* $Id: InboundMessageLossTestCase.java 22018 2011-05-27 20:55:34Z tcarlson $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.transport.jms.reliability;
import org.mule.api.context.notification.ExceptionNotificationListener;
import org.mule.context.notification.ExceptionNotification;
import org.mule.exception.DefaultSystemExceptionStrategy;
import org.mule.routing.filters.WildcardFilter;
import org.mule.transport.jms.redelivery.MessageRedeliveredException;
import org.mule.util.concurrent.Latch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Verify that no inbound messages are lost when exceptions occur.
* The message must either make it all the way to the SEDA queue (in the case of
* an asynchronous inbound endpoint), or be restored/rolled back at the source.
* In the case of JMS, this will cause the failed message to be redelivered if
* JMSRedelivery is configured.
public class InboundMessageLossTestCase extends AbstractJmsReliabilityTestCase
protected Latch messageRedelivered;
protected final int latchTimeout = 5000;
protected String getConfigResources()
return "reliability/activemq-config.xml, reliability/inbound-message-loss.xml";
protected void doSetUp() throws Exception
// Set SystemExceptionStrategy to redeliver messages (this can only be configured programatically for now)
((DefaultSystemExceptionStrategy) muleContext.getExceptionListener()).setRollbackTxFilter(new WildcardFilter("*"));
// Tell us when a MessageRedeliverdException has been handled
messageRedelivered = new Latch();
muleContext.registerListener(new ExceptionNotificationListener<ExceptionNotification>()
public void onNotification(ExceptionNotification notification)
if (notification.getException() instanceof MessageRedeliveredException)
public void testNoException() throws Exception
// Delivery was successful
assertFalse("Message should not have been redelivered",
messageRedelivered.await(latchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public void testTransformerException() throws Exception
// Delivery failed so message should have been redelivered
assertTrue("Message was not redelivered",
messageRedelivered.await(latchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public void testRouterException() throws Exception
// Delivery failed so message should have been redelivered
assertTrue("Message was not redelivered",
messageRedelivered.await(latchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
public void testComponentException() throws Exception
// Exception occurs after the SEDA queue for an asynchronous request, so from the client's
// perspective, the message has been delivered successfully.
assertFalse("Message should not have been redelivered",
messageRedelivered.await(latchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));