Package com.bbn.openmap.util

Source Code of com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug

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//  Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
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// $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/util/,v $
// $RCSfile:,v $
// $Revision: $
// $Date: 2004/12/08 01:45:43 $
// $Author: dietrick $
// **********************************************************************

package com.bbn.openmap.util;

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;

* An abstract class that presents a static interface for debugging
* output. It also provides a way to direct output into a log. There
* are two types of output - the regular output information, and the
* error information, and they can be handled separately. There are
* two differences between the two - the error file only gets created
* if there is an error, and the error messages have a header and a
* tail surrounding the messages, making them easier to spot. If the
* output and error file are set to be the same (setLogFile()), then
* that file is created automatically, regardless of anything being
* put into it.
* <p>
* Debugging output is turned on or off by system properties for
* applications, or parameters for applets.
* <p>
* A programmer can use code like the following:
* <p>
* <code><pre>
* if (Debug.debugging(&quot;foo&quot;)) {
*     System.out.println(&quot;Got &quot; + nbytes + &quot; bytes of data.&quot;);
* }
* </pre></code>
* <p>
* The message gets printed when the application is run with
* <code></code> or when the applet gets run with:
* <p>
* <code>&lt;param value=&gt;</code>
* <p>
* The special token <code>debug.all</code> turns on all debugging
* for both applets and applications.
* @author Tom Mitchell (
* @author $Author: dietrick $
* @version $Revision: $, $Date: 2004/12/08 01:45:43 $
public abstract class Debug {

    public static String ERROR_HEADER = "\n*** ERROR ***";
    public static String ERROR_TAIL = "*************";

     * Don't allow construction, all methods are static.
    private Debug() {}

     * Globally enable or disable debugging.
    public static final boolean On = true;
     * The stream where debugging output should go. Default is
     * System.out.
    public static PrintStream out = System.out;
     * The stream where debugging error messages should go. Default is
     * System.err. Use the function Debug.error to write to it, in
     * case you also want to direct output to a file.
    protected static PrintStream err = System.err;
     * The File for logging errors.
    protected static File errorFile = null;
     * The flag for whether the output stream should still be notified
     * if logging output.
    protected static boolean notifyOut = true;
     * The flag for whether the err stream should still be notified if
     * logging errors.
    protected static boolean notifyErr = true;
     * The DataOutputStream for logging output.
    protected static DataOutputStream outputLog = null;
     * The DataOutputStream for logging errors.
    protected static DataOutputStream errorLog = null;
     * Flag to have the errors appended to the error log.
    protected static boolean errorAppend = false;
     * Flag to indicate whether all debug messages should get printed.
     * This is shorthand for defining all the debug symbols.
    public static boolean debugAll = false;
     * The user specified flag to indicate all debugging is on.
     * Default is "all".
    public static String debugAllToken = "all";

    private static Hashtable dbgTable = new Hashtable();
    private static String debugTokenHeader = "debug.";

     * Initialize debugging for the given applet. Applets must pass an
     * array of parameters because the applet Parameters list cannot
     * be accessed in whole, only queried. The parameters list looks
     * something like this:
     * <p>
     * <pre><code>
     * String[] debugTokens = { &quot;debug.debug&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.Debug
     *         &quot;debug.openmap&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.client.OpenMap
     *         &quot;debug.mappanel&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.awt.MapPanel
     *         &quot;debug.awt&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.awt.*
     *         &quot;;, // com.bbn.openmap.Map
     *         &quot;debug.layer&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.Layer
     *         &quot;debug.proj&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.proj.*
     *         &quot;debug.spec&quot;, // com.bbn.openmap.spec.*
     *         &quot;debug.env&quot; // com.bbn.openmap.Environment
     * };
     * </code></pre>
     * @param applet The applet
     * @param parameters The debugging flags to look for in the
     *        applet's parameters list
    public static void init(Applet applet, String[] parameters) {
        if (applet == null) {
            // handle a SecurityException in case we are an applet
            // but no applet was passed as an argument.
            try {
            } catch (SecurityException e) {
        } else if (parameters != null) {
            try {
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
                    String pname = parameters[i];
                    if (pname.startsWith(debugTokenHeader)
                            && (applet.getParameter(parameters[i]) != null)) {
                        String token = pname.substring(debugTokenHeader.length());
                        dbgTable.put(token, Boolean.TRUE);
                // look for special debug.all token!
                if (applet.getParameter(debugTokenHeader + debugAllToken) != null) {
                    dbgTable.put(debugAllToken, Boolean.TRUE);
            } catch (NullPointerException npe) {


     * Initialize debugging for an application. Debugging symbols are
     * detected in the given properties list, and must have the form
     * "debug.X", where X is a debug token used in the application.
     * @param p A properties list, usually System.getProperties()
    public static void init(Properties p) {
        Enumeration e = p.propertyNames();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String name = e.nextElement().toString();
            if (name.startsWith(debugTokenHeader)) {
                String token = name.substring(debugTokenHeader.length());
                dbgTable.put(token, Boolean.TRUE);

     * Initialize debugging from the system properties.
    public static void init() {
        Properties p;
        try {
            p = System.getProperties();
        } catch ( ace) {
            p = new Properties();


     * Common inits, regardless of applet or application.
    private static void postInit() {
        debugAll = dbgTable.containsKey(debugAllToken);

     * Indicates if the debugging for the named token is on or off.
     * @param token a candidate token
     * @return true if debugging is on, false otherwise.
    public static boolean debugging(String token) {
        return Debug.On && (debugAll || dbgTable.containsKey(token));

     * Installs a new debug token
     * @param dbgToken token name
    public static void put(String dbgToken) {
        dbgTable.put(dbgToken, Boolean.TRUE);

     * Rremoves a debug token
     * @param dbgToken token name
    public static void remove(String dbgToken) {

     * Prints <code>message</code> if <code>dbgToken</code>
     * debugging is on. NOTE, WARNING!: this is a potentially
     * expensive method if you pass a message String composed of many
     * concatenated pairs. For example, like: <br>
     * `onceStr+" "+uponStr+" a "+timeStr+", "+ ... +"\nThe end."'
     * <br>
     * Instead you should do: <code><pre>
     *   if (Debug.debugging(dbgToken)) {
     *       Debug.output(onceStr+&quot; &quot;+uponStr+&quot; a &quot;+timeStr+&quot;, &quot;+ ... +&quot;\nThe end.&quot;);
     *   }
     * </pre></code>
     * @param dbgToken a token to be tested by debugging()
     * @param message a message to be printed
    public static void message(String dbgToken, String message) {
        if (Debug.On && Debug.debugging(dbgToken)) {

     * Sets the debugging output stream to the named stream.
     * @param out the desired debugging output stream
    public static void setPrintStream(PrintStream out) {
        Debug.out = out;

     * Accessor for the current debugging output stream.
     * @return the current debugging output stream.
    public static PrintStream getPrintStream() {
        return out;

     * Provide a file to log output. This can be in conjunction with
     * the ouput stream, or instead of it. Will overwrite the file, if
     * it exists.
     * @param file the file to use for the error log.
     * @param alsoToOutStream true if the out stream should still
     *        provide output, in addition to logging the ouput.
    public static void directOutput(File file, boolean alsoToOutStream) {
        try {
            directOutput(new FileOutputStream(file), alsoToOutStream);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // If something goes wrong, set the output to the
            // System.out only, and hope someone sees it.
            notifyOut = true;
            out = System.out;
            error("Debug: can't set up <" + file + "> for log file! \n" + ioe);

     * Provide a file to log output. This can be in conjunction with
     * the ouput stream, or instead of it.
     * @param filename the file to use for the error log.
     * @param append if true, log the output at the end of the file,
     *        instead of the beginning.
     * @param alsoToOutStream true if the out stream should still
     *        provide output, in addition to logging the ouput.
    public static void directOutput(String filename, boolean append,
                                    boolean alsoToOutStream) {
        try {
            directOutput(new FileOutputStream(filename, append),
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // If something goes wrong, set the output to the
            // System.out only, and hope someone sees it.
            notifyOut = true;
            out = System.out;
            error("Debug: can't set up <" + filename + "> for log file! \n"
                    + ioe);

     * Provide a DataOutputStream to log output. This can be in
     * conjunction with the ouput stream, or instead of it.
     * @param os the OutputStream that's handling outputlogging.
     * @param alsoToOutStream true if the out stream should still
     *        provide output, in addition to logging the ouput.
    public static void directOutput(OutputStream os, boolean alsoToOutStream) {
        outputLog = new DataOutputStream(os);
        notifyOut = alsoToOutStream;

     * Sets the error output stream to the named stream.
     * @param err the desired error output stream
    public static void setErrorStream(PrintStream err) {
        Debug.err = err;

     * Accessor for the current error output stream.
     * @return the current error output stream.
    public static PrintStream getErrorStream() {
        return err;

     * Provide a file to log errors. This can be in conjunction with
     * the errorstream, or instead of it.
     * @param file the file to use for the error log.
     * @param alsoToErrStream true if the err stream should still
     *        provide output, in addition to logging the errors.
    public static void directErrors(File file, boolean alsoToErrStream) {
        errorFile = file;
        notifyErr = alsoToErrStream;

     * Provide a file to log errors. This can be in conjunction with
     * the errorstream, or instead of it.
     * @param filename the file to use for the error log.
     * @param append if true, log the output at the end of the file,
     *        instead of the beginning.
     * @param alsoToErrStream true if the err stream should still
     *        provide output, in addition to logging the errors.
    public static void directErrors(String filename, boolean append,
                                    boolean alsoToErrStream) {
        errorAppend = append;
        errorFile = new File(filename);
        notifyErr = alsoToErrStream;

     * Provide a DataOutputStream to log errors. This can be in
     * conjunction with the errorstream, or instead of it.
     * @param os the DataOutputStream handling error logging.
     * @param alsoToErrStream true if the err stream should still
     *        provide output, in addition to logging the errors.
    public static void directErrors(OutputStream os, boolean alsoToErrStream) {
        errorLog = new DataOutputStream(os);
        notifyErr = alsoToErrStream;

     * Handle error messages, buy writing them to an error log, if
     * that has been set up, and/or to the error stream, if requested.
     * The special thing about error output is that the error is
     * framed with a header and a tail, hopefully to make it easier
     * for someone to spot in the log.
     * @param errorString the string to write as an error.
    public static void error(String errorString) {

        try {
            if (errorLog == null) {
                // If no errors have happened yet, this will get run.
                if (errorFile != null) {
                    FileOutputStream log = new FileOutputStream(errorFile.getPath(), errorAppend);
                    errorLog = new DataOutputStream(log);

                    // Lets make introductions into the error file,
                    // shall we?
                    errorLog.writeBytes("ERROR log file - "
                            + java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime());

            } else {
                // With the log already set up, this should get run.
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // If something goes wrong, set the output to the
            // System.err only, and hope someone sees it.
            errorFile = null;
            notifyErr = true;
            err = System.err;
            err.println("Debug: error writing <" + errorString + "> to log! \n"
                    + ioe);

        // Write to the error stream if required.
        if (notifyErr) {

     * A reflective method to get the copyright message from the
     * MapBean without having to actually compile the MapBean when
     * Debug is compiled.
    public static String getMapBeanMessage() {
        String message = "";
        try {
            Class mbClass = Class.forName("com.bbn.openmap.MapBean");
            java.lang.reflect.Method crMessage = mbClass.getDeclaredMethod("getCopyrightMessage",
            message = (String) crMessage.invoke(mbClass, (Object[])null);
        } catch (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException ite) {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
        } catch (IllegalAccessException iae2) {
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException nme) {
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
        } catch (SecurityException se) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        return message;

    /** println to output. */
    public static void output() {

     * Handle output messages, buy writing them to an output log, if
     * that has been set up, and/or to the output stream, if
     * requested.
     * @param outputString the string to write as output.
    public static void output(String outputString) {

        try {
            if (outputLog != null) {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // If something goes wrong, set the output to the
            // System.out only, and hope someone sees it.
            notifyOut = true;
            out = System.out;
            error("Debug: output writing <" + outputString + "> to log! \n"
                    + ioe);

        // Write to the output stream if required.
        if (notifyOut) {

     * Provide a file to log output. This can be in conjunction with
     * the streams, or instead of them. This basically sets the output
     * log and the error log to be the same thing.
     * @param file the file to use for the error log.
     * @param alsoToStreams true if the streams should still provide
     *        output, in addition to logging the output.
    public static void setLog(File file, boolean alsoToStreams) {

        try {
            FileOutputStream logStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
            setLog(logStream, alsoToStreams);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // If something goes wrong, set the output to the
            // System streams only, and hope someone sees it.
            error("IOException trying to create a log file.\n" + ioe);

     * Provide an output stream to log output. This can be in
     * conjunction with the streams, or instead of them. This
     * basically sets the output log and the error log to be the same
     * thing.
     * @param logStream the output stream for output.
     * @param alsoToStreams true if the streams should still provide
     *        output, in addition to logging the output.
    public static void setLog(OutputStream logStream, boolean alsoToStreams) {
        DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(logStream);
        outputLog = dos;
        errorLog = dos;
        // Wrap up loose ends - if something happens to the
        // logStream, we'll just shut down logging, and force
        // everything to the output streams.
        errorFile = null;
        notifyErr = alsoToStreams;
        notifyOut = alsoToStreams;

     * Reset the logging to the output.
    public static void resetOutput() {
        // If something goes wrong, set the output to the
        // System streams only, and hope someone sees it.
        notifyOut = true;
        errorFile = null;
        notifyErr = true;
        err = System.err;
        out = System.out;

     * Dummy function to illustrate usage of the debugging class.
    public static void sampleUsage() {
        if (Debug.On && Debug.debugging("debug")) {
            Debug.output("debug message");
        } else {
            Debug.output("try again");

     * <code>main</code> routine used in unit testing.
    public static void main(String args[]) {

Related Classes of com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug

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