Package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509

Source Code of org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier

package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.*;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA1Digest;

* The AuthorityKeyIdentifier object.
* <pre>
* id-ce-authorityKeyIdentifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=  { id-ce 35 }
*   AuthorityKeyIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
*      keyIdentifier             [0] IMPLICIT KeyIdentifier           OPTIONAL,
*      authorityCertIssuer       [1] IMPLICIT GeneralNames            OPTIONAL,
*      authorityCertSerialNumber [2] IMPLICIT CertificateSerialNumber OPTIONAL  }
*   KeyIdentifier ::= OCTET STRING
* </pre>
public class AuthorityKeyIdentifier
    extends ASN1Encodable
    ASN1OctetString keyidentifier=null;
    GeneralNames certissuer=null;
    DERInteger certserno=null;

    public static AuthorityKeyIdentifier getInstance(
        ASN1TaggedObject obj,
        boolean          explicit)
        return getInstance(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(obj, explicit));

    public static AuthorityKeyIdentifier getInstance(
        Object  obj)
        if (obj instanceof AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
            return (AuthorityKeyIdentifier)obj;
        else if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence)
            return new AuthorityKeyIdentifier((ASN1Sequence)obj);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object in factory");

    public AuthorityKeyIdentifier(
        ASN1Sequence   seq)
        Enumeration     e = seq.getObjects();

        while (e.hasMoreElements())
            DERTaggedObject o = (DERTaggedObject)e.nextElement();

            switch (o.getTagNo())
            case 0:
                this.keyidentifier = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(o, false);
            case 1:
                this.certissuer = GeneralNames.getInstance(o, false);
            case 2:
                this.certserno = DERInteger.getInstance(o, false);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal tag");

     * Calulates the keyidentifier using a SHA1 hash over the BIT STRING
     * from SubjectPublicKeyInfo as defined in RFC2459.
     * Example of making a AuthorityKeyIdentifier:
     * <pre>
     *   SubjectPublicKeyInfo apki = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo((ASN1Sequence)new DERInputStream(
     *       new ByteArrayInputStream(publicKey.getEncoded())).readObject());
     *   AuthorityKeyIdentifier aki = new AuthorityKeyIdentifier(apki);
     * </pre>
    public AuthorityKeyIdentifier(
        SubjectPublicKeyInfo    spki)
        Digest  digest = new SHA1Digest();
        byte[]  resBuf = new byte[digest.getDigestSize()];

        byte[] bytes = spki.getPublicKeyData().getBytes();
        digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);
        this.keyidentifier = new DEROctetString(resBuf);

     * create an AuthorityKeyIdentifier with the GeneralNames tag and
     * the serial number provided as well.
    public AuthorityKeyIdentifier(
        SubjectPublicKeyInfo    spki,
        GeneralNames            name,
        BigInteger              serialNumber)
        Digest  digest = new SHA1Digest();
        byte[]  resBuf = new byte[digest.getDigestSize()];

        byte[] bytes = spki.getPublicKeyData().getBytes();
        digest.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
        digest.doFinal(resBuf, 0);

        this.keyidentifier = new DEROctetString(resBuf);
        this.certissuer = GeneralNames.getInstance(name.toASN1Object());
        this.certserno = new DERInteger(serialNumber);

    public byte[] getKeyIdentifier()
        if (keyidentifier != null)
            return keyidentifier.getOctets();

        return null;

    public GeneralNames getAuthorityCertIssuer()
        return certissuer;
    public BigInteger getAuthorityCertSerialNumber()
        if (certserno != null)
            return certserno.getValue();
        return null;
     * Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream.
    public DERObject toASN1Object()
        ASN1EncodableVector  v = new ASN1EncodableVector();

        if (keyidentifier != null)
            v.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 0, keyidentifier));

        if (certissuer != null)
            v.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 1, certissuer));

        if (certserno != null)
            v.add(new DERTaggedObject(false, 2, certserno));

        return new DERSequence(v);

    public String toString()
        return ("AuthorityKeyIdentifier: KeyID(" + this.keyidentifier.getOctets() + ")");

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