* $Id: MuleMockCallAnnotationHandler.java 19453 2010-09-08 15:07:22Z rossmason $
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.module.ibeans.spi;
import org.mule.api.MuleContext;
import org.mule.transport.http.HttpConstants;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.activation.DataSource;
import javax.activation.MimeTypeParseException;
import org.ibeans.api.DataType;
import org.ibeans.api.InvocationContext;
import org.ibeans.api.Response;
import org.ibeans.api.channel.MimeType;
import org.ibeans.impl.support.datatype.DataTypeFactory;
import org.ibeans.impl.test.MockIBean;
import org.ibeans.impl.test.MockMessageCallback;
import org.ibeans.spi.IBeansPlugin;
* A handler for supporting the {@link org.ibeans.annotation.MockIntegrationBean} annotation. This implementation uses
* Mockito to mock out the call itself. Mockito can be used in tests to supply response data.
public class MuleMockCallAnnotationHandler extends MuleCallAnnotationHandler implements MockIBean
private Object mock;
private InvocationContext ctx;
private MockMessageCallback callback;
private IBeansPlugin plugin;
public MuleMockCallAnnotationHandler(MuleContext muleContext, Object mock, IBeansPlugin plugin)
this.mock = mock;
this.plugin = plugin;
public Response invoke(InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception
this.ctx = ctx;
Method method = ctx.getMethod();
//Special handling of methods with an ibean prefix, these are called by the the IBeansTestSupport
//To pass in additional information from the testcase
Object result;
if (method.getName().startsWith("ibean"))
result = method.invoke(this, ctx.getArgs());
result = ctx.getMethod().invoke(mock, ctx.getArgs());
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
props.put(HttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, (ctx.getInvocationReturnType()==null ?
ctx.getReturnType().getMimeType() : ctx.getInvocationReturnType().getMimeType()));
Response response = (result instanceof Response ? (Response)result : plugin.createResponse(result, props, null));
//Now handled in the test case
if (callback != null)
//Only run it once
callback = null;
this.ctx = null;
return response;
public String getScheme(Method method)
//Default to http, should not make a difference for a Mock iBean
return "http";
public void ibeanSetMimeType(MimeType mime) throws MimeTypeParseException
if (ctx.getIBeanConfig().getReturnType() != null)
ctx.setInvocationReturnType(DataTypeFactory.create(ctx.getIBeanConfig().getReturnType().getType(), mime));
public DataType ibeanReturnType()
// if (invocationContext == null || invocationContext.getReturnType().getType().getName().equals("void"))
// {
// return helper.getReturnType();
// }
// else
DataType type = ctx.getIBeanConfig().getReturnType();
type = ctx.getIBeanDefaultConfig().getReturnType();
return type;
public Object ibeanUriParam(String name)
// if (invocationContext == null)
// {
// return helper.getDefaultUriParams().get(name);
// }
// else
return ctx.getIBeanConfig().getUriParams().get(name);
public Object ibeanHeaderParam(String name)
// if (invocationContext == null)
// {
// return helper.getDefaultHeaderParams().get(name);
// }
// else
return ctx.getIBeanConfig().getHeaderParams().get(name);
public Object ibeanPropertyParam(String name)
// if (invocationContext == null)
// {
// return helper.getDefaultPropertyParams().get(name);
// }
// else
return ctx.getIBeanConfig().getPropertyParams().get(name);
public Object ibeanPayloadParam(String name)
// if (invocationContext == null)
// {
// return helper.getDefaultPayloadParams().get(name);
// }
// else
return ctx.getIBeanConfig().getPayloadParams().get(name);
public List<Object> ibeanPayloads()
// if (invocationContext == null)
// {
// return null;
// }
// else
return ctx.getIBeanConfig().getPayloads();
public Set<DataSource> ibeanAttachments()
// if (invocationContext == null)
// {
// return null;
// }
// else
return ctx.getIBeanConfig().getAttachments();
public void ibeanSetMessageCallback(MockMessageCallback callback)
this.callback = callback;