Package com.bbn.openmap.proj

Source Code of com.bbn.openmap.proj.Azimuth$AzimuthVar

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// $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/proj/,v $
// $RCSfile:,v $
// $Revision: $
// $Date: 2004/12/08 01:45:34 $
// $Author: dietrick $
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package com.bbn.openmap.proj;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint;
import com.bbn.openmap.MoreMath;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug;

* Base of all azimuthal projections.
* <p>
* @see Orthographic
* @see Gnomonic
public abstract class Azimuth extends Proj {

    // encapsules extra variables to forward() method call
    protected static class AzimuthVar {
        // invalid_forward - flag value marks a forward() of a point
        // which
        // is not visible.
        boolean invalid_forward = false; // last forward() was invalid
        // current_azimuth - azimuth (direction from center) of last
        // invalid
        // forwarded point.
        float current_azimuth = Float.NaN; // azimuth of last forward
        // extra slot
        int index;

    // HACK
    final static float ACCEPTABLE_AZ = ProjMath.degToRad(5);

    protected Point world; // world width and height in pixels.

     * Traverse poly vertices in clockwise order.
    protected boolean clockwise = true;

     * Construct an azimuthal projection.
     * <p>
     * @param center LatLonPoint center of projection
     * @param scale float scale of projection
     * @param width width of screen
     * @param height height of screen
     * @param type projection type
    public Azimuth(LatLonPoint center, float scale, int width, int height,
            int type) {
        super(center, scale, width, height, type);

     * Return stringified description of this projection.
     * <p>
     * @return String
     * @see Projection#getProjectionID
    public String toString() {
        return " world(" + world.x + "," + world.y + ") " + super.toString();

     * Called when some fundamental parameters change.
     * <p>
     * Each projection will decide how to respond to this change. For
     * instance, they may need to recalculate "constant" parameters
     * used in the forward() and inverse() calls.
     * <p>
    protected void computeParameters() {
        planetPixelRadius = planetRadius * pixelsPerMeter;
        planetPixelCircumference = MoreMath.TWO_PI * planetPixelRadius;

        // minscale is the minimum scale allowable (before integer
        // wrapping
        // can occur)
        minscale = (float) Math.ceil((2 * planetPixelRadius)
                / (int) Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        if (minscale < 1)
            minscale = 1;
        if (scale < minscale)
            scale = minscale;

        // maxscale = scale at which a world hemisphere fits in the
        // window
        maxscale = (width < height) ? (float) (planetPixelRadius * 2)
                / (float) width : (float) (planetPixelRadius * 2)
                / (float) height;
        if (maxscale < minscale) {
            maxscale = minscale;
        if (scale > maxscale) {
            scale = maxscale;
        scaled_radius = planetPixelRadius / scale;

        if (world == null)
            world = new Point(0, 0);

        // width of the world in pixels at current scale. We see only
        // one hemisphere.
        world.x = (int) ((planetPixelRadius * 2) / scale);

        // calculate cutoff scale for XWindows workaround
        XSCALE_THRESHOLD = (int) ((planetPixelRadius * 2) / 64000);//fudge
                                                                   // it a
                                                                   // little
                                                                   // bit

        if (Debug.debugging("proj")) {
            Debug.output("Azimuth.computeParameters(): " + "world.x = "
                    + world.x + " XSCALE_THRESHOLD = " + XSCALE_THRESHOLD);

     * Toggle clockwise traversal of poly vertices.
     * @param value boolean
    public void setClockwiseTraversal(boolean value) {
        clockwise = value;

     * Get poly-traversal setting (clockwise or counter-clockwise).
     * @return boolean
    public boolean isClockwiseTraversal() {
        return clockwise;

     * Forward project a point. Wrapper around Azimuth-specific
     * forwarding.
    public final Point forward(LatLonPoint llp, Point pt) {
        return _forward(normalize_latitude(llp.radlat_),

     * Forward project a point. Wrapper around Azimuth-specific
     * forwarding. Lat and lon assumed to be decimal degrees.
    public final Point forward(float lat, float lon, Point pt) {
        return _forward(normalize_latitude(ProjMath.degToRad(lat)),

     * Forward project a point. Wrapper around Azimuth-specific
     * forwarding. Lat/lon assumed to be radians. isRadian only used
     * to create a different method signature - assumed to be true.
    public final Point forward(float lat, float lon, Point pt, boolean isRadian) {
        return _forward(normalize_latitude(lat), wrap_longitude(lon), pt, null);


     * Forward project a point. If the point is not within the
     * viewable hemisphere, return flags in AzimuthVar variable if
     * specified.
     * @param lat latitude in radians
     * @param lon longitude in radians
     * @param pt Point
     * @param azVar AzimuthVar or null
     * @return Point pt
    protected abstract Point _forward(float lat, float lon, Point pt,
                                      AzimuthVar azVar);

     * Pan the map/projection.
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>pan(�180, c)</code> pan south
     * <li><code>pan(-90, c)</code> pan west
     * <li><code>pan(0, c)</code> pan north
     * <li><code>pan(90, c)</code> pan east
     * </ul>
     * @param Az azimuth "east of north" in decimal degrees:
     *        <code>-180 &lt;= Az &lt;= 180</code>
    public void pan(float Az) {
        if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Math.abs(Az), 180f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, -135f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, -90f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, -45f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, 0f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, 45f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, 90f, 0.01f)) {
        } else if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(Az, 135f, 0.01f)) {
        } else {

     * Pan the map northwest.
    protected void _panNW() {
        if (overNorthPole()) {
            setCenter(new LatLonPoint(NORTH_POLE, ctrLon
                    - ((float) Math.PI / 4), true));
        } else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse(0, 0);
            float lat = inverse((int) (width / 2), 0).radlat_;//center
                                                              // lat
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlon_, ctrLon, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        -((float) Math.PI / 4f));

     * Pan the map north.
    protected void _panN() {
        if (overNorthPole()) {
            setCenter(LatLonPoint.NORTH_POLE, ProjMath.radToDeg(ctrLon));
        } else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse((int) (width / 2), 0);
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlat_, ctrLat, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,

     * Pan the map northeast.
    protected void _panNE() {
        if (overNorthPole()) {
            setCenter(new LatLonPoint(NORTH_POLE, ctrLon
                    + ((float) Math.PI / 4), true));
        } else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse(width - 1, 0);
            float lat = inverse((int) (width / 2), 0).radlat_;//center
                                                              // lat
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlon_, ctrLon, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        (float) (Math.PI / 4f));

     * Pan the map east.
    protected void _panE() {
        // when we're over the poles, then pan by 45 degrees each time
        if (overNorthPole() || overSouthPole())
            setCenter(new LatLonPoint(ctrLat, ctrLon + ((float) Math.PI / 4), true));
        // otherwise approximate something good
        else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse(new Point(width - 1, (int) (height / 2)));
            to.setLatitude(ProjMath.radToDeg(ctrLat));//keep the same
                                                      // latitude
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlon_, ctrLon, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        (float) (Math.PI / 2f));

     * Pan the map southeast.
    protected void _panSE() {
        if (overSouthPole()) {
            setCenter(new LatLonPoint(SOUTH_POLE, ctrLon
                    + ((float) Math.PI / 4), true));
        } else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse(width - 1, height - 1);
            float lat = inverse((int) (width / 2), height - 1).radlat_;//center
                                                                       // lat
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlon_, ctrLon, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        (float) (0.75f * Math.PI));

     * Pan the map south.
    protected void _panS() {
        if (overSouthPole()) {
            setCenter(LatLonPoint.SOUTH_POLE, ProjMath.radToDeg(ctrLon));
        } else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse((int) (width / 2), height);
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlat_, ctrLat, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        (float) Math.PI);

     * Pan the map southwest.
    protected void _panSW() {
        if (overSouthPole()) {
            setCenter(new LatLonPoint(SOUTH_POLE, ctrLon
                    - ((float) Math.PI / 4), true));
        } else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse(0, height - 1);
            float lat = inverse((int) (width / 2), height - 1).radlat_;//center
                                                                       // lat
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlon_, ctrLon, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        (float) (-0.75f * Math.PI));

     * Pan the map west.
    protected void _panW() {
        // when we're over the poles, then pan by 45 degrees each time
        if (overNorthPole() || overSouthPole())
            setCenter(new LatLonPoint(ctrLat, ctrLon - ((float) Math.PI / 4), true));
        // otherwise approximate something good
        else {
            LatLonPoint to = inverse(new Point(0, (int) (height / 2)));
            to.setLatitude(ProjMath.radToDeg(ctrLat));//keep the same
                                                      // latitude
            // check for large planet
            if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(to.radlon_, ctrLon, 0.0001f)) {
                // cast out to hemisphere edge
                to = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
                        (float) (-Math.PI / 2f));

     * Checks if the north pole is visible on the screen.
     * <p>
     * @return boolean
    public boolean overNorthPole() {
        return overPoint(NORTH_POLE, 0f);

     * Checks if the south pole is visible on the screen.
     * <p>
     * @return boolean
    public boolean overSouthPole() {
        return overPoint(SOUTH_POLE, 0f);

     * Checks if the point is visible on the screen.
     * @param lat latitude in radians
     * @param lon longitude in radians
     * @return boolean true if visible, false if not
    public boolean overPoint(float lat, float lon) {
        AzimuthVar azVar = new AzimuthVar();
        Point pt = _forward(lat, lon, new Point(), azVar);
        if (azVar.invalid_forward) {
            return false;
        if ((pt.x < 0) || (pt.x > width) || (pt.y < 0) || (pt.y > height)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * Forward project a lat/lon Poly. This is a complex method.
     * Please read the in-code documentation for an explanation of the
     * algorithm.
     * @param rawllpts float[] of lat,lon,lat,lon,... in RADIANS!
     * @param ltype line type (straight, rhumbline, greatcircle)
     * @param nsegs number of segment points (only for greatcircle or
     *        rhumbline line types, and if &lt; 1, this value is
     *        generated internally)
     * @param isFilled filled poly?
     * @return ArrayList of x[], y[], x[], y[], ... projected poly
    protected ArrayList _forwardPoly(float[] rawllpts, int ltype, int nsegs,
                                     boolean isFilled) {
        // Idea:
        //      The azimuthal projection family (mostly) shows one
        //      hemisphere only.
        //      A Poly can be projected in 3 ways:
        //              1) fully inside hemisphere
        //              2) fully outside hemisphere
        //              3) partially inside/outside hemisphere
        //      Case 3 is the hard one to deal with. A Poly which is
        //      partially inside will be projected into 1 or more
        //      subsections. If the poly isn't filled, we can just
        //      return the subsections. If the poly is filled, then
        //      we need to add points that lie on the hemisphere edge
        //      in order to complete the polygon.
        // Algorithm:
        //      * Iterate through rawllpts, projecting as we go. If
        //      we see any inside->outside and outside->inside
        //      transitions, mark them and save them.
        //      * Return all projected points if case 1, or nothing
        //      if case 2.
        //      * For case 3:
        //              * If poly isn't filled, just return the
        //              subsections determined while iterating. For
        //              example return four projected subsections in
        //              the following ways:
        //                                  AA
        //              /--------------------------------------------\
        //              |  1  |xx|     2     |xxxx|   3    |xx|  4   |
        //              \--------------------------------------------/
        //               ^---^    ^---------^      ^------^    ^----^
        //                                  BB
        //              /--------------------------------------------\
        //              |xx| 1  |x|   2    |xxxxx|   3   |xx|   4  |x|
        //              \--------------------------------------------/
        //                  ^--^  ^-------^       ^-----^    ^----^
        //                                  CC
        //              /--------------------------------------------\
        //              |x| 1  |xx|   2    |xxxx|   3   |xxxx|   4   |
        //              \--------------------------------------------/
        //                 ^--^    ^-------^     ^-----^      ^-----^
        //                                  DD
        //              /--------------------------------------------\
        //              |  1  |xxx|   2    |xxxxx|   3   |xx|   4  |x|
        //              \--------------------------------------------/
        //               ^---^    ^-------^       ^-----^    ^----^
        //              * Otherwise poly is filled.  There is a
        //              special case of AA above where we need to wrap
        //              the vertices so that the coloring is done
        //              correctly for 3 subsections:
        //                             AA with wrap
        //              /--------------------------------------------\
        //              |  1b |xx|      2    |xxxx|   3    |xx|  1a  |
        //              \--------------------------------------------/
        //               ----^    ^---------^      ^------^    ^-----
        //              We wrap by copying the finishing 1b section to
        //              the back:
        //              /--------------------------------------------+-----\
        //              |  1b |xx|      2    |xxxx|   3    |xx|  1a  | 1b  |
        //              \--------------------------------------------+-----/
        //                        ^---------^      ^------^    ^----------^
        //      * For filled polys, we also need to add vertices along
        //      the horizon edge in order to make sure the rendering
        //      is done properly along the horizon edge. The
        //      interested hacker (the one who's still reading this
        //      comment at this point!) should refer to the method
        //      following this one for a description of the caveats
        //      and the extra processing needed for filled polys.

        boolean DEBUG = Debug.debugging("proj");
        int len = rawllpts.length >>> 1;
        if (len < 2)
            return new ArrayList(0);

        // handle complicated line in specific routines
        if (isComplicatedLineType(ltype))
            return doPolyDispatch(rawllpts, ltype, nsegs, isFilled);

        int invalid_count = 0;//number of invalid points
        boolean curr_invalid, prev_invalid = false;//previous invalid
                                                   // forward
        Point temp = new Point();
        AzimuthVar az_first = null, az_save = null, azVar = new AzimuthVar();
        ArrayList sections = new ArrayList(128);
        int[] x_, xs = new int[len];
        int[] y_, ys = new int[len];

        // handle first point
        _forward(rawllpts[0], rawllpts[1], temp, azVar);
        xs[0] = temp.x;
        ys[0] = temp.y;
        prev_invalid = azVar.invalid_forward;
        if (prev_invalid) {
        } else {
            // save beginning of subsection if not filled
            azVar.index = 0;
            azVar.current_azimuth = GreatCircle.spherical_azimuth(ctrLat,
            //          Debug.output("marker0="+azVar.index+
            //                  " az="+ProjMath.radToDeg(azVar.current_azimuth));
            if (!isFilled) {
            } else {
                az_first = azVar;
            azVar = new AzimuthVar();

        // iterate through all rawllpts
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        for (i = 1, j = 2; i < len; i++, j += 2) {
            azVar.invalid_forward = false;//reset forward flag
            _forward(rawllpts[j], rawllpts[j + 1], temp, azVar);
            curr_invalid = azVar.invalid_forward;
            xs[i] = temp.x;
            ys[i] = temp.y;
            if (!curr_invalid && prev_invalid) {
                // record transition (outside -> inside)
                azVar.index = i - 1;//include outside point
                azVar.current_azimuth = GreatCircle.spherical_azimuth(ctrLat,
                        rawllpts[j - 2],
                        rawllpts[j - 1]);
                //              Debug.output("marker oi="+azVar.index+
                //                      " az="+ProjMath.radToDeg(azVar.current_azimuth));
                azVar = new AzimuthVar();
            } else if (curr_invalid) {
                if (!prev_invalid) {
                    // record transition (inside -> outside)
                    azVar.index = i;//include outside point
                    if (isFilled && (invalid_count == 0)) {
                        az_save = azVar;//save wrap-end
                    } else {
                        //                      Debug.output("marker io="+azVar.index+
                        //                              "
                        // az="+ProjMath.radToDeg(azVar.current_azimuth));
                    azVar = new AzimuthVar();
            prev_invalid = curr_invalid;

        // poly completely inside
        if (invalid_count == 0) {
            ArrayList ret_val = new ArrayList(2);
            return ret_val;
        // poly completely outside
        if (invalid_count == len) {
            return new ArrayList(0);

        // handle poly that is partially inside hemisphere

        // cases AA & CC
        if (!prev_invalid) {
            // special case AA wrapping:
            if (isFilled && (az_save != null)) {
                // copy the wrapped portion into
                int l = az_save.index;
                x_ = new int[len + l];
                y_ = new int[len + l];
                System.arraycopy(xs, 0, x_, 0, len);
                System.arraycopy(ys, 0, y_, 0, len);
                System.arraycopy(xs, 0, x_, len, l);
                System.arraycopy(ys, 0, y_, len, l);
                az_save.index = len + l;
                //              Debug.output("wrap end="+az_save.index+
                //                      " az="+ProjMath.radToDeg(az_save.current_azimuth));
                sections.add(az_save);//complete section
                xs = x_;
                ys = y_;
                // case CC or AA (non-wrapping):
            } else {
                if (DEBUG && isFilled && (az_save == null)) {
                    Debug.output("AA, filled, no-wrap!");
                azVar.index = i;
                j = rawllpts.length;
                azVar.current_azimuth = GreatCircle.spherical_azimuth(ctrLat,
                        rawllpts[j - 2],
                        rawllpts[j - 1]);
                //              Debug.output("marker end="+azVar.index+
                //                      " az="+ProjMath.radToDeg(azVar.current_azimuth));
            // special case DD
        } else if (az_save != null) {
            if (DEBUG) Debug.output("DD, filled!");

        int size = sections.size();
        ArrayList ret_val = new ArrayList(size);

        // filled poly: handle fill problems
        if (isFilled && (len > 2)) {
            generateFilledPoly(xs, ys, sections, ret_val);
            return ret_val;

        // non-filled poly: just extract the subsections
        for (j = 0; j < size; j += 2) {
            AzimuthVar az1 = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(j);
            AzimuthVar az2 = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(j + 1);
            int off1 = az1.index;
            int off2 = az2.index;
            int l = off2 - off1;
            x_ = new int[l];
            y_ = new int[l];
            System.arraycopy(xs, off1, x_, 0, l);
            System.arraycopy(ys, off1, y_, 0, l);
        return ret_val;

    // This is meant to be called from _forwardPoly() after
    // determining that a FILLED polygon straddles the edge of the
    // projection/hemisphere.
    // IDEA:
    // We already have a bunch of sections of the poly. Connect the
    // sections by adding extra edge points along the
    // projection/hemisphere edge. From 1 polygon we can potentially
    // get N sub-sections, each of which needs to be connected and
    // filled. To create the hemisphere edge points we need to know
    // the orientation of the fill (vertices in clockwise or
    // counter-clockwise order).
    // The following ASCII picture indicates a simple case where a
    // polygon straddles the hemisphere.
    //                       |
    //     Inside            |                Outside
    //   Hemisphere     _____| <- in->out    Hemisphere
    //              ___x     +
    //             x         |      Add vertices `+' along hemisphere
    //   Clockwise |  Fill   |      edge (in clockwise order for this
    //   Vertices  |  Color  +      example to complete filled poly
    //      `x'    x  Here   /      subsection.
    //              \       /
    //              x      +
    //             /      / <-- Hemisphere Edge
    //            /      /
    //   ________x___+__+
    //           ^
    //            \
    //             out->in
    // PROBLEMS:
    // Unfortunately the previous example is one of the simple cases,
    // and the algorithm quickly runs into difficulty with certain
    // polys. The core of the algorithm is to take the azimuth of the
    // inside->outside vertex, find the next closest outside->inside
    // azimuth (in the indicated order), and add vertices between them
    // to complete the edge.
    // The assumption is that the azimuths of the in->out and the
    // out->in vertices remain in the indicated order (clockwise or
    // counter-clockwise). Unfortunately this is a faulty assumption
    // in many cases, and leads to a HACK! The azimuth values of the
    // edge points may actually appear to switch order, which blows up
    // our hemisphere edge calculations. The algorithm corrects
    // (hacks-around) this problem by disallowing excessively wide
    // polygons (in->out and out->in azimuth difference of > 180�).
    // (Thus, we stamp out one problem only to introduce another, but
    // this problem as easier to work around as we shall see below).
    // Consider a polygon band around the world following east-west
    // rhumblines at latitudes �20:
    // (-20,-10),(-20,-90),(-20,�180),(-20,90),(-20,10),
    // (20,10),(20,90),(20,�180),(20,-90),(20,-10),(-20,-10)
    // Obviously we want to draw color INSIDE this band, but as we
    // will see, this doesn't happen in certain viewing positions.
    // Imagine viewing this polygon in an orthographic projection
    // centered at the north pole: you would see the northern edge of
    // the poly enter the hemisphere at 10E, circle around the long
    // way going east and leave the hemisphere at 10W. Although the
    // polyline is drawn correctly, the fill side will be rendered
    // incorrectly since the algorithm will connect the polygon the
    // short way around the projection edge. Here's the picture:
    //        __________________
    //       /                  \
    //      /    _____x______    \
    //     /    /            \    \
    //    /    /              \    \
    //   /    /                \    \
    //  /    /                  \    \
    // /    /      Azimuth       \    \
    // |   /        �180�         |   |
    // |   |          |           |   |
    // |   |          |           |   |
    // |   x    -90�--N--90�      x   |
    // |   |          |           |   |
    // |   |          |           |   |
    // |   |         0�           /   |
    // \    \                    /    /
    //  \    \                  /    /
    //   \    \  in->   out->  /    /
    //    \    \  out    in   /    /
    //     \    \__        __/    /
    //      \      x      x      /
    //       \_____|______|_____/
    //              ^^^^^^
    // You may need to break large polygons like the example one into
    // smaller subsections. So for the example above, break it into 3
    // or 4 swaths (poly1 from 10W-90W, poly2 from 90W-180W, poly 3
    // from 10E-90E, poly4 from 90E-180E). You may then choose to use
    // these polygons to draw the FILL ONLY, and also include the
    // original poly to draw the bounding outline (remember that
    // polylines don't have the fill problem just described!)
    private void generateFilledPoly(int[] xs, int[] ys, ArrayList sections,
                                    ArrayList ret_vec) {
        AzimuthVar beginAz, oiAz, ioAz;
        ArrayList merged = null;
        ArrayList masterList = new ArrayList();
        float[] edgePoints = null;

        // begin, in->out, out->in, end indices
        int bg = 0, io = 1, oi, en;
        int vertexCount = 0;

        // iterate over the sections
        while (sections.size() > 0) {
            beginAz = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(bg);//out->in begin
                                                    // section
            ioAz = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(io);//in->out end
                                                 // section

            //find next closest out->in section
            oi = findClosestAzimuth(sections, ioAz.current_azimuth, clockwise);
            oiAz = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(oi);
            en = oi + 1;

            // closed a section
            if (oi == bg) {
                // finished a complex section
                if (merged != null) {
                    // close the polygon
                    edgePoints = getHemisphereEdge(oiAz.current_azimuth,
                    vertexCount += (edgePoints.length >>> 1);
                    masterList.add(new Integer(vertexCount));
                    merged = null;
                    vertexCount = 0;

                // otherwise doing a simple section
                else {
                    hemisphereClip(xs, ys, oiAz, ioAz, ret_vec);
                bg = 0;
                io = 1;//restart parse

            // merge complex section

            if (merged == null) {
                //              Debug.output("complex-edge filled poly");
                // start new complex section
                merged = new ArrayList();
                vertexCount += ioAz.index - beginAz.index;
            // connect the sections
            edgePoints = getHemisphereEdge(oiAz.current_azimuth,
            vertexCount += (edgePoints.length >>> 1);
            AzimuthVar endAz = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(en);
            vertexCount += endAz.index - oiAz.index;

            // remove intermediary azvars
            sections.set(io, endAz);

        // Create closed polys from the merged sections (if any)
        Point temp = new Point();
        int masterSize = masterList.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < masterSize; i += 2) {
            merged = (ArrayList) masterList.get(i);
            vertexCount = ((Integer) masterList.get(i + 1)).intValue();

            // allocate space for all vertices
            int[] x_ = new int[vertexCount];
            int[] y_ = new int[vertexCount];
            int off = 0, off1, off2, l, edgelen;

            int size = merged.size();
            for (int j = 0; j < size; j += 3) {

                // extract section
                off1 = ((AzimuthVar) merged.get(j)).index;
                off2 = ((AzimuthVar) merged.get(j + 1)).index;
                l = off2 - off1;
                System.arraycopy(xs, off1, x_, off, l);
                System.arraycopy(ys, off1, y_, off, l);
                off += l;

                // project horizon edge
                edgePoints = (float[]) merged.get(j + 2);
                edgelen = edgePoints.length;
                for (int k = 0; k < edgelen; k += 2) {
                    _forward(edgePoints[k], edgePoints[k + 1], temp, null);
                    x_[off] = temp.x;
                    y_[off] = temp.y;

            // store the fully-closed vertices in return ArrayList

    // Find the closest azimuth value to the one listed. Check in
    // appropriate clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. This is
    // called from generateFilledPoly().
    private int findClosestAzimuth(ArrayList sections, float az,
                                   boolean clockwise) {
        float delta;
        float closest = (clockwise) ? -MoreMath.TWO_PI : MoreMath.TWO_PI;
        int id = -1;
        AzimuthVar oiAz;
        // determine closest out->in azimuth
        for (int k = sections.size() - 2; k >= 0; k -= 2) {
            oiAz = (AzimuthVar) sections.get(k);//out->in azimuth
            delta = az - oiAz.current_azimuth;//az delta along
                                              // horizon
            if (delta > Math.PI)
                delta = -MoreMath.TWO_PI + delta;
            else if (delta < -Math.PI)
                delta = MoreMath.TWO_PI + delta;
            if (clockwise) {
                if (delta > 0)
                    delta = -MoreMath.TWO_PI + delta;
                if (closest <= delta) {
                    closest = delta;
                    id = k;
            } else {
                if (delta < 0)
                    delta = MoreMath.TWO_PI + delta;
                if (closest >= delta) {
                    closest = delta;
                    id = k;
        //save distance and index of closest az
        return id;

    // Calculate radian points along the hemisphere edge between two
    // azimuths. (Azimuths "East-of-North" relative to center point
    // of projection). This is called from generateFilledPoly().
    private float[] getHemisphereEdge(float oiAz, float ioAz) {
        //      Debug.output(
        //      "oiAz="+ProjMath.radToDeg(oiAz)+"
        // ioAz="+ProjMath.radToDeg(ioAz));
        // get the azimuth delta, and normalize it
        float delta = oiAz - ioAz;
        if (delta > Math.PI)
            delta = -MoreMath.TWO_PI + delta;
        else if (delta < -Math.PI)
            delta = MoreMath.TWO_PI + delta;
        delta = Math.abs(delta);

        //      Debug.output("delta="+ProjMath.radToDeg(delta));

        // get the two LatLonPoints on the edge.
        LatLonPoint ll1 = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,
        LatLonPoint ll2 = GreatCircle.spherical_between(ctrLat,

        //      Debug.output("ll1="+ll1+" ll2="+ll2);

        // calculate an acceptable number of points along horizon
        // edge from ioAz to oiAz.
        int npts = (int) (Math.abs(delta) / ACCEPTABLE_AZ);
        if (npts == 0)
        float[] radpts = GreatCircle.great_circle(ll1.radlat_,

        return radpts;

    // Clip filled poly section along the hemisphere edge. Add the
    // closed poly coordinates to the return ArrayList. This is called
    // from generateFilledPoly().
    private void hemisphereClip(int[] xs, int[] ys, AzimuthVar oiAz,
                                AzimuthVar ioAz, ArrayList ret_vec) {
        float[] radpts = getHemisphereEdge(oiAz.current_azimuth,
        int len = radpts.length;
        int m = len >>> 1;
        int off1 = oiAz.index;
        int off2 = ioAz.index;
        int l = off2 - off1;

        int[] x_ = new int[l + m];
        int[] y_ = new int[l + m];
        System.arraycopy(xs, off1, x_, 0, l);
        System.arraycopy(ys, off1, y_, 0, l);

        // add the hemisphere edge points to the list
        Point temp = new Point();
        for (int i = l, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 2) {
            _forward(radpts[j], radpts[j + 1], temp, null);
            x_[i] = temp.x;
            y_[i] = temp.y;

     * Forward project a raw array of radian points. This assumes
     * nothing about the array of coordinates. In no way does it
     * assume the points are connected or that the composite figure is
     * to be filled.
     * <p>
     * It does populate a visible array indicating whether the points
     * are visible on the projected view of the world.
     * <p>
     * @param rawllpts array of lat,lon,... in radians
     * @param rawoff offset into rawllpts
     * @param xcoords x coordinates
     * @param ycoords y coordinates
     * @param visible coordinates visible?
     * @param copyoff offset into x,y,visible arrays
     * @param copylen number of coordinates (coordinate arrays should
     *        be at least this long, rawllpts should be at least twice
     *        as long).
     * @return boolean true if all points visible, false if some
     *         points not visible.
    public boolean forwardRaw(float[] rawllpts, int rawoff, int[] xcoords,
                              int[] ycoords, boolean[] visible, int copyoff,
                              int copylen) {
        Point temp = new Point();
        AzimuthVar azVar = new AzimuthVar();
        boolean ok = true;
        int end = copylen + copyoff;
        for (int i = copyoff, j = rawoff; i < end; i++, j += 2) {
            _forward(rawllpts[j], rawllpts[j + 1], temp, azVar);
            xcoords[i] = temp.x;
            ycoords[i] = temp.y;
            ok = !azVar.invalid_forward;
            visible[i] = ok;
        return ok;

    // print out polygon
    //    private static final void dumpPoly (float[] rawllpts) {
    //      Debug.output("poly:");
    //      for (int i=0; i<rawllpts.length; i+=2) {
    //          System.out.print("["+
    //                  ProjMath.radToDeg(rawllpts[i])+","+
    //                  ProjMath.radToDeg(rawllpts[i+1])+"] ");
    //      }
    //      Debug.output("");
    //    }

     * Draw the background for the projection.
     * @param g Graphics2D
     * @param paint java.awt.Paint to use for the background
    public void drawBackground(Graphics2D g, java.awt.Paint paint) {

     * Assume that the Graphics has been set with the Paint/Color
     * needed, just render the shape of the background.
    public void drawBackground(Graphics g) {
        // if we're zoomed in, just draw background
        if (scale <= 20000000f) {
            g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

        Paint oldPaint = null;
        if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
            oldPaint = ((Graphics2D) g).getPaint();
        } else {
            oldPaint = g.getColor();

        // space... the final frontier
        g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

        // draw the background color as a circle
        int s = world.x;
        if (g instanceof Graphics2D) {
            ((Graphics2D) g).setPaint(oldPaint);
        } else {
            g.setColor((Color) oldPaint);

        g.fillArc(width / 2 - s / 2,
                height / 2 - s / 2,

    protected static Color spaceColor =;

     * Get the name string of the projection.
    public String getName() {
        return "Azimuth";


Related Classes of com.bbn.openmap.proj.Azimuth$AzimuthVar

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