package org.mevenide.idea.psi.project.impl;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile;
import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.mevenide.idea.psi.project.*;
import org.mevenide.idea.psi.util.PsiUtils;
* @author Arik
public class DefaultPsiProject extends AbstractPsiNamedPropertyObservable implements PsiProject {
* Logging.
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultPsiProject.class);
* A flag indicating whether the parent POM has been searched or not.
private boolean searchedForParent = false;
* The cached reference to the parent POM.
private PsiProject parent;
* The project organization PSI handler.
private PsiOrganization organization = null;
* Project mailing lists.
private PsiMailingLists mailingLists = null;
* Project dependencies.
private PsiDependencies dependencies = null;
* Project developers team.
private PsiDevelopers developers = null;
* Project contributors.
private PsiContributors contributors = null;
* The SCM repository.
private PsiScmRepository scmRepository = null;
* The SCM branches.
private PsiScmBranches scmBranches = null;
* The versions.
private PsiVersions versions = null;
* The resources.
private PsiResources mainResources = null;
* The test resources.
private PsiResources testResources = null;
* POM reports.
private PsiReports reports = null;
* Creates a new instance for the given XML (POM) file.
* @param pXmlFile the POM file
public DefaultPsiProject(final XmlFile pXmlFile) {
super(pXmlFile, "project");
registerTag("pomVersion", "pomVersion");
registerTag("extend", "extend");
registerTag("name", "name");
registerTag("currentVersion", "currentVersion");
registerTag("artifactId", "artifactId");
registerTag("groupId", "groupId");
registerTag("url", "url");
registerTag("logoUri", "logo");
registerTag("inceptionYear", "inceptionYear");
registerTag("packageName", "package");
registerTag("shortDescription", "shortDescription");
registerTag("description", "description");
registerTag("issueTrackingUrl", "issueTrackingUrl");
registerTag("siteAddress", "siteAddress");
registerTag("siteDirectory", "siteDirectory");
registerTag("distributionAddress", "distributionAddress");
registerTag("distributionDirectory", "distributionDirectory");
registerTag("sourceDirectory", "build/sourceDirectory");
registerTag("aspectSourceDirectory", "build/aspectSourceDirectory");
registerTag("unitTestSourceDirectory", "build/unitTestSourceDirectory");
//make sure we reset our parent reference if the "extend" tag changes
addPropertyChangeListener("extend", new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent pEvent) {
if ("extend".equals(pEvent.getPropertyName()))
* Returns the PSI parent project. <p/> <p>This method will parse the "extend" tag value, and
* use it to find the parent POM file (relative path for this POM file is supported). If the
* parent POM project is found, a PSI project is created for it and returned. </p> <p/>
* <p><b>NOTE</b>: this is not a bound property. To track parent changes - track the "extend"
* property.</p>
* @return a PSI project for the parent POM, or {@code null} if the extend tag has an empty
* value, or if the parent POM cannot be found/parsed.
public PsiProject getParent() {
if (!searchedForParent) {
parent = createParent();
searchedForParent = true;
return parent;
public String getPomVersion() {
return getValue("pomVersion");
public void setPomVersion(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("pomVersion", pValue);
public String getExtend() {
return getValue("extend");
public void setExtend(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("extend", pValue);
public String getName() {
return getValue("name");
public void setName(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("name", pValue);
public String getCurrentVersion() {
return getValue("currentVersion");
public void setCurrentVersion(final String pValue)
throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("currentVersion", pValue);
public String getArtifactId() {
return getValue("artifactId");
public void setArtifactId(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("artifactId", pValue);
public String getGroupId() {
return getValue("groupId");
public void setGroupId(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("groupId", pValue);
public String getUrl() {
return getValue("url");
public void setUrl(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("url", pValue);
public String getLogoUri() {
return getValue("logoUri");
public void setLogoUri(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("logoUri", pValue);
public String getInceptionYear() {
return getValue("inceptionYear");
public void setInceptionYear(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("inceptionYear", pValue);
public String getPackageName() {
return getValue("packageName");
public void setPackageName(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("packageName", pValue);
public String getShortDescription() {
return getValue("shortDescription");
public void setShortDescription(final String pValue)
throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("shortDescription", pValue);
public String getDescription() {
return getValue("description");
public void setDescription(final String pValue) throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("description", pValue);
public String getIssueTrackingUrl() {
return getValue("issueTrackingUrl");
public void setIssueTrackingUrl(final String pValue)
throws IncorrectOperationException {
setValue("issueTrackingUrl", pValue);
public String getDistributionDirectory() {
return getValue("distributionDirectory");
public void setDistributionDirectory(final String pDistributionDirectory) {
setValue("distributionDirectory", pDistributionDirectory);
public String getDistributionAddress() {
return getValue("distributionAddress");
public void setDistributionAddress(final String pDistributionAddress) {
setValue("distributionAddress", pDistributionAddress);
public String getSiteAddress() {
return getValue("siteAddress");
public void setSiteAddress(final String pSiteAddress) {
setValue("siteAddress", pSiteAddress);
public String getSiteDirectory() {
return getValue("siteDirectory");
public void setSiteDirectory(final String pSiteDirectory) {
setValue("siteDirectory", pSiteDirectory);
public String getSourceDirectory() {
return getValue("sourceDirectory");
public void setSourceDirectory(final String pSourceDirectory) {
setValue("sourceDirectory", pSourceDirectory);
public String getAspectSourceDirectory() {
return getValue("aspectSourceDirectory");
public void setAspectSourceDirectory(final String pAspectSourceDirectory) {
setValue("aspectSourceDirectory", pAspectSourceDirectory);
public String getUnitTestSourceDirectory() {
return getValue("unitTestSourceDirectory");
public void setUnitTestSourceDirectory(final String pUnitTestSourceDirectory) {
setValue("unitTestSourceDirectory", pUnitTestSourceDirectory);
public final PsiOrganization getOrganization() {
if (organization == null)
organization = new DefaultPsiOrganization(this);
return organization;
public final PsiMailingLists getMailingLists() {
if (mailingLists == null)
mailingLists = new DefaultPsiMailingLists(this);
return mailingLists;
public final PsiDependencies getDependencies() {
if (dependencies == null)
dependencies = new DefaultPsiDependencies(this);
return dependencies;
public PsiDevelopers getDevelopers() {
if (developers == null)
developers = new DefaultPsiDevelopers(this);
return developers;
public PsiContributors getContributors() {
if (contributors == null)
contributors = new DefaultPsiContributors(this);
return contributors;
public PsiScmRepository getScmRepository() {
if (scmRepository == null)
scmRepository = new DefaultPsiScmRepository(this);
return scmRepository;
public PsiScmBranches getScmBranches() {
if (scmBranches == null)
scmBranches = new DefaultPsiScmBranches(this);
return scmBranches;
public PsiVersions getVersions() {
if (versions == null)
versions = new DefaultPsiVersions(this);
return versions;
public PsiResources getResources() {
if (mainResources == null)
mainResources = new DefaultPsiMainResources(this);
return mainResources;
public PsiResources getTestResources() {
if (testResources == null)
testResources = new DefaultPsiTestResources(this);
return testResources;
public PsiReports getReports() {
if (reports == null)
reports = new DefaultPsiReports(this);
return reports;
* Returns the file associated with the value of the "extend" tag. <p/> <p>If the value is
* empty, or does not evaluate to an existing file, this method will return {@code null}.</p>
* @return a virtual file reference, or {@code null}
* @todo parse and resolve the 'getExtend' result for "${xxx}" properties
private VirtualFile getParentFile() {
final String extendPath = getExtend();
if (extendPath == null)
return null;
VirtualFile file = xmlFile.getVirtualFile();
if (file != null)
file = file.getParent();
if (file == null)
return null;
return file.findFileByRelativePath(extendPath);
* Creates a PSI project based on the result of the {@link #getParentFile()} method. <p/> <p>If
* the {@link #getParentFile()} method returns {@code null}, this method will also return {@code
* null}.</p>
* @return a PSI project or {@code null}
private PsiProject createParent() {
final VirtualFile parentFile = getParentFile();
if (parentFile == null)
return null;
final Project project = xmlFile.getProject();
return new DefaultPsiProject(PsiUtils.findXmlFile(project, parentFile));
private void resetParent() {
parent = null;
searchedForParent = false;
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
final VirtualFile virtualFile = xmlFile.getVirtualFile();
LOG.trace("Reseting parent for " + (virtualFile == null ? null : virtualFile.getPath()));
public void dispose() {