* $Id: AbstractIBeansTestCase.java 22252 2011-06-23 06:15:55Z dirk.olmes $
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.module.ibeans.annotations;
import org.mule.api.config.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.mule.api.config.MuleProperties;
import org.mule.api.transformer.Transformer;
import org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerException;
import org.mule.module.ibeans.config.IBeanHolderConfigurationBuilder;
import org.mule.module.ibeans.spi.MuleIBeansPlugin;
import org.mule.tck.AbstractMuleTestCase;
import org.mule.util.IOUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.ibeans.annotation.Return;
import org.ibeans.api.DataType;
import org.ibeans.api.Response;
import org.ibeans.api.channel.MimeType;
import org.ibeans.api.channel.MimeTypes;
import org.ibeans.impl.support.datatype.CollectionDataType;
import org.ibeans.impl.support.datatype.DataTypeFactory;
import org.ibeans.impl.test.MockIBean;
import org.ibeans.impl.test.MockMessageCallback;
import org.ibeans.spi.IBeansPlugin;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
public abstract class AbstractIBeansTestCase extends AbstractMuleTestCase
protected IBeansPlugin plugin;
protected AbstractIBeansTestCase()
protected IBeansPlugin createPlugin()
return new MuleIBeansPlugin(muleContext);
protected void doSetUp() throws Exception
plugin = createPlugin();
//register the test so that the @IntegrationBean annotation is processed
muleContext.getRegistry().registerObject("testcase", this);
protected void addBuilders(List<ConfigurationBuilder> builders)
IBeanHolderConfigurationBuilder builder = new IBeanHolderConfigurationBuilder("org.mule");
protected Answer withXmlData(final String resource, final Object ibean)
return withData(resource, MimeTypes.XML, null, ibean);
protected Answer withRssData(final String resource, final Object ibean)
return withData(resource, MimeTypes.RSS, null, ibean);
protected Answer withAtomData(final String resource, final Object ibean)
return withData(resource, MimeTypes.ATOM, null, ibean);
protected Answer withJsonData(final String resource, final Object ibean)
return withData(resource, MimeTypes.JSON, null, ibean);
protected Answer withTextData(final String resource, final Object ibean)
return withData(resource, MimeTypes.TEXT, null, ibean);
* A mock return for a method call that will load data and transform it into the return type set on the iBean.
* @param resource the resource file name that contains the data you wish to load
* @param returnType the Java type that the data should be converted to
* @return a Mockito {@link org.mockito.stubbing.Answer} implementation that will load the data when requested
protected Answer withData(final String resource, final Class returnType)
return new Answer()
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock
invocation) throws Throwable
return loadData(resource, DataTypeFactory.create(returnType));
* A mock return for a method call that will load data and transform it into the return type set on the iBean.
* @param resource the resource file name that contains the data you wish to load
* @param ibean the ibean that is being tested
* @param mimeType the mime type of the data
* @param callback a callback can be used to manipulate the MuleMessage before it it gets returned
* @return a Mockito {@link org.mockito.stubbing.Answer} implementation that will load the data when requested
protected Answer withData(final String resource, final MimeType mimeType, final MockMessageCallback callback, final Object ibean)
return new Answer()
public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
MimeType mime = mimeType;
DataType ret = ((MockIBean)ibean).ibeanReturnType();
if(ret!=null) ret.setMimeType(mime.toString());
Object data;
* We need to have some special handling when dealing with a Mockito mock
* 1) If the return type on the ibeans is not set, use the method return type
* 2) the return annotation changes the return type so use the one defined on the actual Method
* 3) If the return type and the method return type are not assignable, then use the method return type
if (ret == null || invocation.getMethod().isAnnotationPresent(Return.class) ||
ret = DataTypeFactory.createFromReturnType(invocation.getMethod());
mime = null;
data = loadData(resource, ret);
Response response;
Map<String, Object> headers = null;
headers = new HashMap<String, Object>();
headers.put(MuleProperties.CONTENT_TYPE_PROPERTY, mime.toString());
response = plugin.createResponse(data, headers, null);
return response;
protected <T> T loadData(String resource, DataType<T> type) throws IOException, TransformerException
InputStream in = IOUtils.getResourceAsStream(resource, getClass());
assertNotNull("Resource stream for: " + resource + " must not be null", in);
return getDataAs(in, type);
protected <T> T getDataAs(InputStream data, DataType<T> as) throws TransformerException
org.mule.api.transformer.DataType muleDT;
if(as instanceof CollectionDataType)
muleDT = new org.mule.transformer.types.CollectionDataType(
(Class<? extends Collection>)as.getType(),
((CollectionDataType) as).getItemType(),
muleDT = new org.mule.transformer.types.SimpleDataType(
Transformer t = muleContext.getRegistry().lookupTransformer(org.mule.transformer.types.DataTypeFactory.create(data.getClass()), muleDT);
return (T)t.transform(data);