package com.ibatis.sqlmap;
import com.testdomain.IItem;
import com.testdomain.ISupplier;
import java.util.List;
public class ResultObjectFactoryTest extends BaseSqlMapTest {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
initSqlMap("com/ibatis/sqlmap/maps/SqlMapConfig_rof.xml", null);
* This tests that the result object factory is working -
* everything in the sql map is declared as an interface.
public void testShouldDemonstrateThatTheObjectFactoryIsWorking() throws Exception {
List results = sqlMap.queryForList("getAllItemsROF");
assertEquals(28, results.size());
IItem iItem = (IItem) results.get(2);
ISupplier iSupplier = iItem.getSupplier();
Integer id = iSupplier.getSupplierId();
assertEquals((Integer) 1, id);