Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.etopo

Source Code of com.bbn.openmap.layer.etopo.ETOPOLayer

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//  BBN Technologies
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//  Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
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// $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/layer/etopo/,v $
// $RCSfile:,v $
// $Revision: $
// $Date: 2008/02/27 01:53:54 $
// $Author: dietrick $
// **********************************************************************

package com.bbn.openmap.layer.etopo;

/*  Java Core  */
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

/* OpenMap */
import com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.OMGraphicHandlerLayer;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.ListResetPCPolicy;
import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGraphicList;
import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMRaster;
import com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRG;
import com.bbn.openmap.proj.Projection;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.PaletteHelper;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.PropUtils;

import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSlider;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;

* ETOPOLayer extends Layer to provide rendering of the ETOPO5 world elevation
* data set. The ETOPO5 data consists of terrain altitude and ocean depth
* measurements at 5 minute intervals for the entire globe. Rendering is allowed
* in any projection that implements the inverse(int,int) method. Two types of
* rendering are provided: grayscale slope-shaded and colored slope-shaded.
* <p>
* The distribution consists of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>1.</li>
* <li>2. ETOPO5 (5 minute spacing data set, 4320x2160 shorts, ~18MB) </li>
* <li>3. ETOPO10 (10 minute spacing data set, sampled from ETOPO5, ~4.6MB)</li>
* <li>4. ETOPO15 (15 minute spacing data set, sampled from ETOPO5, ~2MB)</li>
* <li>5. (example properties for</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The sampled ETOPO data sets are provided to speed up the loading of data to
* compute the slope shading. The algorithm inverse projects the x/y screen
* coords (for the entire projection screen space) to get the corresponding
* lat/lon coords then samples the database to get altitude/depth and slope
* values. While this method is slower than the forward projection method, it
* does provide a more attractive screen presentation and will support all
* projections (not just the equidistant cylindrical). A palette provides the
* ability to choose between the 5,10, or 15 minute resolutions, as well as
* color or grayscale selection, transparency, and slope contrast.
* <p>
* The ETOPOLayer also relies on properties to set its variables, such as the
* etopo frame paths (there can be several at a time), the opaqueness of the
* frame images, number of colors to use, and some other display variables. The
* ETOPOLayer properties look something like this:
* <P>
* #------------------------------ <BR># Properties for ETOPOLayer <BR>
* #------------------------------ <BR># This property should reflect the paths
* to the etopo directory <BR>
* etopo.path=c:/openmap/share <BR>
* <BR># Number between 0-255: 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque <BR>
* etopo.opaque=255 <BR>
* <BR># Number of colors to use on the maps - 16, 32, 216 <BR>
* etopo.number.colors=216 <BR>
* <BR># Type of display for the data <BR># 0 = grayscale slope shading <BR>#
* 1 = colored slope shading <BR>
* etopo.view.type=1 <BR>
* <BR># Contrast setting, 1-5 <BR>
* etopo.contrast=3 <BR>
* <BR># lat/lon spacing in minutes <BR># must be 5, 10, or 15 <BR>
* etopo.minute.spacing=10 <BR>
* <BR>
* #------------------------------------- <BR># End of properties for
* ETOPOLayer <BR>
* #------------------------------------- <BR>
public class ETOPOLayer extends OMGraphicHandlerLayer implements ActionListener {

    /** Gray scale slope shading, sun from the Northwest. */
    public static final int SLOPESHADING = 0;

     * Colorized slope shading. Color basnds are based on elevation, and are
     * accented by shaded indications.
    public static final int COLOREDSHADING = 1;

    /** Default contrast setting for slope shading. */
    public static final int DEFAULT_SLOPE_ADJUST = 3;

    /** Default minute spacing */
    public static final int DEFAULT_MINUTE_SPACING = 10;

    /** for colorizing */
    public final static int DEFAULT_OPAQUENESS = 255;

     * The paths to the ETOPO directory, telling where the data is.
    protected String path;

    /** The etopo elevation data */
    protected short[] dataBuffer = null;
    protected int bufferWidth;
    protected int bufferHeight;

    /** The current resolution (in minutes) */
    protected int minuteSpacing;

    /** ETOPO elevation files */
    protected final static String[] etopoFileNames = { "/ETOPO2", "/ETOPO5",
            "/ETOPO10", "/ETOPO15" }; // ep-g

    /** dimensions of the ETOPO files (don't mess with these!) */
    protected final static int[] etopoWidths = { 10800, 4320, 2160, 1440 };// ep-g
    protected final static int[] etopoHeights = { 5400, 2160, 1080, 720 }; // ep-g

     * Spacings (in meters) between adjacent lon points at the equater. The
     * values here were aesthetically defined (they are not the actual spacings)
    protected final static double[] etopoSpacings = { 1800., 3500., 7000.,
            10500. }; // ep-g

     * The display type for the etopo images. Slope shading is grayscale terrain
     * modeling with highlights and shading, with the 'sun' being in the
     * NorthWest. Colored Elevation shading is the same thing, except colors are
     * added to indicate the elevation. Band shading colors the pixels according
     * to a range of elevations.
    protected int viewType;

    /** The elevation range to use for each color in band shading. */
    protected int bandHeight;

    /** A contrast adjustment, for slope shading (1-5). */
    protected int slopeAdjust;

    /** transparency control */
    protected int opaqueness;

     * Number of pixel spacers that should be added to a data file, per line, to
     * adjust for skewing.
    protected int spacer = 0;

    /** property suffixes */
    public static final String ETOPOPathProperty = "path";
    public static final String OpaquenessProperty = "opaque";
    public static final String ETOPOViewTypeProperty = "view.type";
    public static final String ETOPOSlopeAdjustProperty = "contrast";
    public static final String ETOPOMinuteSpacingProperty = "minute.spacing";
    public static final String ETOPOPixelSpacerProperty = "spacer";

     * Holds the slope values, updated when the resolution changes or the slope
     * adjustment (contrast) is changed. Slope values are scaled between -127 to
     * 127.
    protected byte[] slopeMap = null;

    /** elevation bands */
    protected static final int[] elevLimit = { -11000, -9000, -7000, -5000,
            -3000, -1500, 0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 3500, 5000 };
    /** number of elevation bands */
    protected static final int elevLimitCnt = 14;

    /** elevation band colors (one for each elevation band) */
    protected static final int[] redElev = { 0, 0, 4, 20, 124, 130, 135, 117,
            252, 253, 229, 244, 252, 132 };
    protected static final int[] greenElev = { 2, 12, 51, 159, 235, 255, 235,
            255, 236, 162, 115, 50, 20, 132 };
    protected static final int[] blueElev = { 76, 145, 242, 249, 252, 255, 110,
            58, 29, 35, 5, 14, 46, 132 };

    /** for slope shading colors, indexed by elevation band then slope */
    protected static Color[][] slopeColors = null;

    /* flag to recompute slope map */
    protected boolean slopeReset = true;

    /* flag to load new elevation file */
    protected boolean spacingReset = true;

     * The default constructor for the Layer. All of the attributes are set to
     * their default values.
    public ETOPOLayer() {

     * The default constructor for the Layer. All of the attributes are set to
     * their default values.
     * @param pathToETOPODir path to the directory holding the ETOPO data
    public ETOPOLayer(String pathToETOPODir) {
        path = pathToETOPODir;
        setProjectionChangePolicy(new ListResetPCPolicy(this));

    public void setPath(String pathToETOPODir) {
        path = pathToETOPODir;

    protected void setDefaultValues() {
        // defaults
        path = null;
        dataBuffer = null;
        opaqueness = DEFAULT_OPAQUENESS;
        slopeAdjust = DEFAULT_SLOPE_ADJUST;
        viewType = COLOREDSHADING;
        minuteSpacing = DEFAULT_MINUTE_SPACING;

    /* returns the color lookup index based on elevation */
    protected int getElevIndex(short el) {
        for (int i = 0; i < elevLimitCnt - 1; i++)
            if (el < elevLimit[i + 1])
                return i;
        return elevLimitCnt - 1;

    /* returns a color based on slope and elevation */
    protected Color getColor(short elevation, byte slopeVal) {
        // build first time
        if (slopeColors == null) {

            // allocate storage for elevation bands, 8 slope bands
            slopeColors = new Color[elevLimitCnt][8];

            // process each elevation band
            for (int i = 0; i < elevLimitCnt; i++) {

                // get base color (0 slope color)
                Color base = new Color(redElev[i], greenElev[i], blueElev[i]);

                // call the "brighter" method on the base color for
                // positive slope
                for (int j = 4; j < 8; j++) {

                    // set
                    if (j == 4)
                        slopeColors[i][j] = base;
                        slopeColors[i][j] = slopeColors[i][j - 1].brighter();


                // call the "darker" method on the base color for
                // negative slopes
                for (int k = 3; k >= 0; k--) {

                    // set
                    slopeColors[i][k] = slopeColors[i][k + 1].darker();



        // get the elevation band index
        int elIdx = getElevIndex(elevation);

        // compute slope idx
        int slopeIdx = ((int) slopeVal + 127) / 32;

        // return color
        Color norm = slopeColors[elIdx][slopeIdx];

        // set alpha
        return new Color(norm.getRed(), norm.getGreen(), norm.getBlue(), opaqueness);


     * Set all the ETOPO properties from a properties object.
    public void setProperties(String prefix, java.util.Properties properties) {

        super.setProperties(prefix, properties);

        prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(this);

        path = properties.getProperty(prefix + ETOPOPathProperty);

        opaqueness = PropUtils.intFromProperties(properties, prefix
                + OpaquenessProperty, DEFAULT_OPAQUENESS);

        viewType = PropUtils.intFromProperties(properties, prefix
                + ETOPOViewTypeProperty, COLOREDSHADING);

        slopeAdjust = PropUtils.intFromProperties(properties, prefix
                + ETOPOSlopeAdjustProperty, DEFAULT_SLOPE_ADJUST);

        minuteSpacing = PropUtils.intFromProperties(properties, prefix
                + ETOPOMinuteSpacingProperty, DEFAULT_MINUTE_SPACING);

        spacer = PropUtils.intFromProperties(properties, prefix
                + ETOPOPixelSpacerProperty, spacer);


     * Builds the slope index map. This method is called when the ETOPO
     * resolution changes and when the slope contrast changes. The slope of the
     * terrain is cliped; slopes are between the range of +/- 45 deg. The
     * calculated slope value is then linearly scaled to the range +/- 127.
    protected void buildSlopeMap() {
        // this should never happen, but...
        if (dataBuffer == null)

        // get resolution index
        int resIdx = minuteSpacing / 5; // ep-g
        if (resIdx < 0)
            resIdx = 0;
        else if (resIdx > 3) // ep-g
            resIdx = 3; // ep-g

        // Set deltaX constant. The deltaX is actually is smaller at
        // latitude
        // extremes, but
        double deltaX = etopoSpacings[resIdx];

        // allocate storage for slope map
        slopeMap = new byte[bufferWidth * bufferHeight];

        // process dataBuffer to create slope
        for (int y = 0; y < bufferHeight; y++) {

            // compute the lattitude of this
            double lat = 90. - 180. * (double) y / (double) bufferHeight;

            // get cosine of the latitude. This is used because the
            // spacing between minutes gets smaller in high latitude
            // extremes.
            double coslat = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat));

            // for scaling the slope
            double slopeScaler = (double) slopeAdjust * coslat / deltaX;

            // indexcies
            int idx0 = y * bufferWidth;

            // do each row
            for (int x = 0; x < bufferWidth; x++) {

                // indexcies
                int idx1 = idx0 + x;
                int idx2 = idx1 + bufferWidth;

                // special case at end
                if (y == bufferHeight - 1)
                    idx2 = idx1;

                // get altitudes
                double d1 = (double) dataBuffer[idx1];
                double d2 = (double) dataBuffer[idx2];

                // compute (lookup) slope
                double slope = slopeScaler * (d2 - d1);

                // clip
                if (slope > 0.99)
                    slope = 0.99;
                else if (slope < -0.99)
                    slope = -0.99;

                // scale
                int islope = (int) (slope * 127.);

                // store
                slopeMap[idx1] = (byte) islope;


     * Loads the database from the appropriate file based on the current
     * resolution. The data files are in INTEL format (must call
     * BinaryBufferedFile.byteOrder(true)).
    protected void loadBuffer() {

        // get the resolution index
        int resIdx = minuteSpacing / 5; // ep-g
        if (resIdx < 0)
            resIdx = 0;
        else if (resIdx > 3) // ep-g
            resIdx = 3; // ep-g

        // build file name
        String fileName = path + etopoFileNames[resIdx];

        // Clean this out...dfd
        dataBuffer = null;

        try {

            // treat as buffered binary
            BinaryBufferedFile binFile = new BinaryBufferedFile(fileName);

            // set width/height
            bufferWidth = etopoWidths[resIdx];
            bufferHeight = etopoHeights[resIdx];

            int spacer = 1;

            // don't know why I have to do this, but there seems to be
            // a wrapping thing going on with different data sets.
            switch (minuteSpacing) {
            case (2):
                spacer = 1 + this.spacer;
            case (5):
                spacer = 0 + this.spacer;
                spacer = 1 + this.spacer;

            // allocate storage
            dataBuffer = new short[(bufferWidth + spacer) * bufferHeight];

            // read data
            for (int i = 0; i < bufferWidth * bufferHeight; i++)
                dataBuffer[i] = binFile.readShort();

            // done

            // This is important for image creation.
            bufferWidth += spacer;

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            Debug.error("ETOPOLayer loadBuffer(): file " + fileName
                    + " not found");
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Debug.error("ETOPOLayer loadBuffer(): File IO Error!\n"
                    + e.toString());
        } catch (FormatException e) {
            Debug.error("ETOPOLayer loadBuffer(): Format exception!\n"
                    + e.toString());


     * Builds the raster image that has the dimensions of the current
     * projection. The alogorithm is is follows: <P><pre> allocate storage the
     * size of the projection (use ints for RGBA)
     * for each screen point
     * inverse project screen point to get lat/lon (world coords) get altitude
     * and/or slope at the world coord compute (lookup) color at the world coord
     * set color value into screen coord location
     * end
     * create OMRaster from the int array data. </pre>
     * The code contains a HACK (primarily for the Orthographic projection)
     * since * x/y values which would return an "Outer Space" value actually
     * return lat/lon values for the center of the projection (see
     * Orthographic.inverse(...)). This resulted in the "Outer Space" being
     * painted the color of whatever the center lat/lon was. The HACK turns any
     * center lat/lon value into black. Of course, this causes valid center
     * lat/lon values to be painted black, but the trade off is worth it
     * visually. The appropriate method may be to have Projection.inverse and
     * its variants raise an exception for "Outer Space" values.
    protected OMRaster buildRaster() {
        // initialize the return
        OMRaster ret = null;
        Projection projection = getProjection();
        // work with the slopeMap
        if (slopeMap != null) {

            // compute our deltas
            int width = projection.getWidth();
            int height = projection.getHeight();

            // create int array to hold colors
            int[] colors = new int[width * height];

            // compute scalers for lat/lon indicies
            float scy = (float) bufferHeight / 180F;
            float scx = (float) bufferWidth / 360F;

            // starting and ending indices
            int sx = 0, sy = 0, ex = width, ey = height;

            // handle CADRG
            if (projection instanceof CADRG) {

                // get corners
                LatLonPoint ul = projection.getUpperLeft();
                LatLonPoint lr = projection.getLowerRight();

                // set start/end indicies
                Point ulp = projection.forward(ul);
                Point lrp = projection.forward(lr);
                sx = (int) ulp.getX();
                ex = (int) lrp.getX();
                sy = (int) ulp.getY();
                ey = (int) lrp.getY();


            // get the center lat/lon (used by the HACK, see above in
            // method description)
            LatLonPoint center = projection.getCenter();
            LatLonPoint llp = new LatLonPoint();
            // build array
            for (int y = sy; y < ey; y++) {

                // process each column
                for (int x = sx; x < ex; x++) {

                    // inverse project x,y to lon,lat
                    projection.inverse(x, y, llp);

                    // get point values
                    float lat = llp.getLatitude();
                    float lon = llp.getLongitude();

                    // check... dfd
                    if (minuteSpacing == 2) {
                        lon += 180.;
                    } else {
                        if (lon < 0.)
                            lon += 360.;

                    // find indicies
                    int lat_idx = (int) ((90. - lat) * scy);
                    int lon_idx = (int) (lon * scx);

                    // offset
                    int ofs = lon_idx + lat_idx * bufferWidth;

                    // make a color
                    int idx = 0;
                    int gray = 0;
                    try {

                        // get elevation
                        short el = dataBuffer[ofs];

                        // slope
                        byte sl = slopeMap[ofs];

                        // our index
                        idx = y * width + x;

                        // create a color
                        Color pix = null;
                        if (viewType == SLOPESHADING) {
                            // HACK (see method description above)
                            if ((llp.getLatitude() == center.getLatitude())
                                    && (llp.getLongitude() == center.getLongitude()))
                                gray = 0;
                                gray = 127 + sl;
                            pix = new Color(gray, gray, gray, opaqueness);
                        } else if (viewType == COLOREDSHADING) {
                            // HACK (see method description above)
                            if ((llp.getLatitude() == center.getLatitude())
                                    && (llp.getLongitude() == center.getLongitude()))
                                pix = new Color(0, 0, 0, opaqueness);
                                pix = getColor(el, sl);

                        // set
                        colors[idx] = pix.getRGB();


                    // tried to set a bad color level
                    catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        Debug.error(e.toString() + ":" + gray);

                    // bad index
                    catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                        Debug.error(e.toString() + ":" + idx);

            // create the raster
            ret = new OMRaster(0, 0, width, height, colors);


        // return or raster
        return ret;


     * Prepares the graphics for the layer. This is where the getRectangle()
     * method call is made on the etopo.
     * <p>
     * Occasionally it is necessary to abort a prepare call. When this happens,
     * the map will set the cancel bit in the LayerThread, (the thread that is
     * running the prepare). If this Layer needs to do any cleanups during the
     * abort, it should do so, but return out of the prepare asap.
    public synchronized OMGraphicList prepare() {

        if (isCancelled()) {
            Debug.message("etopo", getName()
                    + "|ETOPOLayer.prepare(): aborted.");
            return null;
        Projection projection = getProjection();
        if (projection == null) {
            Debug.error("ETOPO Layer needs to be added to the MapBean before it can draw images!");
            return new OMGraphicList();

        // load the buffer
        if (dataBuffer == null || spacingReset) {
            spacingReset = false;
            slopeReset = true;

        // re-do the slope map
        if (slopeReset) {
            slopeReset = false;

        Debug.message("basic", getName() + "|ETOPOLayer.prepare(): doing it");

        // Setting the OMGraphicsList for this layer. Remember, the
        // OMGraphicList is made up of OMGraphics, which are generated
        // (projected) when the graphics are added to the list. So,
        // after this call, the list is ready for painting.

        // call getRectangle();
        if (Debug.debugging("etopo")) {
            Debug.output(getName() + "|ETOPOLayer.prepare(): "
                    + "calling getRectangle " + " with projection: "
                    + projection + " ul = " + projection.getUpperLeft()
                    + " lr = " + projection.getLowerRight());

        // build graphics list
        OMGraphicList omGraphicList = new OMGraphicList();

        // ///////////////////
        // safe quit
        int size = 0;
        if (omGraphicList != null) {
            size = omGraphicList.size();
            Debug.message("basic", getName()
                    + "|ETOPOLayer.prepare(): finished with " + size
                    + " graphics");
        } else {
            Debug.message("basic", getName()
                    + "|ETOPOLayer.prepare(): finished with null graphics list");
            omGraphicList = new OMGraphicList();

        // Don't forget to project them. Since they are only being
        // recalled if the projection hase changed, then we need to
        // force a reprojection of all of them because the screen
        // position has changed.
        omGraphicList.project(projection, true);
        return omGraphicList;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // GUI
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** The user interface palette for the ETOPO layer. */
    protected Box palette = null;

    /** Creates the interface palette. */
    public Component getGUI() {

        if (palette == null) {
            if (Debug.debugging("etopo"))
                Debug.output("ETOPOLayer: creating ETOPO Palette.");

            palette = Box.createVerticalBox();
            Box subbox0 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
            Box subbox1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
            Box subbox2 = Box.createVerticalBox();
            Box subbox3 = Box.createHorizontalBox();

            // The ETOPO resolution selector
            JPanel resPanel = PaletteHelper.createPaletteJPanel("Lat/Lon Spacing");
            String[] resStrings = { "2 Minute", "5 Minute", "10 Minute",
                    "15 Minute" }; // ep-g

            JComboBox resList = new JComboBox(resStrings);
            resList.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JComboBox jcb = (JComboBox) e.getSource();
                    int newRes = jcb.getSelectedIndex();
                    int curRes = minuteSpacing / 5; // ep-g
                    if (curRes != newRes)
                        spacingReset = true;
                    switch (newRes) {
                    case 0:
                        minuteSpacing = 2;
                        break; // ep-g
                    case 1:
                        minuteSpacing = 5;
                        break; // ep-g
                    case 2:
                        minuteSpacing = 10;
                        break; // ep-g
                    case 3:
                        minuteSpacing = 15;
                        break; // ep-g


            resList.setSelectedIndex(minuteSpacing / 5); // ep-g

            // The ETOPO view selector
            JPanel viewPanel = PaletteHelper.createPaletteJPanel("View Type");
            String[] viewStrings = { "Grayscale Shading", "Color Shading" };

            JComboBox viewList = new JComboBox(viewStrings);
            viewList.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    JComboBox jcb = (JComboBox) e.getSource();
                    int newView = jcb.getSelectedIndex();
                    if (newView != viewType)
                        slopeReset = true;
                    switch (newView) {
                    case 0:
                        viewType = SLOPESHADING;
                    case 1:
                        viewType = COLOREDSHADING;



            // The ETOPO Contrast Adjuster
            JPanel contrastPanel = PaletteHelper.createPaletteJPanel("Contrast Adjustment");
            JSlider contrastSlide = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 1/* min */, 5/* max */, 3/* inital */);
            java.util.Hashtable dict = new java.util.Hashtable();
            dict.put(new Integer(1), new JLabel("min"));
            dict.put(new Integer(5), new JLabel("max"));
            contrastSlide.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
                public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
                    JSlider slider = (JSlider) ce.getSource();
                    if (slider.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
                        Debug.output("ETOPOLayer - Contrast Slider value = "
                                + slider.getValue());
                        slopeAdjust = slider.getValue();

            // The ETOPO Opaqueness
            JPanel opaquenessPanel = PaletteHelper.createPaletteJPanel("Opaqueness");
            JSlider opaquenessSlide = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 0/* min */, 255/* max */, opaqueness/* inital */);
            opaquenessSlide.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
                public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent ce) {
                    JSlider slider = (JSlider) ce.getSource();
                    if (slider.getValueIsAdjusting()) {
                        fireRequestInfoLine("ETOPOLayer - Opaqueness Slider value = "
                                + slider.getValue());
                        opaqueness = slider.getValue();


            JButton redraw = new JButton("Redraw ETOPO Layer");


        return palette;

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ActionListener interface implementation
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Used just for the redraw button.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getActionCommand() == RedrawCmd) {

Related Classes of com.bbn.openmap.layer.etopo.ETOPOLayer

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