Package org.codehaus.loom.components.util.verifier

Source Code of org.codehaus.loom.components.util.verifier.AssemblyVerifier

* Copyright (C) The Loom Group. All rights reserved.
* This software is published under the terms of the Loom
* Software License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included
* with this distribution in the LICENSE.txt file.
package org.codehaus.loom.components.util.verifier;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.codehaus.loom.components.util.metadata.DependencyDirective;
import org.codehaus.loom.components.util.profile.ComponentProfile;
import org.codehaus.spice.salt.i18n.ResourceManager;
import org.codehaus.spice.salt.i18n.Resources;
import org.codehaus.dna.AbstractLogEnabled;

* This Class verifies that Sars are valid. It performs a number of checks to
* make sure that the Sar represents a valid application and excluding runtime
* errors will start up validly. Some of the checks it performs include;
* <ul> <li>Verify names of Components contain only letters, digits or the '_'
* character.</li> <li>Verify that the names of the Components are unique to the
* Assembly.</li> <li>Verify that the specified dependeny mapping correspond to
* dependencies specified in ComponentInfo files.</li> <li>Verify that the
* inter-Component dependendencies are valid. This essentially means that if
* Component A requires Service S from Component B then Component B must provide
* Service S.</li> <li>Verify that there are no circular dependendencies between
* components.</li> <li>Verify that the Class objects for component implement
* the service interfaces.</li> </ul>
* @author Peter Donald
* @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/11/07 21:46:44 $
public class AssemblyVerifier
    extends AbstractLogEnabled
    private static final Resources REZ =
        ResourceManager.getPackageResources( AssemblyVerifier.class );

     * Validate and Verify the specified assembly (ie organization of
     * components). See the Class Javadocs for the rules and regulations of
     * assembly.
     * @param components the Components that make up assembly
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void verifyAssembly( final ComponentProfile[] components )
        throws Exception
        String message;

        message = REZ.getString( "assembly.valid-names.notice" );
        getLogger().info( message );
        verifyValidNames( components );

        message = REZ.getString( "assembly.unique-names.notice" );
        getLogger().info( message );
        checkNamesUnique( components );

        message = REZ.getString( "assembly.dependencies-mapping.notice" );
        getLogger().info( message );
        verifyValidDependencies( components );

        message = REZ.getString( "assembly.dependency-references.notice" );
        getLogger().info( message );
        verifyDependencyReferences( components );

        message = REZ.getString( "assembly.nocircular-dependencies.notice" );
        getLogger().info( message );
        verifyNoCircularDependencies( components );

     * Verfiy that all Components have the needed dependencies specified
     * correctly.
     * @param components the ComponentEntry objects for the components
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    public void verifyValidDependencies( final ComponentProfile[] components )
        throws Exception
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            verifyDependenciesMap( components[ i ] );

     * Verfiy that there are no circular references between Components.
     * @param components the ComponentEntry objects for the components
     * @throws Exception if an circular dependency error occurs
    protected void verifyNoCircularDependencies(
        final ComponentProfile[] components )
        throws Exception
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            final ComponentProfile component = components[ i ];

            final Stack stack = new Stack();
            stack.push( component );
            verifyNoCircularDependencies( component, components, stack );

     * Verfiy that there are no circular references between Components.
     * @param component ???
     * @param components the ComponentEntry objects for the components
     * @param stack the ???
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void verifyNoCircularDependencies(
        final ComponentProfile component,
        final ComponentProfile[] components,
        final Stack stack )
        throws Exception
        final ComponentProfile[] dependencies = getDependencies( component,
                                                                 components );
        for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ )
            final ComponentProfile dependency = dependencies[ i ];
            if( stack.contains( dependency ) )
                final String trace = getDependencyTrace( dependency, stack );
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.circular-dependency.error",
                                trace );
                throw new Exception( message );

            stack.push( dependency );
            verifyNoCircularDependencies( dependency, components, stack );

     * Get a string defining path from top of stack till it reaches specified
     * component.
     * @param component the component
     * @param stack the Stack
     * @return the path of dependency
    protected String getDependencyTrace( final ComponentProfile component,
                                         final Stack stack )
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append( "[ " );

        final String name = component.getTemplate().getName();
        final int size = stack.size();
        final int top = size - 1;
        for( int i = top; i >= 0; i-- )
            final ComponentProfile other = (ComponentProfile)stack.get( i );
            if( top != i )
                sb.append( ", " );
            sb.append( other.getTemplate().getName() );

            if( other.getTemplate().getName().equals( name ) )

        sb.append( ", " );
        sb.append( name );

        sb.append( " ]" );
        return sb.toString();

     * Get array of dependencies for specified Component from specified
     * Component array.
     * @param component the component to get dependencies of
     * @param components the total set of components in application
     * @return the dependencies of component
    protected ComponentProfile[] getDependencies(
        final ComponentProfile component,
        final ComponentProfile[] components )
        final ArrayList dependencies = new ArrayList();
        final DependencyDirective[] deps =

        for( int i = 0; i < deps.length; i++ )
            final String name = deps[ i ].getProviderName();
            final ComponentProfile other = getComponentProfile( name,
                                                                components );
            dependencies.add( other );

        return (ComponentProfile[])dependencies.toArray(
            new ComponentProfile[ 0 ] );

     * Verfiy that the inter-Component dependencies are valid.
     * @param components the ComponentProfile objects for the components
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void verifyDependencyReferences(
        final ComponentProfile[] components )
        throws Exception
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            verifyDependencyReferences( components[ i ], components );

     * Verfiy that the inter-Component dependencies are valid for specified
     * Component.
     * @param component the ComponentProfile object for the component
     * @param others the ComponentProfile objects for the other components
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void verifyDependencyReferences(
        final ComponentProfile component,
        final ComponentProfile[] others )
        throws Exception
        final ComponentInfo info = component.getInfo();
        final DependencyDirective[] dependencies = component.getTemplate()

        for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ )
            final DependencyDirective dependency = dependencies[ i ];
            final String providerName = dependency.getProviderName();
            final String key = dependency.getKey();
            final String type = info.getDependency( key ).getComponentType();

            //Get the other component that is providing service
            final ComponentProfile provider = getComponentProfile(
                providerName, others );
            if( null == provider )
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.missing-dependency.error",
                                component.getTemplate().getName() );
                throw new Exception( message );

            //make sure that the component offers service
            //that user expects it to be providing
            final ComponentInfo providerInfo = provider.getInfo();
            final ServiceDescriptor[] services = providerInfo.getServices();
            if( !hasMatchingService( type, services ) )
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.dependency-missing-service.error",
                                component.getTemplate().getName() );
                throw new Exception( message );

     * Get component with specified name from specified Component array.
     * @param name the name of component to get
     * @param components the array of components to search
     * @return the Component if found, else null
    protected ComponentProfile getComponentProfile( final String name,
                                                    final ComponentProfile[] components )
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            ComponentProfile ComponentProfile = components[ i ];
            if( ComponentProfile.getTemplate().getName().equals( name ) )
                return components[ i ];

        return null;

     * Verify that the names of the specified Components are valid.
     * @param components the Components Profile
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void verifyValidNames( final ComponentProfile[] components )
        throws Exception
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            ComponentProfile ComponentProfile = components[ i ];
            final String name = ComponentProfile.getTemplate().getName();
            if( !isValidName( name ) )
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.bad-name.error", name );
                throw new Exception( message );

     * Return true if specified name is valid. Valid names consist of letters,
     * digits or the '_' character.
     * @param name the name to check
     * @return true if valid, false otherwise
    protected boolean isValidName( final String name )
        final int size = name.length();
        for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
            final char ch = name.charAt( i );

            if( !Character.isLetterOrDigit( ch ) && '-' != ch )
                return false;

        return true;

     * Verify that the names of the specified components and listeners are
     * unique. It is not valid for the same name to be used in multiple
     * components.
     * @param components the Components
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void checkNamesUnique( final ComponentProfile[] components )
        throws Exception
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            ComponentProfile ComponentProfile = components[ i ];
            final String name = ComponentProfile.getTemplate().getName();
            verifyUniqueName( components, name, i );

     * Verfify that specified name is unique among the specified components.
     * @param components the array of components to check
     * @param name the name of component
     * @param index the index of component in array (so we can skip it)
     * @throws Exception if names are not unique
    private void verifyUniqueName( final ComponentProfile[] components,
                                   final String name,
                                   final int index )
        throws Exception
        for( int i = 0; i < components.length; i++ )
            ComponentProfile ComponentProfile = components[ i ];
            final String other =
            if( index != i && other.equals( name ) )
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.duplicate-name.error", name );
                throw new Exception( message );

     * Retrieve a list of DependencyDirective objects for ComponentProfile and
     * verify that there is a 1 to 1 map with dependencies specified in
     * ComponentInfo.
     * @param component the ComponentProfile describing the component
     * @throws Exception if an error occurs
    protected void verifyDependenciesMap( final ComponentProfile component )
        throws Exception
        //Make sure all dependency entries specified in config file are valid
        final DependencyDirective[] dependencySet =

        for( int i = 0; i < dependencySet.length; i++ )
            final String key = dependencySet[ i ].getKey();
            final ComponentInfo info = component.getInfo();
            final DependencyDescriptor descriptor = info.getDependency( key );

            //If there is no dependency descriptor in ComponentInfo then
            //user has specified an uneeded dependency.
            if( null == descriptor )
                final String name = dependencySet[ i ].getProviderName();
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.unknown-dependency.error",
                                component.getTemplate().getName() );
                throw new Exception( message );

        //Make sure all dependencies in ComponentInfo file are satisfied
        final ComponentInfo info = component.getInfo();
        final DependencyDescriptor[] dependencies = info.getDependencies();
        for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ )
            final DependencyDescriptor dependency = dependencies[ i ];
            final DependencyDirective dependencyMetaData =
                component.getTemplate().getDependency( dependency.getKey() );

            //If there is no metaData then the user has failed
            //to specify a needed dependency.
            if( null == dependencyMetaData && !dependency.isOptional() )
                final String message =
                    REZ.format( "assembly.unspecified-dependency.error",
                                component.getTemplate().getName() );
                throw new Exception( message );

     * Return true if specified service reference matches any of the candidate
     * services.
     * @param type the service type
     * @param candidates an array of candidate services
     * @return true if candidate services contains a service that matches
     *         specified service, false otherwise
    protected boolean hasMatchingService( final String type,
                                          final ServiceDescriptor[] candidates )
        for( int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++ )
            final String otherClassname = candidates[ i ].getType();
            if( otherClassname.equals( type ) )
                return true;

        return false;

Related Classes of org.codehaus.loom.components.util.verifier.AssemblyVerifier

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