/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.circuit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
class WireRepair extends CircuitTransaction {
private static class MergeSets {
private final HashMap<Wire,ArrayList<Wire>> map;
MergeSets() {
map = new HashMap<Wire,ArrayList<Wire>>();
void merge(Wire a, Wire b) {
ArrayList<Wire> set0 = map.get(a);
ArrayList<Wire> set1 = map.get(b);
if (set0 == null && set1 == null) {
set0 = new ArrayList<Wire>(2);
map.put(a, set0);
map.put(b, set0);
} else if (set0 == null && set1 != null) {
map.put(a, set1);
} else if (set0 != null && set1 == null) {
map.put(b, set0);
} else if (set0 != set1) { // neither is null, and they are different
if (set0.size() > set1.size()) { // ensure set1 is the larger
ArrayList<Wire> temp = set0;
set0 = set1;
set1 = temp;
for (Wire w : set0) {
map.put(w, set1);
Collection<ArrayList<Wire>> getMergeSets() {
IdentityHashMap<ArrayList<Wire>,Boolean> lists;
lists = new IdentityHashMap<ArrayList<Wire>,Boolean>();
for (ArrayList<Wire> list : map.values()) {
lists.put(list, Boolean.TRUE);
return lists.keySet();
private Circuit circuit;
public WireRepair(Circuit circuit) {
this.circuit = circuit;
protected Map<Circuit,Integer> getAccessedCircuits() {
return Collections.singletonMap(circuit, READ_WRITE);
protected void run(CircuitMutator mutator) {
/* for debugging:
private void printWires(String prefix, PrintStream out) {
boolean first = true;
for (Wire w : circuit.getWires()) {
if (first) {
out.println(prefix + ": " + w);
first = false;
} else {
out.println(" " + w);
out.println(prefix + ": none");
private void doMerges(CircuitMutator mutator) {
MergeSets sets = new MergeSets();
for (Location loc : circuit.wires.points.getSplitLocations()) {
Collection<?> at = circuit.getComponents(loc);
if (at.size() == 2) {
Iterator<?> atit = at.iterator();
Object at0 = atit.next();
Object at1 = atit.next();
if (at0 instanceof Wire && at1 instanceof Wire) {
Wire w0 = (Wire) at0;
Wire w1 = (Wire) at1;
if (w0.isParallel(w1)) {
sets.merge(w0, w1);
ReplacementMap repl = new ReplacementMap();
for (ArrayList<Wire> mergeSet : sets.getMergeSets()) {
if (mergeSet.size() > 1) {
ArrayList<Location> locs = new ArrayList<Location>(2 * mergeSet.size());
for (Wire w : mergeSet) {
Location e0 = locs.get(0);
Location e1 = locs.get(locs.size() - 1);
Wire wnew = Wire.create(e0, e1);
Collection<Wire> wset = Collections.singleton(wnew);
for (Wire w : mergeSet) {
if (!w.equals(wset)) {
repl.put(w, wset);
mutator.replace(circuit, repl);
private void doOverlaps(CircuitMutator mutator) {
HashMap<Location,ArrayList<Wire>> wirePoints;
wirePoints = new HashMap<Location,ArrayList<Wire>>();
for (Wire w : circuit.getWires()) {
for (Location loc : w) {
ArrayList<Wire> locWires = wirePoints.get(loc);
if (locWires == null) {
locWires = new ArrayList<Wire>(3);
wirePoints.put(loc, locWires);
MergeSets mergeSets = new MergeSets();
for (ArrayList<Wire> locWires : wirePoints.values()) {
if (locWires.size() > 1) {
for (int i = 0, n = locWires.size(); i < n; i++) {
Wire w0 = locWires.get(i);
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
Wire w1 = locWires.get(j);
if (w0.overlaps(w1, false)) {
mergeSets.merge(w0, w1);
ReplacementMap replacements = new ReplacementMap();
Set<Location> splitLocs = circuit.wires.points.getSplitLocations();
for (ArrayList<Wire> mergeSet : mergeSets.getMergeSets()) {
if (mergeSet.size() > 1) {
doMergeSet(mergeSet, replacements, splitLocs);
mutator.replace(circuit, replacements);
private void doMergeSet(ArrayList<Wire> mergeSet, ReplacementMap replacements,
Set<Location> splitLocs) {
TreeSet<Location> ends = new TreeSet<Location>();
for (Wire w : mergeSet) {
Wire whole = Wire.create(ends.first(), ends.last());
TreeSet<Location> mids = new TreeSet<Location>();
for (Location loc : whole) {
if (splitLocs.contains(loc)) {
for (Component comp : circuit.getComponents(loc)) {
if (!mergeSet.contains(comp)) {
ArrayList<Wire> mergeResult = new ArrayList<Wire>();
if (mids.size() == 2) {
} else {
Location e0 = mids.first();
for (Location e1 : mids) {
mergeResult.add(Wire.create(e0, e1));
e0 = e1;
for (Wire w : mergeSet) {
ArrayList<Component> wRepl = new ArrayList<Component>(2);
for (Wire w2 : mergeResult) {
if (w2.overlaps(w, false)) {
replacements.put(w, wRepl);
private void doSplits(CircuitMutator mutator) {
Set<Location> splitLocs = circuit.wires.points.getSplitLocations();
ReplacementMap repl = new ReplacementMap();
for (Wire w : circuit.getWires()) {
Location w0 = w.getEnd0();
Location w1 = w.getEnd1();
ArrayList<Location> splits = null;
for (Location loc : splitLocs) {
if (w.contains(loc) && !loc.equals(w0) && !loc.equals(w1)) {
if (splits == null) splits = new ArrayList<Location>();
if (splits != null) {
Location e0 = w0;
ArrayList<Wire> subs = new ArrayList<Wire>(splits.size());
for (Location e1 : splits) {
subs.add(Wire.create(e0, e1));
e0 = e1;
repl.put(w, subs);
mutator.replace(circuit, repl);