Package nux.xom.pool

Source Code of nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil$Normalizer$ReplaceNormalizer

* Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California, through
* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required
* approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley
* National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
* You are under no obligation whatsoever to provide any bug fixes, patches, or
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* form.
package nux.xom.pool;


import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.MarshalException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;

import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Comment;
import nu.xom.DocType;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.IllegalAddException;
import nu.xom.Node;
import nu.xom.NodeFactory;
import nu.xom.Nodes;
import nu.xom.ParentNode;
import nu.xom.ProcessingInstruction;
import nu.xom.Serializer;
import nu.xom.Text;
import nu.xom.WellformednessException;
import nu.xom.XMLException;
import nu.xom.canonical.Canonicalizer;
import nu.xom.converters.DOMConverter;
import nux.xom.binary.BinaryXMLCodec;
import nux.xom.binary.NodeBuilder;
import nux.xom.xquery.ResultSequenceSerializer;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMImplementation;

* Various utilities avoiding redundant code in several classes.
* @author
* @author $Author: hoschek3 $
* @version $Revision: 1.159 $, $Date: 2006/03/24 01:17:26 $
public class XOMUtil {
  // for indentation substring sharing in toDebugString()
  private static final String TABS = repeatString("\t", 128);
  /** gc'able BinaryXMLCodec instance (per thread) since a codec is not thread-safe */
  private static final ThreadLocal LOCAL_CODEC = new SoftThreadLocal() {
    protected Object initialSoftValue() { // lazy init
      return new BinaryXMLCodec();

  // constructing a new DocumentBuilder is VERY expensive, so we reuse it time and again
  // in a thread-safe way once it has been constructed.
  private static final ThreadLocal LOCAL_DOC_BUILDER = new SoftThreadLocal() {
    protected Object initialSoftValue() { // lazy init
      javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
      try {
        DocumentBuilder docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        //System.err.println("found DOM DocumentBuilder="+docBuilder.getClass().getName());
        return docBuilder;
      } catch (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException e) {
        throw new XMLException(
          "Can't find or create DOM DocumentBuilder - check your classpath", e);
  private XOMUtil() {} // not instantiable
   * Returns a thread local BinaryXMLCodec since a BinaryXMLCodec is not thread-safe.
  static BinaryXMLCodec getBinaryXMLCodec() { // TODO: make this public?
    return (BinaryXMLCodec) LOCAL_CODEC.get();
   * Returns a namespace-aware DOMImplementation via the default JAXP lookup mechanism.
   * @return a namespace-aware DOMImplementation
  public static DOMImplementation getDOMImplementation() {
    return ((DocumentBuilder) LOCAL_DOC_BUILDER.get()).getDOMImplementation();
   * Returns a pretty-printed String representation of the given node (subtree).
   * @param node the node (subtree) to convert.
   * @return a pretty-printed String representation
   * @see Serializer
  public static String toPrettyXML(Node node) {
    if (!(node instanceof ParentNode)) {
      return node.toXML(); // not really pretty-printed

     * ResultSequenceSerializer ensures correct output of namespace
     * declarations even if element is not a root element, and it does
     * so without the potentially expensive node.copy() required by
     * nu.xom.Serializer
    ResultSequenceSerializer serializer = new ResultSequenceSerializer();
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Nodes nodes = new Nodes();
    String xml;
    try {
      serializer.write(nodes, out);
      xml = out.toString("UTF-8"); // safe: UTF-8 support is required by JDK spec
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("should never happen", e);
    // remove XML declaration header <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r\n
    // remove trailing line break, if any
    xml = xml.substring(xml.indexOf('>') + 1);
    if (xml.startsWith("\r\n")) xml = xml.substring(2);
    int j = xml.length();
    if (xml.endsWith("\r\n")) j = j - 2;
    else if (xml.endsWith("\n")) j = j - 1;
    return xml.substring(0, j);
   * Returns the W3C Canonical XML representation of the given document.
   * @param doc the document to convert.
   * @return the bytes representing canonical XML
   * @see Canonicalizer
  public static byte[] toCanonicalXML(Document doc) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Canonicalizer canon = new Canonicalizer(out);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("should never happen", e);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodError e) {
      try { // xom < 1.1 uses write(Document) signature
        Canonicalizer.class.getMethod("write", new Class[] {Document.class});
      } catch (Exception e1) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e1)
    return out.toByteArray();
   * Returns a properly indented debug level string representation of the
   * entire given XML node subtree, decorated with node types, node names,
   * children, etc. For instance, this can be used to find structural diffs,
   * to detect anomalies wrt. empty texts, whitespace text, etc.
   * Applications could use this in combination with a {@link Normalizer}.
   * @param node
   *            the subtree to display
   * @return a string representation for debugging purposes.
  public static String toDebugString(Node node) {
    int depth = 0;
    String indent = TABS.substring(0, depth);
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(128);
    result.append(node); // also works if node == null
    if (node instanceof ParentNode) { // print subtree contents
      toDebugString((ParentNode) node, depth+1, result);
    result.deleteCharAt(result.length()-1); // remove trailing '\n'
    return result.toString();

  private static void toDebugString(ParentNode node, int depth, StringBuffer result) {
    String indent = TABS.substring(0, depth); // substring sharing
    // print attributes
    if (node instanceof Element) {
      Element elem = (Element) node;
      for (int i=0; i < elem.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
    // omitting namespace declarations for now
    // print children
    for (int i=0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) {
      Node child = node.getChild(i);
      if (child instanceof Element) { // recurse
        toDebugString((Element)child, depth+1, result);
  private static String repeatString(String str, int times) {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(str.length() * times);
    for (int i=0; i < times; i++) buf.append(str);
    return buf.toString();
   * Returns the XOM document obtained by parsing from the content of the
   * given XML string. Useful for quick'n dirty inline examples and tests. The
   * document is parsed with a non-validating Builder, and the baseURI of the
   * document will be the empty string.
   * <p>
   * Example usage:
   * <pre>
   * String xml =
   *     "&lt;foo>" +
   *         "&lt;bar size='123'>" +
   *             "hello world" +
   *         "&lt;/bar>" +
   *     "&lt;/foo>";
   * Document doc = toDocument(xml);
   * System.out.println(doc.toXML());
   * </pre>
   * @param xml
   *            the string to parse from
   * @return the corresponding XOM document
   * @throws XMLException
   *             if the content of the string to parse is not well-formed XML.
   * @see nu.xom.Builder#build(String, String)
  public static Document toDocument(String xml) {
    try { // no need to be inefficient by default
      return BuilderPool.GLOBAL_POOL.getBuilder(false).build(xml, "");
    } catch (Exception e) { // part of the "convenience"
      throw new XMLException(e.getMessage(), e);
   * Returns a node factory that removes each {@link nu.xom.Text} node that is
   * empty or consists of whitespace characters only (boundary whitespace).
   * This method fully preserves narrative <code>Text</code> containing
   * whitespace along with other characters.
   * <p>
   * Otherwise this factory behaves just like the standard {@link NodeFactory}.
   * <p>
   * Ignoring whitespace-only nodes reduces memory footprint for documents
   * that are heavily pretty printed and indented, i.e. human-readable.
   * Remember that without such a factory, <i>every </i> whitespace sequence
   * occurring between element tags generates a mostly useless Text node.
   * <p>
   * Finally, note that this method's whitespace pruning is appropriate for
   * many, but not all XML use cases (round-tripping). For example, the blank
   * between
   * <code>&lt;p>&lt;strong>Hello&lt;/strong> &lt;em>World!&lt;/em>&lt;/p></code>
   * will be removed, which might not be what you want. This is because this
   * method does not look across multiple Text nodes.
   * @return a node factory
  public static NodeFactory getIgnoreWhitespaceOnlyTextNodeFactory() {
    return new NodeFactory() {
      private final Nodes NONE = new Nodes();
      public Nodes makeText(String text) {
        return Normalizer.isWhitespaceOnly(text) ?
          NONE :
   * Returns a factory that delegates all calls to the given child factory,
   * logging each call to the given log stream (typically System.err) for
   * simple debugging purposes.
   * @param child
   *            the factory to delegate to
   * @param log
   *            the print stream to log to (typically System.err)
   * @param logName
   *            a name for this logger (typically "log" or similar)
   * @return a logging node factory
  public static NodeFactory getLoggingNodeFactory(final NodeFactory child,
      final PrintStream log, final String logName) {
    if (child == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("child must not be null");
    if (log == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("logStream must not be null");
    return new NodeFactory() {   
      private int level = 0;
      public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String URI, String value, Attribute.Type type) {
        log("", new Attribute(name, URI, value, type));
        return child.makeAttribute(name, URI, value, type);
      public Nodes makeComment(String data) {
        log("", new Comment(data));
        return child.makeComment(data);
      public Nodes makeDocType(String rootElementName, String publicID, String systemID) {
        log("", new DocType(rootElementName, publicID, systemID));
        return child.makeDocType(rootElementName, publicID, systemID);
      public Nodes makeProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) {
        log("", new ProcessingInstruction(target, data));
        return child.makeProcessingInstruction(target, data);
      public Nodes makeText(String text) {
        log("", new Text(text));
        return child.makeText(text);
      public Element makeRootElement(String name, String namespace) {
        log("startRoot", new Element(name, namespace));
        return child.makeRootElement(name, namespace);
      public Element startMakingElement(String name, String namespace) {
        log("start", new Element(name, namespace));
        Element elem = child.startMakingElement(name, namespace);
        if (elem == null)
          log("SKIP ", new Element(name, namespace));
        return elem;
      public Nodes finishMakingElement(Element element) {
        log("finish", element);
        ParentNode parent = null;
        if (element != null) parent = element.getParent();
        String parents = "{";
        while (parent != null) {
          parents += parent.toString() + ",";
          parent = parent.getParent();
        if (parents.endsWith(",")) parents = parents.substring(0, parents.length()-1);
        parents += "}";
        log("parents", parents);
        return child.finishMakingElement(element);
      public Document startMakingDocument() {
        level = 0;
        log("startDoc", null);
        return child.startMakingDocument();

      public void finishMakingDocument(Document document) {
        log("finishDoc", document);
        level = 0;
      private void log(String msg, Object node) {
        if (msg == null) msg = "";
        String indent;
        if (level <= TABS.length())
          indent = TABS.substring(0, Math.max(0, level));
          indent = repeatString("\t", level);
        String s = indent + logName;
        if (msg.length() > 0) s += ":" + msg;
        s += ":" + node;
   * Returns a node factory that removes leading and trailing whitespaces in
   * each {@link nu.xom.Text} node, altogether removing a Text node that becomes
   * empty after said trimming (ala {@link String#trim()}). For example a
   * text node of <code>"  hello world   "</code> becomes
   * <code>"hello world"</code>, and a text node of <code>"   "</code> is
   * removed.
   * <p>
   * Otherwise this factory behaves just like the standard {@link NodeFactory}.
   * <p>
   * Finally, note that this method's whitespace pruning is appropriate for
   * many, but not all XML use cases (round-tripping).
   * @return a node factory
  public static NodeFactory getTextTrimmingNodeFactory() {
    return new NodeFactory() {
      private final Nodes NONE = new Nodes();
      public Nodes makeText(String text) {
        text = Normalizer.trim(text);
        return text.length() == 0 ? NONE : super.makeText(text);
   * Returns a node factory for pure document validation. This factory does
   * not generate a document on <code></code>, which is
   * not required anyway for pure validation. Ignores all input and builds an
   * empty document instead. This improves validation performance.
   * @return a node factory
  public static NodeFactory getNullNodeFactory() {
    return new NodeFactory() {
      private final Nodes NONE = new Nodes();
      public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String URI, String value, Attribute.Type type) {
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeComment(String data) {
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeDocType(String rootElementName, String publicID, String systemID) {
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) {
        return NONE;
      public Element makeRootElement(String name, String namespace) {
        return new Element(name, namespace);
      public Nodes makeText(String text) {
        return NONE;
      public Element startMakingElement(String name, String namespace) {
        return null;
      public Document startMakingDocument() {
        return new Document(new Element("dummy")); // unused dummy

   * Returns a node factory that redirects its input onto the output of a
   * streaming serializer. For example can be used to convert standard textual
   * XML to and from bnux binary XML. Works in a fully streaming fashion, that
   * is, without building a complete temporary XOM main memory tree.
   * <p>
   * The document returned on <code>finishMakingDocument</code> will be empty.
   * @param serializer
   *            the streaming serializer to write to
   * @return a redirecting node factory
  public static NodeFactory getRedirectingNodeFactory(
      final StreamingSerializer serializer) {
    if (serializer == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Streaming serializer must not be null");
     * Buffers a start tag until attributes and namespaces have been attached
     * by the Builder, and only then calls serializer.writeStartTag(Elem).
    return new NodeFactory() {
      private Element buffer = null;
      private final Nodes NONE = new Nodes();
      private final NodeBuilder nodeBuilder = new NodeBuilder();
      public Nodes makeAttribute(String name, String namespace,
          String value, Attribute.Type type) {
          nodeBuilder.createAttribute(name, namespace, value, type));
//        buffer.addAttribute(
//          new Attribute(name, namespace, value, type));
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeComment(String data) {
        try {
          serializer.write(new Comment(data));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeDocType(String rootElementName, String publicID, String systemID) {
        try {
          serializer.write(new DocType(rootElementName, publicID, systemID));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) {
        try {
          serializer.write(new ProcessingInstruction(target, data));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return NONE;
      public Nodes makeText(String text) {
        try {
          serializer.write(new Text(text));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return NONE;
      public Element startMakingElement(String name, String namespace) {
//        buffer = new Element(name, namespace);
        buffer = nodeBuilder.createElement(name, namespace);
        return buffer;
      public Nodes finishMakingElement(Element element) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        if (element.getParent() instanceof Document) {
          return new Nodes(element);
        return NONE;
      public Document startMakingDocument() {
        buffer = null;
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return new Document(new Element("dummy")); // unused dummy
      public void finishMakingDocument(Document document) {
        buffer = null;
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException(e);
      private void flush() {
        if (buffer != null) {
          try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
          buffer = null;

  /** little helper for safe reading of string system properties */
  static String getSystemProperty(String key, String defaults) {
    try {
      return System.getProperty(key, defaults);
    } catch (Throwable e) { // better safe than sorry (applets, security managers, etc.) ...
      return defaults; // we can live with that

  /** little helper for safe reading of boolean system properties */
  static boolean getSystemProperty(String key, boolean defaults) {
    try {
      return "true".equalsIgnoreCase(
          System.getProperty(key, String.valueOf(defaults)));
    } catch (Throwable e) { // better safe than sorry (applets, security managers, etc.) ...
      return defaults; // we can live with that

  /** little helper for safe reading of int system properties */
  static int getSystemProperty(String key, int defaults) {
    try {
      return Integer.getInteger(key, defaults).intValue();
    } catch (Throwable e) { // better safe than sorry (applets, security managers, etc.) ...
      return defaults; // we can live with that

  /** little helper for safe reading of long system properties */
  static long getSystemProperty(String key, long defaults) {
    try {
      return Long.getLong(key, defaults).longValue();
    } catch (Throwable e) { // better safe than sorry (applets, security managers, etc.) ...
      return defaults; // we can live with that
   * Returns a reasonable approximation of the main memory [bytes] consumed by the
   * given XOM subtree. Assumes that qname Strings are interned, but Text
   * values and Attribute values are not. For simplicity, assumes no VM word
   * boundary alignment of instance vars. Useful for memory-sensitive caches.
  static int getMemorySize(Node node) {
    // int PTR = getSystemProperty("", 32) / 8;
    int PTR = 4; // pointer
    int HEADER = 3*PTR; // object header of any java object
    int STR = HEADER + 3*4 + PTR + HEADER + 4; // string
//    int ARRLIST = HEADER + 4 + PTR + HEADER + 4; // ArrayList
    int ARR = HEADER + 4; // Object[]

    int size = HEADER + PTR + 4; // object header + parent + siblingPosition
    if (node instanceof ParentNode) {
      ParentNode parent = (ParentNode) node;
      size += PTR + PTR + 4; // baseURI + childrenPtr + childCount
      int count = parent.getChildCount();
      if (count > 0) size += ARR + count*PTR;
      for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) {
        size += getMemorySize(parent.getChild(i));
      if (node instanceof Element) {
        Element elem = (Element) node;
        size += 5*PTR + 4;
        count = elem.getAttributeCount();
        if (count > 0) size += ARR + count*PTR;
        for (int i = count; --i >= 0; ) {
          size += getMemorySize(elem.getAttribute(i));
        // for the moment assume no additional namespace declarations (common case)
    } else if (node instanceof Attribute) {
      size += 5*PTR;
      size += STR + 2 * node.getValue().length();
    } else { // Text (and Comment, ProcessingInstruction, DocType)
      size += PTR;
      size += STR + 2 * node.getValue().length();

    return size;
   * Marshals (serializes) the given JAXB object via the given marshaller
   * into a new XOM Document (convenience method).
   * <p>
   * This implementation is somewhat inefficient but correctly does the job.
   * There is no connection between the JAXB object tree and the XOM object tree;
   * they are completely independent object trees without any cross-references.
   * Hence, updates in one tree are not automatically reflected in the other tree.
   * @param marshaller
   *            a JAXB serializer (note that a marshaller is typically
   *            not thread-safe and expensive to construct; hence the recommendation
   *            is to use a {@link ThreadLocal} to make it thread-safe and efficient)
   * @param jaxbObj
   *            the JAXB object to serialize
   * @return the new XOM document
   * @throws JAXBException
   *             If an unexpected problem occurred in the conversion.
   * @throws MarshalException
   *             If an error occurred while performing the marshal operation.
   *             Whereever possible, one should prefer the
   *             {@link MarshalException} over the {@link JAXBException}.
   * @see Marshaller#marshal(java.lang.Object, org.w3c.dom.Node)
  public static Document jaxbMarshal(Marshaller marshaller, Object jaxbObj)
      throws JAXBException {
    if (jaxbObj == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("jaxbObj must not be null");
    if (marshaller == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("marshaller must not be null");
    return DOMConverter.convert(jaxbMarshalDOM(marshaller, jaxbObj));
   * Unmarshals (deserializes) the given XOM node via the given unmarshaller
   * into a new JAXB object (convenience method).
   * <p>
   * This implementation is somewhat inefficient but correctly does the job.
   * There is no connection between the JAXB object tree and the XOM object tree;
   * they are completely independent object trees without any cross-references.
   * Hence, updates in one tree are not automatically reflected in the other tree.
   * @param unmarshaller
   *            a JAXB deserializer (note that an unmarshaller is typically
   *            not thread-safe and expensive to construct; hence the recommendation
   *            is to use a {@link ThreadLocal} to make it thread-safe and efficient)
   * @param node
   *            the XOM node to deserialize
   * @return the new JAXB object
   * @throws JAXBException
   *             If an unexpected problem occurred in the conversion.
   * @throws UnmarshalException
   *             If an error occurred while performing the unmarshal operation.
   *             Whereever possible, one should prefer the
   *             {@link UnmarshalException} over the {@link JAXBException}.
   * @see Unmarshaller#unmarshal(org.w3c.dom.Node)
  public static Object jaxbUnmarshal(Unmarshaller unmarshaller, ParentNode node)
      throws JAXBException {
    if (node == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("node must not be null");
    if (unmarshaller == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("unmarshaller must not be null");
    Document doc;
    if (node instanceof Document) {
      doc = (Document) node;
    else if (node instanceof Element) {
      // do not modify elem's parent pointer
      doc = new Document((Element) node.copy());
    else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal XOM node type" + node);
    return jaxbUnmarshalDOM(unmarshaller,
        DOMConverter.convert(doc, getDOMImplementation()));
  private static org.w3c.dom.Document jaxbMarshalDOM(Marshaller marshaller, Object jaxbObj) throws JAXBException {
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = (DocumentBuilder) LOCAL_DOC_BUILDER.get();
    org.w3c.dom.Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
    marshaller.marshal(jaxbObj, doc);
    return doc;
  private static Object jaxbUnmarshalDOM(Unmarshaller unmarshaller, org.w3c.dom.Node node) throws JAXBException {
    return unmarshaller.unmarshal(node);
//  /**
//   * Streams (pushes) the given document through the given node factory,
//   * returning a new result document, filtered according to the policy
//   * implemented by the node factory. This method exactly mimics the
//   * NodeFactory based behaviour of the XOM {@link nu.xom.Builder}. Intended
//   * to filter a document that is already held in a main memory XOM tree,
//   * rather than held in a file.
//   *
//   * @param doc
//   *            the document to push into the node factory
//   * @param factory
//   *            the node factory to stream into (may be <code>null</code>).
//   * @return a new result document
//   */
//  public static Document build(Document doc, NodeFactory factory) {
//    return new NodeFactoryPusher().build(doc, factory);
//  }
  // Nested classes:
   * Streams (pushes) the given document through the given node factory.
  private static final class NodeFactoryPusher {
    public Document build(Document doc, NodeFactory factory) {
      if (doc == null)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("doc must not be null");
      if (factory == null || factory.getClass() == NodeFactory.class) {
        return new Document(doc); // no need to pipe through the default factory
      Document result = factory.startMakingDocument();
      boolean hasRootElement = false;
      int k = 0;
      for (int i=0; i < doc.getChildCount(); i++) {
        Node child = doc.getChild(i);
        Nodes nodes;
        if (child instanceof Element) {
          Element elem = (Element) child;
          Element root = factory.makeRootElement(
              elem.getQualifiedName(), elem.getNamespaceURI());
          if (root == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Factory failed to create root element.");
          appendNamespaces(elem, root);
          appendAttributes(elem, factory, root);
          build(elem, factory, root);
          nodes = factory.finishMakingElement(root);
        } else if (child instanceof Comment) {
          nodes = factory.makeComment(child.getValue());
        } else if (child instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
          ProcessingInstruction pi = (ProcessingInstruction) child;
          nodes = factory.makeProcessingInstruction(
            pi.getTarget(), pi.getValue());
        } else if (child instanceof DocType) {
          DocType docType = (DocType) child;
          nodes = factory.makeDocType(
        } else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized node type");
        // append nodes:
        for (int j=0; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
          Node node = nodes.get(j);
          if (node instanceof Element) { // replace fake root with real root
            if (hasRootElement) {
              throw new IllegalAddException(
                "Factory returned multiple root elements");
            result.setRootElement((Element) node);
            hasRootElement = true;
          } else {
            result.insertChild(node, k);
      if (!hasRootElement) throw new WellformednessException(
        "Factory attempted to remove the root element");
      return result;
    private static void build(Element parent, NodeFactory factory, Element result) {
      for (int i=0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) {
        Nodes nodes;
        Node child = parent.getChild(i);
        if (child instanceof Element) {
          Element elem = (Element) child;
          Element copy = factory.startMakingElement(
              elem.getQualifiedName(), elem.getNamespaceURI());
          if (copy != null) {
            result = copy;
            appendNamespaces(elem, result);
            appendAttributes(elem, factory, result);

          build(elem, factory, result); // recurse down
          if (copy == null) continue; // skip element
          result = (Element) copy.getParent(); // recurse up
          nodes = factory.finishMakingElement(copy);
          if (nodes.size()==1 && nodes.get(0)==copy) { // same node? (common case)
            continue; // optimization: no need to remove and then readd same element
          if (result.getChildCount()-1 < 0) {
            throw new XMLException("Factory has tampered with a parent pointer " +
              "of ancestor-or-self in finishMakingElement()");
        } else if (child instanceof Text) {
          nodes = factory.makeText(child.getValue());
        } else if (child instanceof Comment) {
          nodes = factory.makeComment(child.getValue());
        } else if (child instanceof ProcessingInstruction) {
          ProcessingInstruction pi = (ProcessingInstruction) child;
          nodes = factory.makeProcessingInstruction(
            pi.getTarget(), pi.getValue());
        } else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized node type");
        appendNodes(result, nodes);
    // could be replaced with BinaryXMLCodec.writeNamespaceDeclarationsFast()
    private static void appendNamespaces(Element elem, Element result) {
      int count = elem.getNamespaceDeclarationCount();
      if (count == 1)
        return; // elem.getNamespaceURI() has already been written

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        String prefix = elem.getNamespacePrefix(i);
        String uri = elem.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
        if (prefix.equals(elem.getNamespacePrefix()) && uri.equals(elem.getNamespaceURI())) {
//          if (DEBUG) System.err.println("********** NAMESPACE IGNORED ON WRITE ***************\n");
        result.addNamespaceDeclaration(prefix, uri);
    private static void appendAttributes(Element elem, NodeFactory factory, Element result) {
      for (int i=0; i < elem.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
        Attribute attr = elem.getAttribute(i);
    private static void appendNodes(Element elem, Nodes nodes) {
      if (nodes != null) {
        int size = nodes.size();
        for (int i=0; i < size; i++) {
          Node node = nodes.get(i);
          if (node instanceof Attribute) {
            elem.addAttribute((Attribute) node);
          } else {
            elem.insertChild(node, elem.getChildCount());
  // Nested classes:
   * Standard XML algorithms for text and whitespace normalization (but not
   * for Unicode normalization); type safe enum. XML whitespace is
   * <code>' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'</code>.
   * <p>
   * This class is rarely needed by applications, but when it is needed it's
   * pretty useful.
  public static class Normalizer {
     * Whitespace normalization returns the string unchanged; hence
     * indicates no whitespace normalization should be performed at all;
     * This is typically the default for applications.
    public static final Normalizer PRESERVE = new Normalizer();
     * Whitespace normalization replaces <i>each</i> whitespace character in the
     * string with a <code>' '</code> space character.
    public static final Normalizer REPLACE = new ReplaceNormalizer();
     * Whitespace normalization replaces each
     * sequence of whitespace in the string by a single <code>' '</code>
     * space character; Further, leading and trailing whitespaces are removed,
     * if present, ala <code>String.trim()</code>.
    public static final Normalizer COLLAPSE = new CollapseNormalizer();
     * Whitespace normalization removes leading and trailing whitespaces,
     * if present, ala <code>String.trim()</code>.
    public static final Normalizer TRIM = new TrimNormalizer();
     * Whitespace normalization removes strings that consist of
     * whitespace-only (boundary whitespace), retaining other strings
     * unchanged.
    public static final Normalizer STRIP = new StripNormalizer();
    private Normalizer() {}
     * Performs XML whitespace normalization according to the chosen
     * algorithm implemented by this type.
     * Also see
     * @param str
     *            the string to normalize
     * @return a normalized string
    String normalizeWhitespace(String str) {
      return str; // PRESERVE by default; override for other algorithms
     * Recursively walks the given node subtree and merges runs of consecutive
     * (adjacent) {@link Text} nodes (if present) into a single Text node
     * containing their string concatenation; Empty Text nodes are removed.
     * If present, CDATA nodes are treated as Text nodes.
     * <p>
     * <i>After</i> merging consecutive Text nodes into a single Text node, the given
     * whitespace normalization algorithm is applied to each <i>resulting</i>
     * Text node.
     * The semantics of the PRESERVE algorithm are the same as with the DOM method
     * {@link org.w3c.dom.Node#normalize() org.w3c.dom.Node.normalize()}.
     * <p>
     * Note that documents built by a {@link nu.xom.Builder} with the default
     * {@link nu.xom.NodeFactory} are guaranteed to never have adjacent or empty
     * Text nodes. However, subsequent manual removal or insertion of nodes to
     * the tree can cause Text nodes to become adjacent, and updates can cause
     * Text nodes to become empty.
     * <p>
     * Text normalization with the whitespace PRESERVE algorithm is necessary to
     * achieve strictly standards-compliant
     * XPath and XQuery semantics if a query compares or extracts the value of
     * individual Text nodes that (unfortunately) happen to be adjacent to
     * other Text nodes. Luckily, such use cases are rare in practical
     * real-world scenarios and thus a user hardly ever needs to call this method
     * before passing a XOM tree into XQuery or XPath.
     * <p>
     * Example Usage:
     * <pre>
     * Element foo = new Element("foo");
     * foo.appendChild("");
     * foo.appendChild("bar");
     * foo.appendChild("");
     * Element elem = new Element("elem");
     * elem.appendChild("");
     * elem.appendChild(foo);
     * elem.appendChild("hello   ");
     * elem.appendChild("world");
     * elem.appendChild(" \n");
     * elem.appendChild(foo.copy());
     * elem.appendChild("");
     * XOMUtil.Normalizer.PRESERVE.normalize(elem);
     * System.out.println(XOMUtil.toDebugString(elem));
     * </pre>
     * PRESERVE yields the following normalized output:
     * <pre>
     * [nu.xom.Element: elem]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     *     [nu.xom.Text: hello   world \n]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     * </pre>
     * In contrast, REPLACE yields the following hello world form:
     * <pre>
     * [nu.xom.Element: elem]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     *     [nu.xom.Text: hello   world  ]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     * </pre>
     * Whereas, COLLAPSE yields:
     * <pre>
     * [nu.xom.Element: elem]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     *     [nu.xom.Text: hello world]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     * </pre>
     * TRIM yields:
     * <pre>
     * [nu.xom.Element: elem]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     *     [nu.xom.Text: hello   world]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     * </pre>
     * Finally, STRIP yields the same as PRESERVE because the example has no
     * whitepace-only results:
     * <pre>
     * [nu.xom.Element: elem]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     *     [nu.xom.Text: hello   world \n]
     *     [nu.xom.Element: foo]
     *         [nu.xom.Text: bar]
     * </pre>
     * @param node
     *            the subtree to normalize
    public final void normalize(ParentNode node) {
      // rather efficient implementation
      for (int i=node.getChildCount(); --i >= 0; ) {
        Node child = node.getChild(i);
        if (child instanceof Element) { // recursively walk the tree
        else if (child instanceof Text) {
          // scan to beginning of adjacent run, if any
          int j = i;
          while (--i >= 0 && node.getChild(i) instanceof Text) ;
          if (j != i) { // > 1 adjacent Text nodes (rare case)
            merge(node, i, j); // merge into a single Text node
          } else { // found isolated Text node (common case)
            String value = child.getValue();
            String norm = normalizeWhitespace(value);
            if (norm.length() == 0) {
            } else if (!norm.equals(value)) {
              ((Text) child).setValue(norm);
     * Found more than one adjacent Text node; merge them. Appends forwards
     * and removes backwards to minimize memory copies of list elems.
    private void merge(ParentNode node, int i, int j) {
      int k = i;
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(node.getChild(k++).getValue());
      while (k <= j) buf.append(node.getChild(k++).getValue());
      k = j;
      while (k >= i) node.removeChild(k--);
      // replace run with compact merged Text node unless empty
      String norm = normalizeWhitespace(buf.toString());
      if (norm.length() > 0) {
        node.insertChild(new Text(norm), i);
    /** see XML spec */
    private static boolean isWhitespace(char c) {
//      return c < ' ';
      switch (c) {
        case '\t': return true;
        case '\n': return true;
        case '\r': return true;
        case ' ' : return true;
        default  : return false;     
    private static boolean isWhitespaceOnly(String str) {
      for (int i=str.length(); --i >= 0; ) {
        if (!isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) return false;
      return true;
    private static String trim(String str) {
      // return str.trim();
      int j = str.length();
      int i = 0;
      while (i < j && isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) i++;

      while (i < j && isWhitespace(str.charAt(j-1))) j--;

      return i > 0 || j < str.length() ? str.substring(i, j) : str;
    // Doubly Nested classes:
    private static final class TrimNormalizer extends Normalizer {
      String normalizeWhitespace(String str) {
        return trim(str);
    private static final class StripNormalizer extends Normalizer {
      String normalizeWhitespace(String str) {
        return isWhitespaceOnly(str) ? "" : str;
    private static final class ReplaceNormalizer extends Normalizer {
      String normalizeWhitespace(String str) {
        int len = str.length();
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len);
        boolean modified = false; // keep identity and reduce memory if possible
        for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
          char c = str.charAt(i);
          if (c != ' ' && isWhitespace(c)) {
            c = ' ';
            modified = true;
        return modified ? buf.toString() : str;
    private static final class CollapseNormalizer extends Normalizer {
      String normalizeWhitespace(String str) {
        int len = str.length();
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len);
        boolean modified = false; // keep identity and reduce memory if possible
        for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
          char c = str.charAt(i);
          if (isWhitespace(c)) {
            // skip to next non-whitespace
            int j = i;
            while (++i < len && isWhitespace(str.charAt(i)));
            if (!modified && (c != ' ' || j != i)) modified = true;
            c = ' ';
         * Remove leading and trailing whitespace, if any.
         * Consecutive leading and trailing runs have already been merged
         * into a single space by above algorithm.
        len = buf.length();
        if (len > 0 && buf.charAt(len-1) == ' ') {
          modified = true;
        if (buf.length() > 0 && buf.charAt(0) == ' ') {
          modified = true;
        return modified ? buf.toString() : str;

Related Classes of nux.xom.pool.XOMUtil$Normalizer$ReplaceNormalizer

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