* Copyright (C) The MX4J Contributors.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the MX4J License version 1.0.
* See the terms of the MX4J License in the documentation provided with this software.
package javax.management.remote.rmi;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.management.ListenerNotFoundException;
import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.NotificationFilter;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory;
import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import mx4j.remote.ConnectionNotificationEmitter;
import mx4j.remote.ConnectionResolver;
import mx4j.remote.HeartBeat;
import mx4j.remote.RemoteNotificationClientHandler;
import mx4j.remote.rmi.ClientExceptionCatcher;
import mx4j.remote.rmi.ClientInvoker;
import mx4j.remote.rmi.ClientUnmarshaller;
import mx4j.remote.rmi.RMIHeartBeat;
import mx4j.remote.rmi.RMIRemoteNotificationClientHandler;
* @version $Revision: 1.26 $
public class RMIConnector implements JMXConnector, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 817323035842634473l;
* @serial
private final JMXServiceURL jmxServiceURL;
* @serial
private RMIServer rmiServer;
private transient RMIConnection connection;
private transient boolean connected;
private transient boolean closed;
private transient ClassLoader defaultClassLoader;
private transient String connectionId;
private transient ConnectionNotificationEmitter emitter;
private transient HeartBeat heartbeat;
private transient RemoteNotificationClientHandler notificationHandler;
public RMIConnector(JMXServiceURL url, Map environment)
if (url == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("JMXServiceURL cannot be null");
this.jmxServiceURL = url;
this.rmiServer = null;
public RMIConnector(RMIServer server, Map environment)
if (server == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("RMIServer cannot be null");
this.jmxServiceURL = null;
this.rmiServer = server;
private void initialize(Map environment)
this.defaultClassLoader = findDefaultClassLoader(environment);
this.emitter = new ConnectionNotificationEmitter(this);
private ClassLoader findDefaultClassLoader(Map environment)
if (environment == null) return null;
Object loader = environment.get(JMXConnectorFactory.DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER);
if (loader != null && !(loader instanceof ClassLoader)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Environment property " + JMXConnectorFactory.DEFAULT_CLASS_LOADER + " must be a ClassLoader");
return (ClassLoader)loader;
public void connect() throws IOException, SecurityException
public void connect(Map environment) throws IOException, SecurityException
synchronized (this)
if (connected) return;
if (closed) throw new IOException("This RMIConnector has already been closed");
// Spec says, about default ClassLoader, to look here:
// 1. Environment at connect(); if null,
// 2. Environment at creation; if null,
// 3. Context classloader at connect().
ClassLoader loader = findDefaultClassLoader(environment);
if (loader != null)
defaultClassLoader = loader;
else if (defaultClassLoader == null)
defaultClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
Map env = environment == null ? new HashMap() : environment;
String protocol = jmxServiceURL.getProtocol();
ConnectionResolver resolver = ConnectionResolver.newConnectionResolver(protocol, env);
if (resolver == null) throw new IOException("Unsupported protocol: " + protocol);
if (rmiServer == null) rmiServer = (RMIServer)resolver.lookupClient(jmxServiceURL, env);
rmiServer = (RMIServer)resolver.bindClient(rmiServer, env);
Object credentials = env.get(CREDENTIALS);
this.connection = rmiServer.newClient(credentials);
connected = true;
this.connectionId = connection.getConnectionId();
this.heartbeat = new RMIHeartBeat(connection, emitter, env);
this.notificationHandler = new RMIRemoteNotificationClientHandler(connection, defaultClassLoader, emitter, heartbeat, env);
public void close() throws IOException
synchronized (this)
if (closed) return;
connected = false;
closed = true;
if (notificationHandler != null) notificationHandler.stop();
if (heartbeat != null) heartbeat.stop();
if (connection != null) connection.close();
connection = null;
rmiServer = null;
public String getConnectionId() throws IOException
return connectionId;
public MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection() throws IOException
return getMBeanServerConnection(null);
public MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection(Subject delegate) throws IOException
if (!connected) throw new IOException("Connection has not been established");
// TODO: here we hardcode the client invocation chain. Maybe worth remove this hardcoding ?
ClientInvoker invoker = new ClientInvoker(connection, notificationHandler, delegate);
MBeanServerConnection unmarshaller = ClientUnmarshaller.newInstance(invoker, defaultClassLoader);
MBeanServerConnection catcher = ClientExceptionCatcher.newInstance(unmarshaller);
return catcher;
public void addConnectionNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
emitter.addNotificationListener(listener, filter, handback);
public void removeConnectionNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener) throws ListenerNotFoundException
public void removeConnectionNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback) throws ListenerNotFoundException
emitter.removeNotificationListener(listener, filter, handback);
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if (jmxServiceURL == null && rmiServer == null) throw new InvalidObjectException("Nor the JMXServiceURL nor the RMIServer were specified for this RMIConnector");
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
if (jmxServiceURL == null && rmiServer == null) throw new InvalidObjectException("Nor the JMXServiceURL nor the RMIServer were specified for this RMIConnector");