Package com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities

Source Code of com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssItem

* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tommi Laukkanen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

// Expand to define logging define
//#define DNOLOGGING
package com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities;

import java.util.Date;

import com.substanceofcode.utils.Base64;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.StringUtil;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseException;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseMemoryException;

//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.Logger;
//@import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.Level;

* RssItem class is a data store for a single item in RSS feed.
* One item consist of title, link, description and optional date.
* @author  Tommi Laukkanen
* @version 1.1
public class RssItem {
    public static final int TITLE_OFFSET = 0;
    public static final int DATE_OFFSET = 2;
    public static final int UNREAD_ITEM = 4;
    public static final int DESC_OFFSET = 5;
    public static final char CONE = (char)1;
  //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@    private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItem");
  // Use protected so that sub classes can access these including the
  // backward store compatibility classes.
    protected String m_title = "";   // The RSS item title
    protected String m_link  = "";   // The RSS item link
    protected String m_desc  = "";   // The RSS item description
    protected Date m_date = null;
    protected String m_enclosure  = "";   // The RSS item enclosure
    protected boolean m_unreadItem = false;
  //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@    private boolean fineLoggable = logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
//@    private boolean finestLoggable = logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
    /** Creates a new instance of RssItem.  Used by this class and
      RssItem and later the fields are initalized. */
    protected RssItem() {

    /** Creates a new instance of RssItem */
    public RssItem(String title, String link, String desc, Date pubDate,
             String enclosure, boolean unreadItem) {
        m_title = title;
        m_link = link;
        m_desc = desc;
        m_date = pubDate;
        m_enclosure = enclosure;
        m_unreadItem = unreadItem;
    public RssItem(RssItem item) {
    this(item.m_title, item.m_link, item.m_desc, item.m_date,
       item.m_enclosure, item.m_unreadItem);

    /** Get RSS item title */
    public String getTitle(){
        return m_title;
    /** Get RSS item link address */
    public String getLink(){
        return m_link;
    /** Get RSS item description */
    public String getDescription(){
        return m_desc;
    /** Get RSS item publication date */
    public Date getDate() {
        return m_date;
    /** Serialize the object
    When we serialize we don't do anything special for itunes as the
    store to memory will be deserialized only by the iTunes capable
    public String unencodedSerialize() {
        String dateString;
            dateString = "";
        } else {
        // We use base 16 (hex) for the date so that we can save some
      // space for toString.
            dateString = Long.toString( m_date.getTime(), 16 );

    String title = m_title.replace('|', CONE);
        String preData = title + "|" + m_link + "|" + dateString + "|" +
          m_enclosure + "|" + (m_unreadItem ? "1" : "0") + "|" + m_desc;
    return (preData);
    /** Serialize the object
    this serialize does not need to know if Itunes is capable/enabled given
    that no fields were added to make it capable/enabled
    public String serialize() {
        String preData = unencodedSerialize();
        Base64 b64 = new Base64();
        String encodedSerializedData = null;
    try {
      encodedSerializedData = b64.encode( preData.getBytes("UTF-8") );
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      encodedSerializedData = b64.encode( preData.getBytes() );
    return encodedSerializedData;
    Initialize fields in the class from data.
    startIndex - Starting index in nodes of RssItem
    iTunesCapable - True if the data can support Itunes (but may not
              actually have Itunes data) or may not be turned
            on by the user.  So, the serializaion/deserialization
            will account for iTunes fields except if not
            enabled, the will have empty values.
            If itunes capable we use base 16 (hex) for
            the date so that we can save some space for
    hasPipe - True if the data has a pipe in at least one item
    nodes - (elements in an array).
  protected void init(int startIndex, boolean iTunesCapable,
              boolean hasPipe, String [ ] nodes)
  throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {

    try {
      /* Node count should be 6:
       * title | link | date | enclosure | unreadItem | desc
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("startIndex,nodes.length,first nodes=" + startIndex + "," + nodes.length + "|" + nodes[ startIndex + TITLE ]);}
      m_title = nodes[startIndex + TITLE];
      if (hasPipe) {
        if (iTunesCapable) {
          m_title = m_title.replace(CONE, '|');
        } else {
          m_title = m_title.replace('\n', '|');
      int LINK = 1;
      m_link = nodes[startIndex + LINK];
      int DATE = DATE_OFFSET;
      String dateString = nodes[startIndex + DATE];
      if(dateString.length()>0) {
        if (iTunesCapable) {
          m_date = new Date(Long.parseLong(dateString, 16));
        } else {
          m_date = new Date(Long.parseLong(dateString));
      } else {
        m_date = null;
      int ENCLOSURE = 3;
      m_enclosure = nodes[startIndex + ENCLOSURE];

      String cunreadItem = nodes[startIndex + UNREADITEM];
      m_unreadItem = (cunreadItem.equals("1"));
      // If description has '|', we need to join.
      int DESC = DESC_OFFSET;
      if (DESC + startIndex < (nodes.length - 1)) {
        m_desc = StringUtil.join(nodes, "|", startIndex + DESC);
      } else {
        m_desc = nodes[startIndex + DESC];
        } catch(Exception e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error while RssItem init ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while RssItem init ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;

  /** Deserialize the object **/
  public static RssItem deserialize(String encodedData)
  throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
    try {
      // Base64 decode
      Base64 b64 = new Base64();
      byte[] decodedData = b64.decode(encodedData);
      String data;
      try {
        data = new String( decodedData, "UTF-8" );
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        data = new String( decodedData );
      return unencodedDeserialize(data);
        } catch(CauseException e) {
      throw e;
        } catch(Exception e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error while RssItem deserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItem");
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while RssItem deserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItem");
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;

  /** This is only used to deserialize data from a previous version
    but not the initial version as that version has a bug in getting
    the items.
  public static RssItem unencodedDeserialize(String data)
  throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
    RssItem item = new RssItem();
    try {
      boolean hasPipe = (data.indexOf('\n') >= 0);
      String[] nodes = StringUtil.split( data, '|');
      item.init(0, false, hasPipe, nodes);
      return item;
        } catch(Exception e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error while RssItem unencodedDeserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItem");
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while RssItem unencodedDeserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItem");
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;

  /* Copy to item. */
  public RssItem copyTo(RssItem item) {
    item.m_title = m_title;
    item.m_link  = m_link;
    item.m_desc  = m_desc;
    item.m_date = m_date;
    item.m_enclosure  = m_enclosure;;
    item.m_unreadItem = m_unreadItem;
    return item;

  /* Compare item. */
  public boolean equals(RssItem item) {
    if (!item.m_title.equals(m_title)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_title,this=" + item.m_title + "," + m_title);}
      return false;
    if (!item.m_link.equals(m_link)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_link,this=" + item.m_link + "," + m_link);}
      return false;
    if (!item.m_desc.equals(m_desc)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_desc,this=" + item.m_desc + "," + m_desc);}
      return false;
    if ((item.m_date == null) && (this.m_date == null)) {
    } else if ((item.m_date != null) && (this.m_date != null)) {
      if (item.m_date.equals(this.m_date)) {
      } else {
        //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@        if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal dates=" + item.m_date + "," + m_date);}
        return false;
    } else {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal dates=" + item.m_date + "," + m_date);}
      return false;
    if (!item.m_enclosure.equals(m_enclosure)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_enclosure,this=" + item.m_enclosure + "," + m_enclosure);}
      return false;
    if (item.m_unreadItem != m_unreadItem) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_unreadItem,this=" + item.m_unreadItem + "," + m_unreadItem);}
      return false;
    return true;

    public void setUnreadItem(boolean unreadItem) {
        this.m_unreadItem = unreadItem;

    public boolean isUnreadItem() {
        return (m_unreadItem);

    public void setEnclosure(String enclosure) {
        this.m_enclosure = enclosure;

    public String getEnclosure() {
        return (m_enclosure);

    /** convert the object to string */
    public String toString() {
        String preData = m_title + "|" + m_link + "|" + m_date + "|" +
          m_enclosure + "|" + m_unreadItem + "|" + m_desc;
    return (preData);

Related Classes of com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssItem

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