package com.bradmcevoy.http.http11;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.Request.Method;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.exceptions.BadRequestException;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.exceptions.ConflictException;
import com.bradmcevoy.http.exceptions.NotAuthorizedException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Support the OPTIONS http method.
* Note that windows 7 appears to require un-authenticated access to OPTIONS
* requests, so this handler now supports configurable selection of allowing
* un-authenticated access.
* @author brad
public class OptionsHandler implements ResourceHandler {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( OptionsHandler.class );
private final Http11ResponseHandler responseHandler;
private final HandlerHelper handlerHelper;
private final ResourceHandlerHelper resourceHandlerHelper;
private boolean enableAuthorisation;
* Creates an OptionHandler with no authorisation
* @param responseHandler
public OptionsHandler( Http11ResponseHandler responseHandler ) {
this.responseHandler = responseHandler;
this.handlerHelper = null;
this.resourceHandlerHelper = new ResourceHandlerHelper( handlerHelper, responseHandler );
this.enableAuthorisation = false;
* Creates an OptionHandler with no authorisation
* Note that the handlerHelper is redundant, but this constructor is kept
* for backwards compatibility
* @param responseHandler
public OptionsHandler( Http11ResponseHandler responseHandler, HandlerHelper handlerHelper ) {
this.responseHandler = responseHandler;
this.handlerHelper = handlerHelper;
this.resourceHandlerHelper = new ResourceHandlerHelper( handlerHelper, responseHandler );
this.enableAuthorisation = false;
* Allows the choice of enabling authorisation. Some webdav clients (such as windows 7) require
* un-authenticated OPTIONS requests, because they use the information returned to determine
* how to authenticate.
* However, this might be considered a security risk as it allows mailicious
* users to determine the existence of resources, although not their content.
* @param responseHandler
* @param handlerHelper - redundant if enableAuthorisation is false
* @param enableAuthorisation - if false OPTIONS requests will never request authentication
public OptionsHandler( Http11ResponseHandler responseHandler, HandlerHelper handlerHelper, boolean enableAuthorisation ) {
this.responseHandler = responseHandler;
this.handlerHelper = handlerHelper;
this.resourceHandlerHelper = new ResourceHandlerHelper( handlerHelper, responseHandler );
this.enableAuthorisation = enableAuthorisation;
public void process( HttpManager manager, Request request, Response response ) throws NotAuthorizedException, ConflictException, BadRequestException {
resourceHandlerHelper.process( manager, request, response, this );
public void processResource( HttpManager manager, Request request, Response response, Resource resource ) throws NotAuthorizedException, ConflictException, BadRequestException {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
if( enableAuthorisation) {
if( !handlerHelper.checkAuthorisation( manager, resource, request ) ) {
responseHandler.respondUnauthorised( resource, response, request );
manager.onProcessResourceStart( request, response, resource );
List<String> methodsAllowed = determineMethodsAllowed( manager, resource );
responseHandler.respondWithOptions( resource, response, request, methodsAllowed );
} finally {
t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
manager.onProcessResourceFinish( request, response, resource, t );
public String[] getMethods() {
return new String[]{Method.OPTIONS.code};
public boolean isCompatible( Resource handler ) {
return true;
private List<String> determineMethodsAllowed( HttpManager manager, Resource res ) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for( Handler f : manager.getAllHandlers() ) {
if( f.isCompatible( res ) ) {
for( String m : f.getMethods() ) {
Method httpMethod = Method.valueOf( m );
if( !handlerHelper.isNotCompatible( res, httpMethod) ) {
list.add( m );
return list;
public boolean isEnableAuthorisation() {
return enableAuthorisation;
public void setEnableAuthorisation( boolean enableAuthorisation ) {
this.enableAuthorisation = enableAuthorisation;
if( enableAuthorisation && (handlerHelper == null)) {
throw new RuntimeException( "enableAuthorisation set to true, but no handlerHelper has been provided. You WILL get NullPointerException's");