* $Id: ComponentStatistics.java 20343 2010-11-24 21:02:10Z mike.schilling $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule.management.stats;
import org.mule.api.management.stats.Statistics;
import org.mule.management.stats.printers.SimplePrinter;
import org.mule.util.StringUtils;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
public class ComponentStatistics implements Statistics
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
* Serial version
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2086999226732861674L;
private long minExecutionTime = 0;
private long maxExecutionTime = 0;
private long averageExecutionTime = 0;
private long executedEvent = 0;
private long totalExecTime = 0;
private boolean enabled = false;
private long intervalTime = 0;
private long currentIntervalStartTime = 0;
private boolean statIntervalTimeEnabled = false;
* The constructor added to initialize the interval time in ms that stats
* are measured for from the property statIntervalTime. If the property is
* not set or cannot be parsed, disable interval time and just compute
* stats from start of mule.
* TODO: The code to create and use an interval time for measuring average execution
* time could be removed once a complete solution is available in MuleHQ to
* monitor this
public ComponentStatistics()
String intervalTimeString = System.getProperty("statIntervalTime");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(intervalTimeString))
statIntervalTimeEnabled = false;
intervalTime = Integer.parseInt(intervalTimeString);
statIntervalTimeEnabled = true;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
// just disable it
statIntervalTimeEnabled = false;
logger.warn("Couldn't parse statIntervalTime: " + intervalTimeString + ". Disabled.");
public void clear()
minExecutionTime = 0;
maxExecutionTime = 0;
executedEvent = 0;
totalExecTime = 0;
averageExecutionTime = 0;
public boolean isEnabled()
return enabled;
public void logSummary()
logSummary(new SimplePrinter(System.out));
public void logSummary(PrintWriter printer)
public void setEnabled(boolean b)
this.enabled = b;
public long getMaxExecutionTime()
return maxExecutionTime;
public long getMinExecutionTime()
return minExecutionTime;
public long getTotalExecutionTime()
return totalExecTime;
* executedEvents is since interval started
public long getExecutedEvents()
return executedEvent;
* Add a new execution-time measurement for one branch of processing an event
* @param first true if this is the first branch for this event
* @param branch the time to execute this branch
* @param total the total time (so far) for processing this event
public synchronized void addExecutionBranchTime(boolean first, long branch, long total)
if (statIntervalTimeEnabled)
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (currentIntervalStartTime == 0)
currentIntervalStartTime = currentTime;
if ((currentTime - currentIntervalStartTime) > intervalTime)
currentIntervalStartTime = currentTime;
if (first)
totalExecTime += ProcessingTime.getEffectiveTime(branch);
long effectiveTotal = ProcessingTime.getEffectiveTime(total);
if (maxExecutionTime == 0 || effectiveTotal > maxExecutionTime)
maxExecutionTime = effectiveTotal;
averageExecutionTime = Math.round(totalExecTime / executedEvent);
* Add the complete execution time for a flow that also reports branhc execution times
public synchronized void addCompleteExecutionTime(long time)
long effectiveTime = ProcessingTime.getEffectiveTime(time);
if (minExecutionTime == 0 || effectiveTime < minExecutionTime)
minExecutionTime = effectiveTime;
* Add a new execution-time measurement for processing an event.
* @param time
public synchronized void addExecutionTime(long time)
if (statIntervalTimeEnabled)
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (currentIntervalStartTime == 0)
currentIntervalStartTime = currentTime;
if ((currentTime - currentIntervalStartTime) > intervalTime)
currentIntervalStartTime = currentTime;
long effectiveTime = ProcessingTime.getEffectiveTime(time);
totalExecTime += effectiveTime;
if (minExecutionTime == 0 || effectiveTime < minExecutionTime)
minExecutionTime = time;
if (maxExecutionTime == 0 || effectiveTime > maxExecutionTime)
maxExecutionTime = time;
averageExecutionTime = Math.round(totalExecTime / executedEvent);
public long getAverageExecutionTime()
return averageExecutionTime;