package com.j256.ormlite.stmt;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.CloseableIterator;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao;
import com.j256.ormlite.db.DatabaseType;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.FieldType;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.query.OrderBy;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.TableInfo;
* Assists in building sql query (SELECT) statements for a particular table in a particular database.
* <p>
* Here is a <a href="" >good tutorial of SQL commands</a>.
* </p>
* @param T
* The class that the code will be operating on.
* @param ID
* The class of the ID column associated with the class. The T class does not require an ID field. The class
* needs an ID parameter however so you can use Void or Object to satisfy the compiler.
* @author graywatson
public class QueryBuilder<T, ID> extends StatementBuilder<T, ID> {
private boolean distinct = false;
private boolean selectIdColumn = true;
private final FieldType idField;
private List<String> selectColumnList = null;
private List<OrderBy> orderByList = null;
private String orderByRaw = null;
private List<String> groupByList = null;
private String groupByRaw = null;
private boolean isInnerQuery = false;
private final Dao<T, ID> dao;
private FieldType[] resultFieldTypes;
public QueryBuilder(DatabaseType databaseType, TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo, Dao<T, ID> dao) {
super(databaseType, tableInfo, StatementType.SELECT);
this.idField = tableInfo.getIdField();
this.dao = dao;
* This is used by the internal call structure to note when a query builder is being used as an inner query. This is
* necessary because by default, we add in the ID column on every query. When you are returning a data item, its ID
* field _must_ be set otherwise you can't do a refresh() or update(). But internal queries must have 1 select
* column set so we can't add the ID.
void enableInnerQuery() throws SQLException {
this.isInnerQuery = true;
* Return the number of selected columns in the query.
int getSelectColumnCount() {
if (selectColumnList == null) {
return 0;
} else {
return selectColumnList.size();
* Build and return a prepared query that can be used by {@link Dao#query(PreparedQuery)} or
* {@link Dao#iterator(PreparedQuery)} methods. If you change the where or make other calls you will need to re-call
* this method to re-prepare the statement for execution.
public PreparedQuery<T> prepare() throws SQLException {
return super.prepareStatement();
* Add columns to be returned by the SELECT query. If no columns are selected then all columns are returned by
* default. For classes with id columns, the id column is added to the select list automagically.
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> selectColumns(String... columns) {
if (selectColumnList == null) {
selectColumnList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String column : columns) {
return this;
* Add columns to be returned by the SELECT query. If no columns are selected then all columns are returned by
* default. For classes with id columns, the id column is added to the select list automagically.
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> selectColumns(Iterable<String> columns) {
if (selectColumnList == null) {
selectColumnList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String column : columns) {
return this;
* Add "GROUP BY" clause to the SQL query statement.
* <p>
* NOTE: Use of this means that the resulting objects may not have a valid ID column value so cannot be deleted or
* updated.
* </p>
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> groupBy(String columnName) {
FieldType fieldType = verifyColumnName(columnName);
if (fieldType.isForeignCollection()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't groupBy foreign colletion field: " + columnName);
if (groupByList == null) {
groupByList = new ArrayList<String>();
selectIdColumn = false;
return this;
* Add a raw SQL "GROUP BY" clause to the SQL query statement. This should not include the "GROUP BY".
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> groupByRaw(String rawSql) {
groupByRaw = rawSql;
return this;
* Add "ORDER BY" clause to the SQL query statement.
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> orderBy(String columnName, boolean ascending) {
FieldType fieldType = verifyColumnName(columnName);
if (fieldType.isForeignCollection()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't orderBy foreign colletion field: " + columnName);
if (orderByList == null) {
orderByList = new ArrayList<OrderBy>();
orderByList.add(new OrderBy(columnName, ascending));
return this;
* Add raw SQL "ORDER BY" clause to the SQL query statement. This should not include the "ORDER BY".
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> orderByRaw(String rawSql) {
orderByRaw = rawSql;
return this;
* Add "DISTINCT" clause to the SQL query statement.
* <p>
* NOTE: Use of this means that the resulting objects may not have a valid ID column value so cannot be deleted or
* updated.
* </p>
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> distinct() {
distinct = true;
selectIdColumn = false;
return this;
* Limit the output to maxRows maximum number of rows. Set to null for no limit (the default).
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> limit(Integer maxRows) {
limit = maxRows;
return this;
* Start the output at this row number. Set to null for no offset (the default). If you are paging through a table,
* you should consider using the {@link Dao#iterator()} method instead which handles paging with a database cursor.
* Otherwise, if you are paging you probably want to specify a {@link #orderBy(String, boolean)}.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> This is not supported for all databases. Also, for some databases, the limit _must_ also be
* specified since the offset is an argument of the limit.
* </p>
public QueryBuilder<T, ID> offset(Integer startRow) throws SQLException {
if (databaseType.isOffsetSqlSupported()) {
offset = startRow;
return this;
} else {
throw new SQLException("Offset is not supported by this database");
* A short cut for Dao.query(prepare()). {@link Dao#query(PreparedQuery)}.
public List<T> query() throws SQLException {
return dao.query(prepare());
* A short cut for Dao.iterator(prepare()). {@link Dao#iterator(PreparedQuery)}.
public CloseableIterator<T> iterator() throws SQLException {
return dao.iterator(prepare());
protected void appendStatementStart(StringBuilder sb, List<ArgumentHolder> argList) throws SQLException {
sb.append("SELECT ");
if (databaseType.isLimitAfterSelect()) {
if (distinct) {
sb.append("DISTINCT ");
sb.append("FROM ");
databaseType.appendEscapedEntityName(sb, tableInfo.getTableName());
sb.append(' ');
protected FieldType[] getResultFieldTypes() throws SQLException {
return resultFieldTypes;
protected void appendStatementEnd(StringBuilder sb) throws SQLException {
// 'group by' comes before 'order by'
if (!databaseType.isLimitAfterSelect()) {
private void addSelectColumnToList(String columnName) {
FieldType fieldType = verifyColumnName(columnName);
if (fieldType.isForeignCollection()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't select from foreign colletion field: " + columnName);
private void appendColumns(StringBuilder sb) throws SQLException {
// if no columns were specified then * is the default
if (selectColumnList == null) {
sb.append("* ");
resultFieldTypes = tableInfo.getFieldTypes();
boolean first = true;
boolean hasId;
if (isInnerQuery) {
hasId = true;
} else {
hasId = false;
List<FieldType> fieldTypeList = new ArrayList<FieldType>(selectColumnList.size() + 1);
for (String columnName : selectColumnList) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
FieldType fieldType = tableInfo.getFieldTypeByColumnName(columnName);
appendFieldColumnName(sb, fieldType, fieldTypeList);
if (fieldType == idField) {
hasId = true;
// we have to add the idField even if it isn't in the columnNameSet
if (!hasId && selectIdColumn) {
if (!first) {
appendFieldColumnName(sb, idField, fieldTypeList);
sb.append(' ');
resultFieldTypes = fieldTypeList.toArray(new FieldType[fieldTypeList.size()]);
private void appendFieldColumnName(StringBuilder sb, FieldType fieldType, List<FieldType> fieldTypeList) {
databaseType.appendEscapedEntityName(sb, fieldType.getDbColumnName());
if (fieldTypeList != null) {
private void appendLimit(StringBuilder sb) {
if (limit != null && databaseType.isLimitSqlSupported()) {
databaseType.appendLimitValue(sb, limit, offset);
private void appendOffset(StringBuilder sb) throws SQLException {
if (offset == null) {
if (databaseType.isOffsetLimitArgument()) {
if (limit == null) {
throw new SQLException("If the offset is specified, limit must also be specified with this database");
} else {
databaseType.appendOffsetValue(sb, offset);
private void appendGroupBys(StringBuilder sb) {
if ((groupByList == null || groupByList.isEmpty()) && groupByRaw == null) {
sb.append("GROUP BY ");
if (groupByRaw != null) {
} else {
boolean first = true;
for (String columnName : groupByList) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
databaseType.appendEscapedEntityName(sb, columnName);
sb.append(' ');
private void appendOrderBys(StringBuilder sb) throws SQLException {
if ((orderByList == null || orderByList.isEmpty()) && orderByRaw == null) {
sb.append("ORDER BY ");
if (orderByRaw != null) {
} else {
boolean first = true;
for (OrderBy orderBy : orderByList) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
String columnName = orderBy.getColumnName();
databaseType.appendEscapedEntityName(sb, columnName);
if (orderBy.isAscending()) {
// sb.append(" ASC");
} else {
sb.append(" DESC");
sb.append(' ');
* Internal class used to expose methods to internal classes but through a wrapper instead of a builder.
public static class InternalQueryBuilderWrapper {
private final QueryBuilder<?, ?> queryBuilder;
public InternalQueryBuilderWrapper(QueryBuilder<?, ?> queryBuilder) {
this.queryBuilder = queryBuilder;
public void appendStatementString(StringBuilder sb, List<ArgumentHolder> argList) throws SQLException {
queryBuilder.appendStatementString(sb, argList);
public FieldType[] getResultFieldTypes() throws SQLException {
return queryBuilder.resultFieldTypes;