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// $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/dataAccess/shape/DrawingAttributesUtility.java,v $
// $RCSfile: DrawingAttributesUtility.java,v $
// $Revision: $
// $Date: 2006/08/24 20:56:30 $
// $Author: dietrick $
// **********************************************************************
package com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.BasicStrokeEditor;
import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.DrawingAttributes;
import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGraphic;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.ColorFactory;
* A class to help out with looking in a DBF file, and setting OMGraphics with
* DrawingAttributes settings that may reside in the DBF. The DBF column header
* names should be the same as the DrawingAttributes property strings.
public class DrawingAttributesUtility implements ShapeConstants {
protected DrawingAttributes da = new DrawingAttributes();
protected int desColumn = -1;
protected int lineColorColumn = -1;
protected int fillColorColumn = -1;
protected int selectColorColumn = -1;
protected int lineWidthColumn = -1;
protected int dashPatternColumn = -1;
protected int dashPhaseColumn = -1;
protected DbfTableModel model = null;
protected DrawingAttributes defaultDA = DrawingAttributes.DEFAULT;
protected DrawingAttributesUtility(DbfTableModel model) {
this.model = model;
Hashtable columnNames = new Hashtable();
int numColumns = model.getColumnCount();
for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {
String colName = model.getColumnName(i);
columnNames.put(colName, new Integer(i));
Integer value;
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_DESCRIPTION);
if (value != null)
desColumn = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_LINECOLOR);
if (value != null)
lineColorColumn = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_FILLCOLOR);
if (value != null)
fillColorColumn = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_SELECTCOLOR);
if (value != null)
selectColorColumn = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_LINEWIDTH);
if (value != null)
lineWidthColumn = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_DASHPATTERN);
if (value != null)
dashPatternColumn = value.intValue();
value = (Integer) columnNames.get(SHAPE_DBF_DASHPHASE);
if (value != null)
dashPhaseColumn = value.intValue();
// OK, the column names should be known;
protected Color parseColor(String colorString, Color def) {
Color ret;
try {
ret = ColorFactory.parseColor(colorString, true);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
ret = def;
return ret;
public void setDefaultAttributes(DrawingAttributes dda) {
if (dda != null) {
defaultDA = dda;
} else {
defaultDA = DrawingAttributes.DEFAULT;
public DrawingAttributes getDefaultAttributes() {
return defaultDA;
protected void configureForRecord(OMGraphic graphic, ArrayList record) {
if (desColumn != -1) {
String ret = (String) record.get(desColumn);
if (graphic.getAppObject() == null) {
if (lineColorColumn != -1) {
da.setLinePaint(parseColor((String) record.get(lineColorColumn),
(Color) defaultDA.getLinePaint()));
if (fillColorColumn != -1) {
da.setFillPaint(parseColor((String) record.get(fillColorColumn),
(Color) defaultDA.getFillPaint()));
if (selectColorColumn != -1) {
da.setSelectPaint(parseColor((String) record.get(selectColorColumn),
(Color) defaultDA.getSelectPaint()));
int lineWidth = 1;
float[] dashPattern = null;
float dashPhase = 0f;
if (lineWidthColumn != -1) {
lineWidth = ((Double) record.get(lineWidthColumn)).intValue();
if (dashPatternColumn != -1) {
String dp = (String) record.get(dashPatternColumn);
if (dp.intern() == "") {
dp = BasicStrokeEditor.NONE;
dashPattern = BasicStrokeEditor.stringToDashArray(dp);
if (dashPhaseColumn != -1) {
dashPhase = ((Double) record.get(lineWidthColumn)).floatValue();
da.setStroke(new BasicStroke(lineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f, dashPattern, dashPhase));
protected void setDrawingAttributes(OMGraphic graphic, int index) {
if (model != null) {
ArrayList record = (ArrayList) model.getRecord(index);
if (record != null) {
configureForRecord(graphic, record);
* Iterate through the list, and look in the DbfTableModel for
* DrawingAttributes parameters, setting the DrawingAttributes on the list
* contents with anything found in the DBF file. Otherwise, use the
* DrawingAttributes.DEFAULT settings if no attribute parameters found.
public static void setDrawingAttributes(EsriGraphicList list,
DbfTableModel model) {
setDrawingAttributes(list, model, DrawingAttributes.DEFAULT);
* Iterate through the list, and look in the DbfTableModel for
* DrawingAttributes parameters, setting the DrawingAttributes on the list
* contents with anything found in the DBF file. Otherwise, use the default
* DrawingAttributes settings if no attribute parameters found.
public static void setDrawingAttributes(EsriGraphicList list,
DbfTableModel model,
DrawingAttributes defaultDA) {
// Set it up;
if (list == null || model == null) {
DrawingAttributesUtility dau = new DrawingAttributesUtility(model);
Iterator graphics = list.iterator();
int index = 0;
while (graphics.hasNext()) {
OMGraphic graphic = (OMGraphic) graphics.next();
dau.setDrawingAttributes(graphic, index++);