Package org.mule.transport

Source Code of org.mule.transport.AbstractMessageReceiver

* $Id: 22160 2011-06-09 02:15:24Z dfeist $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.

package org.mule.transport;

import org.mule.DefaultMuleEvent;
import org.mule.MessageExchangePattern;
import org.mule.OptimizedRequestContext;
import org.mule.ResponseOutputStream;
import org.mule.api.MuleEvent;
import org.mule.api.MuleException;
import org.mule.api.MuleMessage;
import org.mule.api.MuleSession;
import org.mule.api.config.MuleProperties;
import org.mule.api.construct.FlowConstruct;
import org.mule.api.context.WorkManager;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.EndpointURI;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.InboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.CreateException;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException;
import org.mule.api.processor.MessageProcessor;
import org.mule.api.routing.filter.FilterUnacceptedException;
import org.mule.api.transaction.Transaction;
import org.mule.api.transformer.Transformer;
import org.mule.api.transport.Connector;
import org.mule.api.transport.MessageReceiver;
import org.mule.api.transport.PropertyScope;
import org.mule.context.notification.EndpointMessageNotification;
import org.mule.session.DefaultMuleSession;
import org.mule.session.LegacySessionHandler;
import org.mule.transaction.TransactionCoordination;
import org.mule.util.ClassUtils;
import org.mule.util.ObjectUtils;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.SerializationException;

* <code>AbstractMessageReceiver</code> provides common methods for all Message
* Receivers provided with Mule. A message receiver enables an endpoint to receive a
* message from an external system.
public abstract class AbstractMessageReceiver extends AbstractTransportMessageHandler implements MessageReceiver
     * The Service with which this receiver is associated with
    protected FlowConstruct flowConstruct;

     * {@link MessageProcessor} chain used to process messages once the transport
     * specific {@link MessageReceiver} has received transport message and created
     * the {@link MuleEvent}
    protected MessageProcessor listener;

     * Stores the key to this receiver, as used by the Connector to store the
     * receiver.
    protected String receiverKey = null;

     * Stores the endpointUri that this receiver listens on. This enpoint can be
     * different to the endpointUri in the endpoint stored on the receiver as
     * endpoint endpointUri may get rewritten if this endpointUri is a wildcard
     * endpointUri such as jms.*
    private EndpointURI endpointUri;

    protected List<Transformer> defaultInboundTransformers;
    protected List<Transformer> defaultResponseTransformers;

     * Creates the Message Receiver
     * @param connector the endpoint that created this listener
     * @param flowConstruct the flow construct to associate with the receiver.
     * @param endpoint the provider contains the endpointUri on which the receiver
     *            will listen on. The endpointUri can be anything and is specific to
     *            the receiver implementation i.e. an email address, a directory, a
     *            jms destination or port address.
     * @see FlowConstruct
     * @see InboundEndpoint
    public AbstractMessageReceiver(Connector connector, FlowConstruct flowConstruct, InboundEndpoint endpoint)
        throws CreateException

        if (flowConstruct == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("FlowConstruct cannot be null");
        this.flowConstruct = flowConstruct;

    protected ConnectableLifecycleManager createLifecycleManager()
        return new ConnectableLifecycleManager<MessageReceiver>(getReceiverKey(), this);

     * Method used to perform any initialisation work. If a fatal error occurs during
     * initialisation an <code>InitialisationException</code> should be thrown,
     * causing the Mule instance to shutdown. If the error is recoverable, say by
     * retrying to connect, a <code>RecoverableException</code> should be thrown.
     * There is no guarantee that by throwing a Recoverable exception that the Mule
     * instance will not shut down.
     * @throws org.mule.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException if a fatal error occurs
     *             causing the Mule instance to shutdown
     * @throws org.mule.api.lifecycle.RecoverableException if an error occurs that
     *             can be recovered from
    public final void initialise() throws InitialisationException
        endpointUri = endpoint.getEndpointURI();

        defaultInboundTransformers = connector.getDefaultInboundTransformers(endpoint);
        defaultResponseTransformers = connector.getDefaultResponseTransformers(endpoint);


    public FlowConstruct getFlowConstruct()
        return flowConstruct;

    public final MuleEvent routeMessage(MuleMessage message) throws MuleException
        Transaction tx = TransactionCoordination.getInstance().getTransaction();
        return routeMessage(message, tx, null);

    public final MuleEvent routeMessage(MuleMessage message, Transaction trans)
        throws MuleException
        return routeMessage(message, trans, null);

    public final MuleEvent routeMessage(MuleMessage message,
                                          Transaction trans,
                                          OutputStream outputStream) throws MuleException
        return routeMessage(message, new DefaultMuleSession(connector.getMuleContext()), trans,

    public final MuleEvent routeMessage(MuleMessage message,
                                          MuleSession session,
                                          Transaction trans,
                                          OutputStream outputStream) throws MuleException

        final Object o = message.getInboundProperty(MuleProperties.MULE_REMOTE_SYNC_PROPERTY);
        if (ObjectUtils.getBoolean(o, false) && !endpoint.getExchangePattern().hasResponse())
            logger.warn("MuleClient.send() was used but inbound endpoint "
                        + endpoint.getEndpointURI().getUri().toString()
                        + " is not 'request-response'.  No response will be returned.");

        message.removeProperty(MuleProperties.MULE_REMOTE_SYNC_PROPERTY, PropertyScope.INBOUND);

        MuleEvent muleEvent = createMuleEvent(message, outputStream);
        muleEvent = OptimizedRequestContext.unsafeSetEvent(muleEvent);

        if (!endpoint.isDisableTransportTransformer())
        MuleEvent resultEvent = listener.process(muleEvent);
        if (resultEvent != null && resultEvent.getMessage() != null
            && resultEvent.getMessage().getExceptionPayload() != null
            && resultEvent.getMessage().getExceptionPayload().getException() instanceof FilterUnacceptedException)
            return muleEvent;

        if (endpoint.getExchangePattern()== MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_RESPONSE && resultEvent != null && resultEvent.getMessage() != null && !endpoint.isDisableTransportTransformer())

        if (connector.isEnableMessageEvents() && endpoint.getExchangePattern().hasResponse())
            connector.fireNotification(new EndpointMessageNotification(
                    resultEvent.getMessage(), endpoint, resultEvent

        return resultEvent;

    protected void applyInboundTransformers(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
        event.getMessage().applyTransformers(event, defaultInboundTransformers);

    protected void applyResponseTransformers(MuleEvent event) throws MuleException
        event.getMessage().applyTransformers(event, defaultResponseTransformers);

    protected MuleMessage handleUnacceptedFilter(MuleMessage message)
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            String messageId;
            messageId = message.getUniqueId();
            logger.debug("Message " + messageId + " failed to pass filter on endpoint: " + endpoint
                         + ". Message is being ignored");
        return message;

    protected MuleEvent createMuleEvent(MuleMessage message, OutputStream outputStream)
        throws MuleException
        ResponseOutputStream ros = null;
        if (outputStream != null)
            if (outputStream instanceof ResponseOutputStream)
                ros = (ResponseOutputStream) outputStream;
                ros = new ResponseOutputStream(outputStream);
        MuleSession session;
            session = connector.getSessionHandler().retrieveSessionInfoFromMessage(message);
        catch (SerializationException se)
                // EE-1820 Support message headers generated by previous Mule versions
                session = new LegacySessionHandler().retrieveSessionInfoFromMessage(message);
            catch (Exception e)
                // If the LegacySessionHandler didn't work either, just bubble up the original SerializationException (see MULE-5487) 
                throw se;
        if (session != null)
            session = new DefaultMuleSession(flowConstruct, connector.getMuleContext());
        return new DefaultMuleEvent(message, getEndpoint(), session, ros);

    public EndpointURI getEndpointURI()
        return endpointUri;

    public String getConnectionDescription()
        return endpoint.getEndpointURI().toString();

    protected String getConnectEventId()
        return connector.getName() + ".receiver (" + endpoint.getEndpointURI() + ")";

    // TODO MULE-4871 Receiver key should not be mutable
    public void setReceiverKey(String receiverKey)
        this.receiverKey = receiverKey;

    public String getReceiverKey()
        return receiverKey;

    public InboundEndpoint getEndpoint()
        return (InboundEndpoint) super.getEndpoint();

    // TODO MULE-4871 Endpoint should not be mutable
    public void setEndpoint(InboundEndpoint endpoint)

    protected WorkManager getWorkManager()
            return connector.getReceiverWorkManager();
        catch (MuleException e)
            return null;

    public String toString()
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80);
        sb.append(", receiverKey=").append(receiverKey);
        sb.append(", endpoint=").append(endpoint.getEndpointURI());
        return sb.toString();

    public void setListener(MessageProcessor processor)
        this.listener = processor;

    protected void doDispose()
        this.listener = null;
        this.flowConstruct = null;

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