/* Copyright (c) 2010, Carl Burch. License information is located in the
* com.cburch.logisim.Main source code and at www.cburch.com/logisim/. */
package com.cburch.logisim.circuit;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Random;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.Component;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.ComponentDrawContext;
import com.cburch.logisim.comp.EndData;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeEvent;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.AttributeListener;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Location;
import com.cburch.logisim.data.Value;
import com.cburch.logisim.file.Options;
public class Propagator {
static class SetData implements Comparable<SetData> {
int time;
int serialNumber;
CircuitState state; // state of circuit containing component
Component cause; // component emitting the value
Location loc; // the location at which value is emitted
Value val; // value being emitted
SetData next = null;
private SetData(int time, int serialNumber, CircuitState state,
Location loc, Component cause, Value val) {
this.time = time;
this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
this.state = state;
this.cause = cause;
this.loc = loc;
this.val = val;
public int compareTo(SetData o) {
// Yes, these subtractions may overflow. This is intentional, as it
// avoids potential wraparound problems as the counters increment.
int ret = this.time - o.time;
if (ret != 0) return ret;
return this.serialNumber - o.serialNumber;
public SetData cloneFor(CircuitState newState) {
Propagator newProp = newState.getPropagator();
int dtime = newProp.clock - state.getPropagator().clock;
SetData ret = new SetData(time + dtime,
newProp.setDataSerialNumber, newState, loc, cause, val);
if (this.next != null) ret.next = this.next.cloneFor(newState);
return ret;
public String toString() {
return loc + ":" + val + "(" + cause + ")";
private static class ComponentPoint {
Component cause;
Location loc;
public ComponentPoint(Component cause, Location loc) {
this.cause = cause;
this.loc = loc;
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * cause.hashCode() + loc.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof ComponentPoint)) return false;
ComponentPoint o = (ComponentPoint) other;
return this.cause.equals(o.cause) && this.loc.equals(o.loc);
private static class Listener implements AttributeListener {
WeakReference<Propagator> prop;
public Listener(Propagator propagator) {
prop = new WeakReference<Propagator>(propagator);
public void attributeListChanged(AttributeEvent e) { }
public void attributeValueChanged(AttributeEvent e) {
Propagator p = prop.get();
if (p == null) {
} else if (e.getAttribute().equals(Options.sim_rand_attr)) {
private CircuitState root; // root of state tree
/** The number of clock cycles to let pass before deciding that the
* circuit is oscillating.
private int simLimit = 1000;
/** On average, one out of every 2**simRandomShift propagations
* through a component is delayed one step more than the component
* requests. This noise is intended to address some circuits that would
* otherwise oscillate within Logisim (though they wouldn't oscillate in
* practice). */
private volatile int simRandomShift;
private PriorityQueue<SetData> toProcess = new PriorityQueue<SetData>();
private int clock = 0;
private boolean isOscillating = false;
private boolean oscAdding = false;
private PropagationPoints oscPoints = new PropagationPoints();
private int ticks = 0;
private Random noiseSource = new Random();
private int noiseCount = 0;
private int setDataSerialNumber = 0;
static int lastId = 0;
int id = lastId++;
public Propagator(CircuitState root) {
this.root = root;
Listener l = new Listener(this);
private void updateRandomness() {
Options opts = root.getProject().getOptions();
Object rand = opts.getAttributeSet().getValue(Options.sim_rand_attr);
int val = ((Integer) rand).intValue();
int logVal = 0;
while ((1 << logVal) < val) logVal++;
simRandomShift = logVal;
public boolean isOscillating() {
return isOscillating;
public String toString() {
return "Prop" + id;
public void drawOscillatingPoints(ComponentDrawContext context) {
if (isOscillating) oscPoints.draw(context);
// public methods
CircuitState getRootState() {
return root;
void reset() {
isOscillating = false;
public void propagate() {
int oscThreshold = simLimit;
int logThreshold = 3 * oscThreshold / 4;
int iters = 0;
while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
if (iters < logThreshold) {
} else if (iters < oscThreshold) {
oscAdding = true;
} else {
isOscillating = true;
oscAdding = false;
isOscillating = false;
oscAdding = false;
void step(PropagationPoints changedPoints) {
PropagationPoints oldOsc = oscPoints;
oscAdding = changedPoints != null;
oscPoints = changedPoints;
oscAdding = false;
oscPoints = oldOsc;
private void stepInternal(PropagationPoints changedPoints) {
if (toProcess.isEmpty()) return;
// update clock
clock = toProcess.peek().time;
// propagate all values for this clock tick
HashMap<CircuitState,HashSet<ComponentPoint>> visited
= new HashMap<CircuitState,HashSet<ComponentPoint>>();
while (true) {
SetData data = toProcess.peek();
if (data == null || data.time != clock) break;
CircuitState state = data.state;
// if it's already handled for this clock tick, continue
HashSet<ComponentPoint> handled = visited.get(state);
if (handled != null) {
if (!handled.add(new ComponentPoint(data.cause, data.loc))) continue;
} else {
handled = new HashSet<ComponentPoint>();
visited.put(state, handled);
handled.add(new ComponentPoint(data.cause, data.loc));
/*DEBUGGING - comment out
Simulator.log(data.time + ": proc " + data.loc + " in "
+ data.state + " to " + data.val
+ " by " + data.cause); // */
if (changedPoints != null) changedPoints.add(state, data.loc);
// change the information about value
SetData oldHead = state.causes.get(data.loc);
Value oldVal = computeValue(oldHead);
SetData newHead = addCause(state, oldHead, data);
Value newVal = computeValue(newHead);
// if the value at point has changed, propagate it
if (!newVal.equals(oldVal)) {
boolean isPending() {
return !toProcess.isEmpty();
/*TODO for the SimulatorPrototype class
void step() {
// propagate all values for this clock tick
HashMap visited = new HashMap(); // State -> set of ComponentPoints handled
while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
SetData data;
data = (SetData) toProcess.peek();
if (data.time != clock) break;
CircuitState state = data.state;
// if it's already handled for this clock tick, continue
HashSet handled = (HashSet) visited.get(state);
if (handled != null) {
if (!handled.add(new ComponentPoint(data.cause, data.loc))) continue;
} else {
handled = new HashSet();
visited.put(state, handled);
handled.add(new ComponentPoint(data.cause, data.loc));
if (oscAdding) oscPoints.add(state, data.loc);
// change the information about value
SetData oldHead = (SetData) state.causes.get(data.loc);
Value oldVal = computeValue(oldHead);
SetData newHead = addCause(state, oldHead, data);
Value newVal = computeValue(newHead);
// if the value at point has changed, propagate it
if (!newVal.equals(oldVal)) {
} */
void locationTouched(CircuitState state, Location loc) {
if (oscAdding) oscPoints.add(state, loc);
// package-protected helper methods
void setValue(CircuitState state, Location pt, Value val,
Component cause, int delay) {
if (cause instanceof Wire || cause instanceof Splitter) return;
if (delay <= 0) {
delay = 1;
int randomShift = simRandomShift;
if (randomShift > 0) { // random noise is turned on
// multiply the delay by 32 so that the random noise
// only changes the delay by 3%.
delay <<= randomShift;
if (!(cause.getFactory() instanceof SubcircuitFactory)) {
if (noiseCount > 0) {
} else {
noiseCount = noiseSource.nextInt(1 << randomShift);
toProcess.add(new SetData(clock + delay, setDataSerialNumber,
state, pt, cause, val));
/*DEBUGGING - comment out
Simulator.log(clock + ": set " + pt + " in "
+ state + " to " + val
+ " by " +
cause + " after " + delay); //*/
public boolean tick() {
return root.tick(ticks);
public int getTickCount() {
return ticks;
// private methods
void checkComponentEnds(CircuitState state, Component comp) {
for (EndData end : comp.getEnds()) {
Location loc = end.getLocation();
SetData oldHead = state.causes.get(loc);
Value oldVal = computeValue(oldHead);
SetData newHead = removeCause(state, oldHead, loc, comp);
Value newVal = computeValue(newHead);
Value wireVal = state.getValueByWire(loc);
if (!newVal.equals(oldVal) || wireVal != null) {
if (wireVal != null) state.setValueByWire(loc, Value.NIL);
private void clearDirtyPoints() {
private void clearDirtyComponents() {
private SetData addCause(CircuitState state, SetData head,
SetData data) {
if (data.val == null) { // actually, it should be removed
return removeCause(state, head, data.loc, data.cause);
HashMap<Location,SetData> causes = state.causes;
// first check whether this is change of previous info.
boolean replaced = false;
for (SetData n = head; n != null; n = n.next) {
if (n.cause == data.cause) {
n.val = data.val;
replaced = true;
// otherwise, insert to list of causes
if (!replaced) {
if (head == null) {
causes.put(data.loc, data);
head = data;
} else {
data.next = head.next;
head.next = data;
return head;
private SetData removeCause(CircuitState state, SetData head,
Location loc, Component cause) {
HashMap<Location,SetData> causes = state.causes;
if (head == null) {
} else if (head.cause == cause) {
head = head.next;
if (head == null) causes.remove(loc);
else causes.put(loc, head);
} else {
SetData prev = head;
SetData cur = head.next;
while (cur != null) {
if (cur.cause == cause) {
prev.next = cur.next;
prev = cur;
cur = cur.next;
return head;
// static methods
static Value computeValue(SetData causes) {
if (causes == null) return Value.NIL;
Value ret = causes.val;
for (SetData n = causes.next; n != null; n = n.next) {
ret = ret.combine(n.val);
return ret;