package com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import com.j256.ormlite.db.DatabaseType;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.FieldType;
import com.j256.ormlite.misc.SqlExceptionUtil;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.TableInfo;
* A mapped statement for deleting objects that correspond to a collection of IDs.
* @author graywatson
public class MappedDeleteCollection<T, ID> extends BaseMappedStatement<T, ID> {
private MappedDeleteCollection(TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo, String statement, FieldType[] argFieldTypes) {
super(tableInfo, statement, argFieldTypes);
* Delete all of the objects in the collection. This builds a {@link MappedDeleteCollection} on the fly because the
* datas could be variable sized.
public static <T, ID> int deleteObjects(DatabaseType databaseType, TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo,
DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, Collection<T> datas) throws SQLException {
MappedDeleteCollection<T, ID> deleteCollection =, tableInfo, datas.size());
Object[] fieldObjects = new Object[datas.size()];
int objC = 0;
for (T data : datas) {
fieldObjects[objC] = tableInfo.getIdField().extractJavaFieldToSqlArgValue(data);
return updateRows(databaseConnection, deleteCollection, fieldObjects);
* Delete all of the objects in the collection. This builds a {@link MappedDeleteCollection} on the fly because the
* ids could be variable sized.
public static <T, ID> int deleteIds(DatabaseType databaseType, TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo,
DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, Collection<ID> ids) throws SQLException {
MappedDeleteCollection<T, ID> deleteCollection =, tableInfo, ids.size());
Object[] fieldObjects = new Object[ids.size()];
int objC = 0;
for (ID id : ids) {
fieldObjects[objC] = tableInfo.getIdField().convertJavaFieldToSqlArgValue(id);
return updateRows(databaseConnection, deleteCollection, fieldObjects);
* This is private because the execute is the only method that should be called here.
private static <T, ID> MappedDeleteCollection<T, ID> build(DatabaseType databaseType, TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo,
int dataSize) throws SQLException {
FieldType idField = tableInfo.getIdField();
if (idField == null) {
throw new SQLException("Cannot delete " + tableInfo.getDataClass()
+ " because it doesn't have an id field defined");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
appendTableName(databaseType, sb, "DELETE FROM ", tableInfo.getTableName());
FieldType[] argFieldTypes = new FieldType[dataSize];
appendWhereIds(databaseType, idField, sb, dataSize, argFieldTypes);
return new MappedDeleteCollection<T, ID>(tableInfo, sb.toString(), argFieldTypes);
private static <T, ID> int updateRows(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection,
MappedDeleteCollection<T, ID> deleteCollection, Object[] args) throws SQLException {
try {
int rowC = databaseConnection.delete(deleteCollection.statement, args, deleteCollection.argFieldTypes);
logger.debug("delete-collection with statement '{}' and {} args, changed {} rows",
deleteCollection.statement, args.length, rowC);
if (args.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("delete-collection arguments: {}", (Object) args);
return rowC;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw SqlExceptionUtil.create("Unable to run delete collection stmt: " + deleteCollection.statement, e);
private static void appendWhereIds(DatabaseType databaseType, FieldType idField, StringBuilder sb, int numDatas,
FieldType[] fieldTypes) {
sb.append("WHERE ");
databaseType.appendEscapedEntityName(sb, idField.getDbColumnName());
sb.append(" IN (");
boolean first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numDatas; i++) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
if (fieldTypes != null) {
fieldTypes[i] = idField;
sb.append(") ");