/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.tools.move;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.ReplacementMap;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Direction;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
class Connector {
private static final int MAX_SECONDS = 10;
private static final int MAX_ORDERING_TRIES = 10;
private static final int MAX_SEARCH_ITERATIONS = 20000;
private Connector() { }
static final String ALLOW_NEITHER = "neither";
static final String ALLOW_VERTICAL = "vert";
static final String ALLOW_HORIZONTAL = "horz";
static MoveResult computeWires(MoveRequest req) {
MoveGesture gesture = req.getMoveGesture();
int dx = req.getDeltaX();
int dy = req.getDeltaY();
ArrayList<ConnectionData> baseConnects;
baseConnects = new ArrayList<ConnectionData>(gesture.getConnections());
ArrayList<ConnectionData> impossible = pruneImpossible(baseConnects,
gesture.getFixedAvoidanceMap(), dx, dy);
AvoidanceMap selAvoid = AvoidanceMap.create(gesture.getSelected(), dx, dy);
HashMap<ConnectionData,Set<Location>> pathLocs;
pathLocs = new HashMap<ConnectionData,Set<Location>>();
HashMap<ConnectionData,List<SearchNode>> initNodes;
initNodes = new HashMap<ConnectionData,List<SearchNode>>();
for (ConnectionData conn : baseConnects) {
HashSet<Location> connLocs = new HashSet<Location>();
ArrayList<SearchNode> connNodes = new ArrayList<SearchNode>();
processConnection(conn, dx, dy, connLocs, connNodes, selAvoid);
pathLocs.put(conn, connLocs);
initNodes.put(conn, connNodes);
MoveResult bestResult = null;
int tries;
switch (baseConnects.size()) {
case 0: tries = 0; break;
case 1: tries = 1; break;
case 2: tries = 2; break;
case 3: tries = 8; break;
default: tries = MAX_ORDERING_TRIES;
long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + MAX_SECONDS * 1000;
for (int tryNum = 0; tryNum < tries && stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis() > 0; tryNum++) {
if (ConnectorThread.isOverrideRequested()) {
return null;
ArrayList<ConnectionData> connects;
connects = new ArrayList<ConnectionData>(baseConnects);
if (tryNum < 2) {
sortConnects(connects, dx, dy);
if (tryNum == 1) {
} else {
MoveResult candidate = tryList(req, gesture, connects, dx, dy,
pathLocs, initNodes, stopTime);
if (candidate == null) {
return null;
} else if (bestResult == null) {
bestResult = candidate;
} else {
int unsatisfied1 = bestResult.getUnsatisifiedConnections().size();
int unsatisfied2 = candidate.getUnsatisifiedConnections().size();
if (unsatisfied2 < unsatisfied1) {
bestResult = candidate;
} else if (unsatisfied2 == unsatisfied1) {
int dist1 = bestResult.getTotalDistance();
int dist2 = candidate.getTotalDistance();
if (dist2 < dist1) {
bestResult = candidate;
if (bestResult == null) { // should only happen for no connections
bestResult = new MoveResult(req, new ReplacementMap(), impossible, 0);
} else {
return bestResult;
private static ArrayList<ConnectionData> pruneImpossible(
ArrayList<ConnectionData> connects, AvoidanceMap avoid, int dx, int dy) {
ArrayList<Wire> pathWires = new ArrayList<Wire>();
for (ConnectionData conn : connects) {
for (Wire w : conn.getWirePath()) {
ArrayList<ConnectionData> impossible = new ArrayList<ConnectionData>();
for (Iterator<ConnectionData> it = connects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
ConnectionData conn = it.next();
Location dest = conn.getLocation().translate(dx, dy);
if (avoid.get(dest) != null) {
boolean isInPath = false;
for (Wire w : pathWires) {
if (w.contains(dest)) {
isInPath = true;
if (!isInPath) {
return impossible;
/** Creates a list of the connections to make, sorted according to their
* location. If, for example, we are moving an east-facing AND gate
* southeast, then we prefer to connect the inputs from the top down to
* minimize the chances that the created wires will interfere with each
* other - but if we are moving that gate northeast, we prefer to connect
* the inputs from the bottom up.
private static void sortConnects(ArrayList<ConnectionData> connects,
final int dx, final int dy) {
Collections.sort(connects, new Comparator<ConnectionData>() {
public int compare(ConnectionData ac, ConnectionData bc) {
Location a = ac.getLocation();
Location b = bc.getLocation();
int abx = a.getX() - b.getX();
int aby = a.getY() - b.getY();
return abx * dx + aby * dy;
private static void processConnection(ConnectionData conn, int dx, int dy,
HashSet<Location> connLocs, ArrayList<SearchNode> connNodes,
AvoidanceMap selAvoid) {
Location cur = conn.getLocation();
Location dest = cur.translate(dx, dy);
if (selAvoid.get(cur) == null) {
Direction preferred = conn.getDirection();
if (preferred == null) {
if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) {
preferred = dx > 0 ? Direction.EAST : Direction.WEST;
} else {
preferred = dy > 0 ? Direction.SOUTH : Direction.NORTH;
connNodes.add(new SearchNode(conn, cur, preferred, dest));
for (Wire w : conn.getWirePath()) {
for (Location loc : w) {
if (selAvoid.get(loc) == null || loc.equals(dest)) {
boolean added = connLocs.add(loc);
if (added) {
Direction dir = null;
if (w.endsAt(loc)) {
if (w.isVertical()) {
int y0 = loc.getY();
int y1 = w.getOtherEnd(loc).getY();
dir = y0 < y1 ? Direction.NORTH : Direction.SOUTH;
} else {
int x0 = loc.getX();
int x1 = w.getOtherEnd(loc).getX();
dir = x0 < x1 ? Direction.WEST : Direction.EAST;
connNodes.add(new SearchNode(conn, loc, dir, dest));
private static MoveResult tryList(MoveRequest req,
MoveGesture gesture, ArrayList<ConnectionData> connects,
int dx, int dy, HashMap<ConnectionData,Set<Location>> pathLocs,
HashMap<ConnectionData,List<SearchNode>> initNodes, long stopTime) {
AvoidanceMap avoid = gesture.getFixedAvoidanceMap().cloneMap();
avoid.markAll(gesture.getSelected(), dx, dy);
ReplacementMap replacements = new ReplacementMap();
ArrayList<ConnectionData> unconnected = new ArrayList<ConnectionData>();
int totalDistance = 0;
for (ConnectionData conn : connects) {
if (ConnectorThread.isOverrideRequested()) {
return null;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - stopTime > 0) {
List<SearchNode> connNodes = initNodes.get(conn);
Set<Location> connPathLocs = pathLocs.get(conn);
SearchNode n = findShortestPath(connNodes, connPathLocs, avoid);
if (n != null) { // normal case - a path was found
totalDistance += n.getDistance();
ArrayList<Location> path = convertToPath(n);
processPath(path, conn, avoid, replacements, connPathLocs);
} else if (ConnectorThread.isOverrideRequested()) {
return null; // search was aborted: return null to indicate this
} else {
return new MoveResult(req, replacements, unconnected, totalDistance);
private static SearchNode findShortestPath(List<SearchNode> nodes,
Set<Location> pathLocs, AvoidanceMap avoid) {
PriorityQueue<SearchNode> q = new PriorityQueue<SearchNode>(nodes);
HashSet<SearchNode> visited = new HashSet<SearchNode>();
int iters = 0;
while (!q.isEmpty() && iters < MAX_SEARCH_ITERATIONS) {
SearchNode n = q.remove();
if (iters % 64 == 0 && ConnectorThread.isOverrideRequested()
|| n == null) {
return null;
if (n.isDestination()) {
return n;
boolean added = visited.add(n);
if (!added) {
Location loc = n.getLocation();
Direction dir = n.getDirection();
int neighbors = 3;
Object allowed = avoid.get(loc);
if (allowed != null && n.isStart() && pathLocs.contains(loc)) {
allowed = null;
if (allowed == ALLOW_NEITHER) {
neighbors = 0;
} else if (allowed == ALLOW_VERTICAL) {
if (dir == null) {
dir = Direction.NORTH;
neighbors = 2;
} else if (dir == Direction.NORTH || dir == Direction.SOUTH) {
neighbors = 1;
} else {
neighbors = 0;
} else if (allowed == ALLOW_HORIZONTAL) {
if (dir == null) {
dir = Direction.EAST;
neighbors = 2;
} else if (dir == Direction.EAST || dir == Direction.WEST) {
neighbors = 1;
} else {
neighbors = 0;
} else {
if (dir == null) {
dir = Direction.NORTH;
neighbors = 4;
} else {
neighbors = 3;
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors; i++) {
Direction oDir;
switch (i) {
case 0:
oDir = dir;
case 1:
oDir = neighbors == 2 ? dir.reverse() : dir.getLeft();
case 2:
oDir = dir.getRight();
default: // must be 3
oDir = dir.reverse();
SearchNode o = n.next(oDir, allowed != null);
if (o != null && !visited.contains(o)) {
return null;
private static ArrayList<Location> convertToPath(SearchNode last) {
SearchNode next = last;
SearchNode prev = last.getPrevious();
ArrayList<Location> ret = new ArrayList<Location>();
while (prev != null) {
if (prev.getDirection() != next.getDirection()) {
next = prev;
prev = prev.getPrevious();
if (!ret.get(ret.size() - 1).equals(next.getLocation())) {
return ret;
private static void processPath(ArrayList<Location> path, ConnectionData conn,
AvoidanceMap avoid, ReplacementMap repl, Set<Location> unmarkable) {
Iterator<Location> pathIt = path.iterator();
Location loc0 = pathIt.next();
if (!loc0.equals(conn.getLocation())) {
Location pathLoc = conn.getWirePathStart();
boolean found = loc0.equals(pathLoc);
for (Wire w : conn.getWirePath()) {
Location nextLoc = w.getOtherEnd(pathLoc);
if (found) { // existing wire will be removed
avoid.unmarkWire(w, nextLoc, unmarkable);
} else if (w.contains(loc0)) { // wires after this will be removed
found = true;
if (!loc0.equals(nextLoc)) {
avoid.unmarkWire(w, nextLoc, unmarkable);
Wire shortenedWire = Wire.create(pathLoc, loc0);
repl.replace(w, shortenedWire);
avoid.markWire(shortenedWire, 0, 0);
pathLoc = nextLoc;
while (pathIt.hasNext()) {
Location loc1 = pathIt.next();
Wire newWire = Wire.create(loc0, loc1);
avoid.markWire(newWire, 0, 0);
loc0 = loc1;