/* $Id: RPObjectDAO.java,v 1.16 2010/06/11 21:18:32 nhnb Exp $ */
* (C) Copyright 2003-2009 - Marauroa *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
package marauroa.server.game.db;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream;
import java.util.zip.Inflater;
import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream;
import marauroa.common.Log4J;
import marauroa.common.game.DetailLevel;
import marauroa.common.game.RPObject;
import marauroa.common.net.InputSerializer;
import marauroa.common.net.NetConst;
import marauroa.common.net.OutputSerializer;
import marauroa.server.db.DBTransaction;
import marauroa.server.db.TransactionPool;
import marauroa.server.game.rp.RPObjectFactory;
* data access object for RPObjects
* @author miguel, hendrik
public class RPObjectDAO {
private static final marauroa.common.Logger logger = Log4J.getLogger(RPObjectDAO.class);
/** factory for creating object instances */
protected RPObjectFactory factory;
* creates a new RPObjectDAO
* @param factory factory for creating object instances
protected RPObjectDAO(RPObjectFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
* loads an RPObject form the database, using the factory to create the correct subclass
* @param transaction DBTransaction
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @return RPObject
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public RPObject loadRPObject(DBTransaction transaction, int objectid) throws SQLException, IOException {
return loadRPObject(transaction, objectid, true);
* loads an RPObject form the database
* @param transaction DBTransaction
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @param transform use the factory to create a subclass of RPObject
* @return RPObject
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public RPObject loadRPObject(DBTransaction transaction, int objectid, boolean transform) throws SQLException, IOException {
String query = "select data, protocol_version from rpobject where object_id=[objectid]";
logger.debug("loadRPObject is executing query " + query);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("objectid", objectid);
ResultSet resultSet = transaction.query(query, params);
if (resultSet.next()) {
Blob data = resultSet.getBlob("data");
int protocolVersion = NetConst.FIRST_VERSION_WITH_MULTI_VERSION_SUPPORT - 1;
Object temp = resultSet.getObject("protocol_version");
if (temp != null) {
protocolVersion = ((Integer) temp).intValue();
RPObject object = readRPObject(objectid, data, protocolVersion, transform);
return object;
return null;
* reads an RPObject that has already been loaded from the database
* @param objectid object_id of RPObject
* @param data blob data
* @param protocolVersion version of serialization protocol
* @param transform should it be transformed using the RPObjectFactory
* @return RPBobject
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public RPObject readRPObject(int objectid, Blob data, int protocolVersion, boolean transform) throws SQLException, IOException {
InputStream input = data.getBinaryStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// set read buffer size
byte[] rb = new byte[1024];
int ch = 0;
// process blob
while ((ch = input.read(rb)) != -1) {
output.write(rb, 0, ch);
byte[] content = output.toByteArray();
ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content);
InflaterInputStream szlib = new InflaterInputStream(inStream, new Inflater());
InputSerializer inputSerializer = new InputSerializer(szlib);
RPObject object = (RPObject) inputSerializer.readObject(new RPObject());
if (transform) {
object = factory.transform(object);
object.put("#db_id", objectid);
return object;
* deletes an RPObject from the database
* @param transaction DBTransaction
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @return objectid
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public int removeRPObject(DBTransaction transaction, int objectid) throws SQLException {
String query = "delete from rpobject where object_id=[objectid]";
logger.debug("removeRPObject is executing query " + query);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("objectid", objectid);
transaction.execute(query, params);
return objectid;
* does the rpobject with the specified database id exist?
* @param transaction DBTransaction
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @return true, if it exists; false otherwise
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public boolean hasRPObject(DBTransaction transaction, int objectid) throws SQLException {
String query = "select count(*) as amount from rpobject where object_id=[objectid]";
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("objectid", objectid);
logger.debug("hasRPObject is executing query " + query);
int count = transaction.querySingleCellInt(query, params);
return count > 0;
* saves an RPObject to the database
* @param transaction DBTransaction
* @param object RPObject to save
* @return objectid
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public int storeRPObject(DBTransaction transaction, RPObject object) throws IOException, SQLException {
ByteArrayOutputStream array = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DeflaterOutputStream out_stream = new DeflaterOutputStream(array);
OutputSerializer serializer = new OutputSerializer(out_stream);
int protocolVersion = serializer.getProtocolVersion();
try {
object.writeObject(serializer, DetailLevel.FULL);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.warn("Error while serializing rpobject: " + object, e);
throw e;
// setup stream for blob
ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(array.toByteArray());
int object_id = -1;
if (object.has("#db_id")) {
object_id = object.getInt("#db_id");
String query;
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("object_id", object_id);
params.put("protocolVersion", protocolVersion);
if (object_id != -1 && hasRPObject(transaction, object_id)) {
query = "update rpobject set data=?, protocol_version=[protocolVersion] where object_id=[object_id]";
} else {
query = "insert into rpobject (data, protocol_version) values(?, [protocolVersion])";
logger.debug("storeRPObject is executing query " + query);
transaction.execute(query, params, inStream);
// If object is new, get the objectid we gave it.
if (object_id == -1) {
object_id = transaction.getLastInsertId("rpobject", "id");
// We alter the original object to add the proper db_id
object.put("#db_id", object_id);
} else {
object_id = object.getInt("#db_id");
return object_id;
* loads an RPObject form the database, using the factory to create the correct subclass
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @param transform use the factory to create a subclass of RPObject
* @return RPObject
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public RPObject loadRPObject(int objectid, boolean transform) throws SQLException, IOException {
DBTransaction transaction = TransactionPool.get().beginWork();
try {
RPObject res = loadRPObject(transaction, objectid, transform);
return res;
} finally {
* loads an RPObject form the database
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @return RPObject
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public RPObject loadRPObject(int objectid) throws SQLException, IOException {
DBTransaction transaction = TransactionPool.get().beginWork();
try {
RPObject res = loadRPObject(transaction, objectid, true);
return res;
} finally {
* deletes an RPObject from the database
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @return objectid
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public int removeRPObject(int objectid) throws SQLException {
DBTransaction transaction = TransactionPool.get().beginWork();
try {
int res = removeRPObject(transaction, objectid);
return res;
} finally {
* does the rpobject with the specified database id exist?
* @param objectid database-id of the RPObject
* @return true, if it exists; false otherwise
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public boolean hasRPObject(int objectid) throws SQLException {
DBTransaction transaction = TransactionPool.get().beginWork();
try {
boolean res = hasRPObject(transaction, objectid);
return res;
} finally {
* saves an RPObject to the database
* @param object RPObject to save
* @return objectid
* @throws IOException in case of an input/output error
* @throws SQLException in case of an database error
public int storeRPObject(RPObject object) throws IOException, SQLException {
DBTransaction transaction = TransactionPool.get().beginWork();
try {
int res = storeRPObject(transaction, object);
return res;
} finally {