* Copyright (C) The MX4J Contributors.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the MX4J License version 1.0.
* See the terms of the MX4J License in the documentation provided with this software.
package test.mx4j.tools.jython;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.NotificationBroadcasterSupport;
import javax.management.ObjectInstance;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import mx4j.tools.jython.JythonRunner;
* @version $Revision: 1.3 $
public class JythonRunnerTest extends TestCase
private MBeanServer svr;
private JythonRunner jythonRunner;
private ObjectName jythonName;
private Int _int;
private ObjectName intName;
public interface IntMBean
int getValue();
void setValue(int value);
ObjectInstance getMBeans();
void setMBeans(ObjectInstance value);
ObjectInstance getInstances();
void setInstances(ObjectInstance value);
void invocation();
void invocationWithString(String param);
Long invocationWithLong(Long param);
Number subtract(Number one, Number two);
int subtractInts(int one, int two);
public class Int extends NotificationBroadcasterSupport implements IntMBean
private int value;
private String param;
private boolean invoked;
private Number subtracted;
private int subtractedInts;
private Notification notification;
private ObjectInstance mbean;
private ObjectInstance instance;
public int getValue()
return value;
public void setValue(int value)
this.value = value;
public ObjectInstance getMBeans()
return mbean;
public void setMBeans(ObjectInstance mbeans)
this.mbean = mbeans;
public ObjectInstance getInstances()
return instance;
public void setInstances(ObjectInstance instance)
this.instance = instance;
public void invocation()
this.invoked = true;
public void invocationWithString(String param)
this.param = param;
public Long invocationWithLong(Long param)
return param;
public Number subtract(Number one, Number two)
if ((one.floatValue() - one.intValue()) == 0)
subtracted = new Integer(one.intValue() - two.intValue());
subtracted = new Float(one.floatValue() - two.floatValue());
return subtracted;
public int subtractInts(int one, int two)
subtractedInts = one - two;
return subtractedInts;
public JythonRunnerTest(String name)
public void setUp() throws Exception
svr = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
jythonRunner = new JythonRunner();
jythonName = ObjectName.getInstance("tools", "type", "JythonRunner");
svr.registerMBean(jythonRunner, jythonName);
_int = new Int();
intName = ObjectName.getInstance("test", "type", "Int");
svr.registerMBean(_int, intName);
public void testInvokeFromJython()
jythonRunner.setScript("import jarray\n" +
"from java.lang import String,Long,Integer,Float\n" +
"from javax.management import Attribute\n" +
"o = ObjectName.getInstance(\"test\",\"type\",\"Int\")\n" +
"server.setAttribute(o,Attribute(\"Value\",1))\n" +
"server.invoke(o,\"invocation\",None,None)\n" +
"params = ['parameter']\n" +
"paramTypes = ['java.lang.String']\n" +
"c = String().getClass()\n" +
"aryParm = jarray.array(params,c)\n" +
"aryType = jarray.array(paramTypes,c)\n" +
assertEquals(1, _int.value);
assertEquals(_int.param, "parameter");
public void testHelperJythonObjects() throws Exception
jythonRunner.setScript("from java.lang import String,Long,Integer,Float\n" +
"from javax.management import Attribute\n" +
"o = ObjectName.getInstance(\"test\",\"type\",\"Int\")\n" +
"p = proxy(server,o)\n" +
"p.invocationWithLong(Long(10000))\n" +
"p.subtract(Float(2.1),Float(1.9))\n" +
"p.subtract(Integer(3),Integer(1))\n" +
assertEquals(new Integer(2), _int.subtracted);
assertEquals(5, _int.subtractedInts);
public void testListenerJythonScript() throws Exception
jythonRunner.setScript("o = ObjectName.getInstance(\"test\",\"type\",\"Int\")\n" +
"p = Proxy(server,o)\n" +
_int.sendNotification(new Notification("Type", "Source", 1L));
// Make sure notification is sent
assertEquals(111, _int.getValue());
public void testHelperFunctions() throws Exception
jythonRunner.setScript("import jarray\n" +
"s = 'test.mx4j.tools.jython.JythonRunnerTest$Int'\n" +
"o = ObjectName.getInstance(\"test\",\"type\",\"Int\")\n" +
"p = Proxy(server,o)\n" +
"p.MBeans=mbeans('test:type=Int')[0]\n" +
ObjectInstance oinst = _int.instance;
assertEquals(intName, oinst.getObjectName());
oinst = _int.mbean;
assertEquals(intName, oinst.getObjectName());
public void tearDown() throws Exception