package com.j256.ormlite.misc;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao;
* Base class that your data elements can extend which allow them to refresh, update, etc. themselves. ORMLite will
* automagically set the appropriate {@link Dao} on the class if it is received by a query but if you are trying to
* create the class, you will need to either create it through the DAO or set the dao on it directly with
* {@link #setDao(Dao)}.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> The default pattern is to use the {@link Dao} classes to operate on your data classes. This will allow
* your data classes to have their own hierarchy and isolates the database code in the Daos. However, you are free to
* use this base class if you prefer this pattern.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> The internal Dao field has been marked with transient so that it won't be serialized (thanks jc). If you
* do de-serialize on these classes, you will need to refresh it with the Dao to get it to work again.
* </p>
* @author graywatson
public abstract class BaseDaoEnabled<T, ID> {
protected transient Dao<T, ID> dao;
* A call through to the {@link Dao#create(Object)}.
public int create() throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.create(t);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#refresh(Object)}.
public int refresh() throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.refresh(t);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#update(Object)}.
public int update() throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.update(t);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#updateId(Object, Object)}.
public int updateId(ID newId) throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.updateId(t, newId);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#delete(Object)}.
public int delete() throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.delete(t);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#objectToString(Object)}.
public String objectToString() {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
T t = (T) this;
return dao.objectToString(t);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#extractId(Object)}.
public ID extractId() throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.extractId(t);
* A call through to the {@link Dao#objectsEqual(Object, Object)}.
public boolean objectsEqual(T other) throws SQLException {
T t = (T) this;
return dao.objectsEqual(t, other);
* Set the {@link Dao} on the object. For the {@link #create()} call to work, this must be done beforehand by the
* caller. If the object has been received from a query call to the Dao then this should have been set
* automagically.
public void setDao(Dao<T, ID> dao) {
this.dao = dao;
private void checkForDao() throws SQLException {
if (dao == null) {
throw new SQLException("Dao has not been set on " + getClass() + " object: " + this);