Package org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands

Source Code of org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands.RequestCommandImpl

$Source: /cvs/repositories/openii3/project/java/source/org/openeai/jms/consumer/commands/,v $
$Revision: 1.12 $

This file is part of the OpenEAI Application Foundation or
OpenEAI Message Object API created by Tod Jackson
( and Steve Wheat ( at
the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Copyright (C) 2002 The OpenEAI Software Foundation

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

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package org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands;

import org.openeai.*;
import org.openeai.xml.*;
import org.openeai.config.*;
import org.openeai.layouts.XmlLayout;

import org.openeai.moa.*;
import org.openeai.moa.objects.resources.*;

import javax.jms.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;

* The "default" anscestor of all RequestCommands that are executed by a PointToPointConsumer.
* Organizations can add an additional layer between this class and the command implementations they develop
* or they can even eliminate the use of this class altogether.  This class provides many useful convenience
* methods that are commonly needed by all RequestCommand implementations.  Additional common routines will be added
* to this layer as time goes by...
* <P>
* @author      Tod Jackson (
* @author      Steve Wheat (
* @version     3.0  - 28 January 2003
* @see ConsumerCommand
* @see RequestCommand
* @see SyncCommandImpl
* @see SyncCommand
public class RequestCommandImpl extends ConsumerCommand {
  public RequestCommandImpl() {
  * Default constructor behavior that will apply to all RequestCommand implementations.
  * This is the constructor called by AppConfig/ConsumerConfig during gateway initialization.
  * Calls the ConsumerCommand constructor.
  * @param cConfig CommandConfig the CommandConfig Java object that wraps the CommandConfig
  * Element from the deployment document.
  * @throws InstantiationException if errors occur during initialization.
  public RequestCommandImpl(CommandConfig cConfig) throws InstantiationException {

   * Adds the supplied reply contents to the supplied message, and returns the message.
   * @param msg the message to which reply contents are to be added
   * @param replyContents the reply contents to add to the message
  protected Message getMessage( TextMessage msg, String replyContents ) throws CommandException {
      try {
          msg.setText( replyContents );
      } catch (Exception e) {
          logger.fatal( e.getMessage(), e );
          throw new CommandException( e.getMessage(), e );
      return msg;

  *  This method is used to build a reply document that contains error specified by the
  *  command returning the reply (during it's 'execute' method execution).  This is the
  *  data (containing the error(s)) that will be returned to the requesting application.
  @param senderControlArea Element the control area from the message consumed by the Command.  This will be used
  *  to determine the message action and Requesting message id information (the messaging component that
  *  produced the request this Command consumed).
  @param replyDoc Document the 'primed' reply document being returned.  This will typically be either a
  *  Generic-Response-Reply document or a 'response-reply' document specific to the message object/action
  *  being processed (e.g. InstitutionalIdentity-Response-Reply).
  @param errors java.util.List a List of org.openeai.moa.objects.Error objects that have
  *  been built with the appropriate error number, error type and error descriptions.
  final protected String buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(Element senderControlArea,
    Document replyDoc, java.util.List errors) {

    // Just to be safe, we'll remove the DataArea message object if one exists..
    // We're only going to want to re-add an empty DataArea if it had one to begin
    // with (Provides).  In the case of "Responses" there won't be one so we won't
    // want to add one.
    Element replyDataArea = replyDoc.getRootElement().getChild(DATA_AREA);
    boolean needsDataArea = false;
    if (replyDataArea != null) {
      needsDataArea = true;

    // Build the reply document as if there were no errors.
    String strReplyDoc = buildReplyDocument(senderControlArea, replyDoc);
    XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter();

    // Now add the errors into the control area
    Result aResult = new Result();

    Document localReplyDoc = null;
    try {
      XmlDocumentReader xmlReader = new XmlDocumentReader();
      localReplyDoc = xmlReader.initializeDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(strReplyDoc.getBytes()), false);
      Element replyControlArea = getControlArea(localReplyDoc.getRootElement());
      Element eResult = replyControlArea.getChild("Result");

      for (int i=0; i<errors.size(); i++) {
        org.openeai.moa.objects.resources.Error anError =

      if (needsDataArea) {
        localReplyDoc.getRootElement().addContent(new Element(DATA_AREA));
      return xmlOut.outputString(localReplyDoc);
    catch (Exception e) {
      // We'll just have to return the replyDoc after we've added our error
      // to it without the Dynamic ControlArea information...
      logger.fatal("Error building error reply document.");
      logger.fatal(e.getMessage(), e);
      return strReplyDoc;

  *  This method is used to build a reply document that contains error specified by the
  *  command returning the reply (during it's 'execute' method execution).  This is the
  *  data (containing the error(s)) that will be returned to the requesting application.
  *  This method also accepts an Exception that can be passed that will be 'appended' to the list
  *  of errors being returned in the reply document.  This method should be used if an Exception
  *  is caught during the 'execution' of the command.
  @param senderControlArea Element the control area from the message consumed by the Command.  This will be used
  *  to determine the message action and Requesting message id information (the messaging component that
  *  produced the request this Command consumed).
  @param replyDoc Document the 'primed' reply document being returned.  This will typically be either a
  *  Generic-Response-Reply document or a 'response-reply' document specific to the message object/action
  *  being processed (e.g. InstitutionalIdentity-Response-Reply).
  @param errors java.util.List a List of org.openeai.moa.objects.Error objects that have
  *  been built with the appropriate error number, error type and error descriptions.
  @param e Throwable an Exception that occurrred.
  final protected String buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(Element senderControlArea,
    Document replyDoc, java.util.List errors, Throwable e) {

    ByteArrayOutputStream bw = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw, true);

    String errMessage = "Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "\n" + bw.toString();

    org.openeai.moa.objects.resources.Error anError =
      new org.openeai.moa.objects.resources.Error();



    return buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(senderControlArea, replyDoc, errors);

  *  This method is used to build a standard reply document that contains data specified by the
  *  command returning the reply (during it's 'execute' method execution).  This is the
  *  data that will be returned to the requesting application.  It 'augments' the current contents
  *  of the reply document passed in with dynamic ControlAreaReply information.
  @param senderControlArea Element the control area from the message consumed by the Command.  This will be used
  *  to determine the message action and Requesting message id information (the messaging component that
  *  produced the request this Command consumed).
  @param replyDoc Document the 'primed' reply document being returned.  This will typically be either a
  *  Generic-Response-Reply document or a 'response-reply' document specific to the message object/action
  *  being processed (e.g. InstitutionalIdentity-Response-Reply).
  public final String buildReplyDocument(Element senderControlArea, Document replyDoc) {

    XMLOutputter xmlOut = new XMLOutputter();
    Document localReplyDoc = (Document)replyDoc.clone();

    String msgAction = senderControlArea.getAttribute(MESSAGE_ACTION).getValue();

    Element replyControlArea = getControlArea(localReplyDoc.getRootElement());

    // A DataArea will only exist for some reply documents,
    // later when we rebuild the reply document, we'll check to see
    // if this element is null before we try to add it back into
    // the document.  We need to do this so when we re-build the document
    // we can add the ControlArea and DataAreas in the proper order...
    Element replyDataArea = localReplyDoc.getRootElement().getChild(DATA_AREA);
    if (replyDataArea != null) {


    Result aResult = new Result();

    ProcessedMessageId processedMsgId = new ProcessedMessageId();
    Element eRequestSender = senderControlArea.getChild("Sender");



    // Set the sender element (the replier)
    Sender sender = new Sender();

    MessageId replierMsgId = new MessageId();

    Authentication auth = new Authentication();

    Element eSender = null;
    try {
      XmlLayout xmlLayout = (XmlLayout)sender.getOutputLayoutManager("xml");
      eSender = (Element)sender.buildOutputFromObject();
    catch (Exception e) {
      logger.fatal("[buildReplyDocument] Exception occurred building an Element from the Sender object.  Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return xmlOut.outputString(replyDoc);

    // Set the datetime element (for the replier)
    Datetime dt = new Datetime();
    Element eDatetime = null;
    try {
      eDatetime = (Element)dt.buildOutputFromObject();
    catch (Exception e) {
      logger.fatal("[buildReplyDocument] Exception occurred building an Element from the Datetime object.  Exception: " + e.getMessage());
      return xmlOut.outputString(replyDoc);

    try {
      if (replyDataArea != null) {
    catch (Exception e) {
      logger.fatal("Error building reply document, returning Reply Document passed in");
      logger.fatal(e.getMessage(), e);
      return xmlOut.outputString(replyDoc);
    return xmlOut.outputString(localReplyDoc);

  protected ArrayList logErrors(String errNumber, String errMessage, Throwable e, Document inDoc) {
    logger.fatal(errMessage, e);
    logger.fatal("Message sent in is: \n" + getMessageBody(inDoc));
    ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
    errors.add(buildError("application", errNumber, errMessage));
    return errors;
  protected ArrayList logErrors(String errNumber, String errMessage, Document inDoc) {
    logger.fatal("Message sent in is: \n" + getMessageBody(inDoc));
    ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
    errors.add(buildError("application", errNumber, errMessage));
    return errors;

Related Classes of org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands.RequestCommandImpl

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