/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2006 Wael Chatila / Icegreen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is released under the LGPL which is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
* This file has been modified by the copyright holder. Original file can be found at http://james.apache.org
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
package com.icegreen.greenmail.imap.commands;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.imap.ImapConstants;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.imap.ImapRequestLineReader;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.imap.ProtocolException;
import com.icegreen.greenmail.store.MessageFlags;
import javax.mail.Flags;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
* @author Darrell DeBoer <darrell@apache.org>
* @version $Revision: 2872 $
public class CommandParser {
* Reads an argument of type "atom" from the request.
public String atom(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
return consumeWord(request, new ATOM_CHARValidator());
* Reads a command "tag" from the request.
public String tag(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
CharacterValidator validator = new TagCharValidator();
return consumeWord(request, validator);
* Reads an argument of type "astring" from the request.
public String astring(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextWordChar();
switch (next) {
case '"':
return consumeQuoted(request);
case '{':
return consumeLiteral(request);
return atom(request);
* Reads an argument of type "nstring" from the request.
public String nstring(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextWordChar();
switch (next) {
case '"':
return consumeQuoted(request);
case '{':
return consumeLiteral(request);
String value = atom(request);
if ("NIL".equals(value)) {
return null;
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid nstring value: valid values are '\"...\"', '{12} CRLF *CHAR8', and 'NIL'.");
* Reads a "mailbox" argument from the request. Not implemented *exactly* as per spec,
* since a quoted or literal "inbox" still yeilds "INBOX"
* (ie still case-insensitive if quoted or literal). I think this makes sense.
* <p/>
* mailbox ::= "INBOX" / astring
* ;; INBOX is case-insensitive. All case variants of
* ;; INBOX (e.g. "iNbOx") MUST be interpreted as INBOX
* ;; not as an astring.
public String mailbox(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
String mailbox = astring(request);
if (mailbox.equalsIgnoreCase(ImapConstants.INBOX_NAME)) {
return ImapConstants.INBOX_NAME;
} else {
return mailbox;
* Reads a "date-time" argument from the request.
* TODO handle timezones properly
public Date dateTime(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextWordChar();
String dateString;
if (next == '"') {
dateString = consumeQuoted(request);
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("DateTime values must be quoted.");
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss zzzz");
try {
return dateFormat.parse(dateString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid date format.");
* Reads a "date" argument from the request.
* TODO handle timezones properly
public Date date(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextWordChar();
String dateString;
if (next == '"') {
dateString = consumeQuoted(request);
} else {
dateString = atom(request);
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
try {
return dateFormat.parse(dateString);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid date format.");
* Reads the next "word from the request, comprising all characters up to the next SPACE.
* Characters are tested by the supplied CharacterValidator, and an exception is thrown
* if invalid characters are encountered.
protected String consumeWord(ImapRequestLineReader request,
CharacterValidator validator)
throws ProtocolException {
StringBuffer atom = new StringBuffer();
char next = request.nextWordChar();
while (!isWhitespace(next)) {
if (validator.isValid(next)) {
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid character: '" + next + "'");
next = request.nextChar();
return atom.toString();
private boolean isWhitespace(char next) {
return (next == ' ' || next == '\n' || next == '\r' || next == '\t');
* Reads an argument of type "literal" from the request, in the format:
* "{" charCount "}" CRLF *CHAR8
* Note before calling, the request should be positioned so that nextChar
* is '{'. Leading whitespace is not skipped in this method.
protected String consumeLiteral(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
// The 1st character must be '{'
consumeChar(request, '{');
StringBuffer digits = new StringBuffer();
char next = request.nextChar();
while (next != '}' && next != '+') {
next = request.nextChar();
// If the number is *not* suffixed with a '+', we *are* using a synchronized literal,
// and we need to send command continuation request before reading data.
boolean synchronizedLiteral = true;
// '+' indicates a non-synchronized literal (no command continuation request)
if (next == '+') {
synchronizedLiteral = false;
consumeChar(request, '+');
// Consume the '}' and the newline
consumeChar(request, '}');
if (synchronizedLiteral) {
int size = Integer.parseInt(digits.toString());
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
return new String(buffer);
* Consumes a CRLF from the request.
* TODO we're being liberal, the spec insists on \r\n for new lines.
* @param request
* @throws ProtocolException
private void consumeCRLF(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
char next = request.nextChar();
if (next != '\n') {
consumeChar(request, '\r');
consumeChar(request, '\n');
* Consumes the next character in the request, checking that it matches the
* expected one. This method should be used when the
protected void consumeChar(ImapRequestLineReader request, char expected)
throws ProtocolException {
char consumed = request.consume();
if (consumed != expected) {
throw new ProtocolException("Expected:'" + expected + "' found:'" + consumed + "'");
* Reads a quoted string value from the request.
protected String consumeQuoted(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
// The 1st character must be '"'
consumeChar(request, '"');
StringBuffer quoted = new StringBuffer();
char next = request.nextChar();
while (next != '"') {
if (next == '\\') {
next = request.nextChar();
if (!isQuotedSpecial(next)) {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid escaped character in quote: '" +
next + "'");
next = request.nextChar();
consumeChar(request, '"');
return quoted.toString();
* Reads a base64 argument from the request.
public byte[] base64(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
return null;
* Reads a "flags" argument from the request.
public Flags flagList(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
Flags flags = new Flags();
consumeChar(request, '(');
CharacterValidator validator = new NoopCharValidator();
String nextWord = consumeWord(request, validator);
while (!nextWord.endsWith(")")) {
setFlag(nextWord, flags);
nextWord = consumeWord(request, validator);
// Got the closing ")", may be attached to a word.
if (nextWord.length() > 1) {
setFlag(nextWord.substring(0, nextWord.length() - 1), flags);
return flags;
public void setFlag(String flagString, Flags flags) throws ProtocolException {
if (flagString.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageFlags.ANSWERED)) {
} else if (flagString.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageFlags.DELETED)) {
} else if (flagString.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageFlags.DRAFT)) {
} else if (flagString.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageFlags.FLAGGED)) {
} else if (flagString.equalsIgnoreCase(MessageFlags.SEEN)) {
} else {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid flag string.");
* Reads an argument of type "number" from the request.
public long number(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
String digits = consumeWord(request, new DigitCharValidator());
return Long.parseLong(digits);
* Reads an argument of type "nznumber" (a non-zero number)
* (NOTE this isn't strictly as per the spec, since the spec disallows
* numbers such as "0123" as nzNumbers (although it's ok as a "number".
* I think the spec is a bit shonky.)
public long nzNumber(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
long number = number(request);
if (number == 0) {
throw new ProtocolException("Zero value not permitted.");
return number;
private boolean isCHAR(char chr) {
return (chr >= 0x01 && chr <= 0x7f);
private boolean isCHAR8(char chr) {
return (chr >= 0x01 && chr <= 0xff);
protected boolean isListWildcard(char chr) {
return (chr == '*' || chr == '%');
private boolean isQuotedSpecial(char chr) {
return (chr == '"' || chr == '\\');
* Consumes the request up to and including the eno-of-line.
* @param request The request
* @throws ProtocolException If characters are encountered before the endLine.
public void endLine(ImapRequestLineReader request) throws ProtocolException {
* Reads a "message set" argument, and parses into an IdSet.
* Currently only supports a single range of values.
public IdRange[] parseIdRange(ImapRequestLineReader request)
throws ProtocolException {
CharacterValidator validator = new MessageSetCharValidator();
String nextWord = consumeWord(request, validator);
int commaPos = nextWord.indexOf(',');
if (commaPos == -1) {
return new IdRange[]{parseRange(nextWord)};
ArrayList rangeList = new ArrayList();
int pos = 0;
while (commaPos != -1) {
String range = nextWord.substring(pos, commaPos);
IdRange set = parseRange(range);
pos = commaPos + 1;
commaPos = nextWord.indexOf(',', pos);
String range = nextWord.substring(pos);
return (IdRange[]) rangeList.toArray(new IdRange[rangeList.size()]);
private IdRange parseRange(String range) throws ProtocolException {
int pos = range.indexOf(':');
try {
if (pos == -1) {
long value = parseLong(range);
return new IdRange(value);
} else {
long lowVal = parseLong(range.substring(0, pos));
long highVal = parseLong(range.substring(pos + 1));
return new IdRange(lowVal, highVal);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ProtocolException("Invalid message set.");
private long parseLong(String value) {
if (value.length() == 1 && value.charAt(0) == '*') {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
return Long.parseLong(value);
* Provides the ability to ensure characters are part of a permitted set.
protected interface CharacterValidator {
* Validates the supplied character.
* @param chr The character to validate.
* @return <code>true</code> if chr is valid, <code>false</code> if not.
boolean isValid(char chr);
protected class NoopCharValidator implements CharacterValidator {
public boolean isValid(char chr) {
return true;
protected class ATOM_CHARValidator implements CharacterValidator {
public boolean isValid(char chr) {
return (isCHAR(chr) && !isAtomSpecial(chr) &&
!isListWildcard(chr) && !isQuotedSpecial(chr));
private boolean isAtomSpecial(char chr) {
return (chr == '(' ||
chr == ')' ||
chr == '{' ||
chr == ' ' ||
chr == Character.CONTROL);
protected class DigitCharValidator implements CharacterValidator {
public boolean isValid(char chr) {
return ((chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') ||
chr == '*');
private class TagCharValidator extends ATOM_CHARValidator {
public boolean isValid(char chr) {
if (chr == '+') return false;
return super.isValid(chr);
private class MessageSetCharValidator implements CharacterValidator {
public boolean isValid(char chr) {
return (isDigit(chr) ||
chr == ':' ||
chr == '*' ||
chr == ',');
private boolean isDigit(char chr) {
return '0' <= chr && chr <= '9';