* $Id: RestServiceWrapper.java 19191 2010-08-25 21:05:23Z tcarlson $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.transport.http.components;
import org.mule.DefaultMuleEventContext;
import org.mule.DefaultMuleMessage;
import org.mule.MessageExchangePattern;
import org.mule.api.MuleEvent;
import org.mule.api.MuleEventContext;
import org.mule.api.MuleMessage;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.EndpointBuilder;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.OutboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionEvaluator;
import org.mule.api.expression.RequiredValueException;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException;
import org.mule.api.routing.filter.Filter;
import org.mule.component.AbstractComponent;
import org.mule.config.i18n.CoreMessages;
import org.mule.endpoint.EndpointURIEndpointBuilder;
import org.mule.routing.filters.ExpressionFilter;
import org.mule.transport.NullPayload;
import org.mule.transport.http.HttpConnector;
import org.mule.transport.http.HttpConstants;
import org.mule.util.StringUtils;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* This service can used to proxy REST style services as local Mule Components. It
* can be configured with a service URL plus a number of properties that allow you to
* configure the parameters and error conditions on the service.
public class RestServiceWrapper extends AbstractComponent
public static final String DELETE = HttpConstants.METHOD_DELETE;
public static final String GET = HttpConstants.METHOD_GET;
public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
public static final String HTTP_METHOD = "http.method";
* logger used by this class
protected transient Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private String serviceUrl;
private Map requiredParams = new HashMap();
private Map optionalParams = new HashMap();
private String httpMethod = GET;
private List payloadParameterNames;
private Filter errorFilter;
public String getServiceUrl()
return serviceUrl;
public void setServiceUrl(String serviceUrl)
this.serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
public Map getRequiredParams()
return requiredParams;
* Required params that are pulled from the message. If these params don't exist
* the call will fail Note that you can use
* {@link org.mule.api.expression.ExpressionEvaluator} expressions such as
* xpath, header, xquery, etc
* @param requiredParams
public void setRequiredParams(Map requiredParams)
this.requiredParams = requiredParams;
* Optional params that are pulled from the message. If these params don't exist
* execution will continue. Note that you can use {@link ExpressionEvaluator}
* expressions such as xpath, header, xquery, etc
public Map getOptionalParams()
return optionalParams;
public void setOptionalParams(Map optionalParams)
this.optionalParams = optionalParams;
public String getHttpMethod()
return httpMethod;
public void setHttpMethod(String httpMethod)
this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
public List getPayloadParameterNames()
return payloadParameterNames;
public void setPayloadParameterNames(List payloadParameterNames)
this.payloadParameterNames = payloadParameterNames;
public Filter getFilter()
return errorFilter;
public void setFilter(Filter errorFilter)
this.errorFilter = errorFilter;
protected void doInitialise() throws InitialisationException
if (serviceUrl == null)
throw new InitialisationException(CoreMessages.objectIsNull("serviceUrl"), this);
else if (!muleContext.getExpressionManager().isExpression(serviceUrl))
new URL(serviceUrl);
catch (MalformedURLException e)
throw new InitialisationException(e, this);
if (errorFilter == null)
// We'll set a default filter that checks the return code
errorFilter = new ExpressionFilter("#[header:INBOUND:http.status!=200]");
logger.info("Setting default error filter to ExpressionFilter('#[header:INBOUND:http.status!=200]')");
public Object doInvoke(MuleEvent event) throws Exception
Object requestBody;
Object request = event.getMessage().getPayload();
String tempUrl = serviceUrl;
MuleMessage result;
if (muleContext.getExpressionManager().isExpression(serviceUrl))
tempUrl = muleContext.getExpressionManager().parse(serviceUrl, event.getMessage(), true);
StringBuffer urlBuffer = new StringBuffer(tempUrl);
if (GET.equalsIgnoreCase(this.httpMethod) || DELETE.equalsIgnoreCase(this.httpMethod))
requestBody = NullPayload.getInstance();
setRESTParams(urlBuffer, event.getMessage(), request, requiredParams, false, null);
setRESTParams(urlBuffer, event.getMessage(), request, optionalParams, true, null);
// if post
StringBuffer requestBodyBuffer = new StringBuffer();
event.getMessage().setOutboundProperty(HttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE);
setRESTParams(urlBuffer, event.getMessage(), request, requiredParams, false, requestBodyBuffer);
setRESTParams(urlBuffer, event.getMessage(), request, optionalParams, true, requestBodyBuffer);
requestBody = requestBodyBuffer.toString();
tempUrl = urlBuffer.toString();
logger.info("Invoking REST service: " + tempUrl);
event.getMessage().setOutboundProperty(HttpConnector.HTTP_METHOD_PROPERTY, httpMethod);
EndpointBuilder endpointBuilder = new EndpointURIEndpointBuilder(tempUrl, muleContext);
OutboundEndpoint outboundEndpoint = endpointBuilder.buildOutboundEndpoint();
MuleEventContext eventContext = new DefaultMuleEventContext(event);
result = eventContext.sendEvent(
new DefaultMuleMessage(requestBody, event.getMessage(), muleContext), outboundEndpoint);
if (isErrorPayload(result))
handleException(new RestServiceException(CoreMessages.failedToInvokeRestService(tempUrl),
event), result);
return result;
private String getSeparator(String url)
String sep;
if (url.indexOf("?") > -1)
sep = "&";
sep = "?";
return sep;
private String updateSeparator(String sep)
if (sep.compareTo("?") == 0 || sep.compareTo("") == 0)
return ("&");
return sep;
// if requestBodyBuffer is null, it means that the request is a GET, otherwise it
// is a POST and
// requestBodyBuffer must contain the body of the http method at the end of this
// function call
private void setRESTParams(StringBuffer url,
MuleMessage msg,
Object body,
Map args,
boolean optional,
StringBuffer requestBodyBuffer)
String sep;
if (requestBodyBuffer == null)
sep = getSeparator(url.toString());
else if(requestBodyBuffer.length() > 0)
sep = "&";
sep = StringUtils.EMPTY;
for (Iterator iterator = args.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
String name = (String) entry.getKey();
String exp = (String) entry.getValue();
Object value = null;
if (muleContext.getExpressionManager().isExpression(exp))
value = muleContext.getExpressionManager().evaluate(exp, msg);
catch (RequiredValueException e)
value = exp;
if (value == null)
if (!optional)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(CoreMessages.propertyIsNotSetOnEvent(exp).toString());
else if (requestBodyBuffer != null) // implies this is a POST
sep = updateSeparator(sep);
if (!optional && payloadParameterNames != null)
if (body instanceof Object[])
Object[] requestArray = (Object[]) body;
for (int i = 0; i < payloadParameterNames.size(); i++)
if (requestBodyBuffer != null)
sep = updateSeparator(sep);
if (payloadParameterNames.get(0) != null)
if (requestBodyBuffer != null)
protected boolean isErrorPayload(MuleMessage message)
return errorFilter != null && errorFilter.accept(message);
protected void handleException(RestServiceException e, MuleMessage result) throws Exception
throw e;