Package org.jasig.portal.channels

Source Code of org.jasig.portal.channels.CAbstractXsltTest$DummyContentHandler

/* Copyright 2005 The JA-SIG Collaborative.  All rights reserved.
*  See license distributed with this file and
*  available online at

package org.jasig.portal.channels;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.jasig.portal.ChannelRuntimeData;
import org.jasig.portal.ChannelStaticData;
import org.jasig.portal.PortalEvent;
import org.jasig.portal.PortalException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

* Testcase for CGenericXSLT.
* We test basics like making the ChannelStaticData and ChannelRuntimeData
* available to subclasses, spot check proper response to exceptions, and test
* some edge behaviors with null return values.
* We notably do not currently test but should test applying a valid XSLT to
* valid XML with valid parameters.
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/04/30 19:41:36 $
public class CAbstractXsltTest extends TestCase {

    // TODO: test the case where everything is working as expected.
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

     * Test that CAbstractXSLT exposes to its subclasses the runtime data it receives.
    public void testGetRuntimeData() {

        MockXSLTChannel instance = new MockXSLTChannel();
        ChannelRuntimeData runtimeDataA = new ChannelRuntimeData();
        assertSame(runtimeDataA, instance.getRuntimeData());
        ChannelRuntimeData runtimeDataB = new ChannelRuntimeData();

     * Test that CAbstractXSLT exposes to its subclasses the static data it receives.
    public void testGetStaticData() {
        MockXSLTChannel instance = new MockXSLTChannel();
        ChannelStaticData sd = new ChannelStaticData();
        assertSame(sd, instance.getStaticData());

     * Test that when we try to renderXML on an implementation that returns a
     * null Document for getXml, we throw IllegalStateException.
     * @throws PortalException
    public void testRenderXMLNullDocument() throws PortalException {
        try {
            MockXSLTChannel instance = new MockXSLTChannel();
            instance.setStaticData(new ChannelStaticData());
            instance.setRuntimeData(new ChannelRuntimeData());
            instance.renderXML(new DummyContentHandler());
        } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
            // expected
        fail("Expected to fail with IllegalStateException because our XML was null.");

     * Test that when getXml() throws a RuntimeException that exception
     * is thrown by renderXML().
     * @throws PortalException
    public void testRenderXMLGetXmlThrowsRuntimeException() throws PortalException {
        RuntimeException runtimeException = new RuntimeException();
        MockXSLTChannel mock = new MockXSLTChannel();
        mock.setStaticData(new ChannelStaticData());
        mock.setRuntimeData(new ChannelRuntimeData());
        try {
            mock.renderXML(new DummyContentHandler());
        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
            assertSame(runtimeException, rte);
            // good, expected throw behavior.
     * Test that when getXstlUri() throws a PortalException that exception
     * is thrown by renderXML().
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
    public void testRenderXMLGetXsltUriThrowsPortalException() throws ParserConfigurationException {
        PortalException portalException = new PortalException();
        MockXSLTChannel mock = new MockXSLTChannel();
        mock.setStaticData(new ChannelStaticData());
        mock.setRuntimeData(new ChannelRuntimeData());
        Document blankDoc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
        try {
            mock.renderXML(new DummyContentHandler());
        } catch (PortalException pe) {
            assertSame(portalException, pe);
            // good, expected throw behavior.
        fail("Should have thrown the PortalException that getXsltUri() threw.");
     * Test that when getStylesheetParams() throws SQLException
     * the renderXML() implementation properly wraps that exception into a
     * PortalException in conformance with the IChannel API.
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
    public void testRenderXMLGetStylesheetParamsThrowsSqlException() throws ParserConfigurationException {
        SQLException sqlException = new SQLException();
        MockXSLTChannel mock = new MockXSLTChannel();
        mock.setStaticData(new ChannelStaticData());
        mock.setRuntimeData(new ChannelRuntimeData());
        Document blankDoc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument();
        try {
            mock.renderXML(new DummyContentHandler());
        } catch (PortalException pe) {
            assertSame(sqlException, pe.getCause());
            // good, expected throw behavior.
        fail("Should have thrown a PortalException wrapping the SqlException that getStylesheetParams() threw.");
     * A Mock implementation of CAbstractXSLT that provides configuration points
     * for scripting the template method return values or exception throw behavior.
    private class MockXSLTChannel extends CAbstractXslt {

         * The Document that getXml() will return when thrownFromGetXml
         * is null.
        private Document document;
         * When not null, the Exception that will be thrown from getXml().
        private Exception thrownFromGetXml;
         * The String that getXsltUri() will return when thrownFromGetXsltUri is null.
        private String xsltUriString;
         * When not null, the Exception that will be thrown from
         * getXsltUri().
        private Exception thrownFromGetXsltUri;
         * The Map that getStylesheetParams() will return except when
         * thrownFromGetStylesheetParams is not null.
        private Map stylesheetParamMap;
         * When not null, the Exception that getStylesheetParams() will throw.
        private Exception thrownFromGetStylesheetParams;
        protected Document getXml() throws Exception {
             * This mock implementation responds to this method call in the
             * configured way.  If we have an Exception to throw we throw it,
             * otherwise we return the configured return value.
            if (this.thrownFromGetXml != null) {
                throw this.thrownFromGetXml;
            return this.document;

        protected String getXsltUri() throws Exception {
             * This mock implementation responds to this method call in the
             * configured way.  If we have an Exception to throw we throw it,
             * otherwise we return the configured return value.
            if (this.thrownFromGetXsltUri != null) {
                throw this.thrownFromGetXsltUri;
            return this.xsltUriString;

        protected Map getStylesheetParams() throws Exception {
             * This mock implementation responds to this method call in the
             * configured way.  If we have an Exception to throw we throw it,
             * otherwise we return the configured return value.
            if (this.thrownFromGetStylesheetParams != null) {
                throw this.thrownFromGetStylesheetParams;
            return this.stylesheetParamMap;

        public void receiveEvent(PortalEvent ev) {
            // do nothing
         * Get the Document we will return on getXml() when we do not throw.
         * @return the Document we will return on getXml() when we do not throw.
        Document getDocument() {
            return this.document;
         * Set the Document we will return for getXml() where we do not throw.
         * @param document Document we will return on getXml() where we do not throw.
        void setDocument(Document document) {
            this.document = document;
         * Get the Map we should return on invocation of getStylesheetParams() where
         * we do not throw.
         * @return the Map we will return on getStylesheetParams() when we do not throw.
        Map getStylesheetParamMap() {
            return this.stylesheetParamMap;
         * Set the Map we will return on invocation of getStylesheetParams() in the case
         * where we do not throw.
         * @param stylesheetParamMap Map we should return on getStylesheetParams().
        void setStylesheetParamMap(Map stylesheetParamMap) {
            this.stylesheetParamMap = stylesheetParamMap;
         * Get the Throwable that we will throw on invocation of getStylesheetParams(),
         * or null if we will not throw.
         * @return the Throwable we will throw on getStylesheetParams(), or null if we will not throw.
        Throwable getThrownFromGetStylesheetParams() {
            return this.thrownFromGetStylesheetParams;
         * Set the Throwable we should throw on invocation of getStylesheetParams().
         * Set to null to configure not to throw on invocation of getStylesheetParams().
         * @param thrownFromGetStylesheetParams Exception to throw, or null not to throw.
        void setThrownFromGetStylesheetParams(
                Exception thrownFromGetStylesheetParams) {
            this.thrownFromGetStylesheetParams = thrownFromGetStylesheetParams;
         * Get the Throwable we will throw on invocations of getXml(), or null if
         * we will not throw.
         * @return the Exception we will throw on getXml() or null if we will not throw.
        Exception getThrownFromGetXml() {
            return this.thrownFromGetXml;
         * Set the Throwable we will throw on invocations of getXml().
         * Set to null to configure not to throw on invocations of
         * getXml() and instead return our document.
         * @param thrownFromGetXml Exception to throw or null to not throw.
        void setThrownFromGetXml(Exception thrownFromGetXml) {
            this.thrownFromGetXml = thrownFromGetXml;
         * Get the Throwable that we will throw on invocation of getXsltUri(), or
         * null if we will not throw.
         * @return the Throwable we will throw, or null if we will not throw.
        Throwable getThrownFromGetXsltUri() {
            return this.thrownFromGetXsltUri;
         * Set the Throwable that we will throw on getXsltUri() invocations.
         * When set to null, we will not throw but will instead return the String
         * we are configured to return.  When set to a non-null, we will throw
         * rather than return the String.
         * @param thrownFromGetXsltUri a Exception or null indicating do not throw.
        void setThrownFromGetXsltUri(Exception thrownFromGetXsltUri) {
            this.thrownFromGetXsltUri = thrownFromGetXsltUri;
         * Get the String that we will return on getXsltUri() invocations
         * when we do not throw anything.
         * @return Returns the String we will return on getXsltUri() invocations.
        String getXsltUriString() {
            return this.xsltUriString;
         * Set the String that this Mock Object will return for invocations of
         * getXsltUri().  This setting will be overridden when we are configured to
         * throw a Throwable on getXsltUri() invocation.
         * @param xsltUriString The String we should return when we do not throw.
        void setXsltUriString(String xsltUriString) {
            this.xsltUriString = xsltUriString;
     * A totally uninteresting stub ContentHandler that we use to test renderXML
     * exception handling behavior.
    private static class DummyContentHandler
        implements ContentHandler {

        public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
            // do nothing

        public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

        public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException {
            // do nothing

Related Classes of org.jasig.portal.channels.CAbstractXsltTest$DummyContentHandler

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