* AllNewsList.java
* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tommi Laukkanen
* http://www.substanceofcode.com
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Expand to define MIDP define
//#define DMIDP20
// Expand to define itunes define
//#define DNOITUNES
// Expand to define logging define
//#define DNOLOGGING
// Expand to define test ui define
//#define DNOTESTUI
package com.substanceofcode.rssreader.presentation;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
// If not using the test UI define the J2ME UI's
//#ifndef DTESTUI
import javax.microedition.lcdui.List;
//@import com.substanceofcode.testlcdui.List;
// If using the test UI define the Test UI's
import com.substanceofcode.rssreader.presentation.RssReaderMIDlet;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseException;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseMemoryException;
import com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssItunesFeed;
import com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssItunesItem;
import com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssShortItem;
import com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssFeedStore;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.SortUtil;
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.Logger;
//@import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.LogManager;
//@import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.Level;
* @author Tommi Laukkanen
final public class AllNewsList extends List
implements CommandListener, Runnable {
private RssReaderMIDlet m_midlet;
private boolean m_saveMemoryEnabled; // Flag to show memory save enbabled
private boolean m_process = true; // Flag to continue looping
private boolean m_select = false; // Select item from list.
private boolean m_markUnread = false; // Mark unread item flag
private boolean m_updItem = false; // Update item
private boolean m_sort = false; // Process sort
private boolean m_sortByDate = false; // Sort by date
private boolean m_showAll = false; // Show both read and unread.
private boolean m_showUnread = false; // Show unread.
private boolean m_dateSort = false; // Sort by date, else by feed
private boolean m_sortUnread = false; // Sort unread items
private boolean m_needCleanup = false; // True if we're finished.
private boolean m_markUnreadItems; // Mark unread items.
private boolean m_needWakeup = false; // Flag to show need to wakeup
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ private boolean m_testNews = false; // True if auto testing news.
//@ boolean m_newsNext = false; // Flag to control opening the next header
//@ boolean m_itemNext = false; // Flag to control opening the next item
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ private int m_newsIndex = -1; // Index in headers to auto test
//@ private int m_newsLen = -1; // Length of headers
private Image m_unreadImage;
private Image m_readImage;
private List m_bookmarkList;
private RssFeedStore m_rssFeeds;
private final static String TITLE = "River of News";
private Command m_openUnreadHdrCmd; // The open header command
private Command m_sortUnreadItemsCmd; // The sort unread items by date command
private Command m_sortReadItemsCmd; // The sort read items by date command
private Command m_sortUnreadFeedsCmd; // The sort unread items by feed command
private Command m_sortReadFeedsCmd; // The sort read items by feed command
private Command m_sortAllDateCmd; // The sort all items by date command
private Command m_sortAllFeedsCmd; // The sort read items by feed command
private Command m_markReadCmd; // Mark the item as read
private Command m_markUnReadCmd; // Mark the item as unread
private Command m_backUnreadHdrCmd; // The back to bookmark list command
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ private Command m_testNewsCmd; // Tet UI rss news command
private Vector m_itemFeedsNames = new Vector();
private Vector m_allItems = new Vector();
private Vector m_unreadItems = new Vector();
private Vector m_readItems = new Vector();
private RssItunesItem m_item;
private RssShortItem m_shortItem;
private RssItunesFeed m_feed;
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ private Logger m_logger = Logger.getLogger("AllNewsList");
//@ private boolean m_fineLoggable = m_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
//@ private boolean m_finerLoggable = m_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER);
//@ private boolean m_finestLoggable = m_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
/** Creates a new instance of AllNewsList
unreadImage - if non-null, put image for unread items for all list. */
public AllNewsList(final RssReaderMIDlet midlet,
final List bookmarkList, final RssFeedStore rssFeeds,
Image unreadImage,
Image readImage) {
//super(TITLE, List.IMPLICIT);
super("Unread Headers", List.IMPLICIT);
m_midlet = midlet;
m_bookmarkList = bookmarkList;
m_rssFeeds = rssFeeds;
m_saveMemoryEnabled = rssFeeds.isSaveMemoryEnabled();
m_unreadImage = unreadImage;
m_readImage = readImage;
//#ifdef DCLDCV11
//@ new Thread(this, "AllNewsList").start();
new Thread(this).start();
/** Initialize new RSS headers list */
final public void initializeUnreadHhdrsList() {
/* Open item */
m_openUnreadHdrCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.op.i", Command.SCREEN, 1);
/* Unread date sorted */
m_sortUnreadItemsCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.ud.s",
Command.SCREEN, 1);
/* Read date sorted */
m_sortReadItemsCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.rd.s",
Command.SCREEN, 2);
/* Unread feed sorted */
m_sortUnreadFeedsCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.uf.s",
Command.SCREEN, 3);
/* Read feed sorted */
m_sortReadFeedsCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.rf.s",
Command.SCREEN, 4);
/* All date sorted */
m_sortAllDateCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.ad.s",
Command.SCREEN, 5);
/* All feed sorted */
m_sortAllFeedsCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.af.s",
Command.SCREEN, 6);
/* Mark read */
m_markReadCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.mk.r", Command.SCREEN, 7);
/* Mark unread */
m_markUnReadCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.mk.u", Command.SCREEN, 8);
m_backUnreadHdrCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.back", Command.BACK, 9);
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ /* Test news/items */
//@ m_testNewsCmd = UiUtil.getCmdRsc("cmd.t.nw", Command.SCREEN, 10);
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ super.addCommand(m_testNewsCmd);
/* Initialize the read an unread news lists. This is done when we
switch to the list. */
final public void initNewsList(final boolean showAll,
final boolean showUnread,
final boolean sortByDate,
final List bookmarkList,
final RssFeedStore rssFeeds)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ if (m_finestLoggable) {m_logger.finest("initNewsList showAll,showUnread,sortByDate=" + showAll + "," + showUnread + "," + sortByDate);}
this.m_showAll = showAll;
this.m_showUnread = showUnread;
this.m_sortByDate = sortByDate;
final int bsize = bookmarkList.size();
if( bsize > 0 ){
for( int ic = 0; ic < bsize; ic++ ){
final String fname = bookmarkList.getString(ic);
if (m_saveMemoryEnabled) {
final String store = rssFeeds.getRoStoreStr(fname);
final RssShortItem[] sitems = RssItunesFeed.getShortItems(
m_midlet, store);
final int ilen = sitems.length;
if (ilen > 0) {
* Show currently selected RSS feed
* headers without updating them
fillVectors( ilen, fname,
//#ifdef DITUNES
//@ null,
sitems );
} else {
final RssItunesFeed feed =
final Vector vitems = feed.getItems();
final int ilen = vitems.size();
if (ilen > 0) {
RssItunesItem[] ritems = new RssItunesItem[ilen];
* Show currently selected RSS feed
* headers without updating them
fillVectors( ilen, fname,
//#ifdef DITUNES
//@ feed.getDate(),
ritems );
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ if (m_fineLoggable) {m_logger.fine("size of m_unreadItems,m_readItems,m_allItems,m_itemFeedsNames=" + m_unreadItems.size() + "," + m_readItems.size() + "," + m_allItems.size() + "," + m_itemFeedsNames.size());}
/* Sort all items. */
final public void sortAllItems(final boolean sortByDate,
final List bookmarkList,
final RssFeedStore rssFeeds)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
initNewsList(true, false, sortByDate, bookmarkList, rssFeeds);
if (sortByDate) {
sortItems(false, m_allItems);
} else {
fillItems( m_allItems);
/** Update the title. */
final public void updTitle() {
if (m_showAll) {
super.setTitle("All items " + (m_sortByDate ? "date" : "feed") +
" sorted: " + super.size());
} else if (m_showUnread) {
super.setTitle("Unread items " + (m_sortByDate ? "date" : "feed") +
" sorted: " + super.size());
} else {
super.setTitle("Read items " + (m_sortByDate ? "date" : "feed") +
" sorted: " + super.size());
/** Sort items unread. */
final public void sortUnreadItems(final boolean sortByDate,
final List bookmarkList,
final RssFeedStore rssFeeds)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
initNewsList(false, true, sortByDate, bookmarkList, rssFeeds);
if (sortByDate) {
sortItems(true, m_unreadItems);
} else {
fillItems( m_unreadItems);
/* Sort items read. */
final public void sortReadItems(boolean sortByDate,
List bookmarkList, RssFeedStore rssFeeds)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
initNewsList(false, false, sortByDate, bookmarkList, rssFeeds);
if (sortByDate) {
sortItems(false, m_readItems);
} else {
fillItems( m_readItems);
/* Sort items read or unread vector and put into GUI list. */
final private void sortItems(final boolean showUnread,
final Vector unsortedItems) {
this.m_showUnread = showUnread;
int [] indexes = new int[unsortedItems.size()];
long [] ldates = new long[unsortedItems.size()];
Vector vsorted = new Vector(unsortedItems.size());
Vector vfeedSorted = new Vector(m_itemFeedsNames.size());
Vector vunsorted = new Vector(unsortedItems.size());
Vector vfeedUnsorted = new Vector(m_itemFeedsNames.size());
RssShortItem[] uitems = new RssShortItem[unsortedItems.size()];
String[] ufeeds = new String[m_itemFeedsNames.size()];
int kc = 0;
for (int ic = 0; ic < uitems.length; ic++) {
final Date sortDate = uitems[ic].getDate();
if (sortDate == null)
} else {
indexes[kc] = kc;
ldates[kc++] = sortDate.getTime();
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ if (m_finestLoggable) {m_logger.finest("kc,date=" + ic + "," + new Date(ldates[kc - 1]));}
uitems = null;
ufeeds = null;
SortUtil.sortLongs( indexes, ldates, 0, kc - 1);
uitems = new RssShortItem[kc];
vunsorted = null;
ufeeds = new String[kc];
vfeedUnsorted = null;
for (int ic = 0; ic < kc ; ic++) {
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ if (m_finestLoggable) {m_logger.finest("ic,index,date=" + ic + "," + indexes[ic] + "," + new Date(ldates[indexes[ic]]) + "," + uitems[indexes[ic]].getDate());}
vsorted.insertElementAt(uitems[indexes[ic]], 0);
vfeedSorted.insertElementAt(ufeeds[indexes[ic]], 0);
uitems = null;
RssShortItem[] sitems = new RssShortItem[vsorted.size()];
vsorted = null;
for( int ic = 0; ic < sitems.length; ic++){
ufeeds = null;
String[] sfeeds = new String[vfeedSorted.size()];
vfeedSorted = null;
for( int ic = 0; ic < sitems.length; ic++){
fillItems( unsortedItems );
/** Fill list from items */
final private void fillItems(final Vector sortedItems) {
final int slen = sortedItems.size();
RssShortItem [] sitems = new RssShortItem[slen];
for( int ic = 0; ic < slen; ic++){
final String text = sitems[ic].getTitle();
if (m_showAll && (m_unreadImage != null)){
if (sitems[ic].isUnreadItem()) {
super.append( text, m_unreadImage );
} else {
super.append( text, m_readImage );
} else {
super.append( text, null );
/** Initialize item and feed name vectors. */
final private void initVectors() {
/** Fill RSS item vectors */
final private void fillVectors( final int ilen,
final String fname,
//#ifdef DITUNES
//@ final Date fdate,
final Object[] oitems ) {
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ if (m_finestLoggable) {m_logger.finest("fillVectors fname,ilen=" + fname + "," + ilen);}
for(int i=0; i < ilen; i++){
final Object oi = oitems[i];
RssShortItem si;
if (oi instanceof RssItunesItem) {
si = new RssShortItem((RssItunesItem)oi, i);
if (si.getTitle().length() == 0) {
//#ifdef DITUNES
//@ if (si.getDate() == null) {
//@ si.setDate(fdate);
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@ if (m_finestLoggable) {m_logger.finest("Using feed date for item=" + i + "," + fname + "," + si.getTitle());}
//@ }
} else {
si = (RssShortItem)oi;
if (m_showAll) {
} else {
if (si.isUnreadItem()) {
if (m_showUnread) {
} else {
if (!m_showUnread) {
final private void updFeedItem(Vector vitems, int selIdx)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
final String fname = (String)m_itemFeedsNames.elementAt(selIdx);
m_feed = m_rssFeeds.getRo(fname);
m_shortItem = (RssShortItem)vitems.elementAt(selIdx);
m_item = (RssItunesItem)(m_feed.getItems().elementAt(
/* Get the current selected index (or 0 index) and update the vectors. */
final private void getUpdSel(boolean updateIt)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
int selIdx = UiUtil.getSelectedIndex(this);
if (m_showAll) {
updFeedItem(m_allItems, selIdx);
final int unreadIdx = m_unreadItems.indexOf(m_shortItem);
if (updateIt && (m_unreadImage != null) && m_item.isUnreadItem()) {
super.set(selIdx, super.getString(selIdx), m_readImage);
} else if (m_showUnread) {
if (selIdx > 0) {
super.setSelectedIndex(selIdx - 1, true);
updFeedItem(m_unreadItems, selIdx);
if (updateIt) {
} else {
updFeedItem(m_readItems, selIdx);
* Show currently selected RSS item
* without updating it
if (updateIt) {
/* Update the lists for mark or unmark. */
final private void updMarkSel(boolean markUnread)
throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
int selIdx = UiUtil.getSelectedIndex(this);
if (m_showAll) {
updFeedItem(m_allItems, selIdx);
if (m_unreadImage != null) {
if (!markUnread && m_item.isUnreadItem()) {
super.set(selIdx, super.getString(selIdx), m_readImage);
} else if (markUnread && !m_item.isUnreadItem()) {
super.set(selIdx, super.getString(selIdx), m_unreadImage);
} else {
if ((m_showUnread && !markUnread) ||
(!m_showUnread && markUnread)) {
if (selIdx > 0) {
super.setSelectedIndex(selIdx - 1, true);
if (m_showUnread) {
updFeedItem(m_unreadItems, selIdx);
} else {
updFeedItem(m_readItems, selIdx);
/** Run method is used to get RSS feed with HttpConnection */
final public void run() {
long lngStart;
long lngTimeTaken;
while(m_process) {
if (m_select) {
m_select = false;
m_midlet.initializeLoadingFormRsc("text.l.it", this);
try {
try {
m_midlet.initializeItemForm( m_feed, m_item, this );
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ m_itemNext = true;
}catch(OutOfMemoryError t) {
"Out Of Memory Error selecting item", t);
} catch (CauseMemoryException e) {
"Out Of Memory Error selecting item", e);
} catch (CauseException e) {
"Internal error selecting item", e);
if (m_updItem) {
m_midlet.initializeLoadingFormRsc("text.u.it", this);
m_updItem = false;
try {
try {
}catch(OutOfMemoryError t) {
"Out Of Memory Error updating item", t);
} catch (CauseMemoryException e) {
"Out Of Memory Error updating item", e);
} catch (CauseException e) {
"Internal error updating item", e);
try {
/* Sort the read or unread items. */
if ( m_sort ) {
m_midlet.initializeLoadingFormRsc("text.s.item", this);
m_sort = false;
if (m_showAll) {
sortAllItems( m_dateSort, m_bookmarkList, m_rssFeeds );
} else if (m_sortUnread) {
sortUnreadItems( m_dateSort, m_bookmarkList, m_rssFeeds );
} else {
sortReadItems( m_dateSort, m_bookmarkList, m_rssFeeds );
m_midlet.setLoadingFinished("Sorting finished",
"Sorting finished use back to return.");
}catch(OutOfMemoryError t) {
m_midlet.recordExcForm("\nOut Of Memory Error sorting items", t);
}catch(Throwable t) {
m_midlet.recordExcForm("\nInternal error sorting items", t);
lngStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
lngTimeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis()-lngStart;
if(lngTimeTaken<100L) {
synchronized(this) {
if (!m_needWakeup) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
m_needWakeup = false;
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ // If there are headers, and the header index is >= 0,
//@ // open the header so that it's items can be listed
//@ // with test UI classes.
//@ // Need to change the selection to match the m_newsIndex.
//@ if (m_newsNext && (m_newsIndex >= 0) && m_testNews &&
//@ (m_newsIndex < super.size()) &&
//@ (m_midlet.getCurrent() == this)) {
//@ m_newsNext = false;
//@ if (super.getSelectedIndex() >= 0) {
//@ super.setSelectedIndex(
//@ super.getSelectedIndex(), false);
//@ }
//@ super.setSelectedIndex(m_newsIndex, true);
//@ commandAction(List.SELECT_COMMAND, this);
//@ }
//@ // After intializing the form (which was already logged by
//@ // testui classes), simulate the back command
//@ if (m_itemNext && (m_newsIndex >= 0) && m_testNews &&
//@ (m_newsIndex < super.size()) && m_midlet.isItemForm()) {
//@ m_itemNext = false;
//@ m_midlet.backFrItemForm();
//@ // If size the same, we are not doing unread, so increase.
//@ if (m_newsLen == super.size()) {
//@ m_newsIndex++;
//@ }
//@ if (m_newsIndex >= super.size()) {
//@ System.out.println("Test UI Test Rss items last");
//@ m_newsIndex = -1;
//@ }
//@ }
/* Notify us that we are finished. */
final public void wakeUp() {
synchronized(this) {
m_needWakeup = true;
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ /** If auto testing news, set flag that says that we're going back to
//@ the news menu from item. */
//@ final public void gotoNews() {
//@ if (m_testNews) {
//@ if (super.size() == 0) {
//@ m_testNews = false;
//@ m_newsLen = -1;
//@ m_newsIndex = -1;
//@ m_newsNext = false;
//@ m_itemNext = false;
//@ }
//@ m_newsNext = true;
//@ }
//@ }
/** Respond to commands */
final public void commandAction(final Command c, final Displayable s) {
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ super.outputCmdAct(c, s, javax.microedition.lcdui.List.SELECT_COMMAND);
if( c == m_sortUnreadItemsCmd ) {
/* Sorting items... */
m_sortUnread = true;
m_dateSort = true;
m_showAll = false;
m_sort = true;
/** Read read items date sorted */
if( c == m_sortReadItemsCmd ) {
/* Sorting items... */
m_sortUnread = false;
m_dateSort = true;
m_showAll = false;
m_sort = true;
/** Read unread items feed sorted */
if( c == m_sortUnreadFeedsCmd ) {
/* Sorting items... */
m_sortUnread = true;
m_dateSort = false;
m_showAll = false;
m_sort = true;
/** Read read items feed sorted */
if( c == m_sortReadFeedsCmd ) {
/* Sorting items... */
m_sortUnread = false;
m_dateSort = false;
m_showAll = false;
m_sort = true;
if( (c == m_openUnreadHdrCmd) || (c == List.SELECT_COMMAND) ) {
if( super.size()>0){
m_select = true;
} else if( c == m_sortAllDateCmd ) {
/* Sorting items... */
m_sortUnread = false;
m_dateSort = true;
m_showAll = true;
m_sort = true;
} else if( c == m_sortAllFeedsCmd ) {
/* Sorting items... */
m_sortUnread = false;
m_dateSort = false;
m_showAll = true;
m_sort = true;
} else if( c == m_markReadCmd ) {
if( super.size()>0){
/* Updating item... */
m_markUnread = false;
m_updItem = true;
} else if( c == m_markUnReadCmd ) {
if( super.size()>0){
m_markUnread = true;
m_updItem = true;
/** Get back to RSS feed bookmarks */
} else if( c == m_backUnreadHdrCmd ){
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ m_testNews = false;
//@ m_newsLen = -1;
//@ m_newsIndex = -1;
//@ m_newsNext = false;
//@ m_itemNext = false;
m_process = false;
//#ifdef DTESTUI
//@ /** Indicate that we want to test the headers/items. */
//@ } else if( c == m_testNewsCmd) {
//@ if( super.size()>0 ) {
//@ m_itemNext = false;
//@ m_newsIndex = 0;
//@ m_newsLen = super.size();
//@ System.out.println("Test UI Test News items start m_newsIndex=" + m_newsIndex);
//@ m_newsNext = true;
//@ m_testNews = true;
//@ wakeUp();
//@ }