* Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform.
* OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders
* of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received
* a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING.
* If not, see <http://www.openwga.com/gpl-plugin-exception>.
* OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenWGA in file COPYING.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContent;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionEngine;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionEngineFactory;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.ExpressionResult;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.expressions.tmlscript.RhinoExpressionEngine;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.IterationTagStatus;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLContext;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLPortlet;
import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.webtml.utils.TMLUserProfile;
public class ConditionBase extends Base {
// condition attributes
private String role = null;
private String condition = null;
private String isSelected = null;
private String isRoot = null;
private String isCurrentDocument = null;
private String hasChildren = null;
private String hasSiblings = null;
private String hasOption = null;
private String hasUrlParameter = null;
private String hasNextPage = null;
private String hasPreviousPage = null;
private String iscontextvalid = null;
private String istagidvalid = null;
private String isbrowserinterface = null;
private String iseditmode = null;
private String isnewsession = null;
private String istrue = null;
private String isfalse = null;
private String isdefined = null;
private String platform = null;
private String doctype = null;
private String xplanguage = null;
private String portletmode = null;
private String isempty = null;
private String isfilled = null;
private String hasprofile = null;
private String language = null;
private String isfirstloop = null;
private String islastloop = null;
protected boolean testCondition() {
boolean result = innerTestCondition();
if (debugNode != null) {
debugNode.addAttribute("conditionis", String.valueOf(result));
return result;
protected boolean innerTestCondition() {
TMLContext context = this.getTMLContext();
try {
WGContent content = context.content();
String attValue;
attValue = this.getIstrue();
if (attValue != null) {
if (!context.istrue(attValue)) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsfalse();
if (attValue != null) {
if (!context.isfalse(attValue)) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsdefined();
if (attValue != null) {
if (!context.isdefined(attValue)) {
return false;
attValue = this.getCondition();
if (attValue != null) {
ExpressionEngine engine = ExpressionEngineFactory.getEngine(this.getConditionlanguage());
if (engine == null) {
this.addWarning("Unknown expression language: " + this.getConditionlanguage(), true);
return false;
Map objects = new HashMap();
objects.put(RhinoExpressionEngine.PARAM_SCRIPTNAME, "Condition on " + getTagDescription());
ExpressionResult result = engine.evaluateExpression(attValue, this.getTMLContext(), ExpressionEngine.TYPE_EXPRESSION, objects);
if (result.isError()) {
return false;
else if (result.isFalse()) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsselected();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean isSelected = context.isselected();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
isSelected = !isSelected;
if (isSelected == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHaschildren();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean hasChildren = context.haschildren();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
hasChildren = !hasChildren;
if (hasChildren == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHassiblings();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean hasSiblings = context.hassiblings();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
hasSiblings = !hasSiblings;
if (hasSiblings == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHasoption();
if (attValue != null) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsroot();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean isRoot = context.isroot();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
isRoot = !isRoot;
if (isRoot == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIscurrentdocument();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean isCurrentDocument = context.ismaindocument();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
isCurrentDocument = !isCurrentDocument;
if (isCurrentDocument == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHasurlparameter();
if (attValue != null) {
String urlParam = this.pageContext.getRequest().getParameter(attValue);
boolean hasUrlParameter = (urlParam != null ? true : false);
if (hasUrlParameter == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHasnextpage();
if (attValue != null) {
IterationTagStatus iterationTag = (IterationTagStatus) this.getTagStatusById(attValue, IterationTagStatus.class);
if (iterationTag == null) {
this.addWarning("Could not find iteration tag: " + this.getHasnextpage());
return false;
if (!iterationTag.hasNextPage()) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHaspreviouspage();
if (attValue != null) {
IterationTagStatus iterationTag = (IterationTagStatus) this.getTagStatusById(attValue, IterationTagStatus.class);
if (iterationTag == null) {
this.addWarning("Could not find iteration tag: " + attValue);
return false;
if (!iterationTag.hasPreviousPage()) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIscontextvalid();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean iscontextvalid = !this.isChildContextErrornous();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
iscontextvalid = !iscontextvalid;
if (iscontextvalid == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIstagidvalid();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean istagidvalid = (this.getTagStatusById(attValue) != null ? true : false);
if (istagidvalid == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getPlatform();
if (attValue != null) {
if (!attValue.equalsIgnoreCase("wgpublisher")) {
return false;
attValue = this.getDoctype();
if (attValue != null) {
if (content.getStructEntry() == null || content.getStructEntry().getContentType() == null) {
return false;
if (!attValue.equalsIgnoreCase(content.getStructEntry().getContentType().getName())) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsbrowserinterface();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean isBI = context.isbrowserinterface();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
isBI = !isBI;
if (isBI == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIseditmode();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean isEditmode = (context.isbrowserinterface() && content.getStatus().equals(WGContent.STATUS_DRAFT));
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
isEditmode = !isEditmode;
if (isEditmode == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsnewsession();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean isNewSession = context.isnewsession();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
isNewSession = !isNewSession;
if (isNewSession == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getPortletmode();
if (attValue != null) {
List modesToTest = WGUtils.deserializeCollection(attValue.toLowerCase(), ",", true);
HttpSession session = this.pageContext.getSession();
TMLPortlet portlet = context.getportlet();
if (portlet == null) {
addWarning("Portlet mode was tested although no portlet was registered", false);
return false;
String portletMode = portlet.getmode();
if (!modesToTest.contains(portletMode.toLowerCase())) {
return false;
attValue = this.getHasprofile();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean hasProfile = context.hasprofile();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
hasProfile = !hasProfile;
if (hasProfile == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getLanguage();
if (attValue != null) {
String prefLanguage = getTMLContext().getpreferredlanguage();
if (prefLanguage == null) {
prefLanguage = (String) getTMLContext().meta("language");
if (!prefLanguage.equals("attValue")) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsempty();
if (attValue != null) {
if (!getTMLContext().isempty(attValue)) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsfilled();
if (attValue != null) {
// Bypass this test in edit mode (as it most likely is used to hide fields that are not filled)
boolean isEditmode = (context.isbrowserinterface() && content.getStatus().equals(WGContent.STATUS_DRAFT));
if (!isEditmode) {
if (getTMLContext().isempty(attValue)) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIsfirstloop();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean firstLoop = false;
if (WGUtils.isBooleanValue(attValue)) {
firstLoop = getTMLContext().isfirstloop();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
firstLoop = !firstLoop;
} else {
firstLoop = getTMLContext().isfirstloop(attValue);
if (firstLoop == false) {
return false;
attValue = this.getIslastloop();
if (attValue != null) {
boolean lastLoop = false;
if (WGUtils.isBooleanValue(attValue)) {
lastLoop = getTMLContext().islastloop();
if (this.stringToBoolean(attValue) == false) {
lastLoop = !lastLoop;
} else {
lastLoop = getTMLContext().islastloop(attValue);
if (lastLoop == false) {
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception exc) {
log.error("Error evaluating expression", exc);
return false;
catch (Error err) {
log.error("Error evaluating expression", err);
return false;
finally {
* Gets the condition
* @return Returns a String
public String getCondition() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("condition", this.condition, null);
* Sets the condition
* @param condition The condition to set
public void setCondition(String condition) {
this.condition = condition;
* Gets the isSelected
* @return Returns a String
public String getIsselected() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("isselected", this.isSelected, null);
* Sets the isSelected
* @param isSelected The isSelected to set
public void setIsselected(String isSelected) {
this.isSelected = isSelected;
* Gets the hasChildren
* @return Returns a String
public String getHaschildren() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("haschildren", this.hasChildren, null);
* Sets the hasChildren
* @param hasChildren The hasChildren to set
public void setHaschildren(String hasChildren) {
this.hasChildren = hasChildren;
* Gets the hasSiblings
* @return Returns a String
public String getHassiblings() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("hassiblings", this.hasSiblings, null);
* Sets the hasSiblings
* @param hasSiblings The hasSiblings to set
public void setHassiblings(String hasSiblings) {
this.hasSiblings = hasSiblings;
* Gets the hasOption
* @return Returns a String
public String getHasoption() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("hasoption", this.hasOption, null);
* Sets the hasOption
* @param hasOption The value to set
public void setHasoption(String hasOption) {
this.hasOption = hasOption;
* Gets the platform
* @return Returns a String
public String getPlatform() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("platform", this.platform, null);
* Sets the platform
* @param platform The platform to set
public void setPlatform(String platform) {
this.platform = platform;
* Gets the isRoot
* @return Returns a String
public String getIsroot() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("isroot", this.isRoot, null);
* Sets the isRoot
* @param isRoot The isRoot to set
public void setIsroot(String isRoot) {
this.isRoot = isRoot;
* Gets the isCurrentDocument
* @return Returns a String
public String getIscurrentdocument() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("iscurrentdocument", this.isCurrentDocument, null);
* Sets the isCurrentDocument
* @param isCurrentDocument The isCurrentDocument to set
public void setIscurrentdocument(String isCurrentDocument) {
this.isCurrentDocument = isCurrentDocument;
* Gets the hasUrlParameter
* @return Returns a String
public String getHasurlparameter() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("hasurlparameter", hasUrlParameter, null);
* Sets the hasUrlParameter
* @param hasUrlParameter The hasUrlParameter to set
public void setHasurlparameter(String hasUrlParameter) {
this.hasUrlParameter = hasUrlParameter;
* Gets the hasNextPage
* @return Returns a String
public String getHasnextpage() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("hasnextpage", hasNextPage, null);
* Sets the hasNextPage
* @param hasNextPage The hasNextPage to set
public void setHasnextpage(String hasNextPage) {
this.hasNextPage = hasNextPage;
* Gets the hasPreviousPage
* @return Returns a String
public String getHaspreviouspage() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("haspreviouspage", hasPreviousPage, null);
* Sets the hasPreviousPage
* @param hasPreviousPage The hasPreviousPage to set
public void setHaspreviouspage(String hasPreviousPage) {
this.hasPreviousPage = hasPreviousPage;
* Gets the iscontextvalid
* @return Returns a String
public String getIscontextvalid() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("iscontextvalid", iscontextvalid, null);
* Sets the iscontextvalid
* @param iscontextvalid The iscontextvalid to set
public void setIscontextvalid(String iscontextvalid) {
this.iscontextvalid = iscontextvalid;
* Gets the role
* @return Returns a String
public String getRole() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("role", role, null);
* Sets the role
* @param role The role to set
public void setRole(String role) {
this.role = role;
* Gets the istagidvalid
* @return Returns a String
public String getIstagidvalid() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("istagidvalid", istagidvalid, null);
* Sets the istagidvalid
* @param istagidvalid The istagidvalid to set
public void setIstagidvalid(String istagidvalid) {
this.istagidvalid = istagidvalid;
* Gets the doctype
* @return Returns a String
public String getDoctype() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("doctype", doctype, null);
public String getContenttype() {
return getDoctype();
public void setContenttype(String ct) {
* Sets the doctype
* @param doctype The doctype to set
public void setDoctype(String doctype) {
this.doctype = doctype;
* Gets the xplanguage
* @return Returns a String
public String getConditionlanguage() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("xplanguage", xplanguage, this.getDefaultExpressionLanguage());
public String getXplanguage() {
return this.getConditionlanguage();
* Sets the xplanguage
* @param xplanguage The xplanguage to set
public void setConditionlanguage(String xplanguage) {
this.xplanguage = xplanguage;
public void setXplanguage(String xplanguage) {
* Gets the isbrowserinterface
* @return Returns a String
public String getIsbrowserinterface() {
return isbrowserinterface;
* Sets the isbrowserinterface
* @param isbrowserinterface The isbrowserinterface to set
public void setIsbrowserinterface(String isbrowserinterface) {
this.isbrowserinterface = isbrowserinterface;
* Gets the iseditmode
* @return Returns a String
public String getIseditmode() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("iseditmode", iseditmode, null);
* Sets the iseditmode
* @param iseditmode The iseditmode to set
public void setIseditmode(String iseditmode) {
this.iseditmode = iseditmode;
* Gets the isnewsession
* @return Returns a String
public String getIsnewsession() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("isnewsession", isnewsession, null);
* Sets the isnewsession
* @param isnewsession The isnewsession to set
public void setIsnewsession(String isnewsession) {
this.isnewsession = isnewsession;
* Returns the isfalse.
* @return String
public String getIsfalse() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("isfalse", isfalse, null);
* Returns the istrue.
* @return String
public String getIstrue() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("istrue", istrue, null);
* Sets the isfalse.
* @param isfalse The isfalse to set
public void setIsfalse(String isfalse) {
this.isfalse = isfalse;
* Sets the istrue.
* @param istrue The istrue to set
public void setIstrue(String istrue) {
this.istrue = istrue;
* Returns the portletmode.
* @return String
public String getPortletmode() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("portletmode", portletmode, null);
* Sets the portletmode.
* @param portletmode The portletmode to set
public void setPortletmode(String portletmode) {
this.portletmode = portletmode;
* Returns the hasprofile.
* @return String
public String getHasprofile() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("hasprofile", this.hasprofile, null);
* Sets the hasprofile.
* @param hasprofile The hasprofile to set
public void setHasprofile(String hasprofile) {
this.hasprofile = hasprofile;
* @return
public String getIsdefined() {
return this.getTagAttributeValue("isdefined", isdefined, null);
* @param string
public void setIsdefined(String string) {
isdefined = string;
* @return
public String getLanguage() {
return getTagAttributeValue("language", language, null);
* @param string
public void setLanguage(String string) {
language = string;
* @return the isempty
public String getIsempty() {
return getTagAttributeValue("isempty", isempty, null);
* @param isempty the isempty to set
public void setIsempty(String isempty) {
this.isempty = isempty;
* @return the isfilled
public String getIsfilled() {
return getTagAttributeValue("isfilled", isfilled, null);
* @param isfilled the isfilled to set
public void setIsfilled(String isfilled) {
this.isfilled = isfilled;
public String getIsfirstloop() {
return getTagAttributeValue("isfirstloop", isfirstloop, null);
public void setIsfirstloop(String isfirstloop) {
this.isfirstloop = isfirstloop;
public String getIslastloop() {
return getTagAttributeValue("islastloop", islastloop, null);
public void setIslastloop(String islastloop) {
this.islastloop = islastloop;