* Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform.
* OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders
* of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received
* a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING.
* If not, see <http://www.openwga.com/gpl-plugin-exception>.
* OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenWGA in file COPYING.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.innovationgate.webgate.api.utils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGACLEntry;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGArea;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGBackendException;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContent;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGContentType;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDocument;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGLanguage;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGStructEntry;
import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGUnavailableException;
* Tool class to export and import content store dumps between OpenWGA content stores.
* This class itself does not create the OpenWGA content store dump format ".wgacs" which is essentially a zipped HSQLDB content store. It just performs the data pumping task.
public class ContentStoreDumpManager {
public static final List<String> UNMIGRATEABLE_DBMETADATA = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "ddlpatchlevel" });
private int _sourceDocCounter;
private int _targetDocCounter;
private Logger _log = Logger.getLogger("wga.csdump");
private WGDatabase _from;
private WGDatabase _to;
private int _clearCacheEvery = 100;
private List _contentClones = new ArrayList();
private Map _oldToNewContentKeys = new HashMap();
private boolean _import = false;
private boolean _includeACL;
private boolean _includeSystemAreas = false;
* Construtor
* @param from The source database
* @param to The target database
* @param logger A logger to write the dump log to
public ContentStoreDumpManager(WGDatabase from, WGDatabase to, Logger logger) {
_from = from;
_to = to;
if (logger != null) {
_log = logger;
* Constructor
* @param from The source database
* @param to The target database
public ContentStoreDumpManager(WGDatabase from, WGDatabase to) {
this(from, to, null);
private boolean innerTransport() throws WGUnavailableException {
_log.info("Content Store Dump Importer starting");
_log.info("Source database: " + _from.getDbReference());
_log.info("Target database: " + _to.getDbReference());
if (!_to.hasFeature(WGDatabase.FEATURE_FULLCONTENTFEATURES)) {
_log.warn("Target database is no full-featured WGA Content Store. This is not supported and import might fail.");
_sourceDocCounter = 0;
_targetDocCounter = 0;
// Delete everything old
try {
if (_includeACL) {
// Clone everything
if (_includeACL) {
_log.info("Content Store Dump Import finished");
return true;
catch (WGAPIException e) {
_log.fatal("Import canceled because of exception", e);
return false;
private void cloneDbMetadata() throws WGAPIException {
if (_to.getContentStoreVersion() >= WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5 && _from .getContentStoreVersion() >= WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) {
Iterator extDataNames = _from.getExtensionDataNames().iterator();
if (extDataNames.hasNext()) {
_log.info("Cloning database metadata...");
while (extDataNames.hasNext()) {
String extDataName = (String) extDataNames.next();
if (UNMIGRATEABLE_DBMETADATA.contains(extDataName)) {
Object value = _from.getExtensionData(extDataName);
if (value instanceof List) {
value = new ArrayList((List) value);
try {
_to.writeExtensionData(extDataName, value);
catch (WGAPIException e) {
handleException("Error cloning database metadata", e, null);
private void deleteOldDbMetadata() throws WGAPIException {
if (_to.getContentStoreVersion() >= WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5) {
Iterator names = _to.getExtensionDataNames().iterator();
if (names.hasNext()) {
_log.info("Deleting old database metadata...");
while (names.hasNext()) {
String name = (String) names.next();
if (!UNMIGRATEABLE_DBMETADATA.contains(name)) {
private void incSourceDocCounter() throws WGAPIException {
if (_sourceDocCounter >= _clearCacheEvery) {
_log.info("Clearing cache for source database");
_sourceDocCounter = 0;
private void incTargetDocCounter() throws WGAPIException {
if (_targetDocCounter >= _clearCacheEvery) {
_log.info("Clearing cache for target database");
_targetDocCounter = 0;
private void cloneContent() throws WGAPIException {
_log.info("Cloning areas, struct entries and contents...");
Iterator areas = _from.getAreas().iterator();
WGArea area;
WGArea areaClone;
// Clone everything
while (areas.hasNext()) {
area = (WGArea) areas.next();
if (area.isSystemArea() && !_includeSystemAreas) {
_log.info("Cloning area '" + area.getName() + "'");
try {
areaClone = (WGArea) createDumpClone(area, null);
catch (WGAPIException e) {
handleException("Error cloning area", e, area);
if (areaClone == null) {
handleSaveError("Unable to clone area", area);
Iterator rootEntries = area.getRootEntries().iterator();
WGStructEntry rootEntry;
while (rootEntries.hasNext()) {
rootEntry = (WGStructEntry) rootEntries.next();
cloneStructEntryTree(rootEntry, areaClone, _to, _contentClones, _oldToNewContentKeys);
_log.info("Finished cloning areas, struct entries and contents");
private WGDocument createDumpClone(WGDocument doc, WGDocument ref) throws WGAPIException {
WGDocument clone = doc.createClone(_to, ref);
clone.saveWithGivenTimestamps(doc.getCreated(), doc.getLastModified());
return clone;
private void handleException(String msg, Exception e, WGDocument doc) {
if (doc != null) {
_log.error(msg + ". Current document: " + doc.getDocumentKey(), e);
else {
_log.error(msg, e);
throw new RuntimeException("Import failed bc. of exception. Current document: " + doc.getDocumentKey(), e);
private void deleteOldContent() throws WGAPIException {
Iterator areas = _to.getAreas().iterator();
WGArea area;
if (areas.hasNext()) {
_log.info("Deleting old areas...");
while (areas.hasNext()) {
area = (WGArea) areas.next();
_log.info("Deleting old area '" + area.getName() + "'");
Iterator roots = area.getRootEntries().iterator();
while (roots.hasNext()) {
deleteOldStruct((WGStructEntry) roots.next());
if (!area.remove()) {
_log.error("Cannot delete area. See application log for error details");
throw new WGBackendException("Canceled import because of failed deletion: " + area.getDocumentKey());
_log.info("Finished deleting old areas");
private void deleteOldStruct(WGStructEntry entry) throws WGAPIException {
if (entry.isDeleted()) {
// Recursely delete child entries
Iterator children = entry.getChildEntries().iterator();
while (children.hasNext()) {
deleteOldStruct((WGStructEntry) children.next());
// Delete contents
Iterator contents = entry.getAllContent(true).iterator();
while (contents.hasNext()) {
WGContent content = (WGContent) contents.next();
_log.info("Deleting old content '" + content.getContentKey().toString() + "'");
if (!content.remove()) {
_log.error("Cannot delete content. See application log for error details");
throw new WGBackendException("Canceled import because of failed deletion: " + content.getDocumentKey());
// Finally delete the struct
_log.info("Deleting old struct entry '" + String.valueOf(entry.getStructKey()) + "'");
if (!entry.remove()) {
_log.error("Cannot delete struct entry. See application log for error details");
throw new WGBackendException("Canceled import because of failed deletion: " + entry.getDocumentKey());
private void cloneLanguages() throws WGAPIException {
if (_to.getDesignProvider() != null && _to.getDesignProvider().providesType(WGDocument.TYPE_LANGUAGE)) {
_log.info("Omitted cloning of languages to target database, bc. of design provider");
_log.info("Cloning languages...");
Iterator langs = _from.getLanguages().values().iterator();
WGLanguage lang;
WGLanguage langClone = null;
while (langs.hasNext()) {
lang = (WGLanguage) langs.next();
_log.info("Cloning language '" + lang.getName() + "'");
try {
langClone = (WGLanguage) createDumpClone(lang, null);
catch (WGAPIException e) {
handleException("Error cloning language", e, langClone);
if (langClone == null) {
handleSaveError("Unable to clone language.", lang);
_log.info("Finished cloning languages");
private void deleteOldLanguages() throws WGAPIException {
if (_to.getDesignProvider() != null && _to.getDesignProvider().providesType(WGDocument.TYPE_LANGUAGE)) {
_log.info("Omitted deletion of old languages in target database, bc. of design provider");
Iterator langs = _to.getLanguages().values().iterator();
WGLanguage lang;
if (langs.hasNext()) {
_log.info("Deleting old languages...");
while (langs.hasNext()) {
lang = (WGLanguage) langs.next();
_log.info("Deleting old language '" + lang.getName() + "'");
if (!lang.remove()) {
_log.error("Cannot delete language. See application log for error details");
throw new WGBackendException("Canceled import because of failed deletion: " + lang.getDocumentKey());
_log.info("Finished deleting old languages");
private void cloneContentTypes() throws WGAPIException {
if (_to.getDesignProvider() != null && _to.getDesignProvider().providesType(WGDocument.TYPE_CONTENTTYPE)) {
_log.info("Omitted cloning of content types to target database, bc. of design provider");
_log.info("Cloning content types...");
Iterator cts = _from.getContentTypes().iterator();
WGContentType ct;
WGContentType ctClone = null;
while (cts.hasNext()) {
ct = (WGContentType) cts.next();
_log.info("Cloning content type '" + ct.getName() + "'");
try {
ctClone = (WGContentType) createDumpClone(ct, null);
catch (WGAPIException e) {
handleException("Error cloning content type", e, ct);
if (ctClone == null) {
handleSaveError("Unable to clone content type.", ct);
_log.info("Finished cloning content types");
private void deleteOldContentTypes() throws WGAPIException {
if (_to.getDesignProvider() != null && _to.getDesignProvider().providesType(WGDocument.TYPE_CONTENTTYPE)) {
_log.info("Omitted deletion of old content types in target database, bc. of design provider");
Iterator cts = _to.getContentTypes().iterator();
WGContentType ct;
if (cts.hasNext()) {
_log.info("Deleting old content types...");
while (cts.hasNext()) {
ct = (WGContentType) cts.next();
_log.info("Deleting old content type '" + ct.getName() + "'");
if (!ct.remove()) {
_log.error("Cannot delete content type. See application log for error details");
throw new WGBackendException("Canceled import because of failed deletion: " + ct.getDocumentKey());
_log.info("Finished deleting old content types");
private void cloneStructEntryTree(WGStructEntry rootEntry, WGDocument cloneParent, WGDatabase to, List contentClones, Map oldToNewContentKeys)
throws WGAPIException {
// Clone entry
WGStructEntry entryClone = null;
_log.info("Cloning struct entry '" + rootEntry.getStructKey() + "'");
try {
entryClone = (WGStructEntry) createDumpClone(rootEntry, cloneParent);
catch (WGAPIException e) {
handleException("Error cloning struct entry", e, rootEntry);
if (entryClone == null) {
handleSaveError("Unable to clone struct entry.", rootEntry);
// Clone contents of entry
Iterator contents = rootEntry.getAllContent(true).iterator();
WGContent content;
WGContent contentClone;
while (contents.hasNext()) {
content = (WGContent) contents.next();
_log.info("Cloning content '" + content.getContentKey() + "'");
try {
contentClone = (WGContent) createDumpClone(content, entryClone);
catch (WGAPIException e1) {
handleException("Error cloning content", e1, content);
if (contentClone == null) {
handleSaveError("Unable to clone content.", content);
oldToNewContentKeys.put(content.getContentKey(true).toString(), contentClone.getContentKey().toString());
if (contentClone.getStatus().equals(WGContent.STATUS_RELEASE)) {
oldToNewContentKeys.put(content.getContentKey(false).toString(), contentClone.getContentKey(false).toString());
oldToNewContentKeys.put(content.getStructKey() + "." + content.getLanguage().getName() + ".p", contentClone.getContentKey(false).toString());
// Proceed with child entries the same way
Iterator childEntries = rootEntry.getChildEntries().iterator();
while (childEntries.hasNext()) {
cloneStructEntryTree((WGStructEntry) childEntries.next(), entryClone, to, contentClones, oldToNewContentKeys);
private boolean transport(boolean isImport, boolean includeACL, boolean includeSystemAreas) throws WGAPIException {
_import = isImport;
_includeACL = includeACL;
_includeSystemAreas = includeSystemAreas;
boolean fromCaching = _from.getSessionContext().isCachingEnabled();
boolean toCaching = _to.getSessionContext().isCachingEnabled();
boolean toEvents = _to.getSessionContext().isEventsEnabled();
boolean toTestUN = _to.getSessionContext().isTestUniqueNames();
try {
return innerTransport();
finally {
* Imports an OpenWGA content store dump into a content store. Database "from" must be the dump database and "to" the content store.
* @return true if the dump import succeeeded, false if it was canceled.
* @throws WGAPIException
public boolean importDump() throws WGAPIException {
return importDump(false);
* Imports an OpenWGA content store dump into a content store. Database "from" must be the dump database and "to" the content store.
* @param includeACL should the ACL of the source be imported or not
* @param includeSystemAreas should system areas be imported or not
* @return true if the dump import succeeeded, false if it was canceled.
* @throws WGAPIException
public boolean importDump(boolean includeACL, boolean includeSystemAreas) throws WGAPIException {
return transport(true, includeACL, includeSystemAreas);
* Imports an OpenWGA content store dump into a content store. Database "from" must be the dump database and "to" the content store.
* @param includeACL should the ACL of the source be imported or not
* @return true if the dump import succeeeded, false if it was canceled.
* @throws WGAPIException
public boolean importDump(boolean includeACL) throws WGAPIException {
return importDump(includeACL, false);
* Exports an OpenWGA content store dump from a content store. Database "from" must be the content store and "to" the soon-to-be dump database.
* @return true if the dump succeeeded, false if it was canceled
* @throws WGAPIException
public boolean exportDump() throws WGAPIException {
return exportDump(false);
* Exports an OpenWGA content store dump from a content store. Database "from" must be the content store and "to" the soon-to-be dump database.
* @param includeACL should the ACL of the source be included in the dump or not
* @return true if the dump succeeeded, false if it was canceled
* @throws WGAPIException
public boolean exportDump(boolean includeACL) throws WGAPIException {
return exportDump(includeACL, false);
* Exports an OpenWGA content store dump from a content store. Database "from" must be the content store and "to" the soon-to-be dump database.
* @param includeACL should the ACL of the source be included in the dump or not
* @param includeSystemAreas should system areas be included in the dump or not
* @return true if the dump succeeeded, false if it was canceled
* @throws WGAPIException
public boolean exportDump(boolean includeACL, boolean includeSystemAreas) throws WGAPIException {
return transport(false, includeACL, includeSystemAreas);
private void setToSessionProps() {
_to.setAttribute(WGDatabase.ATTRIB_UPDATED, new Boolean(true));
private void setFromSessionProps() {
* Returns after how much processed documents the database caches are cleared to free memory.
* The default is 100.
public int getClearCacheEvery() {
return _clearCacheEvery;
* Sets after how much processed documents the database caches are cleared to free memory.
* @param i
public void setClearCacheEvery(int i) {
_clearCacheEvery = i;
private void handleSaveError(String mainMessage, WGDocument doc) {
_log.error(mainMessage + ". Causing document: " + doc.getDocumentKey() + ".See application log for details;");
throw new RuntimeException("Import failed because of unsaveable data: " + doc.getDocumentKey());
private void validate(WGDocument doc) throws WGAPIException {
if (_import) {
if (doc.validateMetas(true)) {
protected boolean isImport() {
return _import;
protected void setImport(boolean import1) {
_import = import1;
private void deleteOldACL() throws WGAPIException {
_log.info("Deleting old acl entries...");
Iterator aclEntries = _to.getACL().getAllEntries().iterator();
while (aclEntries.hasNext()) {
WGACLEntry entry = (WGACLEntry) aclEntries.next();
_log.info("Deleting old aclentry '" + entry.getName() + "'");
try {
catch (WGAPIException e) {
_log.error("Cannot delete aclentry. See application log for error details");
throw new WGBackendException("Canceled because of failed deletion: '" + entry.getName() + "' (ACL-Entry)");
_log.info("Finished deleting old acl entries");
private void cloneACL() throws WGAPIException {
_log.info("Cloning acl...");
Iterator aclEntries = _from.getACL().getAllEntries().iterator();
while (aclEntries.hasNext()) {
WGACLEntry entry = (WGACLEntry) aclEntries.next();
_log.info("Cloning aclentry '" + entry.getName() + "'");
try {
WGACLEntry clone = _to.getACL().createEntry(entry.getName(), entry.getType(), entry.getLevel());
catch (WGAPIException e) {
handleException("Error cloning aclentry", e, null);
_log.info("Finished cloning acl");