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import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ReferenceMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.StringArrayDocumentCollection;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.BitStreamIndex;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.CompressionFlags;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.DiskBasedIndex;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.Index;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.TermProcessor;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.nodes.QueryBuilderVisitorException;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.parser.QueryParserException;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.parser.SimpleParser;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.tool.IndexBuilder;
import it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.tool.Paste;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.ImmutableExternalPrefixMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.util.SemiExternalGammaList;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;

public class ScorerTest extends TestCase {
  /** The temporary directory where all tests are run. */
  private File tempDir;

  private StringArrayDocumentCollection documentCollection0, bodyDocumentCollection, titleDocumentCollection, bodyFDocumentCollection, titleFDocumentCollection;
  private static final double ASSERT_DIFF = 1E-3;
  private String basename0, bodyFBasename, titleFBasename, bodyBasename, titleBasename, basenameFComb, bodyBasenameBis;
  private BitStreamIndex index0, indexFBody, indexFTitle, indexBody, indexTitle;
  private BitStreamIndex indexBodyBis;
  private SimpleParser simpleParser;
  private ImmutableExternalPrefixMap immutableExternalPrefixMap;

   * Prepare the index of documents.

  public void setUp() throws ConfigurationException, SecurityException, IOException, URISyntaxException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {
    // Create a new directory under /tmp
    tempDir = File.createTempFile( "mg4jtest", null );

    basename0 = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "test0", tempDir ).toString();
    bodyBasename = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "body", tempDir ).toString();
    titleBasename = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "title", tempDir ).toString();
    bodyFBasename = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "bodyf", tempDir ).toString();
    titleFBasename = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "titlef", tempDir ).toString();
    basenameFComb = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "combf", tempDir ).toString();
    bodyBasenameBis = File.createTempFile( ScorerTest.class.getSimpleName(), "bodyfbis", tempDir ).toString();
    documentCollection0 = new StringArrayDocumentCollection(
        // number of documents N = 3
        // average document size = 9 + 4 + 14 / 3 = 9
        // number of occurrences = 27
        new String[] {
            "This sentence speaks really really really good of gods", // size 9
            "And this, is a list of all the green things in the green world", // size 14
            "get THIS not THAT" } // size 4

    // BM25 testing

    bodyDocumentCollection = new StringArrayDocumentCollection(
        new String[] {
            "A C C",
            "D Z",
            "A X Z",
            "C X X",
    // Doc size: 3 2 3 3 1 (avg: 12/5)
    // Frequency: A:2 C:2 D:1 Q:1 X:2 Z:2

    titleDocumentCollection = new StringArrayDocumentCollection(
        new String[] {
            "Q X",
    // Doc size: 1 1 1 2 1 (avg: 9/8)
    // Frequency: A:1 Q:2 X:1 Z:2
    // BM25F testing

    bodyFDocumentCollection = new StringArrayDocumentCollection(
        new String[] {
            "A C C",
            "D Z",
            "A X Z",
            "C X X",
    // Doc size: 3 2 3 3 1 (avg: 12/5)
    // Frequency: A:2 C:2 D:1 Q:1 X:2 Z:2

    titleFDocumentCollection = new StringArrayDocumentCollection(
        new String[] {
            "Q X",
    // Doc size: 1 1 1 2 1 (avg: 9/8)
    // Frequency: A:1 Q:2 X:1 Z:2

    // Global data for BM25F
    // Weight: coll2:3, coll1:1
    // Doc size: 6 5 6 9 4 (avg: 15/8)
    // Frequency: A:2 C:2 D:1 Q:3 X:2 Z:3
    new IndexBuilder( basename0, documentCollection0 ).run();
    new IndexBuilder( bodyBasename, bodyDocumentCollection ).run();
    new IndexBuilder( titleBasename, titleDocumentCollection ).run();
    new IndexBuilder( bodyFBasename, bodyFDocumentCollection ).run();
    new IndexBuilder( titleFBasename, titleFDocumentCollection ).run();
    new IndexBuilder( bodyBasenameBis, bodyDocumentCollection ).run();
    index0 = DiskBasedIndex.getInstance( basename0 + "-text", true, true );
    indexBody = DiskBasedIndex.getInstance( bodyBasename + "-text", true, true );
    indexTitle = DiskBasedIndex.getInstance( titleBasename + "-text", true, true );
    indexFBody = DiskBasedIndex.getInstance( bodyFBasename + "-text", true, true );
    indexFTitle = DiskBasedIndex.getInstance( titleFBasename + "-text", true, true );
    indexBodyBis = DiskBasedIndex.getInstance( bodyBasenameBis + "-text", true, true );

    new Paste( basenameFComb, new String[] { bodyFBasename + "-text", titleFBasename + "-text" }, true, true, 1024, null, 1024, CompressionFlags.DEFAULT_STANDARD_INDEX, true, false, -1, -1, -1, 10 ).run();
    immutableExternalPrefixMap = new ImmutableExternalPrefixMap( new FileLinesCollection( basenameFComb + ".terms", "UTF-8" ) );
    simpleParser = new SimpleParser( index0.termProcessor );

  protected void tearDown() throws IOException {
    FileUtils.forceDelete( tempDir );
  private void assertScores( String q, it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.Index index, Scorer scorer, double[] expected ) throws QueryParserException, QueryBuilderVisitorException, IOException {
    it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.nodes.Query query = simpleParser.parse( q );
    DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor documentIteratorBuilderVisitor = new DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor( null, index, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
    DocumentIterator documentIterator = query.accept( documentIteratorBuilderVisitor );
    scorer.wrap( documentIterator );
    int i = 0;
    while ( documentIterator.nextDocument() != -1 ) {
      final double score = scorer.score();
      assertEquals( "Item " + i + " (document " + documentIterator.document() + ")", expected[ i ], score, ASSERT_DIFF );

  private void assertScoresMultiIndex( String q, Object2ReferenceMap<String,it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.Index> indexMap, it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.index.Index defaultIndex, Scorer scorer, double[] expected ) throws QueryParserException, QueryBuilderVisitorException, IOException {
    Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<String, TermProcessor> termProcessors = new Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<String,TermProcessor>();
    for( String s: indexMap.keySet() ) termProcessors.put( s, indexMap.get( s ).termProcessor );
    SimpleParser simpleParser = new SimpleParser(
      "t", // TODO: make it a parameter
    it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.nodes.Query query = simpleParser.parse( q );
    DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor documentIteratorBuilderVisitor = new DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor( indexMap, defaultIndex, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
    DocumentIterator documentIterator = query.accept( documentIteratorBuilderVisitor );
    scorer.wrap( documentIterator );
    int i = 0;
    while ( documentIterator.hasNext() ) {;

      final double score = scorer.score();
      assertEquals( "Item " + i + " (document " + documentIterator.document() + ")", expected[ i ], score, ASSERT_DIFF );
    assertEquals( i, expected.length );

  public void testBM25Scorer1() throws Exception {
    Scorer scorer = new BM25Scorer( .75, .95 );

    assertScores( "this", index0, scorer, new double[] { 0, 0, 0 } );
    assertScores( "list & things", index0, scorer, new double[] { .8332 } );
    assertScores( "good | green", index0, scorer, new double[] { .5108, .5683 } );


  public void testBM25Scorer4() throws Exception {
    Scorer scorer = new BM25Scorer( .75, .95 );

    assertScores( "A", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "A | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "W | A", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "A & A", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "A | A", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "C", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "C | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "W | C", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "C & C", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "C | C", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "Q", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.4408 } );
    assertScores( "Q | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.4408 } );
    assertScores( "W | Q", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.4408 } );
    assertScores( "Q & Q", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.4408 } );
    assertScores( "Q | Q", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.4408 } );
    assertScores( "A & C", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "A & C | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "W | A & C", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(A & C) & (A & C)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(A & C) | (A & C)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(A & C)~2", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(A & C)~2 | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "W | (A & C)~2", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(A & C)~2 & (A & C)~2", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(A & C)~2 | (A & C)~2", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .4021 } );
    assertScores( "A & X & Z", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .3053 + .3053 } );
    assertScores( "A & X & Z | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .3053 + .3053 } );
    assertScores( "W | A & X & Z", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .3053 + .3053 } );
    assertScores( "(A & X & Z) & (A & X & Z)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .3053 + .3053 } );
    assertScores( "(A & X & Z) | (A & X & Z)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 + .3053 + .3053 } );
    assertScores( "C | A", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021 + .3053, .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "C | A | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021 + .3053, .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "W | C | A", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021 + .3053, .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "(C | A) & (C | A)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021 + .3053, .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "(C | A) | (C | A)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .4021 + .3053, .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScores( "X | Z", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3609, .3053 + .3053, .4021 } );
    assertScores( "X | Z | W", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3609, .3053 + .3053, .4021 } );
    assertScores( "W | X | Z", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3609, .3053 + .3053, .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(X | Z) & (X | Z)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3609, .3053 + .3053, .4021 } );
    assertScores( "(X | Z) | (X | Z)", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3609, .3053 + .3053, .4021 } );

  public void testBM25Scorer5() throws Exception {
    Scorer scorer = new BM25Scorer( .75, .95 );

    assertScores( "A + X", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .4021, .4021 } );
    assertScores( "D + Z", indexBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.447, .3053 } );
  public void testBM25ScorerMulti() throws Exception {
    Scorer scorer = new BM25Scorer( .75, .95 );
    scorer.setWeights( new Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index>( new Index[] { indexBody, indexBodyBis }, new double[] { 1, 3 } ) );
    Object2ReferenceMap<String,Index> indexMap = new Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<String,Index>( new String[] { "t", "u" }, new Index[] { indexBody, indexBodyBis } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "A", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .25, .3053 * .25 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:A", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .75, .3053 * .75 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:A", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .25, .3053 * .25 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:A & t:A", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:A | t:A", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053, .3053 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:A & t:C", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .75 + .4021 * .25 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:A & u:C", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .25 + .4021 * .75 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:A | t:C", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .75 + .4021 * .25, .3053 * .75, .3053 *.25 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:A | u:C", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 *.25 + .4021 *.75, .3053 *.25, .3053 * .75 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:A | (u:A & t:C)", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .75 + .4021 * .25, .3053 * .75 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:A | (u:A & t:C)", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .25+ .3053 * .75 + .4021 *.25, .3053 *.25 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:X & (t:A | u:C)", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 *.25 + .3053 *.25 , .4021 *.25+ .3053 * .75 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "u:X & (u:A | t:C)", indexMap, indexBody, scorer, new double[] { .3053 * .75 + .3053 * .75, .4021 * .75 + .3053 *.25 } );
  public void testBM25FScorer() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, QueryParserException, QueryBuilderVisitorException {
    Scorer scorer = new BM25FScorer( .95, new Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index>( new Index[] { indexFBody, indexFTitle }, new double[] { 0.5, 0.3 } ), immutableExternalPrefixMap, new SemiExternalGammaList( new InputBitStream( basenameFComb + ".frequencies" ) ) );
    scorer.setWeights( new Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index>( new Index[] { indexFTitle, indexFBody }, new double[] { .85, .15 } ) );
    // b(ody):.3 t(itle):1.7
    Object2ReferenceMap<String,Index> indexMap = new Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<String,Index>( new String[] { "b", "t" }, new Index[] { indexFBody, indexFTitle } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:A | t:A", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.953, 0.202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:C | t:C", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .364, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:D | t:D", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.416 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:X | t:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .202, .917 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Z | t:Z", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .117, .451, .424 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Q | t:Q", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .424, .371, .151 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:A | b:A", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.953, 0.202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:C | b:C", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .364, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:D | b:D", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.416 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:X | b:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .202, .917 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:Z | b:Z", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .117, .451, .424 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:Q | b:Q", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .424, .371, .151 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(A|X) | t:(A|X)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .953, .404, .917 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(A|B) | t:(A|B)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .953, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(A|B|X) | t:(A|B|X)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .953, .404, .917 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(Q|X) | t:(Q|X)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .424, .202, 1.287, .151 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:A", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.202, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:C", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .364, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:D", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.416 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .202, .364 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Z", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .117, .095 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Q", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .151 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .783 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:C t:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.202 + .783 } );

  public void testBM25FScorerExpectedIdf() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, QueryParserException, QueryBuilderVisitorException {
    Scorer scorer = new BM25FScorer( .95, new Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index>( new Index[] { indexFBody, indexFTitle }, new double[] { 0.5, 0.3 } ), null, null );
    scorer.setWeights( new Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index>( new Index[] { indexFTitle, indexFBody }, new double[] { .85, .15 } ) );
    // b(ody):.3 t(itle):1.7
    Object2ReferenceMap<String,Index> indexMap = new Object2ReferenceOpenHashMap<String,Index>( new String[] { "b", "t" }, new Index[] { indexFBody, indexFTitle } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:A | t:A", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.53, 0.202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:C | t:C", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .364, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:D | t:D", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.416 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:X | t:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .202, 1.387 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Z | t:Z", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .247, .953, .896 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Q | t:Q", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .896, .783, .536 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(A|X) | t:(A|X)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.530, 0.404, 1.387 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(A|B) | t:(A|B)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.530, 0.202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(A|B|X) | t:(A|B|X)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.530, .404, 1.387 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:(Q|X) | t:(Q|X)", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .896, .202, 2.17, .536 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:A", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.202, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:C", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .364, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:D", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.416 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .202, .364 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Z", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .247, .202 } );
    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:Q", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { .536 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "t:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 1.320 } );

    assertScoresMultiIndex( "b:C t:X", indexMap, indexFBody, scorer, new double[] { 0.202 + 1.320 } );

  public void testCounterSetup() throws Exception {

    TermCollectionVisitor termVisitor = new TermCollectionVisitor();
    CounterSetupVisitor setupVisitor = new CounterSetupVisitor( termVisitor );
    CounterCollectionVisitor counterCollectionVisitor = new CounterCollectionVisitor( setupVisitor );

    it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.nodes.Query query = simpleParser.parse( "this" );
    DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor documentIteratorBuilderVisitor = new DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor( null, index0, Integer.MAX_VALUE );

    DocumentIterator indexIterator = query.accept( documentIteratorBuilderVisitor );


    indexIterator.accept( termVisitor );
    indexIterator.accept( setupVisitor );

    // assertEquals( 3, indexIterator.frequency() );
    assertEquals( 3, setupVisitor.frequency[ 0 ] );

    assertEquals( 1, indexIterator.nextDocument() );
    indexIterator.accept( counterCollectionVisitor );
    assertEquals( 1, setupVisitor.count[ 0 ] );
    assertEquals( 2, indexIterator.nextDocument() );
    indexIterator.accept( counterCollectionVisitor );
    assertEquals( 1, setupVisitor.count[ 0 ] );

  public void testCountScorer() throws QueryParserException, QueryBuilderVisitorException, IOException {

    Scorer scorer = new CountScorer();

    it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.query.nodes.Query query = simpleParser.parse( "C" );
    DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor documentIteratorBuilderVisitor = new DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor( null, indexBody, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
    DocumentIterator documentIterator = query.accept( documentIteratorBuilderVisitor );
    scorer.wrap( documentIterator );
    final double expected[] = { 2, 1 };

    int i = 0;
    while ( documentIterator.hasNext() ) {;
      final double score = scorer.score();
      assertEquals( "Item " + i, expected[ i ], score, 0.001 );

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