// $Id: //open/mondrian-release/3.2/src/main/mondrian/olap/fun/NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef.java#1 $
// This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// Agreement, available at the following URL:
// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Julian Hyde
// All Rights Reserved.
// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
package mondrian.olap.fun;
import mondrian.calc.Calc;
import mondrian.calc.ExpCompiler;
import mondrian.calc.impl.AbstractIntegerCalc;
import mondrian.mdx.ResolvedFunCall;
import mondrian.mdx.NamedSetExpr;
import mondrian.olap.*;
import mondrian.resource.MondrianResource;
* Definition of the <code><Named Set>.CurrentOrdinal</code> MDX builtin
* function.
* @author jhyde
* @version $Id: //open/mondrian-release/3.2/src/main/mondrian/olap/fun/NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef.java#1 $
* @since Oct 19, 2008
public class NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef extends FunDefBase {
static final NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef instance =
new NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef();
private NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef() {
"Returns the ordinal of the current iteration through a named set.",
public Exp createCall(Validator validator, Exp[] args) {
assert args.length == 1;
final Exp arg0 = args[0];
if (!(arg0 instanceof NamedSetExpr)) {
throw MondrianResource.instance().NotANamedSet.ex();
return super.createCall(validator, args);
public Calc compileCall(ResolvedFunCall call, ExpCompiler compiler) {
final Exp arg0 = call.getArg(0);
assert arg0 instanceof NamedSetExpr : "checked this in createCall";
final NamedSetExpr namedSetExpr = (NamedSetExpr) arg0;
return new AbstractIntegerCalc(call, new Calc[0]) {
public int evaluateInteger(Evaluator evaluator) {
return namedSetExpr.getEval(evaluator).currentOrdinal();
// End NamedSetCurrentOrdinalFunDef.java