/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2006 Wael Chatila / Icegreen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is released under the LGPL which is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
* This file has been modified by the copyright holder. Original file can be found at http://james.apache.org
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
package com.icegreen.greenmail.imap.commands;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.util.GreenMailUtil;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.imap.*;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.store.FolderException;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.store.MessageFlags;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.store.SimpleStoredMessage;
import javax.mail.Flags;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.util.*;
* Handles processeing for the FETCH imap command.
* @author Darrell DeBoer <darrell@apache.org>
* @version $Revision: 2860 $
class FetchCommand extends SelectedStateCommand implements UidEnabledCommand {
public static final String NAME = "FETCH";
public static final String ARGS = "<message-set> <fetch-profile>";
private FetchCommandParser parser = new FetchCommandParser();
* @see CommandTemplate#doProcess
protected void doProcess(ImapRequestLineReader request,
ImapResponse response,
ImapSession session)
throws ProtocolException, FolderException {
doProcess(request, response, session, false);
public void doProcess(ImapRequestLineReader request,
ImapResponse response,
ImapSession session,
boolean useUids)
throws ProtocolException, FolderException {
IdRange[] idSet = parser.parseIdRange(request);
FetchRequest fetch = parser.fetchRequest(request);
if (useUids) {
fetch.uid = true;
ImapSessionFolder mailbox = session.getSelected();
long[] uids = mailbox.getMessageUids();
for (int i = 0; i < uids.length; i++) {
long uid = uids[i];
int msn = mailbox.getMsn(uid);
if ((useUids && includes(idSet, uid)) ||
(!useUids && includes(idSet, msn))) {
SimpleStoredMessage storedMessage = mailbox.getMessage(uid);
String msgData = outputMessage(fetch, storedMessage, mailbox, useUids);
response.fetchResponse(msn, msgData);
boolean omitExpunged = (!useUids);
session.unsolicitedResponses(response, omitExpunged);
private String outputMessage(FetchRequest fetch, SimpleStoredMessage message,
ImapSessionFolder folder, boolean useUids)
throws FolderException, ProtocolException {
// Check if this fetch will cause the "SEEN" flag to be set on this message
// If so, update the flags, and ensure that a flags response is included in the response.
boolean ensureFlagsResponse = false;
if (fetch.isSetSeen() && !message.getFlags().contains(Flags.Flag.SEEN)) {
folder.setFlags(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), true, message.getUid(), folder, useUids);
ensureFlagsResponse = true;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
// FLAGS response
if (fetch.flags || ensureFlagsResponse) {
response.append(" FLAGS ");
// INTERNALDATE response
if (fetch.internalDate) {
response.append(" INTERNALDATE \"");
// TODO format properly
// RFC822.SIZE response
if (fetch.size) {
response.append(" RFC822.SIZE ");
// ENVELOPE response
if (fetch.envelope) {
response.append(" ENVELOPE ");
// BODY response
if (fetch.body) {
response.append(" BODY ");
if (fetch.bodyStructure) {
response.append(" BODYSTRUCTURE ");
// UID response
if (fetch.uid) {
response.append(" UID ");
// BODY part responses.
Collection elements = fetch.getBodyElements();
for (Iterator iterator = elements.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
BodyFetchElement fetchElement = (BodyFetchElement) iterator.next();
if (null == fetchElement.getPartial()) {
// Various mechanisms for returning message body.
String sectionSpecifier = fetchElement.getParameters();
MimeMessage mimeMessage = message.getMimeMessage();
try {
handleBodyFetch(mimeMessage, sectionSpecifier, fetchElement.getPartial(), response);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO chain exceptions
throw new FolderException(e.getMessage());
if (response.length() > 0) {
// Remove the leading " ".
return response.substring(1);
} else {
return "";
private void handleBodyFetch(MimeMessage mimeMessage,
String sectionSpecifier,
String partial,
StringBuffer response)
throws Exception {
if (sectionSpecifier.length() == 0) {
// TODO - need to use an InputStream from the response here.
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] bytes = bout.toByteArray();
bytes = doPartial(partial, bytes, response);
addLiteral(bytes, response);
} else if (sectionSpecifier.equalsIgnoreCase("HEADER")) {
Enumeration inum = mimeMessage.getAllHeaderLines();
addHeaders(inum, response);
} else if (sectionSpecifier.startsWith("HEADER.FIELDS.NOT")) {
String[] excludeNames = extractHeaderList(sectionSpecifier, "HEADER.FIELDS.NOT".length());
Enumeration inum = mimeMessage.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(excludeNames);
addHeaders(inum, response);
} else if (sectionSpecifier.startsWith("HEADER.FIELDS ")) {
String[] includeNames = extractHeaderList(sectionSpecifier, "HEADER.FIELDS ".length());
Enumeration inum = mimeMessage.getMatchingHeaderLines(includeNames);
addHeaders(inum, response);
} else if (sectionSpecifier.endsWith("MIME")) {
String[] strs = sectionSpecifier.trim().split("\\.");
int partNumber = Integer.parseInt(strs[0]) - 1;
MimeMultipart mp = (MimeMultipart) mimeMessage.getContent();
byte[] bytes = GreenMailUtil.instance().getHeaderAsBytes(mp.getBodyPart(partNumber));
bytes = doPartial(partial, bytes, response);
addLiteral(bytes, response);
} else if (sectionSpecifier.equalsIgnoreCase("TEXT")) {
// TODO - need to use an InputStream from the response here.
// TODO - this is a hack. To get just the body content, I'm using a null
// input stream to take the headers. Need to have a way of ignoring headers.
byte[] bytes = GreenMailUtil.instance().getBodyAsBytes(mimeMessage);
bytes = doPartial(partial, bytes, response);
addLiteral(bytes, response);
} else {
int partNumber = Integer.parseInt(sectionSpecifier) - 1;
MimeMultipart mp = (MimeMultipart) mimeMessage.getContent();
byte[] bytes = GreenMailUtil.instance().getBodyAsBytes(mp.getBodyPart(partNumber));
bytes = doPartial(partial, bytes, response);
addLiteral(bytes, response);
private byte[] doPartial(String partial, byte[] bytes, StringBuffer response) {
if (null != partial) {
String[] strs = partial.split("\\.");
int start = Integer.parseInt(strs[0]);
int len;
if (2 == strs.length) {
len = Integer.parseInt(strs[1]);
} else {
len = bytes.length;
start = Math.min(start, bytes.length);
len = Math.min(len, bytes.length);
byte[] newBytes = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(bytes, start, newBytes, 0, len);
bytes = newBytes;
response.append("> ");
return bytes;
private void addLiteral(byte[] bytes, StringBuffer response) {
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
byte b = bytes[i];
response.append((char) b);
// TODO should do this at parse time.
private String[] extractHeaderList(String headerList, int prefixLen) {
// Remove the trailing and leading ')('
String tmp = headerList.substring(prefixLen + 1, headerList.length() - 1);
String[] headerNames = split(tmp, " ");
return headerNames;
private String[] split(String value, String delimiter) {
ArrayList strings = new ArrayList();
int startPos = 0;
int delimPos;
while ((delimPos = value.indexOf(delimiter, startPos)) != -1) {
String sub = value.substring(startPos, delimPos);
startPos = delimPos + 1;
String sub = value.substring(startPos);
return (String[]) strings.toArray(new String[0]);
private void addHeaders(Enumeration inum, StringBuffer response) {
List lines = new ArrayList();
int count = 0;
while (inum.hasMoreElements()) {
String line = (String) inum.nextElement();
count += line.length() + 2;
response.append(count + 2);
Iterator lit = lines.iterator();
while (lit.hasNext()) {
String line = (String) lit.next();
* @see ImapCommand#getName
public String getName() {
return NAME;
* @see CommandTemplate#getArgSyntax
public String getArgSyntax() {
return ARGS;
private class FetchCommandParser extends CommandParser {
public FetchRequest fetchRequest(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
FetchRequest fetch = new FetchRequest();
char next = nextNonSpaceChar(request);
consumeChar(request, '(');
next = nextNonSpaceChar(request);
while (next != ')') {
addNextElement(request, fetch);
next = nextNonSpaceChar(request);
consumeChar(request, ')');
return fetch;
private void addNextElement(ImapRequestLineReader command, FetchRequest fetch)
throws ProtocolException {
char next = nextCharInLine(command);
StringBuffer element = new StringBuffer();
while (next != ' ' && next != '[' && next != ')') {
next = nextCharInLine(command);
String name = element.toString();
// Simple elements with no '[]' parameters.
if (next == ' ' || next == ')') {
if ("FAST".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.flags = true;
fetch.internalDate = true;
fetch.size = true;
} else if ("FULL".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.flags = true;
fetch.internalDate = true;
fetch.size = true;
fetch.envelope = true;
fetch.body = true;
} else if ("ALL".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.flags = true;
fetch.internalDate = true;
fetch.size = true;
fetch.envelope = true;
} else if ("FLAGS".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.flags = true;
} else if ("RFC822.SIZE".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.size = true;
} else if ("ENVELOPE".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.envelope = true;
} else if ("INTERNALDATE".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.internalDate = true;
} else if ("BODY".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.body = true;
} else if ("BODYSTRUCTURE".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.bodyStructure = true;
} else if ("UID".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.uid = true;
} else if ("RFC822".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.add(new BodyFetchElement("RFC822", ""), false);
} else if ("RFC822.HEADER".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.add(new BodyFetchElement("RFC822.HEADER", "HEADER"), true);
} else if ("RFC822.TEXT".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.add(new BodyFetchElement("RFC822.TEXT", "TEXT"), false);
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid fetch attribute: " + name);
} else {
consumeChar(command, '[');
StringBuffer sectionIdentifier = new StringBuffer();
next = nextCharInLine(command);
while (next != ']') {
next = nextCharInLine(command);
consumeChar(command, ']');
String parameter = sectionIdentifier.toString();
String partial = null;
next = nextCharInLine(command);
if ('<' == next) {
partial = "";
consumeChar(command, '<');
next = nextCharInLine(command);
while (next != '>') {
partial += next;
next = nextCharInLine(command);
consumeChar(command, '>');
next = nextCharInLine(command);
if ("BODY".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.add(new BodyFetchElement("BODY[" + parameter + "]", parameter, partial), false);
} else if ("BODY.PEEK".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
fetch.add(new BodyFetchElement("BODY[" + parameter + "]", parameter, partial), true);
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid fetch attibute: " + name + "[]");
private char nextCharInLine(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextChar();
if (next == '\r' || next == '\n') {
throw new ProtocolException("Unexpected end of line.");
return next;
private char nextNonSpaceChar(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextChar();
while (next == ' ') {
next = request.nextChar();
return next;
private static class FetchRequest {
boolean flags;
boolean uid;
boolean internalDate;
boolean size;
boolean envelope;
boolean body;
boolean bodyStructure;
private boolean setSeen = false;
private Set bodyElements = new HashSet();
public Collection getBodyElements() {
return bodyElements;
public boolean isSetSeen() {
return setSeen;
public void add(BodyFetchElement element, boolean peek) {
if (!peek) {
setSeen = true;
private class BodyFetchElement {
private String name;
private String sectionIdentifier;
private String partial;
public BodyFetchElement(String name, String sectionIdentifier) {
this(name, sectionIdentifier, null);
public BodyFetchElement(String name, String sectionIdentifier, String partial) {
this.name = name;
this.sectionIdentifier = sectionIdentifier;
this.partial = partial;
public String getParameters() {
return this.sectionIdentifier;
public String getResponseName() {
return this.name;
public String getPartial() {
return partial;
6.4.5. FETCH Command
Arguments: message set
message data item names
Responses: untagged responses: FETCH
Result: OK - fetch completed
NO - fetch error: can't fetch that data
BAD - command unknown or arguments invalid
The FETCH command retrieves data associated with a message in the
mailbox. The data items to be fetched can be either a single atom
or a parenthesized list.
The currently defined data items that can be fetched are:
ALL Macro equivalent to: (FLAGS INTERNALDATE
BODY Non-extensible form of BODYSTRUCTURE.
The text of a particular body section. The section
specification is a set of zero or more part
specifiers delimited by periods. A part specifier
is either a part number or one of the following:
TEXT. An empty section specification refers to the
entire message, including the header.
Every message has at least one part number.
Non-[MIME-IMB] messages, and non-multipart
[MIME-IMB] messages with no encapsulated message,
only have a part 1.
Multipart messages are assigned consecutive part
numbers, as they occur in the message. If a
particular part is of type message or multipart,
its parts MUST be indicated by a period followed by
the part number within that nested multipart part.
A part of type MESSAGE/RFC822 also has nested part
numbers, referring to parts of the MESSAGE part's
TEXT part specifiers can be the sole part specifier
or can be prefixed by one or more numeric part
specifiers, provided that the numeric part
specifier refers to a part of type MESSAGE/RFC822.
The MIME part specifier MUST be prefixed by one or
more numeric part specifiers.
part specifiers refer to the [RFC-822] header of
the message or of an encapsulated [MIME-IMT]
HEADER.FIELDS.NOT are followed by a list of
field-name (as defined in [RFC-822]) names, and
return a subset of the header. The subset returned
by HEADER.FIELDS contains only those header fields
with a field-name that matches one of the names in
the list; similarly, the subset returned by
HEADER.FIELDS.NOT contains only the header fields
with a non-matching field-name. The field-matching
is case-insensitive but otherwise exact. In all
cases, the delimiting blank line between the header
and the body is always included.
The MIME part specifier refers to the [MIME-IMB]
header for this part.
The TEXT part specifier refers to the text body of
the message, omitting the [RFC-822] header.
Here is an example of a complex message
with some of its part specifiers:
HEADER ([RFC-822] header of the message)
3.HEADER ([RFC-822] header of the message)
3.TEXT ([RFC-822] text body of the message)
4.1.MIME ([MIME-IMB] header for the IMAGE/GIF)
4.2.HEADER ([RFC-822] header of the message)
4.2.TEXT ([RFC-822] text body of the message)
It is possible to fetch a substring of the
designated text. This is done by appending an open
angle bracket ("<"), the octet position of the
first desired octet, a period, the maximum number
of octets desired, and a close angle bracket (">")
to the part specifier. If the starting octet is
beyond the end of the text, an empty string is
Any partial fetch that attempts to read beyond the
end of the text is truncated as appropriate. A
partial fetch that starts at octet 0 is returned as
a partial fetch, even if this truncation happened.
Note: this means that BODY[]<0.2048> of a
1500-octet message will return BODY[]<0>
with a literal of size 1500, not BODY[].
Note: a substring fetch of a
specifier is calculated after subsetting
the header.
The \Seen flag is implicitly set; if this causes
the flags to change they SHOULD be included as part
of the FETCH responses.
An alternate form of BODY[<section>] that does not
implicitly set the \Seen flag.
BODYSTRUCTURE The [MIME-IMB] body structure of the message. This
is computed by the server by parsing the [MIME-IMB]
header fields in the [RFC-822] header and
[MIME-IMB] headers.
ENVELOPE The envelope structure of the message. This is
computed by the server by parsing the [RFC-822]
header into the component parts, defaulting various
fields as necessary.
FAST Macro equivalent to: (FLAGS INTERNALDATE
FLAGS The flags that are set for this message.
FULL Macro equivalent to: (FLAGS INTERNALDATE
INTERNALDATE The internal date of the message.
RFC822 Functionally equivalent to BODY[], differing in the
syntax of the resulting untagged FETCH data (RFC822
is returned).
RFC822.HEADER Functionally equivalent to BODY.PEEK[HEADER],
differing in the syntax of the resulting untagged
FETCH data (RFC822.HEADER is returned).
RFC822.SIZE The [RFC-822] size of the message.
RFC822.TEXT Functionally equivalent to BODY[TEXT], differing in
the syntax of the resulting untagged FETCH data
(RFC822.TEXT is returned).
UID The unique identifier for the message.
S: * 2 FETCH ....
S: * 3 FETCH ....
S: * 4 FETCH ....
S: A654 OK FETCH completed
7.4.2. FETCH Response
Contents: message data
The FETCH response returns data about a message to the client.
The data are pairs of data item names and their values in
parentheses. This response occurs as the result of a FETCH or
STORE command, as well as by unilateral server decision (e.g. flag
The current data items are:
BODY A form of BODYSTRUCTURE without extension data.
A string expressing the body contents of the
specified section. The string SHOULD be
interpreted by the client according to the content
transfer encoding, body type, and subtype.
If the origin octet is specified, this string is a
substring of the entire body contents, starting at
that origin octet. This means that BODY[]<0> MAY
be truncated, but BODY[] is NEVER truncated.
8-bit textual data is permitted if a [CHARSET]
identifier is part of the body parameter
parenthesized list for this section. Note that
headers (part specifiers HEADER or MIME, or the
header portion of a MESSAGE/RFC822 part), MUST be
7-bit; 8-bit characters are not permitted in
headers. Note also that the blank line at the end
of the header is always included in header data.
Non-textual data such as binary data MUST be
transfer encoded into a textual form such as BASE64
prior to being sent to the client. To derive the
original binary data, the client MUST decode the
transfer encoded string.
BODYSTRUCTURE A parenthesized list that describes the [MIME-IMB]
body structure of a message. This is computed by
the server by parsing the [MIME-IMB] header fields,
defaulting various fields as necessary.
For example, a simple text message of 48 lines and
2279 octets can have a body structure of: ("TEXT"
Multiple parts are indicated by parenthesis
nesting. Instead of a body type as the first
element of the parenthesized list there is a nested
body. The second element of the parenthesized list
is the multipart subtype (mixed, digest, parallel,
alternative, etc.).
For example, a two part message consisting of a
text and a BASE645-encoded text attachment can have
a body structure of: (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET"
"US-ASCII") NIL NIL "7BIT" 1152 23)("TEXT" "PLAIN"
("CHARSET" "US-ASCII" "NAME" "cc.diff")
"Compiler diff" "BASE64" 4554 73) "MIXED"))
Extension data follows the multipart subtype.
Extension data is never returned with the BODY
fetch, but can be returned with a BODYSTRUCTURE
fetch. Extension data, if present, MUST be in the
defined order.
The extension data of a multipart body part are in
the following order:
body parameter parenthesized list
A parenthesized list of attribute/value pairs
[e.g. ("foo" "bar" "baz" "rag") where "bar" is
the value of "foo" and "rag" is the value of
"baz"] as defined in [MIME-IMB].
body disposition
A parenthesized list, consisting of a
disposition type string followed by a
parenthesized list of disposition
attribute/value pairs. The disposition type and
attribute names will be defined in a future
standards-track revision to [DISPOSITION].
body language
A string or parenthesized list giving the body
language value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
Any following extension data are not yet defined in
this version of the protocol. Such extension data
can consist of zero or more NILs, strings, numbers,
or potentially nested parenthesized lists of such
data. Client implementations that do a
BODYSTRUCTURE fetch MUST be prepared to accept such
extension data. Server implementations MUST NOT
send such extension data until it has been defined
by a revision of this protocol.
The basic fields of a non-multipart body part are
in the following order:
body type
A string giving the content media type name as
defined in [MIME-IMB].
body subtype
A string giving the content subtype name as
defined in [MIME-IMB].
body parameter parenthesized list
A parenthesized list of attribute/value pairs
[e.g. ("foo" "bar" "baz" "rag") where "bar" is
the value of "foo" and "rag" is the value of
"baz"] as defined in [MIME-IMB].
body id
A string giving the content id as defined in
body description
A string giving the content description as
defined in [MIME-IMB].
body encoding
A string giving the content transfer encoding as
defined in [MIME-IMB].
body size
A number giving the size of the body in octets.
Note that this size is the size in its transfer
encoding and not the resulting size after any
A body type of type MESSAGE and subtype RFC822
contains, immediately after the basic fields, the
envelope structure, body structure, and size in
text lines of the encapsulated message.
A body type of type TEXT contains, immediately
after the basic fields, the size of the body in
text lines. Note that this size is the size in its
content transfer encoding and not the resulting
size after any decoding.
Extension data follows the basic fields and the
type-specific fields listed above. Extension data
is never returned with the BODY fetch, but can be
returned with a BODYSTRUCTURE fetch. Extension
data, if present, MUST be in the defined order.
The extension data of a non-multipart body part are
in the following order:
body MD5
A string giving the body MD5 value as defined in
body disposition
A parenthesized list with the same content and
function as the body disposition for a multipart
body part.
body language
A string or parenthesized list giving the body
language value as defined in [LANGUAGE-TAGS].
Any following extension data are not yet defined in
this version of the protocol, and would be as
described above under multipart extension data.
ENVELOPE A parenthesized list that describes the envelope
structure of a message. This is computed by the
server by parsing the [RFC-822] header into the
component parts, defaulting various fields as
The fields of the envelope structure are in the
following order: date, subject, from, sender,
reply-to, to, cc, bcc, in-reply-to, and message-id.
The date, subject, in-reply-to, and message-id
fields are strings. The from, sender, reply-to,
to, cc, and bcc fields are parenthesized lists of
address structures.
An address structure is a parenthesized list that
describes an electronic mail address. The fields
of an address structure are in the following order:
personal name, [SMTP] at-domain-list (source
route), mailbox name, and host name.
[RFC-822] group syntax is indicated by a special
form of address structure in which the host name
field is NIL. If the mailbox name field is also
NIL, this is an end of group marker (semi-colon in
RFC 822 syntax). If the mailbox name field is
non-NIL, this is a start of group marker, and the
mailbox name field holds the group name phrase.
Any field of an envelope or address structure that
is not applicable is presented as NIL. Note that
the server MUST default the reply-to and sender
fields from the from field; a client is not
expected to know to do this.
FLAGS A parenthesized list of flags that are set for this
INTERNALDATE A string representing the internal date of the
RFC822 Equivalent to BODY[].
RFC822.SIZE A number expressing the [RFC-822] size of the
RFC822.TEXT Equivalent to BODY[TEXT].
UID A number expressing the unique identifier of the
Example: S: * 23 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen) RFC822.SIZE 44827)