/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.gui.main;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Circuit;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitMutation;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitTransaction;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.CircuitTransactionResult;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.ReplacementMap;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.SubcircuitFactory;
import com.cburch.logisim.circuit.Wire;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentFactory;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeSet;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
import com.cburch.logisim.file.LogisimFile;
import com.cburch.logisim.proj.Action;
import com.cburch.logisim.proj.JoinedAction;
import com.cburch.logisim.proj.Project;
import com.cburch.logisim.tools.AddTool;
import com.cburch.logisim.tools.Library;
import com.cburch.logisim.tools.Tool;
public class SelectionActions {
private SelectionActions() { }
public static Action drop(Selection sel, Collection<Component> comps) {
HashSet<Component> floating = new HashSet<Component>(sel.getFloatingComponents());
HashSet<Component> anchored = new HashSet<Component>(sel.getAnchoredComponents());
ArrayList<Component> toDrop = new ArrayList<Component>();
ArrayList<Component> toIgnore = new ArrayList<Component>();
for (Component comp : comps) {
if (floating.contains(comp)) {
} else if (anchored.contains(comp)) {
int numDrop = toDrop.size() - toIgnore.size();
if (numDrop == 0) {
for (Component comp : toIgnore) {
sel.remove(null, comp);
return null;
} else {
return new Drop(sel, toDrop, numDrop);
public static Action dropAll(Selection sel) {
return drop(sel, sel.getComponents());
public static Action clear(Selection sel) {
return new Delete(sel);
public static Action duplicate(Selection sel) {
return new Duplicate(sel);
public static Action cut(Selection sel) {
return new Cut(sel);
public static Action copy(Selection sel) {
return new Copy(sel);
public static Action pasteMaybe(Project proj, Selection sel) {
HashMap<Component, Component> replacements = getReplacementMap(proj);
return new Paste(sel, replacements);
public static Action translate(Selection sel, int dx, int dy, ReplacementMap repl) {
return new Translate(sel, dx, dy, repl);
private static class Drop extends Action {
private Selection sel;
private Component[] drops;
private int numDrops;
private SelectionSave before;
private CircuitTransaction xnReverse;
Drop(Selection sel, Collection<Component> toDrop, int numDrops) {
this.sel = sel;
this.drops = new Component[toDrop.size()];
this.numDrops = numDrops;
this.before = SelectionSave.create(sel);
public String getName() {
return numDrops == 1 ? Strings.get("dropComponentAction")
: Strings.get("dropComponentsAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
Circuit circuit = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
CircuitMutation xn = new CircuitMutation(circuit);
for (Component comp : drops) {
sel.remove(xn, comp);
CircuitTransactionResult result = xn.execute();
xnReverse = result.getReverseTransaction();
public void undo(Project proj) {
public boolean shouldAppendTo(Action other) {
Action last;
if (other instanceof JoinedAction) last = ((JoinedAction) other).getLastAction();
else last = other;
SelectionSave otherAfter = null;
if (last instanceof Paste) {
otherAfter = ((Paste) last).after;
} else if (last instanceof Duplicate) {
otherAfter = ((Duplicate) last).after;
return otherAfter != null && otherAfter.equals(this.before);
private static class Delete extends Action {
private Selection sel;
private CircuitTransaction xnReverse;
Delete(Selection sel) {
this.sel = sel;
public String getName() {
return Strings.get("deleteSelectionAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
Circuit circuit = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
CircuitMutation xn = new CircuitMutation(circuit);
CircuitTransactionResult result = xn.execute();
xnReverse = result.getReverseTransaction();
public void undo(Project proj) {
private static class Duplicate extends Action {
private Selection sel;
private CircuitTransaction xnReverse;
private SelectionSave after;
Duplicate(Selection sel) {
this.sel = sel;
public String getName() {
return Strings.get("duplicateSelectionAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
Circuit circuit = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
CircuitMutation xn = new CircuitMutation(circuit);
CircuitTransactionResult result = xn.execute();
xnReverse = result.getReverseTransaction();
after = SelectionSave.create(sel);
public void undo(Project proj) {
private static class Cut extends Action {
private Action first;
private Action second;
Cut(Selection sel) {
first = new Copy(sel);
second = new Delete(sel);
public String getName() {
return Strings.get("cutSelectionAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
public void undo(Project proj) {
private static class Copy extends Action {
private Selection sel;
private Clipboard oldClip;
Copy(Selection sel) {
this.sel = sel;
public boolean isModification() { return false; }
public String getName() {
return Strings.get("copySelectionAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
oldClip = Clipboard.get();
Clipboard.set(sel, sel.getAttributeSet());
public void undo(Project proj) {
private static HashMap<Component, Component> getReplacementMap(Project proj) {
HashMap<Component, Component> replMap;
replMap = new HashMap<Component, Component>();
LogisimFile file = proj.getLogisimFile();
ArrayList<Library> libs = new ArrayList<Library>();
ArrayList<String> dropped = null;
Clipboard clip = Clipboard.get();
Collection<Component> comps = clip.getComponents();
HashMap<ComponentFactory, ComponentFactory> factoryReplacements;
factoryReplacements = new HashMap<ComponentFactory, ComponentFactory>();
for (Component comp : comps) {
if (comp instanceof Wire) continue;
ComponentFactory compFactory = comp.getFactory();
ComponentFactory copyFactory = findComponentFactory(compFactory, libs, false);
if (factoryReplacements.containsKey(compFactory)) {
copyFactory = factoryReplacements.get(compFactory);
} else if (copyFactory == null) {
ComponentFactory candidate = findComponentFactory(compFactory, libs, true);
if (candidate == null) {
if (dropped == null) {
dropped = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {
String msg = Strings.get("pasteCloneQuery",
Object[] opts = { Strings.get("pasteCloneReplace"),
Strings.get("pasteCloneCancel") };
int select = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(proj.getFrame(),
msg, Strings.get("pasteCloneTitle"), 0,
JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, opts, opts[0]);
if (select == 0) {
copyFactory = candidate;
} else if (select == 1) {
copyFactory = null;
} else {
return null;
factoryReplacements.put(compFactory, copyFactory);
if (copyFactory == null) {
replMap.put(comp, null);
} else if (copyFactory != compFactory) {
Location copyLoc = comp.getLocation();
AttributeSet copyAttrs = (AttributeSet) comp.getAttributeSet().clone();
Component copy = copyFactory.createComponent(copyLoc, copyAttrs);
replMap.put(comp, copy);
if (dropped != null) {
StringBuilder droppedStr = new StringBuilder();
String curName = dropped.get(0);
int curCount = 1;
int lines = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= dropped.size(); i++) {
String nextName = i == dropped.size() ? "" : dropped.get(i);
if (nextName.equals(curName)) {
} else {
droppedStr.append("\n ");
if (curCount > 1) {
droppedStr.append(" \u00d7 " + curCount);
curName = nextName;
curCount = 1;
lines = Math.max(3, Math.min(7, lines));
JTextArea area = new JTextArea(lines, 60);
JScrollPane areaPane = new JScrollPane(area);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(proj.getFrame(), areaPane,
return replMap;
private static ComponentFactory findComponentFactory(ComponentFactory factory,
ArrayList<Library> libs, boolean acceptNameMatch) {
String name = factory.getName();
for (Library lib : libs) {
for (Tool tool : lib.getTools()) {
if (tool instanceof AddTool) {
AddTool addTool = (AddTool) tool;
if (name.equals(addTool.getName())) {
ComponentFactory fact = addTool.getFactory(true);
if (acceptNameMatch) {
return fact;
} else if (fact == factory) {
return fact;
} else if (fact.getClass() == factory.getClass()
&& !(fact instanceof SubcircuitFactory)) {
return fact;
return null;
private static class Paste extends Action {
private Selection sel;
private CircuitTransaction xnReverse;
private SelectionSave after;
private HashMap<Component,Component> componentReplacements;
Paste(Selection sel, HashMap<Component, Component> replacements) {
this.sel = sel;
this.componentReplacements = replacements;
public String getName() {
return Strings.get("pasteClipboardAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
Clipboard clip = Clipboard.get();
Circuit circuit = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
CircuitMutation xn = new CircuitMutation(circuit);
Collection<Component> comps = clip.getComponents();
Collection<Component> toAdd = computeAdditions(comps);
if (toAdd.size() > 0) {
sel.pasteHelper(xn, toAdd);
CircuitTransactionResult result = xn.execute();
xnReverse = result.getReverseTransaction();
after = SelectionSave.create(sel);
} else {
xnReverse = null;
private Collection<Component> computeAdditions(Collection<Component> comps) {
HashMap<Component, Component> replMap = componentReplacements;
ArrayList<Component> toAdd = new ArrayList<Component>(comps.size());
for (Iterator<Component> it = comps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Component comp = it.next();
if (replMap.containsKey(comp)) {
Component repl = replMap.get(comp);
if (repl != null) {
} else {
return toAdd;
public void undo(Project proj) {
if (xnReverse != null) {
private static class Translate extends Action {
private Selection sel;
private int dx;
private int dy;
private ReplacementMap replacements;
private SelectionSave before;
private CircuitTransaction xnReverse;
Translate(Selection sel, int dx, int dy, ReplacementMap replacements) {
this.sel = sel;
this.dx = dx;
this.dy = dy;
this.replacements = replacements;
this.before = SelectionSave.create(sel);
public String getName() {
return Strings.get("moveSelectionAction");
public void doIt(Project proj) {
Circuit circuit = proj.getCurrentCircuit();
CircuitMutation xn = new CircuitMutation(circuit);
sel.translateHelper(xn, dx, dy);
if (replacements != null) {
CircuitTransactionResult result = xn.execute();
xnReverse = result.getReverseTransaction();
public void undo(Project proj) {
public boolean shouldAppendTo(Action other) {
Action last;
if (other instanceof JoinedAction) last = ((JoinedAction) other).getLastAction();
else last = other;
SelectionSave otherAfter = null;
if (last instanceof Paste) {
otherAfter = ((Paste) last).after;
} else if (last instanceof Duplicate) {
otherAfter = ((Duplicate) last).after;
return otherAfter != null && otherAfter.equals(this.before);