/* Copyright (c) 2011, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.circuit;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Direction;
import com.cburch.logisim.util.GraphicsUtil;
class SplitterParameters {
private int dxEnd0; // location of split end 0 relative to origin
private int dyEnd0;
private int ddxEnd; // distance from split end i to split end (i + 1)
private int ddyEnd;
private int dxEndSpine; // distance from split end to spine
private int dyEndSpine;
private int dxSpine0; // distance from origin to far end of spine
private int dySpine0;
private int dxSpine1; // distance from origin to near end of spine
private int dySpine1;
private int textAngle; // angle to rotate text
private int halign; // justification of text
private int valign;
SplitterParameters(SplitterAttributes attrs) {
Object appear = attrs.appear;
int fanout = attrs.fanout;
Direction facing = attrs.facing;
int justify;
if (appear == SplitterAttributes.APPEAR_CENTER || appear == SplitterAttributes.APPEAR_LEGACY) {
justify = 0;
} else if (appear == SplitterAttributes.APPEAR_RIGHT) {
justify = 1;
} else {
justify = -1;
int width = 20;
int offs = 6;
if (facing == Direction.NORTH || facing == Direction.SOUTH) { // ^ or V
int m = facing == Direction.NORTH ? 1 : -1;
dxEnd0 = justify == 0 ? 10 * ((fanout + 1) / 2 - 1) : m * justify < 0 ? -10 : 10 * fanout;
dyEnd0 = -m * width;
ddxEnd = -10;
ddyEnd = 0;
dxEndSpine = 0;
dyEndSpine = m * (width - offs);
dxSpine0 = m * justify * (10 * fanout - 1);
dySpine0 = -m * offs;
dxSpine1 = m * justify * offs;
dySpine1 = -m * offs;
textAngle = 90;
halign = m > 0 ? GraphicsUtil.H_RIGHT : GraphicsUtil.H_LEFT;
valign = m * justify <= 0 ? GraphicsUtil.V_BASELINE : GraphicsUtil.V_TOP;
} else { // > or <
int m = facing == Direction.WEST ? -1 : 1;
dxEnd0 = m * width;
dyEnd0 = justify == 0 ? -10 * (fanout / 2) : m * justify > 0 ? 10 : -10 * fanout;
ddxEnd = 0;
ddyEnd = 10;
dxEndSpine = -m * (width - offs);
dyEndSpine = 0;
dxSpine0 = m * offs;
dySpine0 = m * justify * (10 * fanout - 1);
dxSpine1 = m * offs;
dySpine1 = m * justify * offs;
textAngle = 0;
halign = m > 0 ? GraphicsUtil.H_LEFT : GraphicsUtil.H_RIGHT;
valign = m * justify < 0 ? GraphicsUtil.V_TOP : GraphicsUtil.V_BASELINE;
public int getEnd0X() {
return dxEnd0;
public int getEnd0Y() {
return dyEnd0;
public int getEndToEndDeltaX() {
return ddxEnd;
public int getEndToEndDeltaY() {
return ddyEnd;
public int getEndToSpineDeltaX() {
return dxEndSpine;
public int getEndToSpineDeltaY() {
return dyEndSpine;
public int getSpine0X() {
return dxSpine0;
public int getSpine0Y() {
return dySpine0;
public int getSpine1X() {
return dxSpine1;
public int getSpine1Y() {
return dySpine1;
public int getTextAngle() {
return textAngle;
public int getTextHorzAlign() {
return halign;
public int getTextVertAlign() {
return valign;