/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.std.gates;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.cburch.logisim.analyze.model.AnalyzerModel;
import com.cburch.logisim.analyze.model.Expression;
import com.cburch.logisim.analyze.model.VariableList;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitMutation;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentFactory;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeSet;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Bounds;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Direction;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Value;
import com.cburch.logisim.instance.StdAttr;
import com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Constant;
import com.cburch.logisim.std.wiring.Pin;
public class CircuitBuilder {
private CircuitBuilder() { }
public static CircuitMutation build(Circuit destCirc, AnalyzerModel model,
boolean twoInputs, boolean useNands) {
CircuitMutation result = new CircuitMutation(destCirc);
Layout[] layouts = new Layout[model.getOutputs().size()];
int maxWidth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++) {
String output = model.getOutputs().get(i);
Expression expr = model.getOutputExpressions().getExpression(output);
CircuitDetermination det = CircuitDetermination.create(expr);
if (det != null) {
if (twoInputs) det.convertToTwoInputs();
if (useNands) det.convertToNands();
layouts[i] = layoutGates(det);
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, layouts[i].width);
} else {
layouts[i] = null;
InputData inputData = computeInputData(model);
int x = inputData.getStartX();
int y = 10;
int outputX = x + maxWidth + 20;
for (int i = 0; i < layouts.length; i++) {
String outputName = model.getOutputs().get(i);
Layout layout = layouts[i];
Location output;
int height;
if (layout == null) {
output = Location.create(outputX, y + 20);
height = 40;
} else {
int dy = 0;
if (layout.outputY < 20) dy = 20 - layout.outputY;
height = Math.max(dy + layout.height, 40);
output = Location.create(outputX, y + dy + layout.outputY);
placeComponents(result, layouts[i], x, y + dy, inputData, output);
placeOutput(result, output, outputName);
y += height + 10;
placeInputs(result, inputData);
return result;
// layoutGates
private static Layout layoutGates(CircuitDetermination det) {
return layoutGatesSub(det);
private static class Layout {
// initialized by parent
int y; // top edge relative to parent's top edge
// (or edge corresponding to input)
// initialized by self
int width;
int height;
ComponentFactory factory;
AttributeSet attrs;
int outputY; // where output is relative to my top edge
int subX; // where right edge of sublayouts should be relative to my left edge
Layout[] subLayouts;
String inputName; // for references directly to inputs
Layout(int width, int height, int outputY,
ComponentFactory factory, AttributeSet attrs,
Layout[] subLayouts, int subX) {
this.width = width;
this.height = roundUp(height);
this.outputY = outputY;
this.factory = factory;
this.attrs = attrs;
this.subLayouts = subLayouts;
this.subX = subX;
this.inputName = null;
Layout(String inputName) {
this(0, 0, 0, null, null, null, 0);
this.inputName = inputName;
private static Layout layoutGatesSub(CircuitDetermination det) {
if (det instanceof CircuitDetermination.Input) {
CircuitDetermination.Input input = (CircuitDetermination.Input) det;
return new Layout(input.getName());
} else if (det instanceof CircuitDetermination.Value) {
CircuitDetermination.Value value = (CircuitDetermination.Value) det;
ComponentFactory factory = Constant.FACTORY;
AttributeSet attrs = factory.createAttributeSet();
Bounds bds = factory.getOffsetBounds(attrs);
return new Layout(bds.getWidth(), bds.getHeight(),
-bds.getY(), factory, attrs,
new Layout[0], 0);
// We know det is a Gate. Determine sublayouts.
CircuitDetermination.Gate gate = (CircuitDetermination.Gate) det;
ComponentFactory factory = gate.getFactory();
ArrayList<CircuitDetermination> inputs = gate.getInputs();
// Handle a NOT implemented with a NAND as a special case
if (gate.isNandNot()) {
CircuitDetermination subDet = inputs.get(0);
if (!(subDet instanceof CircuitDetermination.Input)) {
Layout[] sub = new Layout[1];
sub[0] = layoutGatesSub(subDet);
sub[0].y = 0;
AttributeSet attrs = factory.createAttributeSet();
attrs.setValue(GateAttributes.ATTR_SIZE, GateAttributes.SIZE_NARROW);
attrs.setValue(GateAttributes.ATTR_INPUTS, Integer.valueOf(2));
// determine layout's width
Bounds bds = factory.getOffsetBounds(attrs);
int betweenWidth = 40;
if (sub[0].width == 0) betweenWidth = 0;
int width = sub[0].width + betweenWidth + bds.getWidth();
// determine outputY and layout's height.
int outputY = sub[0].y + sub[0].outputY;
int height = sub[0].height;
int minOutputY = roundUp(-bds.getY());
if (minOutputY > outputY) {
// we have to shift everything down because otherwise
// the component will peek over the rectangle's top.
int dy = minOutputY - outputY;
sub[0].y += dy;
height += dy;
outputY += dy;
int minHeight = outputY + bds.getY() + bds.getHeight();
if (minHeight > height) height = minHeight;
// ok; create and return the layout.
return new Layout(width, height, outputY, factory, attrs,
sub, sub[0].width);
Layout[] sub = new Layout[inputs.size()];
int subWidth = 0; // maximum width of sublayouts
int subHeight = 0; // total height of sublayouts
for (int i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) {
sub[i] = layoutGatesSub(inputs.get(i));
if (sub.length % 2 == 0 && i == (sub.length + 1) / 2
&& sub[i - 1].height + sub[i].height == 0) {
// if there are an even number of inputs, then there is a
// 20-tall gap between the middle two inputs. Ensure the two
// middle inputs are at least 20 pixels apart.
subHeight += 10;
sub[i].y = subHeight;
subWidth = Math.max(subWidth, sub[i].width);
subHeight += sub[i].height + 10;
subHeight -= 10;
AttributeSet attrs = factory.createAttributeSet();
if (factory == NotGate.FACTORY) {
attrs.setValue(NotGate.ATTR_SIZE, NotGate.SIZE_NARROW);
} else {
attrs.setValue(GateAttributes.ATTR_SIZE, GateAttributes.SIZE_NARROW);
int ins = sub.length;
attrs.setValue(GateAttributes.ATTR_INPUTS, Integer.valueOf(ins));
// determine layout's width
Bounds bds = factory.getOffsetBounds(attrs);
int betweenWidth = 40 + 10 * (sub.length / 2 - 1);
if (sub.length == 1) betweenWidth = 20;
if (subWidth == 0) betweenWidth = 0;
int width = subWidth + betweenWidth + bds.getWidth();
// determine outputY and layout's height.
int outputY;
if (sub.length % 2 == 1) { // odd number - match the middle input
int i = (sub.length - 1) / 2;
outputY = sub[i].y + sub[i].outputY;
} else { // even number - halfway between middle two inputs
int i0 = (sub.length / 2) - 1;
int i1 = (sub.length / 2);
int o0 = sub[i0].y + sub[i0].outputY;
int o1 = sub[i1].y + sub[i1].outputY;
outputY = roundDown((o0 + o1) / 2);
int height = subHeight;
int minOutputY = roundUp(-bds.getY());
if (minOutputY > outputY) {
// we have to shift everything down because otherwise
// the component will peek over the rectangle's top.
int dy = minOutputY - outputY;
for (int i = 0; i < sub.length; i++) sub[i].y += dy;
height += dy;
outputY += dy;
int minHeight = outputY + bds.getY() + bds.getHeight();
if (minHeight > height) height = minHeight;
// ok; create and return the layout.
return new Layout(width, height, outputY, factory, attrs,
sub, subWidth);
private static int roundDown(int value) {
return value / 10 * 10;
private static int roundUp(int value) {
return (value + 9) / 10 * 10;
// computeInputData
private static InputData computeInputData(AnalyzerModel model) {
InputData ret = new InputData();
VariableList inputs = model.getInputs();
int spineX = 60;
ret.names = new String[inputs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
String name = inputs.get(i);
ret.names[i] = name;
ret.inputs.put(name, new SingleInput(spineX));
spineX += 20;
ret.startX = spineX;
return ret;
private static class InputData {
int startX;
String[] names;
HashMap<String,SingleInput> inputs = new HashMap<String,SingleInput>();
InputData() { }
int getStartX() {
return startX;
int getSpineX(String input) {
SingleInput data = inputs.get(input);
return data.spineX;
void registerConnection(String input, Location loc) {
SingleInput data = inputs.get(input);
private static class SingleInput {
int spineX;
ArrayList<Location> ys = new ArrayList<Location>();
SingleInput(int spineX) { this.spineX = spineX; }
// placeComponents
* @param circuit the circuit where to place the components.
* @param layout the layout specifying the gates to place there.
* @param x the left edge of where the layout should be placed.
* @param y the top edge of where the layout should be placed.
* @param inputData information about how to reach inputs.
* @param output a point to which the output should be connected.
private static void placeComponents(CircuitMutation result,
Layout layout, int x, int y, InputData inputData,
Location output) {
if (layout.inputName != null) {
int inputX = inputData.getSpineX(layout.inputName);
Location input = Location.create(inputX, output.getY());
inputData.registerConnection(layout.inputName, input);
result.add(Wire.create(input, output));
Location compOutput = Location.create(x + layout.width, output.getY());
Component parent = layout.factory.createComponent(compOutput,
if (!compOutput.equals(output)) {
result.add(Wire.create(compOutput, output));
// handle a NOT gate pattern implemented with NAND as a special case
if (layout.factory == NandGate.FACTORY && layout.subLayouts.length == 1
&& layout.subLayouts[0].inputName == null) {
Layout sub = layout.subLayouts[0];
Location input0 = parent.getEnd(1).getLocation();
Location input1 = parent.getEnd(2).getLocation();
int midX = input0.getX() - 20;
Location subOutput = Location.create(midX, output.getY());
Location midInput0 = Location.create(midX, input0.getY());
Location midInput1 = Location.create(midX, input1.getY());
result.add(Wire.create(subOutput, midInput0));
result.add(Wire.create(midInput0, input0));
result.add(Wire.create(subOutput, midInput1));
result.add(Wire.create(midInput1, input1));
int subX = x + layout.subX - sub.width;
placeComponents(result, sub, subX, y + sub.y, inputData, subOutput);
if (layout.subLayouts.length == parent.getEnds().size() - 2) {
int index = layout.subLayouts.length / 2 + 1;
Object factory = parent.getFactory();
if (factory instanceof AbstractGate) {
Value val = ((AbstractGate) factory).getIdentity();
Integer valInt = Integer.valueOf(val.toIntValue());
Location loc = parent.getEnd(index).getLocation();
AttributeSet attrs = Constant.FACTORY.createAttributeSet();
attrs.setValue(Constant.ATTR_VALUE, valInt);
result.add(Constant.FACTORY.createComponent(loc, attrs));
for (int i = 0; i < layout.subLayouts.length; i++) {
Layout sub = layout.subLayouts[i];
int inputIndex = i + 1;
Location subDest = parent.getEnd(inputIndex).getLocation();
int subOutputY = y + sub.y + sub.outputY;
if (sub.inputName != null) {
int destY = subDest.getY();
if (i == 0 && destY < subOutputY
|| i == layout.subLayouts.length - 1 && destY > subOutputY) {
subOutputY = destY;
Location subOutput;
int numSubs = layout.subLayouts.length;
if (subOutputY == subDest.getY()) {
subOutput = subDest;
} else {
int back;
if (i < numSubs / 2) {
if (subOutputY < subDest.getY()) { // bending upward
back = i;
} else {
back = ((numSubs - 1) / 2) - i;
} else {
if (subOutputY > subDest.getY()) { // bending downward
back = numSubs - 1 - i;
} else {
back = i - (numSubs / 2);
int subOutputX = subDest.getX() - 20 - 10 * back;
subOutput = Location.create(subOutputX, subOutputY);
Location mid = Location.create(subOutputX, subDest.getY());
result.add(Wire.create(subOutput, mid));
result.add(Wire.create(mid, subDest));
int subX = x + layout.subX - sub.width;
int subY = y + sub.y;
placeComponents(result, sub, subX, subY, inputData, subOutput);
// placeOutput
private static void placeOutput(CircuitMutation result, Location loc, String name) {
ComponentFactory factory = Pin.FACTORY;
AttributeSet attrs = factory.createAttributeSet();
attrs.setValue(StdAttr.FACING, Direction.WEST);
attrs.setValue(Pin.ATTR_TYPE, Boolean.TRUE);
attrs.setValue(StdAttr.LABEL, name);
attrs.setValue(Pin.ATTR_LABEL_LOC, Direction.NORTH);
result.add(factory.createComponent(loc, attrs));
// placeInputs
private static void placeInputs(CircuitMutation result, InputData inputData) {
ArrayList<Location> forbiddenYs = new ArrayList<Location>();
Comparator<Location> compareYs = new CompareYs();
int curX = 40;
int curY = 30;
for (int i = 0; i < inputData.names.length; i++) {
String name = inputData.names[i];
SingleInput singleInput = inputData.inputs.get(name);
// determine point where we can intersect with spine
int spineX = singleInput.spineX;
Location spineLoc = Location.create(spineX, curY);
if (singleInput.ys.size() > 0) {
// search for a Y that won't intersect with others
// (we needn't bother if the pin doesn't connect
// with anything anyway.)
Collections.sort(forbiddenYs, compareYs);
while (Collections.binarySearch(forbiddenYs, spineLoc, compareYs) >= 0) {
curY += 10;
spineLoc = Location.create(spineX, curY);
Location loc = Location.create(curX, curY);
// now create the pin
ComponentFactory factory = Pin.FACTORY;
AttributeSet attrs = factory.createAttributeSet();
attrs.setValue(StdAttr.FACING, Direction.EAST);
attrs.setValue(Pin.ATTR_TYPE, Boolean.FALSE);
attrs.setValue(Pin.ATTR_TRISTATE, Boolean.FALSE);
attrs.setValue(StdAttr.LABEL, name);
attrs.setValue(Pin.ATTR_LABEL_LOC, Direction.NORTH);
result.add(factory.createComponent(loc, attrs));
ArrayList<Location> spine = singleInput.ys;
if (spine.size() > 0) {
// create wire connecting pin to spine
/* This should no longer matter - the wires will be repaired
* anyway by the circuit's WireRepair class.
if (spine.size() == 2 && spine.get(0).equals(spine.get(1))) {
// a freak accident where the input is used just once,
// and it happens that the pin is placed where no
// spine is necessary
Iterator<Wire> it = circuit.getWires(spineLoc).iterator();
Wire existing = it.next();
Wire replace = Wire.create(loc, existing.getEnd1());
result.replace(existing, replace);
} else {
result.add(Wire.create(loc, spineLoc));
// }
// create spine
Collections.sort(spine, compareYs);
Location prev = spine.get(0);
for (int k = 1, n = spine.size(); k < n; k++) {
Location cur = spine.get(k);
if (!cur.equals(prev)) {
result.add(Wire.create(prev, cur));
prev = cur;
// advance y and forbid spine intersections for next pin
curY += 50;
private static class CompareYs implements Comparator<Location> {
public int compare(Location a, Location b) {
return a.getY() - b.getY();