* $Id: JsonBeanRoundTripTestCase.java 21711 2011-04-21 17:06:20Z aperepel $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.module.json.transformers;
import org.mule.api.transformer.Transformer;
import org.mule.tck.testmodels.fruit.Apple;
import org.mule.tck.testmodels.fruit.Orange;
import org.mule.transformer.AbstractTransformerTestCase;
import org.mule.transformer.types.DataTypeFactory;
* For this test I picked difficult beans in that they are not real beans, so I could test how to use
* mixins to decorate the objects
* <p/>
* FruitCleaner is ignored since there is no concrete implementation to construct
* bitten - is ignored because the Orange because there is no setter method. On the apple I tested using a
* constructor
public class JsonBeanRoundTripTestCase extends AbstractTransformerTestCase
//Note that Banana has been excluded
public static final String JSON_STRING = "{\"apple\":{\"bitten\":true,\"washed\":false},\"orange\":{\"brand\":\"JuicyFruit\",\"segments\":8,\"radius\":3.45,\"listProperties\":null,\"mapProperties\":null,\"arrayProperties\":null}}";
//Note that Banana is null
public static final FruitCollection JSON_OBJECT = new FruitCollection(new Apple(true), null, new Orange(8, 3.45, "JuicyFruit"));
public Transformer getTransformer() throws Exception
ObjectToJson trans = new ObjectToJson();
trans.getSerializationMixins().put(FruitCollection.class, FruitCollectionMixin.class);
trans.getSerializationMixins().put(Apple.class, AppleMixin.class);
trans.getSerializationMixins().put(Orange.class, OrangeMixin.class);
return trans;
public Transformer getRoundTripTransformer() throws Exception
JsonToObject trans = new JsonToObject();
trans.getDeserializationMixins().put(FruitCollection.class, FruitCollectionMixin.class);
trans.getDeserializationMixins().put(Apple.class, AppleMixin.class);
trans.getDeserializationMixins().put(Orange.class, OrangeMixin.class);
return trans;
public Object getTestData()
//Banana is null
public Object getResultData()
//Note that Banana has been excluded
public boolean compareResults(Object expected, Object result)
//MULE-4879 field ordering is not guaranteed by the JVM so we cannot compare result strings
if(expected instanceof String)
Transformer toObject = getRoundTripTransformer();
expected = toObject.transform(expected);
result = toObject.transform(result);
catch (Exception e)
return false;
return super.compareResults(expected, result);