package com.mycompany;
import com.bradmcevoy.common.Path;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.Resource;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.ResourceFactory;
public class TResourceFactory implements ResourceFactory {
private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(TResourceFactory.class);
public static final TFolderResource ROOT = new TFolderResource((TFolderResource)null,"localhost:80/webdav");
static {
String user = "Mufasa";
//String password = "Circle Of Life";
String password = "pwd";
// ROOT.setSecure(user,password);
TFolderResource folder;
TResource file;
file = new TTextResource(ROOT,"index.html","Hi there");
folder = new TFolderResource(ROOT,"folder1");
file = new TTextResource(folder,"index.html","i am a web page in folder1");
folder = new TFolderResource(ROOT,"folder2");
new TFolderResource(folder,"folder2a");
folder = new TFolderResource(ROOT,"folder3");
TFolderResource fSpecial = new TFolderResource(ROOT,"special chars");
TFolderResource fSpecialSub = new TFolderResource(ROOT,"folder with ampersand &");
new TFolderResource(fSpecial,"folder with percentage %");
new TFolderResource(fSpecial,"folder with speci�l chars"); // contains ae character
file = new TTextResource(folder,"index.html","i am a web page");
file = new TTextResource(folder,"stuff.html","");
folder = new TFolderResource(folder,"subfolder1");
file = new TTextResource(folder,"index.html","");
folder = new TFolderResource(ROOT,"secure");
file = new TTextResource(folder,"index.html","");
public Resource getResource(String host, String url) {
log.debug("getResource: url: " + url );
Path path = Path.path(url);
Resource r = find(path);
log.debug("_found: " + r);
return r;
private TResource find(Path path) {
if( isRoot(path) ) return ROOT;
TResource r = find(path.getParent());
if( r == null ) return null;
if( r instanceof TFolderResource ) {
TFolderResource folder = (TFolderResource)r;
for( Resource rChild : folder.getChildren() ) {
TResource r2 = (TResource) rChild;
if( r2.getName().equals(path.getName())) {
return r2;
} else {
// log.debug( "IS NOT: " + r2.getName() + " - " + path.getName());
log.debug("not found: " + path);
return null;
public String getSupportedLevels() {
//return "1,2";
return "1";
private boolean isRoot( Path path ) {
if( path == null ) return true;
return ( path.getParent() == null || path.getParent().isRoot());