* Copyright 2004-2009 Luciano Vernaschi
* This file is part of MeshCMS.
* MeshCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MeshCMS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MeshCMS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.meshcms.core;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.meshcms.util.Path;
* Manages the configuration parameters of a website.
public class Configuration implements Serializable {
* The length of a hour in milliseconds.
public static final long LENGTH_OF_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000;
* The length of a day in milliseconds.
public static final long LENGTH_OF_DAY = 24 * LENGTH_OF_HOUR;
* Contains the extensions of files that are visually editable by default.
public static final String[] DEFAULT_VISUAL_EXTENSIONS = {"html", "htm"};
* Value used to disable page caching.
public static final int NO_CACHE = 0;
* Value used to cache pages in memory.
public static final int IN_MEMORY_CACHE = 1;
* Value used to cache pages on disk.
public static final int ON_DISK_CACHE = 2;
* Value used to cache pages on disk and, if possible, in memory.
public static final int MIXED_CACHE = IN_MEMORY_CACHE | ON_DISK_CACHE;
public static final int TIDY_NO = 0;
public static final int TIDY_YES = 1;
public static final int TIDY_ASK = 2;
private boolean useAdminTheme;
private boolean preventHotlinking;
private boolean alwaysRedirectWelcomes;
private boolean alwaysDenyDirectoryListings;
private boolean hideExceptions;
private boolean editorModulesCollapsed;
private boolean highQualityThumbnails;
private boolean replaceThumbnails;
private boolean exportCheckDates;
private boolean searchMovedPages;
private boolean redirectRoot;
private boolean passwordProtected;
private int backupLife;
private int statsLength;
private int updateInterval;
private int cacheType;
private int tidy;
private int excerptLength;
private String mailServer;
private String smtpUsername;
private String smtpPassword;
private String siteName;
private String siteHost;
private String siteDescription;
private String siteKeywords;
private String siteAuthor;
private String siteAuthorURL;
private String exportBaseURL;
private String exportDir;
private String exportCommand;
private String[] visualExtensions;
private Configuration() {
setSiteAuthor("your name");
setSiteDescription("A short description of your site");
setSiteKeywords("your, keywords, here");
setSiteName("Site Name");
* Returns true if the default MeshCMS theme is always used for the pages
* of the control panel.
public boolean isUseAdminTheme() {
return useAdminTheme;
* Sets if the default MeshCMS theme is always used for the pages
* of the control panel.
public void setUseAdminTheme(boolean useAdminTheme) {
this.useAdminTheme = useAdminTheme;
* Returns true if the option to prevent hotlinking is enabled.
public boolean isPreventHotlinking() {
return preventHotlinking;
* Enables or disables hotlinking prevention.
public void setPreventHotlinking(boolean preventHotlinking) {
this.preventHotlinking = preventHotlinking;
* Returns the minimum time before deleting a backup file,
* measured in days.
public int getBackupLife() {
return backupLife;
* Sets the minimum time before deleting a backup file,
* measured in days.
public void setBackupLife(int backupLife) {
this.backupLife = Math.max(backupLife, 0);
* Returns the length of stats (hit counts) measured in days.
public int getStatsLength() {
return statsLength;
* Sets the length of stats (hit counts) measured in days. Please note that
* this value is fixed when the web application is initialized, so if the
* value is changed, the new value won't be used until the next restart of the
* web application.
public void setStatsLength(int statsLength) {
this.statsLength = Math.max(statsLength, 1);
* Returns the minimum interval between two updates of the site map,
* measured in hours.
public int getUpdateInterval() {
return updateInterval;
* Sets the minimum interval between two updates of the site map,
* measured in hours.
public void setUpdateInterval(int updateInterval) {
this.updateInterval = Math.max(updateInterval, 1);
* Returns the type of cache to be used for pages.
* @see #setCacheType
public int getCacheType() {
return cacheType;
* Sets the type of cache to be used for pages. Possible values are
* {@link #NO_CACHE}, {@link #IN_MEMORY_CACHE} and {@link #ON_DISK_CACHE}.
public void setCacheType(int cacheType) {
this.cacheType = cacheType;
* Returns the name of the mail server (SMTP).
public String getMailServer() {
return mailServer;
* Sets the name of the mail server (SMTP).
public void setMailServer(String mailServer) {
this.mailServer = mailServer;
* Returns the SMTP username.
public String getSmtpUsername() {
return smtpUsername;
* Sets the SMTP username.
public void setSmtpUsername(String smtpUsername) {
this.smtpUsername = smtpUsername;
* Returns the SMTP password.
public String getSmtpPassword() {
return smtpPassword;
* Sets the SMTP password.
public void setSmtpPassword(String smtpPassword) {
this.smtpPassword = smtpPassword;
* Loads the configuration from file or creates a new configuration with
* default values if the file doesn't exist.
public static Configuration load(WebSite webSite) {
Configuration c = null;
Path configFilePath = webSite.getConfigFilePath();
try {
c = (Configuration) webSite.loadFromXML(configFilePath);
} catch (Exception ex) {}
if (c == null) {
c = new Configuration();
if (!webSite.getFile(configFilePath).exists()) {
return c;
* Saves the current configuration to file.
public boolean store(WebSite webSite) {
return webSite.storeToXML(this, webSite.getConfigFilePath());
* Returns the minimum interval between two updates of the site map,
* measured in milliseconds.
public long getUpdateIntervalMillis() {
return getUpdateInterval() * LENGTH_OF_HOUR;
* Returns the minimum time before deleting a backup file,
* measured in milliseconds.
public long getBackupLifeMillis() {
return getBackupLife() * LENGTH_OF_DAY;
* Returns the extensions that denote file types that can be edited
* using the wysiwyg editor.
public String[] getVisualExtensions() {
return visualExtensions;
* Sets the extensions that denote file types that can be edited
* using the wysiwyg editor.
public void setVisualExtensions(String[] visualExtensions) {
this.visualExtensions = visualExtensions;
* Returns the state of the automatic redirection to welcome files.
public boolean isAlwaysRedirectWelcomes() {
return alwaysRedirectWelcomes;
* Enables or disables automatic redirection to welcome files.
public void setAlwaysRedirectWelcomes(boolean alwaysRedirectWelcomes) {
this.alwaysRedirectWelcomes = alwaysRedirectWelcomes;
* Returns the state of directory list blocking.
public boolean isAlwaysDenyDirectoryListings() {
return alwaysDenyDirectoryListings;
* Enables or disables blocking of directory listings.
public void setAlwaysDenyDirectoryListings(boolean alwaysDenyDirectoryListings) {
this.alwaysDenyDirectoryListings = alwaysDenyDirectoryListings;
* Returns the main host name of this website.
public String getSiteHost() {
return siteHost;
* Sets the main host name of this website.
public void setSiteHost(String siteHost) {
this.siteHost = siteHost;
* Returns the website description.
public String getSiteDescription() {
return siteDescription;
* Sets the website description.
public void setSiteDescription(String siteDescription) {
this.siteDescription = siteDescription;
* Returns the keywords related to the website.
public String getSiteKeywords() {
return siteKeywords;
* Sets the keywords related to the website.
public void setSiteKeywords(String siteKeywords) {
this.siteKeywords = siteKeywords;
* Returns the author name.
public String getSiteAuthor() {
return siteAuthor;
* Sets the author name.
public void setSiteAuthor(String siteAuthor) {
this.siteAuthor = siteAuthor;
* Returns the site name.
public String getSiteName() {
return siteName;
* Sets the site name.
public void setSiteName(String siteName) {
this.siteName = siteName;
* Returns the author's URL.
public String getSiteAuthorURL() {
return siteAuthorURL;
* Sets the author's URL. Can be a website URL or a mailto. It is expected
* to be a full URL.
public void setSiteAuthorURL(String siteAuthorURL) {
this.siteAuthorURL = siteAuthorURL;
* Returns the state of exception hiding.
public boolean isHideExceptions() {
return hideExceptions;
* Enables or disables hiding of Java exceptions. If enabled, exception will
* be catched and not rethrown.
public void setHideExceptions(boolean hideExceptions) {
this.hideExceptions = hideExceptions;
* Returns the state of whether modules are collapsed in the editor.
public boolean isEditorModulesCollapsed() {
return editorModulesCollapsed;
* Sets whether modules are collapsed in the editor or not.
public void setEditorModulesCollapsed(boolean editorModulesCollapsed) {
this.editorModulesCollapsed = editorModulesCollapsed;
public boolean isHighQualityThumbnails() {
return highQualityThumbnails;
public void setHighQualityThumbnails(boolean highQualityThumbnails) {
this.highQualityThumbnails = highQualityThumbnails;
public boolean isExportCheckDates() {
return exportCheckDates;
public void setExportCheckDates(boolean exportCheckDates) {
this.exportCheckDates = exportCheckDates;
public String getExportBaseURL() {
return exportBaseURL;
public void setExportBaseURL(String exportBaseURL) {
this.exportBaseURL = exportBaseURL;
public String getExportDir() {
return exportDir;
public void setExportDir(String exportDir) {
this.exportDir = exportDir;
public String getExportCommand() {
return exportCommand;
public void setExportCommand(String exportCommand) {
this.exportCommand = exportCommand;
public boolean isSearchMovedPages() {
return searchMovedPages;
public void setSearchMovedPages(boolean searchMovedPages) {
this.searchMovedPages = searchMovedPages;
public boolean isRedirectRoot() {
return redirectRoot;
public void setRedirectRoot(boolean redirectRoot) {
this.redirectRoot = redirectRoot;
public boolean isReplaceThumbnails() {
return replaceThumbnails;
public void setReplaceThumbnails(boolean replaceThumbnails) {
this.replaceThumbnails = replaceThumbnails;
public int getTidy() {
return tidy;
public void setTidy(int tidy) {
this.tidy = tidy;
public boolean isPasswordProtected() {
return passwordProtected;
public void setPasswordProtected(boolean passwordProtected) {
this.passwordProtected = passwordProtected;
* @return the excerptLength
public int getExcerptLength() {
return excerptLength;
* @param excerptLength the excerptLength to set
public void setExcerptLength(int excerptLength) {
this.excerptLength = excerptLength;