIndex(this);
responseIndex = new ResponseIndex(this);
tagIndex = new TagIndex(this);
categoryIndex = new CategoryIndex(this);
authorIndex = new AuthorIndex(this);
staticPageIndex = new StaticPageIndex(this);
decoratorChain = new ContentDecoratorChain(this);
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(getCommentConfirmationStrategyName());
commentConfirmationStrategy = instantiate(c.asSubclass(CommentConfirmationStrategy.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not load comment confirmation strategy \"" + getCommentConfirmationStrategyName() + "\"");
commentConfirmationStrategy = new DefaultConfirmationStrategy();
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(getTrackBackConfirmationStrategyName());
trackBackConfirmationStrategy = instantiate(c.asSubclass(TrackBackConfirmationStrategy.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not load TrackBack confirmation strategy \"" + getTrackBackConfirmationStrategyName() + "\"");
trackBackConfirmationStrategy = new DefaultConfirmationStrategy();
emailSubscriptionList = new EmailSubscriptionList(this);
initPluginList(getPageDecoratorNames(), PageDecorator.class, getPageDecorators(), "Page Decorator");
initPluginList(getOpenIdCommentAuthorProviderNames(), OpenIdCommentAuthorProvider.class,
getOpenIdCommentAuthorProviders(), "OpenID Comment Author Provider");
initPluginList(getFeedDecoratorNames(), FeedDecorator.class, getFeedDecorators(), "Feed Decorator");
* Initialises the logger for this blog.
private void initLogger() {
log.debug("Initializing logger");
try {
Class c = Class.forName(getLoggerName());
Constructor cons = c.getConstructor(Blog.class);
this.logger = (AbstractLogger)cons.newInstance(this);
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start logger \"" + getLoggerName() + "\"");
this.logger = new CombinedLogFormatLogger(this);
* Initialises the event dispatcher for this blog.
private void initEventDispatcher() {
log.debug("Initializing event dispatcher");
eventListenerList = new EventListenerList();
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(getEventDispatcherName());
this.eventDispatcher = instantiate(c.asSubclass(EventDispatcher.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
this.eventDispatcher = new DefaultEventDispatcher();
* Initialises any blog listeners configured for this blog.
private void initBlogListeners() {
log.debug("Registering blog listeners");
for (String className : getBlogListeners()) {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className.trim());
BlogListener listener = instantiate(c.asSubclass(BlogListener.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start blog listener \"" + className + "\" - check the class name is correct on the <a href=\"viewPlugins.secureaction#blogListeners\">plugins page</a>.");
log.error("Blog listener " + className + " could not be registered", e);
* Initialises any blog entry listeners configured for this blog.
private void initBlogEntryListeners() {
log.debug("Registering blog entry listeners");
for (String className : getBlogEntryListeners()) {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className.trim());
BlogEntryListener listener = instantiate(c.asSubclass(BlogEntryListener.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start blog entry listener \"" + className + "\" - check the class name is correct on the <a href=\"viewPlugins.secureaction#blogEntryListeners\">plugins page</a>.");
log.error("Blog entry listener " + className + " could not be registered", e);
// these are required to keep the various indexes up to date
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new BlogEntryIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new TagIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new CategoryIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new AuthorIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new SearchIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new AuditListener());
try {
eventListenerList.addBlogEntryListener(new EmailSubscriptionListener());
} catch (Throwable t) {
final String text = "Error while starting e-mail subscription listener - add mail.jar and activation.jar to the server classpath if you want to enable this listener.";
if(t instanceof NoClassDefFoundError &&
t.getMessage() != null &&
t.getMessage().indexOf("javax/mail/Session") > -1) {
log.warn(text); // consider exception already handled well...
} else {
log.warn(text, t);
* Initialises any comment listeners configured for this blog.
private void initCommentListeners() {
log.debug("Registering comment listeners");
for (String className : getCommentListeners()) {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className.trim());
CommentListener listener = instantiate(c.asSubclass(CommentListener.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start comment listener \"" + className + "\" - check the class name is correct on the <a href=\"viewPlugins.secureaction#commentListeners\">plugins page</a>.");
log.error("Comment listener " + className + " could not be registered", e);
eventListenerList.addCommentListener(new ResponseIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addCommentListener(new AuditListener());
* Initialises any TrackBack listeners configured for this blog.
private void initTrackBackListeners() {
log.debug("Registering TrackBack listeners");
for (String className : getTrackBackListeners()) {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className.trim());
TrackBackListener listener = instantiate(c.asSubclass(TrackBackListener.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start TrackBack listener \"" + className + "\" - check the class name is correct on the <a href=\"viewPlugins.secureaction#trackbackListeners\">plugins page</a>.");
log.error("TrackBack listener " + className + " could not be registered", e);
eventListenerList.addTrackBackListener(new ResponseIndexListener());
eventListenerList.addTrackBackListener(new AuditListener());
* Initialises any content decorators configufred for this blog.
private void initDecorators() {
log.debug("Registering decorators");
decoratorChain.add(new HideUnapprovedResponsesDecorator());
for (String className : getContentDecorators()) {
try {
Class<?> c = Class.forName(className.trim());
ContentDecorator decorator = instantiate(c.asSubclass(ContentDecorator.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start decorator \"" + className + "\" - check the class name is correct on the <a href=\"viewPlugins.secureaction#contentDecorators\">plugins page</a>.");
log.error(className + " could not be started", e);
* Initialises the list of string plugins into the specified list of plugin instances
* @param pluginNameList The list of plugin class names
* @param pluginClass The type of the plugin
* @param pluginList The list of plugins to put the instantiated plugins into
* @param description A description of the plugin point for logging
private <P> void initPluginList(Collection<String> pluginNameList, Class<P> pluginClass, List<P> pluginList, String description) {
log.debug("Registering " + description + "s");
for (String className : pluginNameList) {
try {
Class c = Class.forName(className.trim());
Class<? extends P> concreteClass = c.asSubclass(pluginClass);
P plugin = instantiate(concreteClass);
} catch (Exception e) {
error("Could not start " + description + " \"" + className + "\".");
log.error(description + " " + className + " could not be registered", e);
* Gets the default properties for a Blog.
* @return a Properties instance
protected Properties getDefaultProperties() {
Properties defaultProperties = new Properties();
defaultProperties.setProperty(NAME_KEY, "My blog");
defaultProperties.setProperty(DESCRIPTION_KEY, "");
defaultProperties.setProperty(IMAGE_KEY, "");
defaultProperties.setProperty(AUTHOR_KEY, "Blog Owner");
defaultProperties.setProperty(EMAIL_KEY, "blog@yourdomain.com");
defaultProperties.setProperty(TIMEZONE_KEY, "Europe/London");
defaultProperties.setProperty(LANGUAGE_KEY, "en");
defaultProperties.setProperty(COUNTRY_KEY, "GB");
defaultProperties.setProperty(CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY, "UTF-8");
defaultProperties.setProperty(RECENT_BLOG_ENTRIES_ON_HOME_PAGE_KEY, "3");
defaultProperties.setProperty(RECENT_RESPONSES_ON_HOME_PAGE_KEY, "3");
defaultProperties.setProperty(THEME_KEY, "default");
defaultProperties.setProperty(PRIVATE_KEY, FALSE);
defaultProperties.setProperty(LUCENE_ANALYZER_KEY, "org.apache.lucene.analysis.SimpleAnalyzer");
"net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.RadeoxDecorator\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.HtmlDecorator\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.EscapeMarkupDecorator\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.RelativeUriDecorator\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.decorator.ReadMoreDecorator\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.IpAddressListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.LinkSpamListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.ContentSpamListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.SpamScoreListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.MarkApprovedWhenAuthenticatedListener\r\n" +
"#net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.DeleteRejectedListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.IpAddressListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.LinkSpamListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.ContentSpamListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.SpamScoreListener\r\n" +
"net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.MarkApprovedWhenAuthenticatedListener\r\n" +
"#net.sourceforge.pebble.event.response.DeleteRejectedListener\r\n" +
defaultProperties.setProperty(PERMALINK_PROVIDER_KEY, "net.sourceforge.pebble.permalink.DefaultPermalinkProvider");
defaultProperties.setProperty(EVENT_DISPATCHER_KEY, "net.sourceforge.pebble.event.DefaultEventDispatcher");
defaultProperties.setProperty(LOGGER_KEY, "net.sourceforge.pebble.logging.CombinedLogFormatLogger");
defaultProperties.setProperty(COMMENT_CONFIRMATION_STRATEGY_KEY, "net.sourceforge.pebble.confirmation.DefaultConfirmationStrategy");
defaultProperties.setProperty(TRACKBACK_CONFIRMATION_STRATEGY_KEY, "net.sourceforge.pebble.confirmation.DefaultConfirmationStrategy");
defaultProperties.setProperty(RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_FOR_COMMENTS_ENABLED_KEY, "true");
defaultProperties.setProperty(GRAVATAR_SUPPORT_FOR_COMMENTS_ENABLED_KEY, "true");
return defaultProperties;
* Gets the ID of this blog.
* @return the ID as a String
public String getId() {
return this.id;
* Sets the ID of this blog.
* @param id the ID as a String
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
* Gets the URL where this blog is deployed.
* @return a URL as a String
public String getUrl() {
Configuration config = PebbleContext.getInstance().getConfiguration();
String url = config.getUrl();
if (url == null || url.length() == 0) {
return "";
} else if (BlogManager.getInstance().isMultiBlog()) {
if (config.isVirtualHostingEnabled()) {
return url.substring(0, url.indexOf("://")+3) + getId() + "." + url.substring(url.indexOf("://")+3);
} else {
return url + getId() + "/";
} else {
return url;
* Gets the relative URL where this blog is deployed.
* @return a URL as a String
public String getRelativeUrl() {
if (BlogManager.getInstance().isMultiBlog()) {
return "/" + getId() + "/";
} else {
return "/";
* Gets the about description of this blog.
* @return a String
public String getAbout() {
return properties.getProperty(ABOUT_KEY);
* Gets the home page to be used for this blog.
* @return a String
public String getHomePage() {
return properties.getProperty(HOME_PAGE_KEY);
* Gets the e-mail address of the blog owner.
* @return the e-mail address
public String getEmail() {
return properties.getProperty(EMAIL_KEY);
* Gets a Collection of e-mail addresses.
* @return a Collection of String instances
public Collection getEmailAddresses() {
return Arrays.asList(getEmail().split(","));
* Gets the first of multiple e-mail addresses.
* @return the firt e-mail address as a String
public String getFirstEmailAddress() {
Collection emailAddresses = getEmailAddresses();
if (emailAddresses != null && !emailAddresses.isEmpty()) {
return (String)emailAddresses.iterator().next();
} else {
return "";
* Gets a comma separated list of the users that are blog owners
* for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public String getBlogOwnersAsString() {
return properties.getProperty(BLOG_OWNERS_KEY);
* Gets a list of the users that are blog owners for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public List<String> getBlogOwners() {
String commaSeparatedUsers = getBlogOwnersAsString();
List<String> users = new LinkedList<String>();
if (commaSeparatedUsers != null) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(commaSeparatedUsers, ",");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
return users;
* Gets a comma separated list of the users that are blog publishers
* for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public String getBlogPublishersAsString() {
return properties.getProperty(BLOG_PUBLISHERS_KEY);
* Gets a list of the users that are blog publishers for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public List<String> getBlogPublishers() {
String commaSeparatedUsers = getBlogPublishersAsString();
List<String> users = new LinkedList<String>();
if (commaSeparatedUsers != null) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(commaSeparatedUsers, ",");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
return users;
* Gets a comma separated list of the users that are blog contributors
* for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public String getBlogContributorsAsString() {
return properties.getProperty(BLOG_CONTRIBUTORS_KEY);
* Gets a list of the users that are blog contributors for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public List<String> getBlogContributors() {
String commaSeparatedUsers = getBlogContributorsAsString();
List<String> users = new LinkedList<String>();
if (commaSeparatedUsers != null) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(commaSeparatedUsers, ",");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
return users;
* Gets a comma separated list of the users that are blog readers
* for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public String getBlogReadersAsString() {
return properties.getProperty(BLOG_READERS_KEY);
* Gets a list of the users that are blog readers for this blog.
* @return a String containng a comma separated list of user names
public List<String> getBlogReaders() {
String commaSeparatedUsers = getBlogReadersAsString();
List<String> users = new LinkedList<String>();
if (commaSeparatedUsers != null) {
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(commaSeparatedUsers, ",");
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
return users;
* Gets the name of the Lucene analyzer to use.
* @return a fully qualified class name
public String getLuceneAnalyzer() {
return properties.getProperty(LUCENE_ANALYZER_KEY);
* Gets the name of the logger in use.
* @return a fully qualified class name
public String getLoggerName() {
return properties.getProperty(LOGGER_KEY);
* Gets a Collection containing the names of users that are blog owners
* for this blog.
* @param roleName The role to get users for
* @return a Collection containng user names as Strings
public Collection<String> getUsersInRole(String roleName) {
List<String> users = new LinkedList<String>();
if (roleName.equals(Constants.BLOG_OWNER_ROLE)) {
users = getBlogOwners();
} else if (roleName.equals(Constants.BLOG_PUBLISHER_ROLE)) {
users = getBlogPublishers();
} else if (roleName.equals(Constants.BLOG_CONTRIBUTOR_ROLE)) {
users = getBlogContributors();
} else if (roleName.equals(Constants.BLOG_READER_ROLE)) {
users = getBlogReaders();
return users;
* Determines whether the specified user is in the specified role.
* @param roleName the name of the role
* @param user the name of the user
* @return true if the user is a member of the role or the list of users
* is empty, false otherwise
public boolean isUserInRole(String roleName, String user) {
Collection users = getUsersInRole(roleName);
return users.isEmpty() || users.contains(user);
* Gets the Year instance for the specified year.
* @param year the year as an int (e.g. 2003)
* @return a Year instance
public Year getBlogForYear(int year) {
Iterator it = years.iterator();
Year y;
while (it.hasNext()) {
y = (Year)it.next();
if (y.getYear() == year) {
return y;
y = new Year(this, year);
return y;
* Gets the Year instance representing this year.
* @return a Year instance for this year
public Year getBlogForThisYear() {
Calendar cal = getCalendar();
return getBlogForYear(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
* Gets all Years managed by this root blog.
* @return a Collection of Year instances
public List<Year> getYears() {
return years;
* Gets all Years managed by this root blog, in reverse order.
* @return a Collection of Year instances
public List<Year> getArchives() {
List<Year> list = new LinkedList<Year>();
int firstYear = getBlogForFirstMonth().getYear().getYear();
int thisYear = getBlogForThisYear().getYear();
// only add years that are in range
for (Year year : years) {
if (year.getYear() >= firstYear && year.getYear() <= thisYear) {
return list;
* Gets the Month instance representing the first month that
* contains blog entries.
* @return a Month instance
public Month getBlogForFirstMonth() {
if (getBlogEntryIndex() == null) {
return getBlogForThisMonth();
List<String> blogEntryIds = getBlogEntryIndex().getBlogEntries();
if (blogEntryIds == null || blogEntryIds.isEmpty()) {
return getBlogForThisMonth();
String firstBlogEntryId = blogEntryIds.get(blogEntryIds.size()-1);
if (firstBlogEntryId == null) {
return getBlogForThisMonth();
long dateInMillis = Long.parseLong(firstBlogEntryId);
Date date = new Date(dateInMillis);
return getBlogForDay(date).getMonth();
* Gets a Day intance for the specified Date.
* @param date a java.util.Date instance
* @return a Day instance representing the specified Date
public Day getBlogForDay(Date date) {
Calendar cal = getCalendar();
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1);
int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
return getBlogForDay(year, month, day);
* Gets the Day instance for today.
* @return a Day instance
public Day getBlogForToday() {
return this.getBlogForDay(getCalendar().getTime());
* Gets a Day intance for the specified year, month and day.
* @param year the year as an int
* @param month the month as an int
* @param day the day as an int
* @return a Day instance representing the specified year, month and day
public Day getBlogForDay(int year, int month, int day) {
return getBlogForMonth(year, month).getBlogForDay(day);
* Gets a Month intance for the specified year and month.
* @param year the year as an int
* @param month the month as an int
* @return a Month instance representing the specified year and month
public Month getBlogForMonth(int year, int month) {
return getBlogForYear(year).getBlogForMonth(month);
* Gets the Month instance representing this month.
* @return a Month instance for this month
public Month getBlogForThisMonth() {
Calendar cal = getCalendar();
return getBlogForMonth(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1));
* Given a Year, this method returns the Year instance
* representing the previous year.
* @param year a Year instance
* @return a Year representing the previous year
public Year getBlogForPreviousYear(Year year) {
return getBlogForYear(year.getYear() - 1);
* Given a Year, this method returns the Year instance
* representing the next year.
* @param year a Year instance
* @return a Year representing the next year
public Year getBlogForNextYear(Year year) {
return getBlogForYear(year.getYear() + 1);
* Gets all blog entries for this blog.
* @return a List of BlogEntry objects
public List<BlogEntry> getBlogEntries() {
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
BlogService service = new BlogService();
for (int year = years.size()-1; year >= 0; year--) {
Year y = years.get(year);
Month[] months = y.getMonths();
for (int month = 11; month >= 0; month--) {
try {
blogEntries.addAll(service.getBlogEntries(this, y.getYear(), months[month].getMonth()));
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
return blogEntries;
* Gets all unpublished blog entries for this blog.
* @return a List of BlogEntry objects
public List<BlogEntry> getUnpublishedBlogEntries() {
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> blogEntryIds = blogEntryIndex.getUnpublishedBlogEntries();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
try {
blogEntries.add(service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId));
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
return blogEntries;
* Gets the number of blog entries for this blog.
* @return an int
public int getNumberOfBlogEntries() {
return blogEntryIndex.getNumberOfBlogEntries();
* Gets the number of published blog entries for this blog.
* @return an int
public int getNumberOfPublishedBlogEntries() {
return blogEntryIndex.getNumberOfPublishedBlogEntries();
* Gets the number of unpublished blog entries for this blog.
* @return an int
public int getNumberOfUnpublishedBlogEntries() {
return blogEntryIndex.getNumberOfUnpublishedBlogEntries();
* Gets the number of static pages for this blog.
* @return an int
public int getNumberOfStaticPages() {
return staticPageIndex.getNumberOfStaticPages();
* Gets the most recent blog entries, the number
* of which is specified.
* @param numberOfEntries the number of entries to get
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getRecentBlogEntries(int numberOfEntries) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> blogEntryIds = blogEntryIndex.getBlogEntries();
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
try {
BlogEntry blogEntry = service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
if (blogEntries.size() == numberOfEntries) {
return blogEntries;
* Gets the most recent published blog entries, the number of which
* is taken from the recentBlogEntriesOnHomePage property.
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getRecentPublishedBlogEntries() {
return getRecentPublishedBlogEntries(getRecentBlogEntriesOnHomePage());
* Gets the most recent published blog entries, the number of which
* is specified
* @param number the number of blog entries to get
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getRecentPublishedBlogEntries(int number) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> blogEntryIds = blogEntryIndex.getPublishedBlogEntries();
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
if (blogEntries.size() == number) {
try {
BlogEntry blogEntry = service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
if (blogEntry != null) {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
return blogEntries;
* Gets blog entries for a given list of IDs.
* @param blogEntryIds the list of blog entry IDs
* @return a List containing the blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getBlogEntries(List<String> blogEntryIds) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new LinkedList<BlogEntry>();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
try {
BlogEntry blogEntry = service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
if (blogEntry != null) {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
return blogEntries;
* Gets the most recent published blog entries for a given category, the
* number of which is taken from the recentBlogEntriesOnHomePage property.
* @param category a category
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getRecentPublishedBlogEntries(Category category) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> blogEntryIds = categoryIndex.getRecentBlogEntries(category);
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
try {
BlogEntry blogEntry = service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
if (blogEntry != null && blogEntry.isPublished()) {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
if (blogEntries.size() == getRecentBlogEntriesOnHomePage()) {
return blogEntries;
* Gets the most recent published blog entries for a given category, the
* number of which is taken from the recentBlogEntriesOnHomePage property.
* @param author the author's username
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getRecentPublishedBlogEntries(String author) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> blogEntryIds = authorIndex.getRecentBlogEntries(author);
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
try {
BlogEntry blogEntry = service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
if (blogEntry != null && blogEntry.isPublished()) {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
if (blogEntries.size() == getRecentBlogEntriesOnHomePage()) {
return blogEntries;
* Gets the most recent published blog entries for a given tag, the
* number of which is taken from the recentBlogEntriesOnHomePage property.
* @param tag a tag
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<BlogEntry> getRecentPublishedBlogEntries(Tag tag) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> blogEntryIds = tagIndex.getRecentBlogEntries(tag);
List<BlogEntry> blogEntries = new ArrayList<BlogEntry>();
for (String blogEntryId : blogEntryIds) {
try {
BlogEntry blogEntry = service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
if (blogEntry != null && blogEntry.isPublished()) {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
if (blogEntries.size() == getRecentBlogEntriesOnHomePage()) {
return blogEntries;
* Gets the most recent responses.
* @return a List containing the most recent blog entries
public List<Response> getRecentApprovedResponses() {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
List<String> responseIds = responseIndex.getApprovedResponses();
List<Response> responses = new ArrayList<Response>();
for (String responseId : responseIds) {
try {
Response response = service.getResponse(this, responseId);
if (response != null && response.getBlogEntry().isPublished()) {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Exception encountered", e);
if (responses.size() == getRecentResponsesOnHomePage()) {
return responses;
* Gets the list of approved responses.
* @return a List of response IDs
public List<String> getApprovedResponses() {
return responseIndex.getApprovedResponses();
* Gets the list of pending responses.
* @return a List of response IDs
public List<String> getPendingResponses() {
return responseIndex.getPendingResponses();
* Gets the list of rejected responses.
* @return a List of response IDs
public List<String> getRejectedResponses() {
return responseIndex.getRejectedResponses();
* Gets the number of responses.
* @return the number of responses
public int getNumberOfResponses() {
return responseIndex.getNumberOfResponses();
* Gets the number of approved responses.
* @return the number of approved responses
public int getNumberOfApprovedResponses() {
return responseIndex.getNumberOfApprovedResponses();
* Gets the number of pending responses.
* @return the number of pending responses
public int getNumberOfPendingResponses() {
return responseIndex.getNumberOfPendingResponses();
* Gets the number of rejected responses.
* @return the number of rejected responses
public int getNumberOfRejectedResponses() {
return responseIndex.getNumberOfRejectedResponses();
* Gets the date that this blog was last updated through the addition
* of a blog entry.
* @return a Date instance representing the time of the most recent entry
public Date getLastModified() {
Date date = new Date(0);
List blogEntries = getRecentPublishedBlogEntries(1);
if (blogEntries.size() == 1) {
date = ((BlogEntry)blogEntries.get(0)).getDate();
return date;
* Gets the date of the most recent response.
* @return a Date instance representing the time of the most recent entry
public Date getDateOfLastResponse() {
List<Response> responses = this.getRecentApprovedResponses();
if (responses != null && responses.size() > 0) {
return responses.get(0).getDate();
} else {
return new Date(0);
public BlogEntry getPreviousBlogEntry(BlogEntry blogEntry) {
Day firstDay = getBlogForFirstMonth().getBlogForFirstDay();
Day day = getBlogForDay(blogEntry.getDate());
String blogEntryId = day.getPreviousBlogEntry(blogEntry.getId());
while (day != firstDay && blogEntryId == null) {
day = day.getPreviousDay();
blogEntryId = day.getLastBlogEntry();
if (blogEntryId != null) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
try {
return service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
// do nothing
return null;
public BlogEntry getNextBlogEntry(BlogEntry blogEntry) {
Day lastDay = getBlogForToday();
Day day = getBlogForDay(blogEntry.getDate());
String blogEntryId = day.getNextBlogEntry(blogEntry.getId());
while (day != lastDay && blogEntryId == null) {
day = day.getNextDay();
blogEntryId = day.getFirstBlogEntry();
if (blogEntryId != null) {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
try {
return service.getBlogEntry(this, blogEntryId);
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
// do nothing
return null;
* Gets the categories associated with this blog.
* @return a List of Category instances
public List<Category> getCategories() {
CategoryBuilder builder = new CategoryBuilder(this, rootCategory);
return builder.getCategories();
* Gets a specific category.
* @param id The id of the category
* @return a Category instance
public Category getCategory(String id) {
CategoryBuilder builder = new CategoryBuilder(this, rootCategory);
return builder.getCategory(id);
* Gets the root category for this blog.
* @return a Category instance
public Category getRootCategory() {
return this.rootCategory;
* Sets the root category for this blog.
* @param category a Category instance
public void setRootCategory(Category category) {
this.rootCategory = category;
* Adds a category.
* @param category the Category to be added
public synchronized void addCategory(Category category) {
if (getCategory(category.getId()) == null) {
CategoryBuilder builder = new CategoryBuilder(this, rootCategory);
* Removes a category.
* @param category the Category to be removed
public synchronized void removeCategory(Category category) {
if (getCategory(category.getId()) != null) {
CategoryBuilder builder = new CategoryBuilder(this, rootCategory);
* Gets the list of tags associated with this blog.
* @return The list of tags
public List<Tag> getTags() {
return tagIndex.getTags();
* Gets the tag with the specified name.
* @param name the name as a String
* @return a Tag instance
public Tag getTag(String name) {
return new Tag(name, this);
* Gets the object managing referer filters.
* @return a RefererFilterManager instance
public RefererFilterManager getRefererFilterManager() {
return this.refererFilterManager;
* Gets the search index.
* @return a BlogEntryIndex instance
public SearchIndex getSearchIndex() {
return this.searchIndex;
* Gets the blog entry index.
* @return a BlogEntryIndex instance
public BlogEntryIndex getBlogEntryIndex() {
return this.blogEntryIndex;
* Gets the response index.
* @return a ResponseIndex instance
public ResponseIndex getResponseIndex() {
return this.responseIndex;
* Gets the tag index.
* @return a TagIndex instance
public TagIndex getTagIndex() {
return this.tagIndex;
* Gets the category index.
* @return a CategoryIndex instance
public CategoryIndex getCategoryIndex() {
return this.categoryIndex;
* Gets the author index.
* @return a AuthorIndex instance
public AuthorIndex getAuthorIndex() {
return this.authorIndex;
* Gets the story index.
* @return a StaticPageIndex instance
public StaticPageIndex getStaticPageIndex() {
return this.staticPageIndex;
* Logs this request for blog.
* @param request the HttpServletRequest instance for this request
public synchronized void log(HttpServletRequest request, int status) {
String externalUri = (String)request.getAttribute(Constants.EXTERNAL_URI);
if (externalUri.matches("/images/.+")) {
// do nothing, we don't want to log the following types of requests
// - a blog's images
} else {
// log the request
logger.log(request, status);
* Gets an object representing the editable theme.
* @return an EditableTheme instance
public Theme getEditableTheme() {
return editableTheme;
* Sets an object representing the editable theme.
* @param editableTheme an EditableTheme instance
public void setEditableTheme(Theme editableTheme) {
this.editableTheme = editableTheme;
* Gets the location where the blog files are stored.
* @return an absolute, local path on the filing system
public String getFilesDirectory() {
return getRoot() + File.separator + "files";
* Gets the location where the blog theme is stored.
* @return an absolute, local path on the filing system
public String getThemeDirectory() {
return getRoot() + File.separator + "theme";
* Gets the location where the plugin properties file is stored.
* @return an absolute, local path on the filing system
public String getPluginPropertiesFile() {
return getRoot() + File.separator + "plugin.properties";
* Gets the location where the plugin properties file is stored.
* @return an absolute, local path on the filing system
public String getCompanionFile() {
return getRoot() + File.separator + "companion.txt";
* Determines whether this blog is public.
* @return true if public, false otherwise
public boolean isPublic() {
return properties.getProperty(PRIVATE_KEY).equalsIgnoreCase(FALSE);
* Determines whether this blog is private.
* @return true if public, false otherwise
public boolean isPrivate() {
return properties.getProperty(PRIVATE_KEY).equalsIgnoreCase(TRUE);
* Called to start (i.e. activate/initialise, restore the theme, etc) this
* blog.
void start() {
log.debug("Starting blog with ID " + getId());
// reindex the blog if the indexes don't exist
File indexes = new File(getIndexesDirectory());
if (!indexes.exists()) {
File imagesDirectory = new File(getImagesDirectory());
if (!imagesDirectory.exists()) {
File filesDirectory = new File(getFilesDirectory());
if (!filesDirectory.exists()) {
File logDirectory = new File(getLogsDirectory());
if (!logDirectory.exists()) {
// call blog listeners
eventDispatcher.fireBlogEvent(new BlogEvent(this, BlogEvent.BLOG_STARTED));
log.info("Started blog with ID " + getId());
* Called to shutdown this blog.
void stop() {
log.debug("Stopping blog with ID " + getId());
// call blog listeners
eventDispatcher.fireBlogEvent(new BlogEvent(this, BlogEvent.BLOG_STOPPED));
log.info("Stopped blog with ID " + getId());
* Gets the logger associated with this blog.
* @return an AbstractLogger implementation
public AbstractLogger getLogger() {
return this.logger;
* Gets the list of plugins.
* @return a comma separated list of class names
public List<String> getContentDecorators() {
return getStringsFromProperty(CONTENT_DECORATORS_KEY);
* Gets the decorator manager associated with this blog.
* @return a BlogEntryDecoratorManager instance
public ContentDecoratorChain getContentDecoratorChain() {
return this.decoratorChain;
* Gets the list of blog listeners as strings.
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getBlogListeners() {
return getStringsFromProperty(BLOG_LISTENERS_KEY);
* Gets the list of blog entry listeners as strings.
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getBlogEntryListeners() {
return getStringsFromProperty(BLOG_ENTRY_LISTENERS_KEY);
* Gets the list of comment listeners as strings.
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getCommentListeners() {
return getStringsFromProperty(COMMENT_LISTENERS_KEY);
* Gets the list of TrackBack listeners as strings.
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getTrackBackListeners() {
return getStringsFromProperty(TRACKBACK_LISTENERS_KEY);
* Gets the list of page decorators as Strings
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getPageDecoratorNames() {
return getStringsFromProperty(PAGE_DECORATORS_KEY);
* Gets the list of feed decorators as Strings
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getFeedDecoratorNames() {
return getStringsFromProperty(FEED_DECORATORS_KEY);
* Gets the list of OpenID comment author providers as Strings
* @return The list of class names
public List<String> getOpenIdCommentAuthorProviderNames() {
return getStringsFromProperty(OPEN_ID_COMMENT_AUTHOR_PROVIDERS_KEY);
* Gets the name the event dispatcher.
* @return a String
public String getEventDispatcherName() {
return getProperty(EVENT_DISPATCHER_KEY);
* Gets the event dispatcher in use.
* @return an EventDispatcher implementation
public EventDispatcher getEventDispatcher() {
return this.eventDispatcher;
* Gets the event listsner list.
* @return The event listener list
public EventListenerList getEventListenerList() {
return this.eventListenerList;
public PluginProperties getPluginProperties() {
return this.pluginProperties;
public BlogCompanion getBlogCompanion() {
return this.blogCompanion;
* Gets the name of the permalink provider.
* @return the fully qualified class name of the permalink provider
public String getPermalinkProviderName() {
return properties.getProperty(PERMALINK_PROVIDER_KEY);
* Gets the permalink provider in use.
* @return a PermalinkProvider instance
public PermalinkProvider getPermalinkProvider() {
return this.permalinkProvider;
* Sets the permalink provider in use.
* @param provider PermalinkProvider instance
public void setPermalinkProvider(PermalinkProvider provider) {
this.permalinkProvider = provider;
public List<PageDecorator> getPageDecorators() {
return pageDecorators;
public List<OpenIdCommentAuthorProvider> getOpenIdCommentAuthorProviders() {
return openIdCommentAuthorProviders;
public List<FeedDecorator> getFeedDecorators() {
return feedDecorators;
public void reindex() {
log.info("Reindexing blog with ID " + getId());
public void reindexBlogEntries() {
try {
// to reindex all blog entries, we need to load them via the DAO
Collection<BlogEntry> blogEntries = DAOFactory.getConfiguredFactory().getBlogEntryDAO().loadBlogEntries(this);
info("Blog entries reindexed.");
} catch (Exception e) {
error(e.getClass().getName() + " reindexing blog entries - " + StringUtils.transformHTML(e.getMessage()));
log.error("Error reindexing blog entries", e);
public void reindexStaticPages() {
try {
// to reindex all static pages, we need to load them via the DAO
Collection<StaticPage> staticPages = DAOFactory.getConfiguredFactory().getStaticPageDAO().loadStaticPages(this);
info("Static pages reindexed.");
} catch (Exception e) {
error(e.getClass().getName() + " reindexing static pages - " + StringUtils.transformHTML(e.getMessage()));
log.error("Error reindexing static pages", e);
* Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
* @param o the reference object with which to compare.
* @return <code>true</code> if this object is the same as the obj
* argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @see #hashCode()
* @see java.util.Hashtable
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Blog)) {
return false;
Blog blog = (Blog)o;
return getId().equals(blog.getId());
public String getCommentConfirmationStrategyName() {
public CommentConfirmationStrategy getCommentConfirmationStrategy() {
return commentConfirmationStrategy;
public String getTrackBackConfirmationStrategyName() {
public TrackBackConfirmationStrategy getTrackBackConfirmationStrategy() {
return trackBackConfirmationStrategy;
public boolean isRichTextEditorForCommentsEnabled() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(RICH_TEXT_EDITOR_FOR_COMMENTS_ENABLED_KEY));
public boolean isGravatarSupportForCommentsEnabled() {
return Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty(GRAVATAR_SUPPORT_FOR_COMMENTS_ENABLED_KEY));
public EmailSubscriptionList getEmailSubscriptionList() {
return emailSubscriptionList;
public List<NewsFeedEntry> getNewsFeedEntries() {
return NewsFeedCache.getInstance().getNewsFeedEntries(this);
public List<NewsFeedEntry> getRecentNewsFeedEntries() {
List<NewsFeedEntry> entries = getNewsFeedEntries();
if (entries.size() > getRecentBlogEntriesOnHomePage()) {
entries = entries.subList(0, getRecentBlogEntriesOnHomePage());
return entries;
public String getXsrfSigningSalt() {
String salt = getProperty(XSRF_SIGNING_SALT_KEY);
if (salt == null) {
// Generate salt
byte[] saltBytes = new byte[8];
new SecureRandom().nextBytes(saltBytes);
salt = new String(Hex.encodeHex(saltBytes));
setProperty(XSRF_SIGNING_SALT_KEY, salt);
try {
} catch (BlogServiceException e) {
log.error("Error saving XSRF salt", e);
return salt;
* Get an item from the cache
* @param key The key in the cache
* @param supplier The supplier of the item. This would usually be a memoized supplier, created using Suppliers.memoize()
* @param <T> The type of the time
* @return The item
public <T> T getServiceCacheItem(String key, Supplier<T> supplier) {
Supplier<T> memoizedSupplier = Suppliers.memoize(supplier);
Supplier<T> cachedSupplier = (Supplier<T>) serviceCache.putIfAbsent(key, memoizedSupplier);
if (cachedSupplier == null) {
return memoizedSupplier.get();
} else {
return cachedSupplier.get();
* Reset an item in the cache
* @param key The item to reset
public void resetServiceCacheItem(String key) {
private List<String> getStringsFromProperty(String key) {
List<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
String value = getProperty(key);
if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
String values[] = value.split("\\s+");
for (String val : values) {
if (!val.startsWith("#")) {
return strings;
private <T> T instantiate(Class<T> clazz) {
return (T) beanFactory.autowire(clazz, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_NO, false);