* Copyright 2004-2009 Luciano Vernaschi
* This file is part of MeshCMS.
* MeshCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MeshCMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MeshCMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.meshcms.webui;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import org.meshcms.core.MainWebSite;
import org.meshcms.core.UserInfo;
import org.meshcms.core.VirtualWebSite;
import org.meshcms.core.WebSite;
import org.meshcms.core.WebUtils;
import org.meshcms.util.DirectoryParser;
import org.meshcms.util.Path;
* Used internally to create the JavaScript code needed by xTree to display
* the folder tree. xTree has been created by <a href="http://webfx.eae.net/">WebFX</a>.
public class FolderXTree extends DirectoryParser {
WebSite webSite;
UserInfo userInfo;
Writer writer;
String thumbsParam;
String rootName;
* Creates a new instance.
* @param writer used to write down the needed JavaScript code.
public FolderXTree(WebSite webSite, UserInfo userInfo, Writer writer,
String thumbsParam, String rootName) {
this.webSite = webSite;
this.userInfo = userInfo;
this.writer = writer;
this.thumbsParam = thumbsParam;
this.rootName = rootName;
setName("XTree builder");
protected boolean preProcess() {
try {
writer.write("var folder0 = new WebFXTree('" + rootName + "');\n");
writer.write("folder0.action='showlist.jsp?folder=" + thumbsParam + "';\n");
} catch (IOException ex) {
return false;
return true;
protected void processFile(File file, Path path) {
// nothing to do here
protected boolean preProcessDirectory(File file, Path path) {
if (path.equals(webSite.getRepositoryPath())) {
return false;
boolean include = true;
try {
DirectoryInfo di = getDirectoryInfo(webSite, userInfo, path);
if (di.include) {
int code = WebUtils.getMenuCode(path);
writer.write("\nvar folder" + code + " = new WebFXTreeItem(\"" +
path.getLastElement() + "\");\n");
writer.write("folder" + WebUtils.getMenuCode(path.getParent()) +
".add(folder" + code + ");\n");
writer.write("folder" + code + ".action=\"showlist.jsp?folder=" +
path + thumbsParam + "\";\n");
writer.write("folder" + code + ".target='listframe';\n");
if (di.iconName != null) {
writer.write("folder" + code + ".icon='images/" + di.iconName +
/* writer.write("folder" + code + ".openIcon='images/" + di.iconName +
"open.gif';\n"); */
} catch (IOException ex) {
return false;
return include;
* Returns info about a directory, based on path and permissions.
public static DirectoryInfo getDirectoryInfo(WebSite webSite,
UserInfo userInfo, Path dirPath) {
DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo();
if (dirPath.isContainedIn(webSite.getVirtualSitesPath())) {
if (userInfo.canDo(UserInfo.CAN_DO_ADMINTASKS)) {
di.include = true;
if (dirPath.getElementCount() <
webSite.getVirtualSitesPath().getElementCount() + 2) {
di.iconName = "folder_star";
} else if (webSite instanceof MainWebSite) {
Path siteRoot =
dirPath.getPartial(webSite.getVirtualSitesPath().getElementCount() + 1);
VirtualWebSite vws =
((MainWebSite) webSite).getVirtualSite(siteRoot.getLastElement());
return getDirectoryInfo(vws, userInfo, dirPath.getRelativeTo(siteRoot));
} else {
di.include = false;
} else if (webSite.isSystem(dirPath)) {
di.include = false;
/* di.iconName = "folder_error";
di.include = userInfo.canDo(UserInfo.CAN_DO_ADMINTASKS); */
} else if (dirPath.isContainedIn(webSite.getGeneratedFilesPath())) {
di.include = false;
} else if (dirPath.isContainedIn(webSite.getCMSPath())) {
di.iconName = "folder_brick";
return di;
* Encapsulates inclusion flag and icon for a directory.
public static class DirectoryInfo {
public boolean include = true;
public String iconName = null;