* $Id: AbstractTablePrinter.java 20288 2010-11-22 01:19:54Z mike.schilling $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.management.stats.printers;
import org.mule.management.stats.FlowConstructStatistics;
import org.mule.management.stats.ServiceStatistics;
import org.mule.management.stats.RouterStatistics;
import org.mule.management.stats.SedaServiceStatistics;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* <code>HtmlTablePrinter</code> prints event processing stats as a HTML table
public class AbstractTablePrinter extends PrintWriter
public AbstractTablePrinter(Writer out)
super(out, true);
public AbstractTablePrinter(OutputStream out)
super(out, true);
public String[] getHeaders()
String[] column = new String[41];
column[0] = "Name";
column[1] = "Service Pool Max Size";
column[2] = "Service Pool Size";
column[3] = "Thread Pool Size";
column[4] = "Current Queue Size";
column[5] = "Max Queue Size";
column[6] = "Avg Queue Size";
column[7] = "Sync Events Received";
column[8] = "Async Events Received";
column[9] = "Total Events Received";
column[10] = "Sync Events Sent";
column[11] = "Async Events Sent";
column[12] = "ReplyTo Events Sent";
column[13] = "Total Events Sent";
column[14] = "Executed Events";
column[15] = "Execution Messages";
column[16] = "Fatal Messages";
column[17] = "Min Execution Time";
column[18] = "Max Execution Time";
column[19] = "Avg Execution Time";
column[20] = "Total Execution Time";
column[21] = "Processed Events";
column[22] = "Min Processing Time";
column[23] = "Max Processing Time";
column[24] = "Avg Processing Time";
column[25] = "Total Processing Time";
column[26] = "In Router Statistics";
column[27] = "Total Received";
column[28] = "Total Routed";
column[29] = "Not Routed";
column[30] = "Caught Events";
column[31] = "By Provider";
column[32] = "";
column[33] = "Out Router Statistics";
column[34] = "Total Received";
column[35] = "Total Routed";
column[36] = "Not Routed";
column[37] = "Caught Events";
column[38] = "By Provider";
column[39] = "";
column[40] = "Sample Period";
return column;
protected void getColumn(FlowConstructStatistics stats, String[] col)
if (stats == null)
ServiceStatistics serviceStats = (stats instanceof ServiceStatistics) ? (ServiceStatistics) stats : null;
Arrays.fill(col, "-");
col[0] = stats.getName();
//TODO RM* Handling custom stats objects
if (stats instanceof SedaServiceStatistics)
col[1] = ((SedaServiceStatistics) stats).getComponentPoolMaxSize() + "/"
+ ((SedaServiceStatistics) stats).getComponentPoolAbsoluteMaxSize();
col[2] = String.valueOf(((SedaServiceStatistics) stats).getComponentPoolSize());
col[1] = "-";
col[2] = "-";
col[3] = String.valueOf(stats.getThreadPoolSize());
if (serviceStats != null)
col[4] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getQueuedEvents());
col[5] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getMaxQueueSize());
col[6] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getAverageQueueSize());
col[7] = String.valueOf(stats.getSyncEventsReceived());
col[8] = String.valueOf(stats.getAsyncEventsReceived());
col[9] = String.valueOf(stats.getTotalEventsReceived());
if (serviceStats != null)
col[10] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getSyncEventsSent());
col[11] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getAsyncEventsSent());
col[12] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getReplyToEventsSent());
col[13] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getTotalEventsSent());
if (serviceStats != null)
col[14] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getExecutedEvents());
col[15] = String.valueOf(stats.getExecutionErrors());
col[16] = String.valueOf(stats.getFatalErrors());
if (serviceStats != null)
col[17] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getMinExecutionTime());
col[18] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getMaxExecutionTime());
col[19] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getAverageExecutionTime());
col[20] = String.valueOf(serviceStats.getTotalExecutionTime());
col[21] = String.valueOf(stats.getProcessedEvents());
col[22] = String.valueOf(stats.getMinProcessingTime());
col[23] = String.valueOf(stats.getMaxProcessingTime());
col[24] = String.valueOf(stats.getAverageProcessingTime());
col[25] = String.valueOf(stats.getTotalProcessingTime());
if (serviceStats != null)
int i = getRouterInfo(serviceStats.getInboundRouterStat(), col, 26);
i = getRouterInfo(serviceStats.getOutboundRouterStat(), col, i);
col[40] = String.valueOf(stats.getSamplePeriod());
protected int getRouterInfo(RouterStatistics stats, String[] col, int index)
// TODO what's the deal with the +/- signs?
if (stats.isInbound())
col[index++] = "-";
col[index++] = "-";
col[index++] = String.valueOf(stats.getTotalReceived());
col[index++] = String.valueOf(stats.getTotalRouted());
col[index++] = String.valueOf(stats.getNotRouted());
col[index++] = String.valueOf(stats.getCaughtMessages());
Map routed = stats.getRouted();
col[index++] = "-";
if (!routed.isEmpty())
Iterator it = routed.entrySet().iterator();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(40);
while (it.hasNext())
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) it.next();
if (it.hasNext())
col[index++] = buf.toString();
col[index++] = "";
return index;
protected String[][] getTable(Collection stats)
String[] cols = getHeaders();
String[][] table = new String[stats.size() + 1][cols.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++)
table[0][i] = cols[i];
int i = 1;
for (Iterator iterator = stats.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i++)
getColumn((FlowConstructStatistics) iterator.next(), table[i]);
return table;
public void print(Object obj)
if (obj instanceof Collection)
print((Collection) obj);
else if (obj instanceof ServiceStatistics)
List l = new ArrayList();
public void println(Object obj)
public void print(Collection c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// help IBM compiler, it complains helplessly about
// an abmiguously overloaded/overridden method.
public void println(String string)
this.println((Object) string);
// help IBM compiler, it complains helplessly about
// an abmiguously overloaded/overridden method.
public void print(String string)
this.print((Object) string);