* $Id: AbstractMuleTestCase.java 22017 2011-05-27 20:28:27Z pablo.kraan $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.tck.junit4;
import org.mule.RequestContext;
import org.mule.tck.junit4.rule.WarningTimeout;
import org.mule.util.ClassUtils;
import org.mule.util.IOUtils;
import org.mule.util.MuleUrlStreamHandlerFactory;
import org.mule.util.StringMessageUtils;
import org.mule.util.StringUtils;
import org.mule.util.SystemUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher;
import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.rules.MethodRule;
import org.junit.rules.TestName;
import org.junit.rules.Timeout;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat;
* <code>AbstractMuleTestCase</code> is a base class for Mule test cases. This
* implementation provides services to test code for creating mock and test
* objects.
public abstract class AbstractMuleTestCase
public static final int DEFAULT_TEST_TIMEOUT_SECS = 60;
public static final String TEST_TIMEOUT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "mule.test.timeoutSecs";
* Indicates whether the text boxes will be logged when starting each test case.
private static final boolean verbose;
* Indicates if the current test class was excluded using the mule test
* exclusion files. Test are executed sequentially, so is not required to
* maintain a list of classes.
private static Boolean excluded = null;
String muleOpts = SystemUtils.getenv("MULE_TEST_OPTS");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(muleOpts))
Map<String, String> parsedOpts = SystemUtils.parsePropertyDefinitions(muleOpts);
String optVerbose = parsedOpts.get("mule.verbose");
verbose = Boolean.valueOf(optVerbose);
verbose = true;
// register the custom UrlStreamHandlerFactory.
protected final transient Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
* Should be set to a string message describing any prerequisites not met.
private boolean offline = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("org.mule.offline"));
private int testTimeoutSecs = getTimeoutSystemProperty();
public TestName name = new TestName();
public MethodRule globalTimeout = createTestTimeoutRule();
public AbstractMuleTestCase()
if (excluded == null)
excluded = isTestIncludedInExclusionFile(this);
* Creates the timeout rule that will be used to run the test.
* @return the rule used to check for test execution timeouts.
protected MethodRule createTestTimeoutRule()
int millisecondsTimeout = getTestTimeoutSecs() * 1000;
if (isFailOnTimeout())
return new Timeout(millisecondsTimeout);
return new WarningTimeout(millisecondsTimeout);
* Reads the mule-exclusion file for the current test class and
* @param test
protected boolean isTestIncludedInExclusionFile(AbstractMuleTestCase test)
boolean result = false;
final String name = test.getClass().getName();
// We find the physical classpath root URL of the test class and
// use that to find the correct resource. Works fine everywhere,
// regardless of classloaders. See MULE-2414
URL classUrl = ClassUtils.getClassPathRoot(test.getClass());
URLClassLoader tempClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {classUrl});
URL fileUrl = tempClassLoader.getResource("mule-test-exclusions.txt");
if (fileUrl != null)
InputStream in = null;
in = fileUrl.openStream();
// this iterates over all lines in the exclusion file
Iterator<?> lines = IOUtils.lineIterator(in, "UTF-8");
// ..and this finds non-comments that match the test case name
result = IteratorUtils.filteredIterator(lines, new Predicate()
public boolean evaluate(Object object)
return StringUtils.equals(name, StringUtils.trimToEmpty((String) object));
catch (IOException ioex)
// ignore
return result;
* Defines the number of seconds that a test has in order to run before
* throwing a timeout. If the property if not defined then uses the
* <code>DEFAULT_MULE_TEST_TIMEOUT_SECS</code> constant.
* @return the timeout value expressed in seconds
protected int getTimeoutSystemProperty()
String timeoutString = System.getProperty(TEST_TIMEOUT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY, null);
if (timeoutString == null)
String variableName = TEST_TIMEOUT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY.toUpperCase().replace(".", "_");
timeoutString = System.getenv(variableName);
if (timeoutString != null)
result = Integer.parseInt(timeoutString);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
// Uses the default value
return result;
* Subclasses can override this method to skip the execution of the entire test class.
* @return <code>true</code> if the test class should not be run.
protected boolean isDisabledInThisEnvironment()
return false;
* Indicates whether this test has been explicitly disabled through the configuration
* file loaded by TestInfo.
* @return whether the test has been explicitly disabled
protected boolean isExcluded()
return excluded;
* Should this test run?
* @param testMethodName name of the test method
* @return whether the test should execute in the current environment
protected boolean isDisabledInThisEnvironment(String testMethodName)
return false;
public boolean isOffline(String method)
if (offline)
"Working offline cannot run test: " + method, '=', 80));
return offline;
* Defines the timeout in seconds that will be used to run the test.
* @return the timeout in seconds
public int getTestTimeoutSecs()
return testTimeoutSecs;
public final void initializeMuleTest()
private void printTestHeader()
if (verbose)
System.out.println(StringMessageUtils.getBoilerPlate("Testing: " + name.getMethodName(), '=', 80));
private void skipTestWhenExcluded()
assumeThat(this, new BaseMatcher<AbstractMuleTestCase>()
public boolean matches(Object o)
return !isExcluded();
public void describeTo(Description description)
description.appendText("Test " + name.getMethodName() + " is excluded");
private void skipTestWhenDisabledInCurrentEnvironment()
assumeThat(this, new BaseMatcher<AbstractMuleTestCase>()
public boolean matches(Object o)
return !(isDisabledInThisEnvironment() || isDisabledInThisEnvironment(name.getMethodName()));
public void describeTo(Description description)
description.appendText("Test " + name.getMethodName() + " disabled in this environment");
* Indicates whether the test should fail when a timeout is reached.
* <p/>
* This feature was added to support old test cases that depend on 3rd-party
* resources such as a public web service. In such cases it may be desirable
* to not fail the test upon timeout but rather to simply log a warning.
* @return true if it must fail on timeout and false otherwise. Default value
* is true.
protected boolean isFailOnTimeout()
return true;
public final void clearRequestContext()
public static final void clearExcludedFlag()
excluded = null;