package org.libtiff.jai.codec;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.DataBuffer;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferShort;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferUShort;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import org.libtiff.jai.util.JaiI18N;
* Provides a base class for writing TIFF tile codecs, to be registered with the
* XTIFFDirectory. This codec allows for both decoding and (optionally) encoding
* of tiles, and also handles the colorspace conversion in decoding.
* <p>
* At the minimum you will need to implement the two methods decodeTilePixels()
* for byte and short data, as well as the methods register() and create(). If
* your decoder requires additional parameters from the tags, set them up in
* initializeDecoding(), and initializeEncoding() for encoding.
* <p>
* To implement encoding, you must override the canEncode() method to return
* true, and implement encodeTilePixels().
* @author Niles Ritter
* @see XTIFFTileCodec
public abstract class XTIFFTileCodecImpl implements XTIFFTileCodec {
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Implementation Section
// // Override or implement methods here
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Registration method. Must be implemented by the extended class to
* register itself with the XTIFFDirectory for all compression codes it
* supports (e.g Fax codec supports 3 codes).
* @see XTIFFDirectory
public abstract void register();
* Implement this to return the corresponding empty codec object.
public abstract XTIFFTileCodec create();
* Indicate whether this codec can encode data. Override to return true only
* if your codec implments encoding.
public boolean canEncode() {
return false;
* The initialization method particular to decoding. Extend for whatever
* compression-specific information or parameters is needed. The decoding
* parameter has already been assigned at this point, as well as the
* XTIFFDirectory parsed from the input stream, and so all XTIFFFields are
* available.
public void initializeDecoding() {}
* The initialization method particular to encoding. Extend for whatever
* compression-specific information or parameters is needed. The decoding
* parameter has already been assigned at this point, as well as the
* XTIFFDirectory parsed from the input stream, and so all XTIFFFields are
* available.
public void initializeEncoding() {}
* decode bpixel byte array of data into pixels, packed for 1,2,4 8 bit
* pixels. Must implment this.
* @param bpixels the byte array of compressed input data
* @param rect the rectangular shape of the target pixels
* @param pixels the target decompressed pixels.
public abstract void decodeTilePixels(byte[] bpixels, Rectangle rect,
byte[] pixels);
* decode bpixel byte array of data into pixels, packed for 16 bit pixels.
* Must implment this.
* @param bpixels the byte array of compressed input data
* @param rect the rectangular shape of the target pixels
* @param pixels the target decompressed pixels.
public abstract void decodeTilePixels(byte[] bpixels, Rectangle rect,
short[] pixels);
* encode the tile in pixels into bpixels and return the byte size of the
* compressed data. Override this method if canEncode() = true;
* @param pixels input pixels
* @param rect the array dimensions of samples
* @param bpixels the target array of compressed byte data
public int encodeTilePixels(int[] pixels, Rectangle rect, byte[] bpixels) {
return 0;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Common Section
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected XTIFFDirectory directory = null;
protected RenderedImage image = null;
protected int minY;
protected int minX;
protected int width;
protected int length;
protected int numBands;
protected int tileLength;
protected int tileWidth;
protected int compression;
protected SampleModel sampleModel;
protected int[] sampleSize;
protected char[] bitsPerSample;
protected char[] colormap = null;
* The empty constructor.
public XTIFFTileCodecImpl() {}
* The method for initializing information common to both encoder and
* decoder.
public void initialize() {
width = (int) getLongField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_IMAGE_WIDTH);
length = (int) getLongField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_IMAGE_LENGTH);
isTiled = directory.isTiled();
if (isTiled) {
tileWidth = (int) getLongField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_TILE_WIDTH);
tileLength = (int) getLongField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_TILE_LENGTH);
} else {
tileWidth = width;
tileLength = (int) getLongField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_ROWS_PER_STRIP);
// Figure out what compression if any, is being used.
XTIFFField compField = directory.getField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION);
if (compField != null) {
compression = compField.getAsInt(0);
} else {
XTIFFField cfield = directory.getField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_COLORMAP);
if (cfield != null)
colormap = cfield.getAsChars();
XTIFFField bitsField = directory.getField(XTIFF.TIFFTAG_BITS_PER_SAMPLE);
if (bitsField == null) {
// Default
bitsPerSample = new char[1];
bitsPerSample[0] = 1;
} else {
bitsPerSample = bitsField.getAsChars();
image_type = directory.getImageType();
* A common utility method for accessing the XTIFFFields in the current
* image directory.
protected long getLongField(int fld) {
XTIFFField field = directory.getField(fld);
if (field == null)
return 0;
return field.getAsLong(0);
* This method may be used by the implementations register() method to
* register itself with the XTIFFDirectory.
* @see XTIFFDirectory
public void register(int comp) {
XTIFFDirectory.registerTileCodec(comp, this);
* One-time common image parameter setup
* @param img the source image that will be encoded into a TIFF formatted
* stream, or the TIFF image from which Raster tiles will be decoded.
protected void setupSourceImage(RenderedImage img) {
image = img;
// Get raster parameters
minY = image.getMinY();
minX = image.getMinX();
sampleModel = image.getSampleModel();
numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands();
sampleSize = sampleModel.getSampleSize();
* Returns the TIFF compression type
public int getCompression() {
return compression;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Encoding Section
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected XTIFFEncodeParam encodeParam = null;
private int _pixels[];
protected boolean isTiled;
* The method for creating an encoder from the XTIFFEncodeParam information.
public XTIFFTileCodec create(XTIFFEncodeParam param) throws IOException {
XTIFFTileCodecImpl codec = (XTIFFTileCodecImpl) create();
return codec;
protected void initialize(XTIFFEncodeParam param) throws IOException {
if (!canEncode())
throw new IOException("encoding not supported");
encodeParam = param;
directory = param.getDirectory();
* Encode the data into buffer and return byte count Normally you will not
* need to override this method, but instead implement the
* <code>encodeTilePixels()</code> method.
public int encode(RenderedImage img, Rectangle rect, byte[] bpixels) {
if (image == null) {
// Fill tile buffer, padding right with zeroes.
// encode and return number of bytes compressed
return encodeTilePixels(_pixels, rect, bpixels);
* One-time setup for encoding
protected void setupBufferForEncoding() {
// Set up input tile/strip buffer
_pixels = new int[tileWidth * tileLength * numBands];
// if padding necessary do it now.
int padRight = (tileWidth - (width % tileWidth)) % tileWidth;
int padBottom = (tileLength - (length % tileLength)) % tileLength;
if (!isTiled)
padBottom = 0;
if (padRight > 0 || padBottom > 0) {
ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
image = JAI.create("border", pb);
* Get the portion of tile fitting into buffer. You probably won't need to
* override this.
* @param rect the region to extract from image.
protected void getTilePixels(Rectangle rect) {
// Grab the pixels
Raster src = image.getData(rect);
int col = (int) rect.getX();
int row = (int) rect.getY();
int rows = (int) rect.getHeight();
int cols = (int) rect.getWidth();
src.getPixels(col, row, cols, rows, _pixels);
* If derived classes can make a better estimate for the maximum size of a
* compressed tile, they should override this, which assumes conservatively
* that it won't be worse than twice the original size.
* @param im the rendered image containing the image data
public int getCompressedTileSize(RenderedImage im) {
sampleModel = im.getSampleModel();
numBands = sampleModel.getNumBands();
sampleSize = sampleModel.getSampleSize();
return (int) Math.ceil(2 * tileWidth * tileLength * numBands
* (sampleSize[0] / 8.0));
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Decoding Section
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
protected XTIFFDecodeParam decodeParam = null;
protected boolean decodePaletteAsShorts = false;
protected int unitsInThisTile;
protected byte _bdata[] = null;
protected short _sdata[] = null;
protected byte[] bpixvals = null;
protected short[] spixvals = null;
protected DataBuffer buffer = null;
protected int dataType;
protected int image_type;
* The standard decoder creation method
public XTIFFTileCodec create(XTIFFDecodeParam param) throws IOException {
XTIFFTileCodecImpl codec = (XTIFFTileCodecImpl) create();
return codec;
protected void initialize(XTIFFDecodeParam param) throws IOException {
decodeParam = param;
decodePaletteAsShorts = param.getDecodePaletteAsShorts();
directory = param.getDirectory();
* One-time setup for encoding. Some configurations require a temp array for
* unpacking 16-bit palette data.
protected void setupBufferForDecoding() {
// int length;
buffer = sampleModel.createDataBuffer();
dataType = sampleModel.getDataType();
if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) {
_bdata = ((DataBufferByte) buffer).getData();
bpixvals = _bdata;
} else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT) {
_sdata = ((DataBufferUShort) buffer).getData();
if (!decodePaletteAsShorts)
spixvals = _sdata;
} else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) {
_sdata = ((DataBufferShort) buffer).getData();
if (!decodePaletteAsShorts)
spixvals = _sdata;
if (decodePaletteAsShorts) {
int len = _sdata.length;
if (bitsPerSample[0] == 16)
spixvals = new short[len];
bpixvals = new byte[len];
* Decode a rectangle of data stored in bpixels into a raster tile. Usually
* you will not need to override this, but instead implement the
* decodeTilePixels methods.
public WritableRaster decode(RenderedImage img, Rectangle newRect,
byte[] bpixels) {
if (image == null) {
setupBufferForDecoding(); // set up every time
unitsInThisTile = newRect.width * newRect.height * numBands;
// uncompress data
decodeTilePixels(bpixels, newRect);
// post-processing of color data
// put buffer into a tile
return setTilePixels(newRect);
* Postprocess the uncompressed color data into the appropriate display
* color model. This implementation Does a number of things:
* <ul>
* <li> For RGB color, reverse to BGR which apparently is faster for Java 2D
* display
* <li> For one-bit WHITE_IS_ZERO data, flip the values so that they will
* look correct
* <li> If the decodePaletteAsShorts flag is true then unpack the bits and
* apply the lookup table, as 16-bit lookup is not supported in JAI.
* </ul>
* Override this if you have other color types.
* @see XTIFFDecodeParam
protected void decodeColor(Rectangle newRect) {
switch (dataType) {
case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
decodeColor(bpixvals, _bdata, newRect);
case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
if (bpixvals != null)
decodeColor(bpixvals, _sdata, newRect);
decodeColor(spixvals, _sdata, newRect);
* Decode a tile of data into either byte or short pixel buffers. Override
* this if you have other buffer types (e.g. int)
protected void decodeTilePixels(byte[] bpixels, Rectangle newRect) {
// decodeTilePixels into the appropriate buffer
if (bpixvals != null)
decodeTilePixels(bpixels, newRect, bpixvals);
decodeTilePixels(bpixels, newRect, spixvals);
* Take the values from the buffer and store them in a WritableRaster
* object.
protected WritableRaster setTilePixels(Rectangle rect) {
return (WritableRaster) RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(sampleModel,
new Point((int) rect.getX(), (int) rect.getY()));
* A useful Method to interpret a byte array as shorts. Method depends on
* whether the bytes are stored in a big endian or little endian format.
protected void unpackShorts(byte byteArray[], short output[], int shortCount) {
int j;
int firstByte, secondByte;
if (directory.isBigEndian()) {
for (int i = 0; i < shortCount; i++) {
j = 2 * i;
firstByte = byteArray[j] & 0xff;
secondByte = byteArray[j + 1] & 0xff;
output[i] = (short) ((firstByte << 8) + secondByte);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < shortCount; i++) {
j = 2 * i;
firstByte = byteArray[j] & 0xff;
secondByte = byteArray[j + 1] & 0xff;
output[i] = (short) ((secondByte << 8) + firstByte);
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// /// Color decoding section
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Decode short pixel data, or interpret palette data as short from byte.
protected void decodeColor(byte[] bpix, short[] sdata, Rectangle newRect) {
// short sswap;
switch (image_type) {
if (bitsPerSample[0] == 8) {
// At this point the data is 1 banded and will
// become 3 banded only after we've done the palette
// lookup, since unitsInThisTile was calculated with
// 3 bands, we need to divide this by 3.
int unitsBeforeLookup = unitsInThisTile / 3;
// Expand the palette image into an rgb image with ushort
// data type.
int cmapValue;
int count = 0, lookup, len = colormap.length / 3;
int len2 = len * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < unitsBeforeLookup; i++) {
// Get the index into the colormap
lookup = bpix[i] & 0xff;
// Get the blue value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len2];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
// Get the green value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
// Get the red value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
} else if (bitsPerSample[0] == 4) {
int padding = newRect.width % 2;
// int bytesPostDecoding = ((newRect.width + 1) / 2)
// * newRect.height;
int bytes = unitsInThisTile / 3;
// Unpack the 2 pixels packed into each byte.
byte[] data = new byte[bytes];
int srcCount = 0, dstCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < newRect.height; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < newRect.width / 2; i++) {
data[dstCount++] = (byte) ((bpix[srcCount] & 0xf0) >> 4);
data[dstCount++] = (byte) (bpix[srcCount++] & 0x0f);
if (padding == 1) {
data[dstCount++] = (byte) ((bpix[srcCount++] & 0xf0) >> 4);
int len = colormap.length / 3;
int len2 = len * 2;
int cmapValue, lookup;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
lookup = data[i] & 0xff;
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len2];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
cmapValue = colormap[lookup];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(JaiI18N.getString("XTIFFImageDecoder7"));
* Decode short color data, or interpret palette data as short.
protected void decodeColor(short[] spix, short[] sdata, Rectangle newRect) {
short sswap;
switch (image_type) {
// Since we are using a ComponentColorModel with this image,
// we need to change the WhiteIsZero data to BlackIsZero data
// so it will display properly.
if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT) {
for (int l = 0; l < sdata.length; l++) {
sdata[l] = (short) (65535 - spix[l]);
} else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) {
for (int l = 0; l < sdata.length; l++) {
sdata[l] = (short) (~spix[l]);
// Change to BGR order, as Java2D displays that faster
for (int i = 0; i < unitsInThisTile; i += 3) {
sswap = spix[i];
sdata[i] = spix[i + 2];
sdata[i + 2] = sswap;
// Change from RGBA to ABGR for Java2D's faster special cases
for (int i = 0; i < unitsInThisTile; i += 4) {
// Swap R and A
sswap = spix[i];
sdata[i] = spix[i + 3];
sdata[i + 3] = sswap;
// Swap G and B
sswap = spix[i + 1];
sdata[i + 1] = spix[i + 2];
sdata[i + 2] = sswap;
if (decodePaletteAsShorts) {
// At this point the data is 1 banded and will
// become 3 banded only after we've done the palette
// lookup, since unitsInThisTile was calculated with
// 3 bands, we need to divide this by 3.
int unitsBeforeLookup = unitsInThisTile / 3;
// Since unitsBeforeLookup is the number of shorts,
// but we do our decompression in terms of bytes, we
// need to multiply it by 2 in order to figure out
// how many bytes we'll get after decompression.
// int entries = unitsBeforeLookup * 2;
if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT) {
// Expand the palette image into an rgb image with ushort
// data type.
int cmapValue;
int count = 0, lookup, len = colormap.length / 3;
int len2 = len * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < unitsBeforeLookup; i++) {
// Get the index into the colormap
lookup = spix[i] & 0xffff;
// Get the blue value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len2];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
// Get the green value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
// Get the red value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup];
sdata[count++] = (short) (cmapValue & 0xffff);
} else if (dataType == DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) {
// Expand the palette image into an rgb image with
// short data type.
int cmapValue;
int count = 0, lookup, len = colormap.length / 3;
int len2 = len * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < unitsBeforeLookup; i++) {
// Get the index into the colormap
lookup = spix[i] & 0xffff;
// Get the blue value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len2];
sdata[count++] = (short) cmapValue;
// Get the green value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup + len];
sdata[count++] = (short) cmapValue;
// Get the red value
cmapValue = colormap[lookup];
sdata[count++] = (short) cmapValue;
}// dataType
}// decodePaletteAsShorts
* Decode byte color data
protected void decodeColor(byte[] bpix, byte[] bdata, Rectangle newRect) {
byte bswap;
switch (image_type) {
// nothing
if (bitsPerSample[0] == 8) {
// Change to BGR order, as Java2D displays that faster
for (int i = 0; i < unitsInThisTile; i += 3) {
bswap = bpix[i];
bdata[i] = bpix[i + 2];
bdata[i + 2] = bswap;
if (bitsPerSample[0] == 8) {
// Convert from RGBA to ABGR for Java2D
for (int i = 0; i < unitsInThisTile; i += 4) {
// Swap R and A
bswap = bpix[i];
bdata[i] = bpix[i + 3];
bdata[i + 3] = bswap;
// Swap G and B
bswap = bpix[i + 1];
bdata[i + 1] = bpix[i + 2];
bdata[i + 2] = bswap;
}// switch
}// decodeColor