package com.ibatis.sqlmap;
import com.testdomain.Category;
import com.testdomain.Product;
import java.util.List;
public class RepeatingGroupMappingTest extends BaseSqlMapTest {
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
initSqlMap("com/ibatis/sqlmap/maps/SqlMapConfig.xml", null);
public void testShouldRetrieveFiveCategories() throws Exception {
List categories = sqlMap.queryForList("getAllCategoriesMap");
public void testGroupBy() throws Exception {
List list = sqlMap.queryForList("getAllCategories", null);
assertEquals(5, list.size());
public void testGroupByExtended() throws Exception {
List list = sqlMap.queryForList("getAllCategoriesExtended", null);
assertEquals(5, list.size());
public void testNestedProperties() throws Exception {
List list = sqlMap.queryForList("getFish", null);
assertEquals(1, list.size());
Category cat = (Category) list.get(0);
assertEquals("FISH", cat.getCategoryId());
assertEquals("Fish", cat.getName());
assertNotNull("Expected product list.", cat.getProductList());
assertEquals(4, cat.getProductList().size());
Product product = (Product) cat.getProductList().get(0);
assertEquals(2, product.getItemList().size());
* This is a test case for iBATIS JIRA-250 "SELECT statement
* returns unexpected result when 'groupBy' and 'nullValue'
* are specified in resultMaps."
* <p/>
* The problem was that when a child object in a resultmap only
* contained null values it would still be created when one of the
* properties of the child object contained a nullValue attribute
* in the ResultMap. The nullValue would be applied before checking
* whether all properties of the child were 'null', so at least 1
* property would always be non-null (the reason for the
* nullValue attribute).
* <p/>
* The fix is to first check whether all properties of the child are
* 'null', and if the child object contains at least 1 non-null property
* to then only create the child object and apply the nullValue attribute.
* @throws Exception none should be thrown.
public void testGroupByJIRA250() throws Exception {
List list = sqlMap.queryForList("getAllProductCategoriesJIRA250", null);
Category cat = (Category) list.get(0);
assertEquals(0, cat.getProductList().size());