* $Id: StreamingTestCase.java 21939 2011-05-18 13:32:09Z aperepel $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.transport.tcp.integration;
import org.mule.api.MuleEventContext;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.InboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.module.client.MuleClient;
import org.mule.tck.DynamicPortTestCase;
import org.mule.tck.functional.EventCallback;
import org.mule.tck.functional.FunctionalStreamingTestComponent;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
* This test is more about testing the streaming model than the TCP provider, really.
public class StreamingTestCase extends DynamicPortTestCase
public static final int TIMEOUT = 300000;
public static final String TEST_MESSAGE = "Test TCP Request";
public static final String RESULT = "Received stream; length: 16; 'Test...uest'";
protected String getConfigResources()
return "tcp-streaming-test.xml";
public void testSend() throws Exception
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
final AtomicReference message = new AtomicReference();
final AtomicInteger loopCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
EventCallback callback = new EventCallback()
public synchronized void eventReceived(MuleEventContext context, Object component)
logger.info("called " + loopCount.incrementAndGet() + " times");
FunctionalStreamingTestComponent ftc = (FunctionalStreamingTestComponent) component;
// without this we may have problems with the many repeats
if (1 == latch.getCount())
assertEquals(RESULT, message.get());
catch (Exception e)
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
MuleClient client = new MuleClient(muleContext);
// this works only if singleton set in descriptor
Object ftc = getComponent("testComponent");
assertTrue("FunctionalStreamingTestComponent expected", ftc instanceof FunctionalStreamingTestComponent);
((FunctionalStreamingTestComponent) ftc).setEventCallback(callback, TEST_MESSAGE.length());
client.dispatch(((InboundEndpoint) client.getMuleContext().getRegistry().lookupObject("testInbound")).getAddress(),
TEST_MESSAGE, new HashMap());
latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
assertEquals(RESULT, message.get());
protected int getNumPortsToFind()
return 2;