* Created on 18-Nov-2007
* Copyright (C) 2006 by Andrea Vacondio.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
* if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.panels;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor;
import javax.swing.DefaultListModel;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JList;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.ListSelectionModel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.AddSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.ClearSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.DocumentPropertiesSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.MoveDownSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.MoveUpSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.ReloadDocumentSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.actions.RemoveSelectionTableAction;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.listeners.adapters.PdfSelectionMouseHeaderAdapter;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.listeners.adapters.TableShowPopupMouseAdapter;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.business.loaders.PdfLoader;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.components.JPdfSelectionTable;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.components.JPdfSelectionToolTipHeader;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.dnd.droppers.JPdfSelectionTableDropper;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.models.AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.models.SimplePdfSelectionTableModel;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.models.SortablePdfSelectionTableModel;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.renderers.ArrowHeaderRenderer;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.commons.renderers.JPdfSelectionTableRenderer;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.configuration.Configuration;
import org.pdfsam.guiclient.dto.PdfSelectionTableItem;
import org.pdfsam.i18n.GettextResource;
* Customizable Panel for the selection of pdf documents
* @author Andrea Vacondio
public class JPdfSelectionPanel extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7231708747828566035L;
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(JPdfSelectionPanel.class.getPackage().getName());
public static final int UNLIMTED_SELECTABLE_FILE_NUMBER = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public static final int SINGLE_SELECTABLE_FILE = 1;
public static final int DOUBLE_SELECTABLE_FILE = 2;
public static final String OUTPUT_PATH_PROPERTY = "defaultOutputPath";
private boolean showEveryButton = false;
private boolean showRemoveButton = false;
private boolean showMoveButtons = false;
private int maxSelectableFiles = 0;
private int showedColums;
private final JPdfSelectionTable mainTable = new JPdfSelectionTable();
private AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel tableModel;
private final JList workInProgressList = new JList();
private JScrollPane tableScrollPane;
private JScrollPane wipListScrollPane;
private Configuration config;
private final JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
private final JPopupMenu popupMenu = new JPopupMenu();
private PdfLoader loader = null;
private DropTarget tableDropTarget;
private DropTarget scrollPanelDropTarget;
private final JButton addFileButton = new JButton();
private final JButton removeFileButton = new JButton();
private final JButton moveUpButton = new JButton();
private final JButton moveDownButton = new JButton();
private final JButton clearButton = new JButton();
private boolean setOutputPathMenuItemEnabled = false;
* default constructor shows every button and permits an unlimited number of
* selected input documents
public JPdfSelectionPanel() {
* showEveryButton is true if maxSelectableFiles is > 1
* @param maxSelectableFiles
* @param showedColums
public JPdfSelectionPanel(int maxSelectableFiles, int showedColums) {
this(maxSelectableFiles, showedColums, (maxSelectableFiles > 1));
* @param maxSelectableFiles
* @param showedColums
* @param showEveryButton
* if true shows every button, if false hide remove button and
* move buttons
public JPdfSelectionPanel(int maxSelectableFiles, int showedColums, boolean showEveryButton) {
this(maxSelectableFiles, showedColums, showEveryButton, false, false);
* @param maxSelectableFiles
* @param showedColums
* @param showRemoveButton
* if true shows the remove button
* @param showMoveButtons
* if true shows the move buttons
public JPdfSelectionPanel(int maxSelectableFiles, int showedColums, boolean showRemoveButton,
boolean showMoveButtons) {
this(maxSelectableFiles, showedColums, false, showRemoveButton, showMoveButtons);
* Full constructor
* @param maxSelectableFiles
* @param showedColums
* @param showEveryButton
* @param showRemoveButton
* @param showMoveButtons
private JPdfSelectionPanel(int maxSelectableFiles, int showedColums, boolean showEveryButton,
boolean showRemoveButton, boolean showMoveButtons) {
this.config = Configuration.getInstance();
this.maxSelectableFiles = maxSelectableFiles;
this.showedColums = showedColums;
this.showEveryButton = showEveryButton;
this.showRemoveButton = showRemoveButton;
this.showMoveButtons = showMoveButtons;
loader = new PdfLoader(this);
* @return the showEveryButton
public boolean isShowEveryButton() {
return showEveryButton;
* @return the maxSelectableFiles
public int getMaxSelectableFiles() {
return maxSelectableFiles;
* @return the mainTable
public JPdfSelectionTable getMainTable() {
return mainTable;
private void init() {
setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
if (maxSelectableFiles > 1) {
tableModel = new SortablePdfSelectionTableModel(showedColums, maxSelectableFiles);
} else {
tableModel = new SimplePdfSelectionTableModel(showedColums, maxSelectableFiles);
mainTable.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
mainTable.setSelectionBackground(new Color(211, 221, 222));
mainTable.setIntercellSpacing(new Dimension(3, 3));
mainTable.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new JPdfSelectionTableRenderer());
TableColumnModel mainTableColModel = mainTable.getColumnModel();
new DefaultCellEditor(new JPasswordField()));
TableColumn tc = mainTableColModel.getColumn(AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel.ROW_NUM);
// header tooltip
JPdfSelectionToolTipHeader toolTipHeader = new JPdfSelectionToolTipHeader(mainTableColModel);
if (maxSelectableFiles > 1) {
toolTipHeader.setDefaultRenderer(new ArrowHeaderRenderer(tableModel, toolTipHeader.getDefaultRenderer()));
toolTipHeader.addMouseListener(new PdfSelectionMouseHeaderAdapter(tableModel));
tableScrollPane = new JScrollPane(mainTable);
// drag and drop
JPdfSelectionTableDropper dropper = new JPdfSelectionTableDropper(loader);
tableDropTarget = new DropTarget(tableScrollPane, dropper);
scrollPanelDropTarget = new DropTarget(mainTable, dropper);
buttonPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(buttonPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
buttonPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 10, 10, 10));
ReloadDocumentSelectionTableAction reloadAction = new ReloadDocumentSelectionTableAction(mainTable, loader);
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(reloadAction));
DocumentPropertiesSelectionTableAction documentPropertiesAction = new DocumentPropertiesSelectionTableAction(mainTable);
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(documentPropertiesAction));
if (showEveryButton) {
} else {
if (showRemoveButton) {
if (showMoveButtons) {
mainTable.addMouseListener(new TableShowPopupMouseAdapter(popupMenu, mainTable));
// work in progress list
workInProgressList.setModel(new DefaultListModel());
wipListScrollPane = new JScrollPane(workInProgressList);
int wipHeight = 30;
if (isSingleSelectableFile()) {
wipHeight = 18;
wipListScrollPane.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(1500, wipHeight));
wipListScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700, wipHeight));
wipListScrollPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(300, wipHeight));
GridBagConstraints tableConstraints = new GridBagConstraints();
tableConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
tableConstraints.gridx = 0;
tableConstraints.gridy = 0;
tableConstraints.gridwidth = 2;
tableConstraints.gridheight = 2;
tableConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
tableConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
tableConstraints.weighty = 1.0;
add(tableScrollPane, tableConstraints);
GridBagConstraints buttonsConstraints = new GridBagConstraints();
buttonsConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
buttonsConstraints.gridx = 2;
buttonsConstraints.gridy = 0;
buttonsConstraints.gridwidth = 1;
buttonsConstraints.gridheight = 1;
buttonsConstraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
buttonsConstraints.weightx = 0.0;
buttonsConstraints.weighty = 1.0;
add(buttonPanel, buttonsConstraints);
GridBagConstraints wipConstraints = new GridBagConstraints();
wipConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
wipConstraints.gridx = 0;
wipConstraints.gridy = 2;
wipConstraints.gridwidth = 3;
wipConstraints.gridheight = 1;
wipConstraints.insets = new Insets(1, 5, 1, 5);
wipConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
wipConstraints.weighty = 0.0;
add(wipListScrollPane, wipConstraints);
* add a text to say the user we are working
public synchronized void addWipText(final String wipText) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
((DefaultListModel) workInProgressList.getModel()).addElement(wipText);
* remove the text to say the user we are working
public synchronized void removeWipText(final String wipText) {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!((DefaultListModel) workInProgressList.getModel()).removeElement(wipText)) {
log.debug(GettextResource.gettext(config.getI18nResourceBundle(), "Unable to remove JList text ")
+ wipText);
* removes every element from the list
public synchronized void removeWipTextAll() {
Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
((DefaultListModel) workInProgressList.getModel()).removeAllElements();
* @return true if some thread is loading a pdf document
public boolean isAdding() {
return loader.isExecuting();
* adds a item to the table
* @param item
public synchronized void addTableRow(PdfSelectionTableItem item) {
((AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel) mainTable.getModel()).addRow(item);
log.info(GettextResource.gettext(config.getI18nResourceBundle(), "File selected: ")
+ item.getInputFile().getName());
* update an item to the table
* @param index
* @param item
public synchronized void updateTableRow(int index, PdfSelectionTableItem item) {
((AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel) mainTable.getModel()).updateRowAt(index, item);
log.info(GettextResource.gettext(config.getI18nResourceBundle(), "File reloaded: ")
+ item.getInputFile().getName());
* adds a button to the button panel
* @param button
private void addButtonToButtonPanel(JButton button) {
button.setMargin(new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2));
button.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(120, 25));
button.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(160, 25));
buttonPanel.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 5)));
* binds the enter key to the action when the button has focus
* @param button
private void addEnterKeyBinding(JButton button) {
Action action = button.getAction();
if (action != null) {
button.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), action.getValue(Action.NAME));
button.getActionMap().put(action.getValue(Action.NAME), action);
* @return rows of the model
public PdfSelectionTableItem[] getTableRows() {
return ((AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel) mainTable.getModel()).getRows();
* binds the accelerator key of the action to the main table
* @param action
private void addToMainTableKeyBindings(Action action) {
if (action != null) {
Object keyStroke = action.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY);
if (keyStroke != null) {
KeyStroke stroke = (KeyStroke) keyStroke;
mainTable.getInputMap(WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put(stroke, action.getValue(Action.NAME));
mainTable.getActionMap().put(action.getValue(Action.NAME), action);
* initialize the remove button
private void initRemoveButton() {
// remove button
RemoveSelectionTableAction removeAction = new RemoveSelectionTableAction(mainTable);
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(removeAction));
* initialize the add button
private void initAddButton() {
// add button
AddSelectionTableAction addAction = new AddSelectionTableAction(loader, (maxSelectableFiles == 1));
* initialize the moveUpButton
private void initMoveUpButton() {
// move up button
MoveUpSelectionTableAction moveUpAction = new MoveUpSelectionTableAction(mainTable);
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(moveUpAction));
* initialize the move down button
private void initMoveDownButton() {
// move down button
MoveDownSelectionTableAction moveDownAction = new MoveDownSelectionTableAction(mainTable);
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(moveDownAction));
* initialize the clear button
private void initClearButton() {
// clear button
ClearSelectionTableAction clearAction = new ClearSelectionTableAction(mainTable);
* @return the pdf loader
public PdfLoader getLoader() {
return loader;
* @return the addFileButton
public JButton getAddFileButton() {
return addFileButton;
* @return the removeFileButton
public JButton getRemoveFileButton() {
return removeFileButton;
* @return the moveUpButton
public JButton getMoveUpButton() {
return moveUpButton;
* @return the moveDownButton
public JButton getMoveDownButton() {
return moveDownButton;
* @return the clearButton
public JButton getClearButton() {
return clearButton;
* @return the tableDropTarget
public DropTarget getTableDropTarget() {
return tableDropTarget;
* @return the scrollPanelDropTarget
public DropTarget getScrollPanelDropTarget() {
return scrollPanelDropTarget;
* @return the setOutputPathMenuItemEnabled
public boolean isSetOutputPathMenuItemEnabled() {
return setOutputPathMenuItemEnabled;
* @return true if it's a single selectable file panel
public boolean isSingleSelectableFile() {
return (SINGLE_SELECTABLE_FILE == maxSelectableFiles);
* @param action
* adds an item to the popup menu for the given action
public void addPopupMenuAction(AbstractAction action) {
if (action != null) {
popupMenu.add(new JMenuItem(action));
* If true, the selection table default renderer will show a tooltip message
* when the document is not opened with full permissions
* @param required
public void setFullAccessRequired(boolean required) {
mainTable.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, new JPdfSelectionTableRenderer(required));
* Clear the selection table
public void clearSelectionTable() {
((AbstractPdfSelectionTableModel) getMainTable().getModel()).clearData();