* $Id: MuleServer.java 22252 2011-06-23 06:15:55Z dirk.olmes $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. http://www.mulesoft.com
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.
package org.mule;
import org.mule.api.DefaultMuleException;
import org.mule.api.MuleContext;
import org.mule.api.MuleException;
import org.mule.api.config.ConfigurationBuilder;
import org.mule.api.config.ConfigurationException;
import org.mule.api.config.MuleConfiguration;
import org.mule.api.context.MuleContextBuilder;
import org.mule.api.context.MuleContextFactory;
import org.mule.config.ExceptionHelper;
import org.mule.config.PropertiesMuleConfigurationFactory;
import org.mule.config.StartupContext;
import org.mule.config.builders.SimpleConfigurationBuilder;
import org.mule.config.i18n.CoreMessages;
import org.mule.config.i18n.Message;
import org.mule.context.DefaultMuleContextBuilder;
import org.mule.context.DefaultMuleContextFactory;
import org.mule.util.ClassUtils;
import org.mule.util.IOUtils;
import org.mule.util.MuleUrlStreamHandlerFactory;
import org.mule.util.PropertiesUtils;
import org.mule.util.StringMessageUtils;
import org.mule.util.SystemUtils;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* <code>MuleServer</code> is a simple application that represents a local Mule
* Server daemon. It is initialised with a mule-config.xml file.
public class MuleServer implements Runnable
public static final String CLI_OPTIONS[][] = {
{"builder", "true", "Configuration Builder Type"},
{"config", "true", "Configuration File"},
{"appconfig", "true", "Application configuration File"},
{"idle", "false", "Whether to run in idle (unconfigured) mode"},
{"main", "true", "Main Class"},
{"mode", "true", "Run Mode"},
{"props", "true", "Startup Properties"},
{"production", "false", "Production Mode"},
{"debug", "false", "Configure Mule for JPDA remote debugging."}
* Don't use a class object so the core doesn't depend on mule-module-spring-config.
protected static final String CLASSNAME_DEFAULT_CONFIG_BUILDER = "org.mule.config.builders.AutoConfigurationBuilder";
* This builder sets up the configuration for an idle Mule node - a node that
* doesn't do anything initially but is fed configuration during runtime
protected static final String CLASSNAME_DEFAULT_IDLE_CONFIG_BUILDER = "org.mule.config.builders.MuleIdleConfigurationBuilder";
* Required to support the '-config spring' shortcut. Don't use a class object so
* the core doesn't depend on mule-module-spring.
* for Mule 2.x
protected static final String CLASSNAME_SPRING_CONFIG_BUILDER = "org.mule.config.spring.SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder";
* If the annotations module is on the classpath, also enable annotations config builder
public static final String CLASSNAME_ANNOTATIONS_CONFIG_BUILDER = "org.mule.config.AnnotationsConfigurationBuilder";
* If the iBeans module is on the classpath, this config builder can be used to scan for iBeans annotations.
public static final String CLASSNAME_IBEANS_CONFIG_BUILDER = "org.mule.module.ibeans.config.IBeanHolderConfigurationBuilder";
* logger used by this class
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MuleServer.class);
public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION = "mule-config.xml";
public static final String DEFAULT_APP_CONFIGURATION = "mule-app.properties";
* one or more configuration urls or filenames separated by commas
private String configurationResources = null;
private String appConfigurationResource = null;
* A FQN of the #configBuilder class, required in case MuleServer is
* reinitialised.
private static String configBuilderClassName = null;
* A properties file to be read at startup. This can be useful for setting
* properties which depend on the run-time environment (dev, test, production).
private static String startupPropertiesFile = null;
* The Runtime shutdown thread used to dispose this server
private static MuleShutdownHook muleShutdownHook;
* The MuleContext should contain anything which does not belong in the Registry.
* There is one MuleContext per Mule instance. Assuming it has been created, a
* handle to the local MuleContext can be obtained from anywhere by calling
* MuleServer.getMuleContext()
protected static MuleContext muleContext = null;
* Application entry point.
* @param args command-line args
* @throws Exception if there is an exception creating the MuleServer
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
MuleServer server = new MuleServer(args);
server.start(false, true);
public MuleServer()
init(new String[]{});
public MuleServer(String configResources)
// setConfigurationResources(configResources);
init(new String[]{"-config", configResources});
* Configure the server with command-line arguments.
* @param args Command line args passed in from the {@link #main(String[])} method
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an argument is passed in that is not recognised by the Mule Server
public MuleServer(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException
protected void init(String[] args) throws IllegalArgumentException
Map<String, Object> commandlineOptions;
commandlineOptions = SystemUtils.getCommandLineOptions(args, CLI_OPTIONS);
catch (DefaultMuleException me)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(me.toString());
// set our own UrlStreamHandlerFactory to become more independent of system
// properties
String config = (String) commandlineOptions.get("config");
// Try default if no config file was given.
if (config == null && !commandlineOptions.containsKey("idle"))
logger.warn("A configuration file was not set, using default: " + DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION);
// try to load the config as a file as well
URL configUrl = IOUtils.getResourceAsUrl(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, MuleServer.class, true, false);
if (configUrl != null)
config = configUrl.toExternalForm();
if (config != null)
String appconfig = (String) commandlineOptions.get("appconfig");
this.appConfigurationResource = appconfig;
// Configuration builder
String cfgBuilderClassName = (String) commandlineOptions.get("builder");
if (commandlineOptions.containsKey("idle"))
// Configuration builder
if (cfgBuilderClassName != null)
// Provide a shortcut for Spring: "-builder spring"
if (cfgBuilderClassName.equalsIgnoreCase("spring"))
catch (Exception e)
final Message message = CoreMessages.failedToLoad("Builder: " + cfgBuilderClassName);
System.err.println(StringMessageUtils.getBoilerPlate("FATAL: " + message.toString()));
// Startup properties
String propertiesFile = (String) commandlineOptions.get("props");
if (propertiesFile != null)
* Start the mule server
* @param ownThread determines if the server will run in its own daemon thread or
* the current calling thread
* @param registerShutdownHook whether to register the default Mule Server shutdown hock. this will shut down mule cleanly if
* the JVM is shutdown. The only reason not to register this hook is to override it with a custom version
public void start(boolean ownThread, boolean registerShutdownHook)
if (registerShutdownHook)
if (ownThread)
Thread serverThread = new Thread(this, "MuleServer");
* Overloaded the [main] thread run method. This calls initialise and shuts down
* if an exception occurs
public void run()
logger.info("Mule Server initializing...");
logger.info("Mule Server starting...");
catch (Throwable e)
* Sets the configuration builder to use for this server. Note that if a builder
* is not set and the server's start method is called the default is an instance
* of <code>SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder</code>.
* @param builderClassName the configuration builder FQN to use
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class with the given name can not be
* loaded
public static void setConfigBuilderClassName(String builderClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException
if (builderClassName != null)
Class<?> cls = ClassUtils.loadClass(builderClassName, MuleServer.class);
if (ConfigurationBuilder.class.isAssignableFrom(cls))
MuleServer.configBuilderClassName = builderClassName;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a usable ConfigurationBuilder class: "
+ builderClassName);
MuleServer.configBuilderClassName = null;
* Returns the class name of the configuration builder used to create this
* MuleServer.
* @return FQN of the current config builder
public static String getConfigBuilderClassName()
if (configBuilderClassName != null)
return configBuilderClassName;
* Initializes this daemon. Derived classes could add some extra behaviour if
* they wish.
* @throws Exception if failed to initialize
public void initialize() throws Exception
if (configurationResources == null)
logger.warn("A configuration file was not set, using default: " + DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION);
configurationResources = DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION;
// create a new ConfigurationBuilder that is disposed afterwards
ConfigurationBuilder cfgBuilder = createConfigurationBuilder();
if (!cfgBuilder.isConfigured())
List<ConfigurationBuilder> configBuilders = new ArrayList<ConfigurationBuilder>(3);
// need to add the annotations config builder before Spring so we can use Mule
// annotations in Spring
MuleConfiguration configuration = createMuleConfiguration();
MuleContextBuilder contextBuilder = new DefaultMuleContextBuilder();
MuleContextFactory contextFactory = new DefaultMuleContextFactory();
muleContext = contextFactory.createMuleContext(configBuilders, contextBuilder);
protected ConfigurationBuilder createConfigurationBuilder() throws ConfigurationException
return (ConfigurationBuilder) ClassUtils.instanciateClass(getConfigBuilderClassName(),
new Object[]{ configurationResources }, MuleServer.class);
catch (Exception e)
throw new ConfigurationException(CoreMessages.failedToLoad(getConfigBuilderClassName()), e);
* If the annotations module is on the classpath, add the annotations config builder to the
* list. This will enable annotations config for this instance.
protected void addAnnotationsConfigBuilder(List<ConfigurationBuilder> builders) throws Exception
if (ClassUtils.isClassOnPath(CLASSNAME_ANNOTATIONS_CONFIG_BUILDER, getClass()))
Object configBuilder = ClassUtils.instanciateClass(CLASSNAME_ANNOTATIONS_CONFIG_BUILDER,
ClassUtils.NO_ARGS, getClass());
builders.add((ConfigurationBuilder) configBuilder);
protected void addStartupPropertiesConfigBuilder(List<ConfigurationBuilder> builders) throws IOException
Properties startupProperties = null;
if (getStartupPropertiesFile() != null)
startupProperties = PropertiesUtils.loadProperties(getStartupPropertiesFile(), getClass());
builders.add(new SimpleConfigurationBuilder(startupProperties));
protected MuleConfiguration createMuleConfiguration()
String appPropertiesFile = null;
if (this.appConfigurationResource == null)
appPropertiesFile = PropertiesMuleConfigurationFactory.getMuleAppConfiguration(this.configurationResources);
appPropertiesFile = this.appConfigurationResource;
return new PropertiesMuleConfigurationFactory(appPropertiesFile).createConfiguration();
* Will shut down the server displaying the cause and time of the shutdown
* @param e the exception that caused the shutdown
public void shutdown(Throwable e)
Message msg = CoreMessages.fatalErrorWhileRunning();
MuleException muleException = ExceptionHelper.getRootMuleException(e);
int exitCode = 1;
if (muleException != null)
exitCode = muleException.getExceptionCode();
logger.fatal(msg.toString() + " " + e.getMessage(), e);
List<String> msgs = new ArrayList<String>();
Throwable root = ExceptionHelper.getRootException(e);
msgs.add(root.getMessage() + " (" + root.getClass().getName() + ")");
msgs.add(" ");
String shutdownMessage = StringMessageUtils.getBoilerPlate(msgs, '*', 80);
* shutdown the server. This just displays the time the server shut down
public void shutdown()
logger.info("Mule server shutting down due to normal shutdown request");
protected void doShutdown()
if (muleContext != null)
muleContext = null;
public Log getLogger()
return logger;
public void registerShutdownHook()
if (muleShutdownHook == null)
muleShutdownHook = new MuleShutdownHook();
public void unregisterShutdownHook()
if (muleShutdownHook != null)
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Getters and setters
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Getter for property messengerURL.
* @return Value of property messengerURL.
public String getConfigurationResources()
return configurationResources;
* Setter for property configurationResources.
* @param configurationResources New value of property configurationResources.
public void setConfigurationResources(String configurationResources)
this.configurationResources = configurationResources;
public static String getStartupPropertiesFile()
return startupPropertiesFile;
public static void setStartupPropertiesFile(String startupPropertiesFile)
MuleServer.startupPropertiesFile = startupPropertiesFile;
public MuleContext getMuleContext()
return muleContext;
* This class is installed only for MuleServer running as commandline app. A
* clean Mule shutdown can be achieved by disposing the
* {@link org.mule.DefaultMuleContext}.
private class MuleShutdownHook extends Thread
public MuleShutdownHook()
public void run()